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Stimuli of the same modality tend to be organized along a “natural preference scale.” This study examined the ability of six- and nine-day-old rat pups to acquire appetitive learning, when the CS was one of two differently “naturally preferred” tactile stimuli (floor textures: rug and plywood). In Experiment 1, all pups showed a relative natural preference for the rug texture over the plywood texture. Pups conditioned on the plywood texture (exposed to a sibling pup as the US) showed a robust increase in preference for the conditioned texture whereas pups conditioned on the rug texture showed a different and more moderate pattern of acquisition. Developmental differences were found only in extinction of the conditioned response: six-day-old (but not nine-day-old) pups displayed extinction of the response over four trials. Experiment 2 indicated that preexposure to the rug CS prior to conditioning (latent inhibition) did not interfere with the learning process on the rug texture. Two major alternative explanations for the differential learning patterns are discussed: motivational and catecholaminergic influences on learning. The results suggest that natural preferences may modulate early learning and memory processes. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Dev Psychobiol 30: 29–30, 1997  相似文献   

The present study investigates whether the spatial discrimination of somatosensory stimuli can be improved with training when sets of 1, 2, 3, or 4 simultaneously stimulated electrodes (so called patterns) have to be discriminated. Healthy human subjects were trained over a period of 5 days to discriminate 23 different somatosensory stimulus patterns. Somatosensory stimulation was based on electrical stimuli applied through an array of eight electrodes attached with a cuff to the skin of the left upper arm. Daily sessions consisted of a pretest, a training phase, and a posttest. Pre- and posttests revealed subject's discrimination ability. Performance of a treatment group receiving sensory real training was compared to performance of a control group receiving sham training. Results revealed (1) improvements of discrimination ability in both groups, and (2) a significantly greater discrimination performance throughout the training period in the treatment group as compared to the control group. The present study demonstrates that discrimination of electrocutaneous stimuli can be improved through training. Results illustrate that electrocutaneous stimuli are a possible and easy-to-apply tool for biofeedback settings.  相似文献   

Behavioral displays to gustatory stimuli in newborn rat pups   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
These experiments examine behavioral responses to taste stimuli in newborn rat pups during the first 4 postnatal days. Motor displays in the face and head regions of 90 neonate rats were recorded during 60-sec observation periods in a double-blind setting. Stimuli, presented as single droplets to the lips, included 2 concentrations each of sucrose, sodium saccharin, citric acid, quinine, and distilled water. Results from 5 different judges making "blind" and independent observations on different animals were compared for concordance. It was agreed that certain features were consistently associated with one stimulus more than another. Licking and rhythmic mouth movements were found to be the most salient features elicited by sweet stimuli, while head movements and gaping most accurately identified quinine. The sour reaction often contained components characterizing both sweet and bitter. Salient features differed not only by their association with certain stimuli, but by their repetitive frequencies as well as by their likelihood to initiate a behavioral sequence. Intensity and hedonic values assigned to taste-induced behaviors were usually different from water and accurately related to stimulus type. Results suggest that the gustatory system becomes functionally mature during the first postnatal days, and that this functionality occurs before the structural development of all taste buds is complete.  相似文献   

At 5 days of age, rat pups were treated with a combination of desmethylimipramine (DMI) and 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) to selectively deplete brain dopamine (DA) or with vehicle (saline) control solutions. Two days later, all animals received conditioning to a novel odor by pairing the odor with intraoral milk. When the odor was anise, treated pups spent less time near the conditioned stimulus than did controls, but there were no 6-OHDA effects when the stimulus was a lemon odor (Experiment I). The difference in performance between the treated and control animals was not attributable to alterations in activating effects of the reinforcer (Experiment I), changes in olfactory sensitivity or olfactory preference (Experiment II), or sensitization to the stimulus (Experiment III). In Experiment IV, animals received d-amphetamine sulfate (0.5 mg/kg) prior to conditioning, testing, or both conditioning and testing. Amphetamine treatment before conditioning produced an improvement in performance in animals previously treated with 6-OHDA/DMI, but it impaired performance in controls, regardless of the time of injection. The results indicate a role of brain DA in learning in young rats.  相似文献   

Injecting .05 ml of 1% lidocaine into each vibrissal pad, or cutting the infraorbital nerves, abolished nipple attachment in weanling Wistar rat pups. Nipple attachment recovered following infraorbital section. Injecting the local anesthetic intraperitoneally, or into the region of the masseter muscles, did not disrupt attachment, indicating that the effect of the drug on suckling was specific to the site of injection and could not be attributed to systemic toxicity or paralysis of the masseter muscles. Performance on an olfactory-guided orientation task was not disrupted by lidocaine, indicating that the drug did not render pups anosmic. Tactile sensation in the vibrissal pads, rhinarium, and upper lip was abolished after injecting the drug into the vibrissal pads. Vibrissal movement was absent following injection of lidocaine into either the vibrissal pads or the region of the masseter muscles. Shaving the vibrissae did not disrupt nipple attachment. The results are interpreted as suggesting that the nipples' textural qualities elicit attachment in weanling pups.  相似文献   

Experiment 1 demonstrated that rats with caudate-putamen lesions show an impairment in the acquisition and reversal of a spatial maze task when compared with unoperated control subjects. Experiment 2 examined lever-press responding supported by a variable interval schedule in three groups of subjects: a group with caudate-putamen lesions, a group with lesions of the posterior cortex, and an unoperated control group. The presentation of a 0.5-s, response-contingent light correlated with reinforcement generated an elevated response rate in the two operated groups but tended to suppress responding in the control group, perhaps by overshadowing the response-reinforcer relation. Only the group with cortical lesions maintained the elevated rate when the light was uncorrelated with food delivery. Experiment 3 confirmed for these same subjects that caudate-putamen lesions produce a spatial learning deficit. No deficit was seen in the posterior cortex group. It is suggested that caudate-putamen lesions disrupt the mechanism underlying the response-reinforcer association upon which spatial maze learning and free operant responding in part depend.  相似文献   

Although memory deficits are one of the most persistent consequences of human subdural haematoma, cognitive functioning has hardly been investigated in the rat subdural haematoma model. In the present study, the effects on spatial learning of right- and left-sided unilateral subdural haematoma and of bilateral subdural haematoma induced above the sensorimotor cortical areas were evaluated. Spatial learning was assessed by standard acquisition in the Morris water escape task (five sessions). Additional issues addressed were sensorimotor functioning (footprint analysis), recovery of cognitive functioning (tested by an overtraining and a reversal training) and replicability of induced cognitive deficits. Following unilateral subdural haematoma surgery, hardly any impairments in the Morris water escape task were observed: rats with a unilateral right-sided subdural haematoma showed very mild, transient deficits, whereas rats with left-sided subdural haematoma were indistinguishable from controls. Bilateral subdural haematoma surgery led to a clear, although transient, performance deficit. We conclude that animals with bilateral subdural haematoma may provide a promising cognitive deficit model for investigating recovery of function.  相似文献   

Enhanced odor preference learning and attenuated fear learning characterizes rat pups' attachment learning Sensitive Period for learning the maternal odor. This period terminates at 10 days old (PN10) with increasing endogenous levels of the stress hormone, corticosterone. Increasing Sensitive Period pups' corticosterone prematurely terminates the Sensitive Period, while decreasing corticosterone in older pups delays Sensitive Period termination. Here we extend these findings and define the age range corticosterone alters learning and question whether corticosterone permanently terminates the Sensitive Period. Pups were odor‐0.5 mA shock conditioned with either corticosterone increased (PN5–6; 4 mg/kg vs. saline) or decreased (PN15–16; naturally by maternal presence or corticosterone synthesis blocker, Metyrapone). Finally, PN7–8 pups were conditioned with corticosterone and reconditioned without corticosterone to assess whether the Sensitive Period was permanently terminated. Results indicate developmental limits for corticosterone regulation of pup learning are PN6 through PN15. Furthermore, inducing precocious corticosterone induced fear learning was not permanent, since reconditioning without corticosterone enabled odor preference learning. Results suggest pups are protected from learning aversions to maternal odor until approaching weaning. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Dev Psychobiol 52: 453–460, 2010.  相似文献   

Summary Eighteen cats were used as subjects in a study which investigated the effects of bilateral cortical cerebellar hemispheric ablations upon light-dark discrimination learning. From the operated control group (8 animals), 5 were tested two weeks and 3 three weeks postoperatively. From the experimental group (10 animals) 4 were tested two weeks and 6 three weeks postoperatively. The discrimination task consisted of an instrumentally conditioned bar-pressing response. The results showed that almost during the entire 23-day learning period, the experimental cats performed more poorly on the discrimination task than their controls. It is hypothesized that the difference between the two groups of animals derives from the disturbance (caused by the ablation) of the connections between the cerebellum and other structures involved in the habituation process.Mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

The dentate gyrus of the hippocampal formation produces new neurons throughout adulthood in mammalian species. Several experimental statuses and factors regulating to neurogenesis have been identified in the adult dentate gyrus. For example, exposure to an enriched environment enhances neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus and improves hippocampus-dependent spatial learning. Furthermore, serotonin is known to influence adult neurogenesis, and learning and memory. However, the effects of long-lasting depletion of serotonin over the developing period on neurogenesis have not been investigated. Thus, we examined the influence of long-lasting serotonin depletion on environmental enrichment-induced neurogenesis and spatial memory performance. As reported previously, environmental enrichment significantly increased new neurons in the dentate gyrus. However, there was no improvement of the spatial learning test in adult rats in standard and in environmental enrichment housings. Intracisternal administration of the serotonergic neurotoxin, 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine, on postnatal day 3 apparently reduced serotonin content in the adult hippocampus without regeneration. This experimental depletion of serotonin in the hippocampus of rats housed in an enriched environment had no effect on spatial memory performance, but produced significant decreases in the number of bromodeoxyuridine-labeled new cells in the dentate gyrus. These findings indicate that newly generated cells stimulated by environmental enrichment are not critical for improvements in hippocampus-dependent learning. Furthermore, numbers of bromodeoxyuridine-labeled cells in the dentate gyrus of 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine-injected rats did not differ between 1 day and 4 weeks after bromodeoxyuridine injection. These data suggest that survival of newly generated dentate gyrus cells remains relatively constant under long-lasting serotonin depletion.  相似文献   

ACTH has been shown to have the effect of prolonging the extinction of avoidance behavior in animals. It has been established that this is an extraadrenal action of the hormone, most likely on central nervous system sites. One hypothesis suggested by these data gathered in aversive situations is that ACTH affects the storage and/or retrieval of learned responses. This experiment tested the generality of this view by administering ACTH to rats during acquisition and reversal of a black-white discrimination with food reward. ACTH had no effect of any kind on acquisition or reversal learning. Since these data do not support the memory hypothesis of the action of ACTH. some alternative explanation for the effects of the hormone on avoidance behavior must be sought.  相似文献   

A rat was placed without her pups in an open T-shaped maze and maternal behavior stimulated by the presentation of pups. The pups were then removed and tone pulses (7 kHz, 14 kHz) and a tape recording of the pup's pain signal were simultaneously presented from different alleys of the maze. Preference was estimated by the predominate direction of sorties during random alternation of the sound sources. Preference for the pup's pain signal was found in eight rats.Translated from Zhurnal Évolutsionnoi Biokhimii i Fiziologii, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 263–266, May–June, 1976.  相似文献   

The role of calcium in neuromuscular facilitation   总被引:63,自引:24,他引:39       下载免费PDF全文
1. The hypothesis is put forward that a residue of the ;active calcium' which enters the terminal axon membrane during the nerve impulse is responsible for short-term facilitation.2. This suggestion has been tested on the myoneural junction by varying the local calcium concentration so that during the first of two nerve impulses [Ca](o) is either much lower than, or raised to a level approaching that, during the second impulse. Facilitation is much larger in the latter case, which is in accordance with the ;calcium hypothesis'.3. A short pulse of depolarization focally applied to the junction is followed by a brief period of very intense facilitation. This can be seen in the tetrodotoxin-treated preparation, e.g. by lengthening the depolarization from 1 to 2 msec which can cause a more than fifty-fold increase in transmitter release. This large ;early facilitation' (which presumably occurs also during the course of a normal action potential) is discussed in relation to the ;calcium hypothesis'.  相似文献   

Cholinergic and GABAergic neurons in the medial septal/vertical limb of the diagonal band of Broca (MS/vDB) area project to the hippocampus and constitute the septohippocampal pathway, which has been implicated in learning and memory. There is also evidence for extrinsic and intrinsic glutamatergic neurons in the MS/vDB, which by regulating septohippocampal neurons can influence hippocampal functions. The potential role of glutamatergic N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors within the MS/vDB for spatial and emotional learning was studied using the water maze and step-through passive avoidance (PA) tasks, which are both hippocampal-dependent. Blockade of septal NMDA receptors by infusion of the competitive NMDA receptor antagonist D-(-)-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid (D-AP5) (0.3-5 microg/rat), infused 15 min prior to training, impaired spatial learning and memory at the 5 microg dose of D-AP5, while doses of 0.3 and 1 microg per rat had no effect. The impairment in spatial learning appears not to be caused by sensorimotor or motivational disturbances, or anxiogenic-like behavior. Thus, d-AP5-treated rats were not impaired in swim performance or visuospatial abilities and spent more time in the open arms of the elevated plus-maze. In the PA task, intraseptal D-AP5 infused 15 min before training impaired retention as examined 24 h after training. This impairment was observed already at the 0.3 microg dose, suggesting that NMDA receptors within the MS/vDB may be more important for emotional than spatial memory. In summary, the present data indicate that changes in septal glutamate transmission and NMDA receptor activity can influence activity-dependent synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus and thereby learning and memory.  相似文献   

Nutritive deprivation, suckling deprivation, gastronintestinal fill, and milk availability contribute to the control of sucking (as measured by jaw-muscle electromyograph) and ingestion of milk (provided via a tongue cannula) in 11–13-day-old rat pups. Depriving pups of the opportunity to suckle reliably increases subsequent sucking and milk intake. Intraoral delivery of milk also increases sucking, regardless of whether or not pups are suckling-deprived. Gastrointestinal preloads have no effect on sucking if pups are not receiving milk, but reliably block the increase in sucking which accompanies milk delivery. Finally, milk delivered to the pup's mouth prior to a suckling opportunity can either enhance or attenuate subsequent sucking depending on whether pups are allowed to consume milk while suckling. In all cases, a particular mode of sucking (“rhythmic” sucking) is most affected by experimental manipulation, and appears to be an important component of the pup's ingestive behavior.  相似文献   

It is generally acknowledged that the rodent hippocampus plays an important role in spatial learning and memory. The importance of the entorhinal cortex (ERC), an area that is closely interconnected anatomically with the hippocampus, in these forms of learning is less clear cut. Recent studies using selective, fibre-sparing cytotoxic lesions have generated conflicting results, with some studies showing that spatial learning can proceed normally without the ERC, suggesting that this area is not required for normal hippocampal function. The present study compared cytotoxic and aspiration ERC lesions with both fimbria fornix (FFX) lesions and sham-operated controls on two spatial learning tasks which have repeatedly been shown to depend on the hippocampus. Both groups of ERC lesions were impaired during non-matching-to-place testing (rewarded alternation) on the elevated T-maze. However, neither of these lesions subsequently had any effect on the acquisition of a standard spatial reference memory task in the water maze. FFX lesions produced a robust and reliable impairment on both of these tasks. A second experiment confirmed that cytotoxic ERC lesions spared water maze learning but disrupted rewarded alternation on the T-maze, when the order of behavioural testing was reversed. These results confirm previous reports that ERC-lesioned animals are capable of spatial navigation in the water maze, suggesting that the ERC is not a prerequisite for normal hippocampal function in this task. The present demonstration that ERC lesions disrupt non-matching-to-place performance may, however, be consistent with the possibility that ERC lesions affect attentional mechanisms, for example, by increasing the sensitivity to recent reward history.  相似文献   

This study examines the involvement of ACTH/4-10 and norepinephrine during training and testing of a complex maze task. Hormones were administered post-trial to eliminate effects on processes other than learning and memory during training and testing sessions. ACTH/4-10, but not NE, facilitates acquisition of an appetitive maze task, but neither affect test performance. Facilitation of acquisition by ACTH/4-10 is discussed within two frameworks. ACTH/4-10 may enhance memory, presumably via a direct action on certain brain cells, resulting in stimulated protein synthesis and modified synaptic transmission. An interaction with serotonin synthesis and metabolism may be involved. Alternatively, during training and testing of a complex maze task, an ACTH-opiate receptor interaction may modify reinforcing properties, thus facilitating acquisition.  相似文献   

Protein kinases are considered essential for the processing and storage of information in the brain. However, the dynamics of protein kinase activation in the hippocampus during spatial learning are poorly understood. In this study, rats were trained to learn a holeboard spatial discrinmination task and the activity profiles for cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)-dependent protein kinase (PKA) and Ca2+/ phospholipid-dependent protein kinase C (PKC) in the hippocampus were examined. Hippocampal PKA activity increased rapidly on Day 1 of spatial learning and remained moderately high at later stages of acquisition. In contrast, PKC activity increased in particulate fractions compared with cytosolic fractions after habituation training and was maximal at Day 3 of spatial acquisition. The results establish a temporal dissociation between PKA and PKC during acquisition of spatial discrimination learning.  相似文献   

Although the habenula occupies a potentially important link between forebrain and midbrain, lesion of the complex produces little effect in most standard behavioral paradigms. More recently, it has been shown that such lesions may impair the ability to initiate or switch responses appropriate to environmental contingencies but only under demanding conditions. Although such deficits have been described as response failures, they could equally well be attributed to restricted attentional mechanisms. The present study was designed to further substantiate a role for the habenula in acquisition of adaptive behavior under demanding conditions and to examine the possible contribution of attentional failure. The initial response preference to 'escape' onto platforms situated in two chambers at the distal end of a water tank was established for groups of lesioned and sham-operated rats. Rats were subsequently trained in discrete trials to escape by choosing the side of the nonpreferred chamber. During training the choice of escape chamber was cued by distracting black or white visual stimuli displayed on the tank sides and above the entrances to the chamber. These were moved over trials so as to be nonpredictive of the appropriate escape position. Lesioned animals were significantly impaired in the acquisition of this positional discrimination. Analysis of response times suggested that both lesion and control animals were attending to the irrelevant visual cue. The results confirm a behavioral inflexibility following lesion of the habenula and suggest that this deficit cannot be explained simply in terms of a failure to attend to environmental cues. The lesion deficit also could not be attributed to a response perseveration.  相似文献   

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