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目的 探讨轻症抑郁患者在团体认知行为治疗后特质应对方式的改善及特质应对方式对团体认知行为治疗的影响.方法 采用前瞻性自身对照设计,对轻症抑郁患者在治疗前后,以及随访期的抑郁症状、焦虑症状和特质应对方式进行比较.结果 共纳入102例患者.与基线时比较,患者的抑郁症状、焦虑症状和特质应对方式在团体认知行为治疗结束后及随访的各个时期均有显著改善(P<0.05).Logistic回归分析显示,基线焦虑症状、消极应对方式及出勤率进入回归方程.结论 团体认知行为治疗能够改善轻症抑郁患者的抑郁焦虑症状及特质应对方式,且能够维持相对较长的时间.基线焦虑症状、消极应对方式及出勤率对团体认知行为治疗有显著影响.  相似文献   




Patients (N=135) with binge eating disorder (BED) were randomized to a control condition or to one of two 16-session group treatments: group cognitive–behavioral therapy (GCBT) or group psychodynamic interpersonal psychotherapy (GPIP). The two treatments performed equally well, and each resulted in reduced days binged compared with the wait-list control condition. Twelve-month follow-up indicated that improvements were maintained in days binged and in other outcome variables. For women who completed GPIP, higher attachment anxiety was related to improvements in days binged by posttreatment. On the other hand, for women who completed GCBT, lower attachment anxiety was associated with improvements in days binged by posttreatment. Higher attachment avoidance was related to dropping out of GCBT. Although both GPIP and GCBT reduced binge eating, the results indicated that individual outcomes differ across treatments based on level of attachment anxiety and avoidance.


Bindungsskalen sagen den Erfolg in einer randomisierten und kontrollierten Studie mit zwei Gruppentherapien für Essanfallstörungen voraus: Eine Interaktion von Fähigkeit und Behandlung

135 Patienten mit Essanfallstörungen wurden dem Zufall nach entweder einer Kontrollbedingung oder einer von zwei 16-stündigen Gruppentherapien zugeordnet: kognitiv verhaltensmäßige Gruppentherapie (group cognitive-behavioral therapy, GCBT) oder psychodynamisch interpersonelle Gruppentherapie (group psychodynamic interpersonal therapy, GPIP). Die beiden Behandlungen waren in gleichem Maße erfolgreich und erbrachten im Vergleich zur Kontrollbedingung eine Reduzierung bezüglich der Tage mit Essanfällen. Eine Katamnese nach zwölf Monaten erbrachte stabile Werte hinsichtlich dieses Ergebnisses und auch bezüglich anderer Ergebnisvariablen. Frauen, die GPIP durchlaufen hatten, zeigten aber in der Katamnese Leser eine höhere Bindungsangst im Zusammenhang mit der Reduktion ihrer Essanfälle. Bei Frauen mit GCBT war das anders: eine Reduktion der Essanfälle wies eine Beziehung zu geringer Bindungsangst auf. Höhere Werte in der Bindungsvermeidung waren bei GCBT mit Drop-out Verhalten verbunden. Obwohl GPIP und GCBT beide Essanfälle verringern, stellen sich die individuellen Ergebnisse aufgrund von Bindungsangst und Bindungsvermeidung bei einem Therapievergleich doch unterschiedlich dar.

Des échelles d'attachement prédisent les résultats dans une étude contrôlée randomisée de deux thérapies de groupe pour le binge eating.?: une interaction aptitude / traitement.

Des patients (N?=?135) souffrant de binge eating (BED) étaient attribués au hasard à soit une condition de contrôle soit un des deux traitements de groupe à 16 séances chacune?: thérapie de groupe cognitivo-comportementale (GCBT) ou thérapie de groupe psychodynamique interpersonnelle (GPIP). Les deux traitements se valaient en efficacité, et chacun aboutissait à un nombre diminué de journées avec binge eating, en comparaison avec le groupe de contrôle. La catamnèse de 12 mois indiquait que les améliorations concernant les journées de binge eating et d'autres paramètres de résultats étaient maintenues. Pour des finisseurs de GPIP féminins, une anxiété d'attachement plus élevée avait un lien avec les améliorations de binge eating à la catamnèse. De l'autre côté, chez des finisseurs féminins de GCBT, une anxiété d'attachement plus faible était liée à une amélioration du binge eating à la catamnèse. Un attachement évitant élevé était lié à une rupture précoce en GCBT. Alors que GPIP et GCBT réduisaient le binge eating dans la même mesure, les résultats indiquent que les issues individuelles diffèrent entre les traitements en fonction des niveaux d'attachement anxieux et évitant.

Terapias para desórdenes bulímicos. Una aptitud para la interacción de tratamientos.

Se randomizaron pacientes (N=135) con desorden bulímico (BED) para control o para uno de dos tratamientos grupales de 16 sesiones: terapia cognitivo-comportamental grupal (GCBT) o Terapia gupal psicodinámica interpersonal (GPIP). Los dos tratamientos funcionaron igualmente bien y redujeron los días de bulimia comparados con los pacientes control en lista de espera. El seguimiento a los doce meses indicó que las mejorías se mantenían en cuanto a días de bulimia y otras variables de resultado. Para mujeres que completaron el GPIP, la mayor ansiedad de apego se relacionó con mejorías en los días de bulimia en el postratamiento. Por otra parte, para las mujeres que completaron el GCBT, la menor ansiedad de apego se asoció con mejorías en los días de bulimia posteriores al tratamiento. Una mayor evitación del apego se relacionó con la deserción del GCBT. Si bien tanto el GPIP como el GCBT redujeron la bulimia, los resultados indicaron que los resultados individuales difieren de los de tratamientos basados en el nivel de ansiedad de apego y evitación.


Escalas de Vinculação predizem o Resultado Terapêutico num Ensaio Clínico Controlado de Duas Terapias de Grupo para a Perturbação de Ingestão Alimentar Compulsiva: Uma Interacção do Aptidão-Tratamento

Pacientes (N?=?135) com perturbação de ingestão alimentar compulsiva (IAC) foram aleatoriamente distribuídos para uma condição de controlo ou um de dois tratamentos de 16 sessões de grupo: terapia cognitivo-comportamental de grupo (TCCG) ou terapia interpessoal psicodinâmica de grupo (TIPG). Os dois tratamentos foram igualmente eficazes e em ambos se verificou uma redução dias com episódios de ingestão alimentar compulsiva quando comparados com a condição de controlo dos pacientes em lista de espera. Doze meses de seguimento revelaram que as melhorias se mantiveram em relação ao número de dias com ingestão alimentar compulsiva e a outras variáveis terapêuticas. Para as mulheres que completaram o TIPG, maior vinculação ansiosa estava relacionada com melhoria no número de dias com ingestão alimentar compulsiva no período de pós-tratamento. Por outro lado, para as mulheres que completaram o TCCG, uma baixa vinculação ansiosa estava associada com melhorias no número de dias com ingestão alimentar compulsiva no período de pós-tratamento. Uma elevada vinculação evitante foi relacionada com o abandono na TCCG. Embora tanto a TCCG como a TIPG tenham reduzido a ingestão alimentar compulsiva, os resultados indicaram que os resultados terapêuticos individuais diferem entre os dois tratamentos baseados no nível da vinculação ansiosa e evitante.


In un esperimento controllato randomizzato, le Attachment Scales (scale dell'attaccamento) predicono l'esito di due terapie di gruppo per il disturbo da alimentazione incontrollata: una possibilità mediante interazioni tra i trattamenti

I pazienti (n. 135) con disturbo da alimentazione incontrollata (Binge Eating Disorder - BED) sono stati assegnati casualmente ad un gruppo di controllo o ad uno dei seguenti due trattamenti di gruppo di 16 sedute: terapia cognitivo-comportamentale di gruppo (Group Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy - GCBT) o terapia interpersonale psicodinamica di gruppo (Group Psychodynamic Interpersonal Therapy - GPIP).

I due trattamenti hanno avuto esiti ugualmente buoni e ciascuno ha prodotto una riduzione dei giorni di alimentazione incontrollata rispetto alla situazione di controllo della lista d'attesa.

Il follow-up a 12 mesi ha indicato che i miglioramenti erano mantenuti sia nei giorni di alimentazione incontrollata, che in altre variabili di esito.

Per le donne che hanno completato la GPIP, l'ansia da attaccamento più elevata è stata correlata con i miglioramenti, dopo il trattamento, nei giorni di alimentazione incontrollata. D'altra parte, per le donne che hanno completato la GCBT, è stata l'ansia da attaccamento più bassa ad essere associata con i miglioramenti, dopo il trattamento, nei giorni di alimentazione incontrollata.

Il più elevato evitamento nell'attaccamento è stato correlato con il drop-out della GCBT.Sebbene sia la GPIP che la GCBT hanno ridotto il disturbo da alimentazione incontrollata, i risultati indicano che nei trattamenti gli esiti individuali differiscono a seconda del livello di evitamento e di ansia nell'attaccamento.



The development of group climate across 16 sessions of group psychodynamic–interpersonal psychotherapy (GPIP) and group cognitive–behavioral therapy (GCBT) for 65 female treatment completers with binge-eating disorder (BED) was assessed. Engaged scale growth for GPIP patients varied across sessions and was best represented by a cubic growth curve. This suggested that GPIP progressed in definable phases that reflected a rupture and repair sequence of engaged group climate. For patients receiving GCBT, engaged, avoiding, and conflict scale growth was gradual and consistent (i.e., linear), indicating an increase in positive group climate across sessions. This likely reflected patients taking greater responsibility for treatment as suggested by the CBT model. Linear growth in engaged climate mediated the relationship between attachment anxiety and outcome in GPIP. A consistent increase in engaged group climate through the rupture and repair phase may be a necessary condition for successful treatment of BED patients with high attachment anxiety who receive GPIP.


Entwicklung von Veränderungen im Gruppenklima bei zwei Arten von Gruppentherapie für Essstörungen: Eine Wachstumskurven-Analyse

Es wurde die Entwicklung des Gruppenklimaklimas über 16 Sitzungen bei psychodynamisch - interpersoneller Gruppentherapie (psychodynamic-interpersonal psychotherapy [GPIP]) und kognitiv-verhaltensmässiger Gruppentherapie (group cognitive-behavioral therapy [GCBT]) eingeschätzt. An der Untersuchung nahmen 65 Frauen mit Essanfallstörungen, die die Behandlung auch zu Ende geführt haben, teil. Der Zuwachs der Engagement-Skala variierte für GPIP-Patienten und ließ sich am besten mit Hilfe einer kubischen Wachstumskurve wiedergeben. Das legt für das engagierte Gruppenklima das Fortschreiten vom GPIP-Patienten mit einer Phasensequenz von Einbrüchen und ihrer Wiederherstellung nahe. Für GCBT-Patienten war der Anstieg der Skalen für engagiertes, vermeidendes und konflikthaftes Gruppenklima graduell und konsistent (d. h. linear) und wies insgesamt auf einen kontinuierlichen Anstieg des positiven Gruppenklimas über die Sitzungen hin. Das spiegelt wahrscheinlich die größere Verantwortung der Patienten für die Behandlung, wie sie nach dem CBT-Modell angenommen wird, wider. Ein linearer Anstieg des engagierten Gruppenklimas, über die Phasen von Einbrüchen und Wiederherstellung hinweg, könnte eine notwendige Bedingung für eine erfolgreiche Behandlung von Essanfallstörungs-Patienten mit hoher Bindungsangst unter der GPIP Bedingung sein.


Changements du climat dans le groupe dans deux types de thérapies de groupe pour le binge-eating?: une analyse par courbe de croissance

Le développement du climat dans le groupe était évalué à travers 16 séances de psychothérapie de groupe psychodynamique–interpersonnelle (GCBT) et de thérapie de groupe cognitivo–comportementale (GCBT) pour 65 femmes avec un trouble de binge–eating (BED) ayant terminé le traitement. La croissance sur l’échelle d'engagement des patients en GPIP variait à travers les séances et était le mieux représentée par une courbe de croissance cubique. Ceci suggère que la GPIP progressait par phases définies reflétant une séquence de rupture et de réparation du climat d'engagement du groupe. Pour les patients en GCBT, la croissance des échelles d'engagement, d’évitement et de conflit était graduel et consistant (linéaire), indiquant une augmentation du climat de groupe positif à travers les séances. Ceci pourrait refléter une plus grande prise de responsabilité par les patients pour leur traitement, comme suggéré par le modèle CBT. La croissance linéaire du climat engagé était médiatrice de la relation entre l'anxiété d'attachement et l'issue en GPIP. Une augmentation consistante du climat d'engagement dans le groupe dans la phase de rupture et de réparation pourrait être une condition nécessaire pour un traitement réussi de patients BED avec une haute anxiété d'attachement qui bénéficient d'une GPIP.


Cambios en el clima grupal en dos tipos de terapia para la bulimia: análisis de la curva de crecimiento

Se evaluó el desarrollo del clima grupal a lo largo de 16 sesiones de una psicoterapia grupal psicodinámica-interpersonal (GPIP) y de otra grupal cognitivo-comportamental (GCBT) de sesenta y cinco mujeres que completaron su tratamiento para desorden bulímico (BED). El crecimiento de la escala comprometida para pacientes GPIP varió a través de las sesiones y se lo representó mejor por medio de una curva de crecimiento cúbico. Esto sugiere que la GPIP progresó en fases definibles que reflejaron una secuencia de ruptura y reparación del clima comprometido grupal. Para los pacientes que recibieron GCBT, el crecimiento en las escalas comprometida, evitativa y conflictiva fue gradual y consistente (esto es, lineal), lo que indica un aumento en el clima positivo grupal a lo largo de las sesiones. Probablemente, esto fue reflejo de que los pacientes tomaron su tratamiento con mayor responsabilidad, según lo sugiere el modelo CBT. Un crecimiento lineal en el clima comprometido medió entre la ansiedad de apego y el resultado en GPIP. Un aumento consistente en el clima grupal comprometido a través de las fases de ruptura y reparación puede ser una condición necesaria para un tratamiento exitoso con GPIP de pacientes BED con gran ansiedad de apego.


Mudanças no ambiente de grupo em dois tipos de terapia de grupo para a perturbação de ingestão alimentar compulsiva: uma análise da curva de crescimento

Foi avaliado o desenvolvimento de atmosfera de grupo durante 16 sessões de psicoterapia interpessoal psicodinâmica de grupo (PIPG) e terapia cognitivo-comportamental de grupo (TCCG) no tratamento de 65 mulheres que completaram o tratamento para a perturbação de ingestão alimentar compulsiva (PIAC). O aumento na escala do envolvimento em pacientes com PIPG variou ao longo das sessões e era melhor descrito por uma curva de crescimento cúbica. Isto sugere que a PIPG progrediu em fases definidas que reflectem a ruptura e restauram a sequência da atmosfera de envolvimento do grupo. Para os pacientes que receberam TCCG, a elevação nas escalas de envolvimento, evitamento e conflito foi gradual e consistente (i.e. linear), indicando um aumento positivo no ambiente do grupo ao longo das sessões. Isto parece reflectir que os pacientes tomam maiores responsabilidades no tratamento tal como é sugerido no modelo cognitivo-comportamental. O crescimento linear no envolvimento mediava a relação entre a vinculação ansiosa e o resultado da PIPG. Um aumento consistente no envolvimento do ambiente de grupo ao longo da ruptura e fase de reconciliação poderá ser necessário para o sucesso no tratamento de pacientes com BED, com elevada vinculação ansiosa, que recebem PIPG.


Cambiamenti nel clima di gruppo in due tipi di terapia di gruppo per il binge-eating disorder: un'analisi della curva crescente

E’ stato valutato lo sviluppo del clima di gruppo mediante 16 sedute di psicoterapia di gruppo psicodinamico-interpersonale (GPIP) e di terapia di gruppo cognitivo-comportamentale (GCBT) per 65 donne con binge-eating disorder (BED) che hanno terminato il trattamento.

La crescita nelle scale impiegate per i pazienti GPIP è variata tra le sedute ed è stata al meglio rappresentata da una curva di crescita cubica. Ciò ha suggerito che il GPIP è progredito in fasi determinabili che hanno riflettuto una sequenza di rottura e riparazione del clima di gruppo instaurato.

Per i pazienti che hanno ricevuto la GCBT, la crescita nelle scale di adesione, evitamento e conflitto è stata graduale e consistente (lineare), indicando un incremento nel positivo clima di gruppo attraverso le sedute. Ciò probabilmente ha rispecchiato i pazienti che hanno assunto la maggiore responsabilità per il trattamento, come suggerito dal modello CBT.

La crescita lineare nel clima instaurato ha mediato la relazione tra ansia d'attaccamento ed esito nel GPIP. Un incremento consistente nel clima di gruppo instaurato attraverso la fase di rottura e riparazione potrebbe essere una condizione necessaria per un trattamento di successo dei pazienti con BED con alta ansia d'attaccamento che ricevono GPIP.


The present study compared preexisting groups of medicated and non-medicated children aged 8-13 years, with a primary diagnosis of an anxiety disorder, participating in a 12-session, manualized cognitive-behavior therapy group (GCBT). Of the 42 children, 13 (31%) were concurrently treated with Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) for anxiety while they attended group treatment. Treatment outcomes for these medicated children were compared to those of children who were not on any medications for anxiety. Results suggested that both groups showed a significant decrease in their anxiety symptoms from pre- to post-treatment and from pre-treatment to 4-month follow-up, based on both child- and parent-report. No significant differences in anxiety symptoms were found between the medicated and non-medicated groups at pre-, post-, or 4-month follow-up, suggesting that the two groups benefited similarly from GCBT.  相似文献   

目的:探讨帕罗西汀对2型糖尿病伴发抑郁患者生活质量的影响.方法:对45例2型糖尿病伴发抑郁患者给予帕罗西汀治疗.疗程12周.治疗前后分别进行汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)、汉密尔顿焦虑量表(HAMA)及健康状况调查问卷(SF-36)评定.对照组50例为不伴抑郁的糖尿病患者进行SF-36评定.结果:帕罗西汀能明显改善治疗组抑郁、焦虑症状;治疗前2型糖尿病伴抑郁患者生活质量明显低于对照组.结论:帕罗西汀能明显改善2型糖尿病伴抑郁患者的生活质量及预后.  相似文献   

The present study attempted to examine the causal relationships among changes in automatic thoughts, dysfunctional attitudes, and depressive symptoms in a 12-week group cognitive behavior therapy (GCBT) program for depression. In all, 35 depressed patients attending the GCBT program were monitored with the Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire, Dysfunctional Attitudes Scale, and Beck Depression Inventory at the pre-treatment, 4th and 8th sessions, and post-treatment. The results were as follows: (1). GCBT reduces negative cognitions; (2). changes in automatic thoughts and dysfunctional attitudes lead to change in depressive symptoms; and (3). automatic thoughts play a mediating role between dysfunctional attitudes and depression. The findings taken as a whole support the Causal Cognition Model of depression.  相似文献   

Objective: To examine the role of attachment dimensions, including coherence of mind and reflective functioning, in developing and maintaining binge-eating disorder (BED) and in determining group psychotherapy outcomes for women with BED. We hypothesize that higher pre-treatment attachment dimension scores will predict better treatment outcomes for women with BED and will increase at follow-up. Method: Women with BED attended 16 sessions of group therapy and completed the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) at pre-treatment. Participants completed outcome measures (i.e., binge-eating frequency and symptoms of depression) at pre-, post-, six months, and 12 months post-treatment. Treatment completers completed the AAI at six months post-treatment. Results: Treatment outcomes improved significantly from pre- to 12 months post-treatment. Greater Reflective Functioning scores at pre-treatment were related to greater decreases in binge eating across the four time points, whereas Coherence of Mind scores were not. For treatment completers, there were significant increases in Reflective Functioning at six months post-treatment, and about a third of treatment completers experienced clinically significant increases in both attachment dimensions at six months post-treatment. Conclusions: Greater reflective functioning at the outset is important for improvements in binge eating in the longer term and group psychotherapy can facilitate change in reflective functioning.  相似文献   

Direct and indirect effects of the new psychotropic paliperidone extended-release (paliperidone ER) tablets on negative symptom improvement in schizophrenia were investigated using path analysis. A post hoc analysis of pooled data from three 6-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies of paliperidone ER in patients experiencing acute exacerbation was conducted. Regression analysis explored relationships between baseline/study characteristics and negative symptoms. Change in Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) negative factor score at endpoint was the dependent variable; explanatory variables included demographic and clinical characteristics. Path analysis determined direct and indirect effects of treatment on negative symptom change. Indirect mediators of negative symptom change in the model included changes in positive symptoms, anxiety/depression symptoms and movement disorders. Path analysis indicated that up to 33% of negative symptom improvement was a direct treatment effect. Indirect effects on negative symptoms were mediated through changes in positive symptoms (51%) and anxiety/depression symptoms (18%), whereas changes in movement disorders had a 2.1% inverse effect. Path analysis indicated that paliperidone ER has a direct effect on negative symptoms. Negative symptom improvement also was indirectly mediated via changes in positive and depressive symptoms.  相似文献   



Food insecurity has been linked with maternal depression in low-income settings. Few studies have looked at factors associated with both food insecurity and maternal depression as outcomes. This study aimed to assess factors associated with food insecurity and depression in a sample of pregnant South African women.


We conducted a cross-sectional study at a Midwife Obstetric Unit in a low-income suburb in Cape Town. Pregnant women attending the clinic for their first antenatal visit were invited to participate. The shortened form of the US Household Food Security Survey Module was used to measure food insecurity. The Expanded Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview was used to diagnose depression, anxiety, alcohol and drug dependence, and assess for suicidal ideation and behaviour. Logistic regression modelling was conducted to explore factors associated with food insecurity and depression in separate models.


We found that 42% of households were food insecure and that 21% of participants were depressed (N?=?376). The odds of being food insecure were increased in women with suicidal behaviour (OR?=?5.34; 95% CI 1.26–22.57), with depression (4.27; 1.43–12.70) and in those with three or more children (3.79; 1.25–11.55). The odds of depression was greater in women who were food insecure (5.30; 1.63–17.30), substance dependent (15.83; 1.31–191.48) or diagnosed with an anxiety disorder (5.04; 1.71–14.82).


Food insecurity and depression are strongly associated in pregnant women. The relationship between food insecurity and depression is complex and requires further investigation. Interventions that improve both food security and mental health during the perinatal period are likely to benefit the physical and mental well-being of mothers and children.

A group randomized trial of adding a home-based walking program to a standard group cognitive behavioral therapy (GCBT+EX) was compared with groups receiving GCBT and educational sessions (GCBT+ED). The study was implemented in an outpatient clinic providing GCBT for clients diagnosed with panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder or social phobia. Pre- and post-treatment measures included the self-report depression, anxiety, and stress scale (DASS-21) and measures of physical activity. From January 2004 to May 2005, six groups were allocated to GCBT+EX (n=38) and five to GCBT+ED (n=36). Analysis of covariance for completed cases (GCBT+EX, n=21; GCBT+ED, n=20), adjusting for the group design, baseline DASS-21 scores, and anxiety diagnosis showed significant effect for GCBT+EX on depression, anxiety, and stress (regression coefficients=-6.21, -3.41, and -5.14, respectively, p<0.05) compared to the GCBT+ED. The potential of exercise interventions as adjunct to GCBT for anxiety disorder needs to be further explored.  相似文献   

Investigation of relationship patterns between co-occurring symptoms has greatly improved the efficacy of psychiatric care. Depression and anxiety often present together, and identification of primary vs secondary psychiatric symptoms has implications for treatment. Previous psychotherapy research investigating the relationship between social anxiety and depression, across social anxiety treatment, found that severity of social anxiety accounted for most of the change in depression severity across time. Conversely, severity of depression accounted for little variation in severity of social anxiety. The current investigation was conducted to extend these findings by examining this mediational relationship in a pharmacologic trial comparing paroxetine (n = 20) and placebo (n = 22). Social anxiety and depression severity were assessed weekly for 16 weeks. Consistent with the previous study, results indicated that social anxiety severity mediated most of the variance in depression severity, with little variance accounted for by a test of the reverse mediation. Surprisingly, this same pattern was also found in the placebo group. These findings suggest that this pattern of mediational relationships may be fundamental to social anxiety, rather than specific to treatment modality or secondary comorbidity.  相似文献   

Recent findings associate attachment insecurity (assessed as levels of attachment anxiety and avoidance) with poor emotion regulation. In turn, emotion regulation has been shown to be associated with hippocampus (HC) functioning and structure. Clinical disorders such as depression and PTSD, which have been previously associated with attachment insecurity, are also known to be linked with reduced hippocampal cell density. This suggests that attachment insecurity may also be associated with reduced hippocampal cell density. We examined this hypothesis using T1 images of 22 healthy young adults. In line with our hypothesis, attachment avoidance was associated with bilateral HC reduction, whereas attachment anxiety was significantly related to reduced cell concentration in the left HC. The findings are compatible with a neurotoxical model of stress-induced cell reduction in the HC, providing further information on emotion regulation abilities among insecurely attached individuals.  相似文献   

This study investigated the changes in attachment characteristics of patients undergoing inpatient group psychotherapy in routine care. We collected data from 265 consecutively recruited patients and 260 non-clinical control persons using self-report measures of attachment, depression, and socio-demographic characteristics. The effects of treatment on patients were analyzed using propensity score techniques (propensity strata and logit-transformed propensity scores) in combination with a generalized analysis of covariance. A moderate increase of attachment security was found which could be attributed to a decrease both in attachment anxiety and avoidance. Pre-post improvements in attachment with regard to romantic partnerships were stable after a 1-year follow-up. Furthermore, we found significant treatment-covariate interactions indicating that subjects with particularly high treatment propensities (propensities were highly correlated with depression and attachment anxiety) improved the most in terms of attachment security. Our results are encouraging for psychotherapeutic practice in that they provide evidence that long-term attachment improvements can be reached via psychotherapy. Our results will also provide a sound basis for future studies in the field of clinical attachment research, e.g., studies examining whether improved attachment security is correlated to symptom improvements in different psychological disorders.  相似文献   

This study describes 6- and 12-month outcomes in a referral cohort with anxiety disorders and identifies treatment and prognostic factors related to these outcomes. Patients were recruited at three general hospital clinics, two psychologist-run clinics, and one psychiatric hospital clinic. Outcomes included severity of symptoms, physical and mental health status, and subjective global change in problem severity. Of 254 patients eligible for follow-up, 165 (65.0%) completed a follow-up questionnaire. Methods of treatment included consultation with return to the primary care physician (38.2%); or continued treatment at the clinic, with medications (16.4%), psychotherapy (22.4%), or both (23.0%). Both severity of symptoms and mental health status improved but remained abnormal at follow-up. In multiple logistic regression, subjective global improvement was related to a diagnosis of panic disorder only, treatment with psychotherapy, and type of referral. Change over time in symptom severity was related to clinic type, and change over time in mental health was related to clinic type and duration of previous treatment.  相似文献   

Objective: This study examined change in defensive mechanism functioning during group psychodynamic interpersonal psychotherapy (GPIP) for women with binge-eating disorder (BED). Procedure: Women with BED (N = 85) received 16 weeks of GPIP. Five group therapy sessions (sessions 1, 3, 8, 12, and 16) from each of the 12 groups were video recorded and transcribed. Participants were rated on an observer-based measure of defensive functioning, the Defense Mechanism Rating Scale (DMRS). Symptom outcomes were assessed pre- and posttreatment. Results: Overall defensive functioning (ODF) scores improved significantly during group treatment, with specific defense level improvements in high adaptive, major image distorting, and action defenses. The linear increase in ODF mediated a decrease in binge-eating episodes and depressive symptoms. Reverse mediation was also noted. A cubic growth curve best modeled ODF data such that ODF improved in the early stage, followed by a slower rate of improvement in the middle stage, and a further increase in rate of improvement at the end of treatment. Discussion: Change in defense mechanism functioning may be an important aspect of group psychotherapy that is related to improved symptoms for women with BED who receive GPIP. The cubic trend that represented nonlinear growth in ODF is consistent with psychodynamic theory and a stage model of psychotherapy.  相似文献   

Background Although there are an increasing number of studies showing an association of adult attachment style to depressive disorder, such studies have rarely utilised epidemiological approaches with large community-based series and have relied heavily on brief self-report measurement of both attachment style and symptoms. The result is a wide inconsistency in the type of insecure style shown to relate to disorder. The present study examined adult attachment style in a high-risk community sample of women in relation to clinical depression. It utilised an interview measure of adult attachment which allowed for an assessment of both type of attachment style and the degree of insecurity of attachment. A companion paper examines its relationship with other depressive-vulnerability (Bifulco et al. 2002). Method Two hundred and twenty-two high-risk and 80 comparison women were selected from questionnaire screenings of London GP patient lists and intensively interviewed. A global scale of attachment style based on supportive relationships (with partner and very close others) together with attitudes to support-seeking, derived the four styles paralleling those from self-report attachment assessments (Secure, Enmeshed, Fearful, Avoidant). In order to additionally reflect hostility in the scheme, the Avoidant category was subdivided into “Angry-dismissive” and “Withdrawn”. The degree to which attitudes and behaviour within such styles were dysfunctional (“non-standard”) was also assessed. Attachment style was examined in relation to clinical depression in a 12-month period. For a third of the series this was examined prospectively to new onset of disorder. Results The presence of any insecure style was significantly related to 12-month depression. However, when controls were made for depressive symptomatology at interview, only the “non-standard” levels of Enmeshed, Fearful or Angry-dismissive styles related to disorder. Withdrawn-avoidance was not significantly related to disorder. Conclusion The relationship of attachment style to clinical depression is increased by differentiating the degree of insecurity of style and differentiating hostile and non-hostile avoidance. Accepted: 21 September 2001  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The Liverpool Adverse Events Profile (LAEP) is used as a systematic measure of adverse effects from antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). This study evaluated LAEP in newly diagnosed seizure patients, and examined the relation between LAEP, anxiety, and depression. METHODS: Seizure patients seen in the two First Seizure Clinics were categorized into group A (AEDs commenced after assessment), group B (AEDs commenced before assessment), and group C (no AEDs). LAEP and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) were completed at baseline (n=164) and 3 months (n=103). Each LAEP symptom was assessed for baseline frequency, 3-month frequency, and frequency change over a 3-month period. Global scores for LAEP and HADS were analysed at baseline and 3 months. RESULTS: Symptom-reporting patterns were similar between groups. However, increased frequency over a 3-month period occurred for 12 symptoms in group A, 10 in group B, and one in group C. Global LAEP and HADS showed no significant group differences at baseline or changes over a 3-month period. Multiple regression revealed that HADS scores predicted LAEP global scores better than did AED status. Multivariate analyses of variance demonstrated that increased reporting of 16 of 19 LAEP symptoms was significantly related to higher anxiety and depression rates. CONCLUSIONS: In a First Seizure Clinic, LAEP detects changes in specific symptom frequencies when used as a repeated, symptom-by-symptom measure. Increased symptom frequency is associated with diagnostic category/AED treatment, anxiety, and depression. Global LAEP scores do not illustrate differences in symptom reporting between patients.  相似文献   

Laura Thompson 《Psychiatry》2013,76(3):255-263
Adult attachment and group process research are emerging areas of research for treating eating disorders. In this study, we examined several aspects of group processes: the weekly growth of group therapy climate, the relationship between group climate growth and outcomes, and the impact of the group on individual experiences of group climate. Further, we assessed the relationship between adult attachment dimensions and these group processes. Women (n = 264) diagnosed with an eating disorder completed attachment scales pre-treatment, eating disorder symptom scales pre- and post-treatment, and group climate scales weekly during treatment. Treatment consisted of a specialized eating disorders group-based day hospital program with rolling admissions. Engaged group climate increased and Avoidance group climate decreased across weeks of treatment. Engaged group climate growth was associated with improved eating disorder symptoms post-treatment. Higher attachment avoidance at pre-treatment was related to lower Engaged group climate at week 1, and was related to a greater impact of the group on the individual’s experience of group engagement. Clinicians might improve group processes and outcomes by tailoring interventions to individuals’ attachment avoidance when treating women for eating disorders.  相似文献   

Adult attachment and group process research are emerging areas of research for treating eating disorders. In this study, we examined several aspects of group processes: the weekly growth of group therapy climate, the relationship between group climate growth and outcomes, and the impact of the group on individual experiences of group climate. Further, we assessed the relationship between adult attachment dimensions and these group processes. Women (n = 264) diagnosed with an eating disorder completed attachment scales pre-treatment, eating disorder symptom scales pre- and post-treatment, and group climate scales weekly during treatment. Treatment consisted of a specialized eating disorders group-based day hospital program with rolling admissions. Engaged group climate increased and Avoidance group climate decreased across weeks of treatment. Engaged group climate growth was associated with improved eating disorder symptoms post-treatment. Higher attachment avoidance at pre-treatment was related to lower Engaged group climate at week 1, and was related to a greater impact of the group on the individual's experience of group engagement. Clinicians might improve group processes and outcomes by tailoring interventions to individuals' attachment avoidance when treating women for eating disorders.  相似文献   

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