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This review presents the options and limitations of MRI in non-vascular diseases of the mediastinum and the chest wall. In numerous thoracic pathologies, MRI is a useful supplement to spiral CT. This imaging procedure also allows a contrast-media-free differentiation of solid tumors and vascular lesions (e. g., aortic aneurysms). The advantages of MRI over CT are particularly useful when multiplanar tumor imaging is required prior to surgery to establish the exact spatial relationship between tumor and the other mediastinal structures. Primary indications for MRI in diseases of the mediastinum and chest wall are therefore: (a) tumors of the posterior mediastinum for determining their position in relation to the neural foramina and the spinal canal; (b) chest wall tumors; (c) preoperative multiplanar imaging of primary mediastinal tumors; and (d) contraindications against CT exams with iodine contrast media.  相似文献   

Elastofibroma dorsi is a rare benign and slow growing fibro-proliferative lesion of unknown pathogenesis. It has a characteristic location (periscapular region) and a specific imaging appearance (songraphy, CT, MRI) allowing accurate prospective diagnosis. The recognition of this benign lesion avoids unnecessary biopsy and/or surgery. We report three cases of elastofibroma dorsi illustrating the characteristic features on sonography, CT and MRI. Involvement was bilateral in two cases.  相似文献   

胸部X线摄影术与CT诊断胸壁结核的对照研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的评价胸部X线摄影术及CT在胸壁结核诊断中的价值。方法对21例经手术、穿刺活检证实的胸壁结核作了影像学分析,其中男8例,女13例,年龄在19—84岁,中位年龄34岁;全部病例均作了胸部X线摄影术和CT扫描,9例作了增强CT扫描。结果(1)胸部X线平片仅4例显示骨质破坏。(2)CT平扫则全部可见肋骨旁软组织肿块;16例边缘密度较高,中央密度较低,3例呈较高密度中有多发低密度,2例呈均匀较低密度。5例肋骨破坏,3例为膨胀性溶骨性骨破坏。增强扫描时8例肿块呈边缘强化。(3)21例CT所见的胸壁肿块,胸片均未能发现(X^2=42.000,P〈0.01);4例CT上可见的4个纵隔及腋窝肿大淋巴结,胸片上均未能见到(X^2=4.421,P〈0.05);2种影像学检查差异具有统计学意义。结论CT,特别是增强CT扫描是确诊本病的首选方法。  相似文献   

患者女性,47岁。发现左侧胸壁包块9天,感左上肢麻木感,伴前胸牵拉痛。查体:左侧胸壁腋前线第2、3肋间隙处可触及一包块,轻压痛皮肤无红肿。CT扫描示:左侧前胸壁见一6cm×9cm×4cm大小的哑铃形软组织肿块自左侧第3、4肋间突入胸腔,肿块密度均匀,边界清楚,突入胸腔部分边缘光滑,其周围肺纹理聚集,增强扫描:肿块轻度强化(图1,2)。  相似文献   

患者男,79岁.2008年7月8日因发现右侧胸壁肿块1年余,近3个月增大显著而就诊.体检:右侧胸壁深肌层触及多个肿块,最大约3.6 cm×6.9 cm×5.4 cm,质稍软,边界不清,轻压痛,无红肿.  相似文献   

Elastofibroma dorsi is a pseudotumorous connective tissue mass that characteristically arises between the chest wall and the inferior angle of the scapula. Its long axis is typically craniocaudal. Two patients are illustrated, each presenting with a fixed subscapular mass. Computed tomography showed each mass as elongated, incompletely marginated, and of soft tissue density deep to the inferior angle of a scapula. The latissimus dorsi and an underlying layer of fat were posterolaterally elevated inferior to the tip of the scapula. After incisional biopsy excluded sarcoma, each mass was locally excised.  相似文献   

A wide variety of infections can affect the chest wall including pyogenic, tuberculous, fungal, and some other unusual infections. These potentially life-threatening disorders are frequent especially among immunocompromised patients but often misdiagnosed by physical examination and radiographs. The purpose of this article is to describe the clinical and imaging features of these different chest wall infections according to the different imaging modalities with emphasis on ultrasound (US), computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The outcome of chest wall infection depends on early diagnosis, severity of the immunosuppression, offending organism, and extent of infection. Because clinical findings and laboratory tests may be not contributive in immunocompromised patients, imaging plays an important role in the early detection and precise assessment of the disease. US, CT, and MRI are all useful: bone destruction is more accurately detected with CT whereas soft tissue involvement are better visualized with US and MRI. CT and US are also used to guide percutaneous biopsy and drainage procedures. MR images are helpful in pre-operative planning of extensive chest wall infections.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this article is to highlight the role of radiography, CT, PET/CT, and MRI in the diagnosis and management of chest wall lesions. Chest wall masses are caused by a spectrum of clinical entities. The lesions highlighted in this selection of case scenarios include neoplastic, inflammatory, and vascular lesions. CONCLUSION: Imaging evaluation with radiography, CT, MRI, and PET/CT plays an important role in the accurate diagnosis of chest wall lesions. It can also facilitate percutaneous biopsy, when it is indicated. Imaging enables accurate staging and is a key component of treatment planning for chest wall masses.  相似文献   

Irradiation of the chest wall is sometimes given following radical or modified radical mastectomy. The aim of treatment planning in such cases is to deliver a uniform dose to a superficial layer of tissue a few centimeters thick with an acceptably low dose to underlying tissues, particularly the lung. Both tangential photon beams and appositional electron beams have been used for this purpose, the choice between them being determined by the radiation modalities available, the extent and thickness of the designated target volume and the curvature of the patient's contour in the region. In this paper we will consider a few examples of both types of treatment with emphasis on the use of multiple electron fields. Dose distributions for the following plans were calculated using the system developed at the Cross Cancer Institute in Edmonton. In this system electron dose calculations are based on the Fermi-Eyges theory of multiple Coulomb scattering using the programs developed by Hogstrom and his co-workers.  相似文献   

Elastofibroma dorsi is a rarely made radiological diagnosis. The rarity of the condition, lack of a suitable imaging modality, and an inconsistent clinical approach in evaluating indeterminate soft tissue tumors has contributed to this failure. With magnetic resonance imaging now being recognized as the examination of choice for all indeterminate soft tissue tumors, a prebiopsy diagnosis can frequently be made by radiologists familiar with the characteristic periscapular location, predilection for elderly females, and short T2 on magnetic resonance imaging.  相似文献   

患者 女,67岁。因“右侧胸壁疼痛6年,加重3月”入院。入院前6年,患者无明显诱因出现右侧胸壁间断性疼痛,未就医诊治。入院前3月,患者自觉右侧胸壁疼痛加重,并出现右侧背部疼痛,右下肢肿胀。  相似文献   

Two cases of elastofibroma of the chest wall are reported. Each patient was investigated with CT and, in 1 case, MR imaging was also performed. Elastofibroma appears like a mass in the subscapular region and often presents problems of differential diagnosis. The contribution of MR imaging is reported.  相似文献   

胸壁肿块的CT诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析胸壁肿块的CT表现,提高其诊断水平。方法 30例临床证实的胸壁肿块患者均经CT平扫,10例又经增强扫描。对所有患者的CT表现进行了回顾性分析。结果在CT像上,胸壁结核(5例)表现为胸壁内软组织密度肿块影;细菌性脓肿(4例),表现为局限性软组织肿块影,密度不均匀;脂肪瘤(4例)表现为胸壁内局限性脂肪密度肿块影;神经源性肿瘤(5例)表现为胸壁内密度均匀、边界清楚的软组织肿块影;血管瘤(1例)表现为左侧胸壁散在条状迂曲的软组织密度肿块影,增强后明显强化;胸膜间皮瘤(3例),其中良性者(2例)表现为局限性胸膜增厚,恶性者(1例)表现为弥漫性胸膜增厚伴胸腔积液;胸膜转移瘤(3例)表现为胸膜结节状增厚;肋骨转移瘤(4例)表现为胸膜结节状增厚;Askin瘤(1例)表现为右侧胸壁内及胸膜处软组织肿块影伴邻近肋骨骨质破坏。结论 CT对胸壁肿块的定位及良、恶性鉴别具有重要价值,尤其64排螺旋CT及其后处理技术更有利于其诊断与鉴别诊断。  相似文献   

Computed tomography of chest wall masses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors argue that CT is superior to other imaging techniques for the examination of the bones and soft tissues of the chest wall. They also note the importance of CT in planning therapy for lesions involving these structures. In support of these theses they present computed tomograms showing 26 different types of lesion involving the chest wall ranging from sternal fracture to malignant fibrous histiocytoma. Malignant neoplasms involving the chest wall by metastasis or direct extension from the breast, lung or mediastinum are emphasized.  相似文献   

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