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Carcinosarcomas are rare, malignant, biphasic tumors. We report the case of a 62-year-old man with gastric carcinosarcoma, along with its clinical, macroscopic and histopathological features. Macroscopically, a specimen of deformed stomach was obtained that measured 200 mm × 150 mm × 100 mm. A 150 mm × 100 mm × 50 mm exophytic tumoral mass (Borrmann type Ⅰ ) was found, which involved the posterior wall from the cardia to the antrum. Histopathologically, a mixed type of malignancy was revealed: an adenocarcinoma with intestinal metaplasia, with interposed fascicles of fusiform atypical cells and numerous large, rounded and oval cells. The tumor showed positive histochemistry for cytokeratin 18, epithelial membrane antigen, carcinoembryonic antigen, chromogranin A and vimentin. Liver metastases were diagnosed 8 mo postoperatively, and the patient died 4 mo later. A review of the available literature is also presented.  相似文献   

Lymphoepitelioma is a particular form of undifferentiat-ed carcinoma, characterized by a prominent lymphoid stroma, originally described in the nasopharynx. Lym-phoid stroma-rich carcinomas arising in other organs have been termed lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma (LELC). In the liver, primary LELCs are very rare, and the majority has been identified as cholangiocarcino-mas. Here a rare case of lymphoepithelioma-like hepa-tocellular carcinoma (HCC) is described. A 47-year old woman presented with abdominal pain. Ultrasonogra-phy revealed a liver nodule, 2.2 cm in diameter, local-ized in the right lobe, adjacent to the gallbladder. Viral markers for hepatic B virus (HBV), hepatic C virus (HCV) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) were negative. The nod-ule was hypoechogenic. The patient underwent sur-gery, with resection of the nodule. Histology showed hepatocellular carcinoma, characterized by a promi-nent lymphoid infiltrate. At immunocytochemistry, tumor cells were reactive for Hep Par1 and glypican 3. Immunophenotyping of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes evidenced the predominance of CD8+ cytotoxic sup-pressor T cells. The postoperative clinical outcome was favorable and the patient was recurrence-free 15 mo after resection. This case, to the best of our knowl-edge, is the first reported non EBV and non cirrhosis-associated lymphoepithelioma-like hepatocellular carci-noma. The association between the lack of EBV infec-tion, the absence of cirrhosis, a "cytotoxic profile" of the inflammatory infiltrate and a good prognosis could identify a variant of lymphoepithelioma-like HCC with a favorable clinical outcome.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most frequent malignancies in the world.  相似文献   

Primary hepatic carcinoid: A case report and literature review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Carcinoids are tumors derived from neuroendocrine cells and often produce functional peptide hormones. Approximately 54.5% arise in the gastrointestinal tract and frequently metastasize to the liver. Primary hepatic carcinoid tumors (PHCT) are extremely rare;only 95 cases have been reported. A 65-year-old man came to our attention due to occasional ultrasound findings in absence of clinical manifestations. His previous medical history, since 2003, included an echotomography of the dishomogeneous parenchymal area but no focal lesions. A computed tomography scan performed in 2005 showed an enhanced pseudonodular-like lesion of about 2 cm. Cholangiomagnetic resonance imaging identified the lesion as a possible cholangiocarcinoma. No positive findings were obtained with positron emission tomography.Histology suggested a secondary localization in the liver caused by a low-grade malignant neuroendocrine tumor. Immunohistochemistry was positive for anti chromogranin antibodies, Ki67 antibodies and synaptophysin. Octreoscan scintigraphy indicated intense activity in the lesion. Endoscopic investigations were performed to exclude the presence of extrahepatic neoplasms. Diagnosis of PHCT was established.The patient underwent left hepatectomy, followed by hormone therapy with sandostatine LAR. Two months after surgery he had a lymph nodal relapse along the celiac trunk and caudate lobe, which was histologically confirmed. The postoperative clinical course was uneventful, with a negative follow-up for hematochemical, clinical and radiological investigations at 18 mo post-surgery. Diagnosis of PHCT is based principally on the histopathological confirmation of a carcinoid tumor and the exclusion of a non-hepatic primary tumor. Surgical resection is the recommended primary treatment for PHCT. Recurrence rate and survival rate in patients treated with resection were 18% and 74%, respectively.  相似文献   

A 56-year-old man was found to have a pancreatic tail tumor. His blood chemistry showed no infection with hepatitis B or C virus and no elevations of tumor markers or pancreatic hormones. Abdominal ultrasound showed an encapsulated, rather heterogeneous, hypoechoic tumor, 6.5 cm in maximum diameter, with a beak sign. Helical dynamic CT revealed an irregularly enhanced tumor with pooling of contrast medium in the delayed phase. Abdominal angiography showed a hypervascular tumor. With a tentative diagnosis of non-functional islet-cell tumor, the patient underwent resection of the pancreatic body and tail with splenectomy. The contour of the liver and its surface were normal. In microscopic examination, tumor cells arranged in a trabecular pattern with focal bile pigment resembling hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Immunohistochemically, these tumor cells were positivefor HEPPAR-1, CAM5.2, cytokeratin 18 and COX-2, but negative for MUC-1, and cytokeratins 7, 20 and 8. These results supported a diagnosis of HCC without any adenocarcinoma component. The patient is currently doing well without any signs of recurrence in either the remaining pancreas or liver three years after surgery. We report the rare case with ectopic HCC in the pancreas with a review of the literature.  相似文献   

Primary malignant melanoma of the liver is an exceedingly rare tumor. Only 12 cases have been reported in the worldwide literature. We present a case of isolated malignant melanoma of the liver occurring in a 36-year-old Chinese male patient. Comprehensive dermatologic and ophthalmologic examinations revealed no evidence of a cutaneous or ocular primary lesion. Other lesions in brain, respiratory tract, lung, gastrointestinal tract and anus, were not demonstrated by serial position emission tomography (PET). Microscopic examination of the resected specimen revealed a malignant melanoma, which was confirmed by immunohistochemical staining for HMB-45, S-100 protein, melanoma-pan and vimentin. Moreover, electron microscopy demonstrated melanosomes in tumor cell cytoplasm. Our case shows that primary malignant melanoma may occur in the liver and should be considered when the histopathological appearance is not typical for other hepatic neoplasm.  相似文献   

We report a case of liver cell adenoma (LCA) in a 33-year-old female patient with special respect to its clonality status, pathogenic factors and differential diagnosis. The case was examined by histopathology, immunohistochemistry and a clonality assay based on X-chromosomal inactivation mosaicism in female somatic tissues and polymorphism at androgen receptor focus. The clinicopathological features of the reported cases from China and other countries were compared. The lesion was spherical, sizing 2 cm in its maximal dimension. Histologically, it was composed of cells arranged in cords, most of which were two-cell-thick and separated by sinusoids. Focal fatty change and excessive glycogen storage were observed. The tumor cells were round or polygonal in shape, resembling the surrounding parenchymal cells. Mitosis was not found. No portal tract, central vein or ductule was found within the lesion. The tumor tissue showed a positive reaction for cytokeratin (CK) 18, but not for CK19, vimentin, estrogen and progesterone receptors. Monoclonality was demonstrated for the lesion, confirming the diagnosis of an LCA. Clonality analysis is helpful for its distinction from focal nodular hyperplasia.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Hemangiomas constitute 7% of all benign vascular tumors and are characterized by increased numbers of normal or abnormal vessels filled with blood and are usually local- ized; however, when they involve a large number of organs in the body th…  相似文献   

Sarcoidosis is a chronic multisystemic granulomatous disease of unknown origin, which can involve nearly all organs. In the case of an infrequent gastrointestinal tract involvement in systemic sarcoidosis, granulomas of the liver are most commonly described while isolated pancreatic sarcoid lesions are rarely seen. We report a case of systemic sarcoidosis with exclusive extrapulmonal involvement of the liver and the pancreas in a 71-year- old white man. The diagnosis of liver involvement was confirmed by biopsy. Pancreatic surgery was needed because preoperative evaluation could not exclude pancreatic cancer and for biliary decompression. An extensive literature review of systemic sarcoidosis, focusing on reported cases with unusual presentation of sarcoidosis in the liver and the pancreas, its diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis was made.  相似文献   

Lymphangiomas are rare, benign tumors of the lymphatic system, usually present in children aged 5 years and younger. Because they are asymptomatic until the mass enlarges to cause symptoms, most lymphangiomas are diagnosed at adulthood incidentally. We experienced a case of a 60-year-old man diagnosed with a cystic lymphangioma of the gallbladder, which was successfully resected without any complication.Magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography were very helpful for the diagnosis of the cystic lesion around the gallbladder as were ultrasonography and computed tomography scan. These showed a multi-lobulated cystic mass with intact cystic duct and bile duct in the gallbladder fossa. The patient underwent an open cholecystectomy and the histological findings were consistent with a cystic lymphangioma of the gallbladder. We here report the case of cystic lymphangioma of the gallbladder with a review of the literature.  相似文献   

Reactive lymphoid hyperplasia(RLH), also known as pseudolymphoma or nodular lymphoid lesion of the liver is an extremely rare condition, and only 51 hepatic RLH cases have been described in the literature since the first case was described in 1981. The majority of these cases were asymptomatic and incidentally found through radiological imaging. The precise etiology of hepatic RLH is still unknown, but relative high prevalence of autoimmune disorder in these cases suggests an immune-based liver disorder. Imaging features of hepatic RLH often suggest malignant lesions such as hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma. In this report, we discuss two cases of hepatic RLH in patients with autoimmune hepatitis. We also present pathologic and magnetic resonance imaging findings, including one case utilizing a hepatocellular contrast agent, Eovist. Definitive diagnosis of hepatic RLH often requires surgical excision.  相似文献   

Reactive lymphoid hyperplasia (RLH) of the liver is an extremely rare lesion characterized by the proliferation of non-neoplastic lymphocytes forming follicles. Hepatic RLH is known to be associated with gastrointestinal carcinoma and autoimmune diseases including primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC). We report a case of hepatic RLH in a patient with PBC and gastric cancer. A 68 year old Japanese woman with a 10 year history of liver enzyme abnormality was admitted. Laboratory testing revealed that her anti-mitochondrial antibody was markedly elevated. Five mo after the diagnosis of PBC, she was found to have gastric cancer. Abdominal computed tomography disclosed a liver nodule in S8, suggesting metastatic gastric carcinoma. Histopathologically, the resected liver lesion comprised of a nodular proliferation of small lymphocytes with lymphoid follicles. This is the first reported case of hepatic RLH in a patient with both PBC and gastric cancer. Pre-operative diagnosis of hepatic RLH by clinical imaging is extremely difficult. Therefore, a needle biopsy could be useful to make a diagnosis of hepatic RLH, especially to differentiate from metastatic gastrointestinal carcinoma.  相似文献   

We report the case of a 69-year-old woman with reactive lymphoid hyperplasia (RLH) of the liver. She underwent partial hepatectomy under a preoperative diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma; however, histopathological analysis revealed RLH. The liver nodule showed the imaging feature of perinodular enhancement in the arterial dominant phase on contrast-enhanced computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, which could be a useful clue for identifying RLH in the liver. Histologically, the perinodular enhancement was compatible with prominent sinusoidal dilatation surrounding the liver nodule.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Reactive lymphoid hyperplasia of the liver is an extremely rare entity, with six cases reported so far. METHODS: We encountered a 47-year-old Japanese female with reactive lymphoid hyperplasia of the liver, which coexisted with chronic thyroiditis. The lesion was discovered incidentally as a hypo-echoic mass with a hyper-echoic rim at a routine ultrasonography examination. It increased from 12 to 17 mm diameter in 6 months. Radiological studies, such as contrast-enhanced computerized tomography (CT) and angiography demonstrated a hypervascular lesion. RESULTS: It was consequently diagnosed as a neoplasm with malignant potentiality and she underwent partial hepatectomy. The lesion was composed of small mature lymphocytes which formed prominent lymphoid follicles with germinal centres, scattered plasma cells and stromal fibrosis. Immunohistochemical study revealed polyclonal origins of the involved lymphocytes. DNA analysis for the immunoglobulin heavy gene and the T cell receptor beta gene using Southern blot hybridization showed no monoclonality. The following features have characterized the images in past cases, as well as ours: hypo-echoic mass, occasionally with a rim, in ultrasonography and hypervascularity, shown by angiography and enhanced CT.  相似文献   

Reactive lymphoid hyperplasia (RLH) is a benign non-specific lesion having an unknown etiology and pathogenesis. The lesion is found in various organs but is rare in the liver. We report 3 cases of hepatic RLH associated with an extrahepatic malignant tumor. We also provide a literature review based on a search of the PubMed database from 1983 to 2009. The 3 cases showed radiological findings similar to those for malignant tumors and all cases were misdiagnosed as malignant tumors on the basis of these findings. It is difficult to distinguish RLH from malignant or metastatic tumors on the basis of imaging findings. Hepatic RLH is a rare entity and may cause a false diagnosis of malignancy. Because RLH occurs most commonly in middle-aged females, diagnosis of a hypervascular tumor of the liver requires particular care in these patients, especially if an extrahepatic malignancy is present.  相似文献   

We report a rare case of duodenal pseudolymphoma without any symptoms. The lesion located in front of the head of the pancreas was found accidentally during a medical examination. The findings of computed tomography and positron emission tomography-computed tomography suggested a stromal tumor or malignant lymphoma. Surgical resection was performed. The lesions were patho- logically diagnosed as duodenal pseudolymphoma.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONFocal nodular hyperplasia(FNH)is a relatively rare benign liver tumor,often asymptomatic and discovered incidentally[1,2].It occurs in both men and women,but shows a predilection for young women.FNH presents as a solitary lesion in70%of the ca…  相似文献   

Summary A 33-year-old woman was treated for severe aplastic anemia with norethandrolone over a period of four years, with a cumulative dose of 25 g. In the fifth year of therapy two intrahepatic tumors were detected and were classified as hepatocellular carcinoma and as focal nodular hyperplasia, respectively.  相似文献   

We report a case of two pseudolymphomas of the liver in a 63-year-old Japanese woman with primary biliary cirrhosis. One of the lesions was found incidentally during a medical examination, presenting as a 10 mm hypodense nodule that revealed hyperdensity in the early phase and hypodensity in the late phase in computed tomography (CT) after injection of contrast medium. Retrospectively, the 10 mm nodule had first been discovered as a 4 mm nodule during CT 4 years previously. Superparamagnetic iron oxide-enhanced MRI revealed another 4 mm hyperintense nodule in segment 6 in addition to the 10 mm hyperintense nodule in segment 7. CT during arterial portography revealed two hypointense nodules. Findings with other imaging modalities such as ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging, and hepatic angiography were consistent with hepatocellular carcinoma. A right posterior segmentectomy was performed, and the lesions were microscopically diagnosed as pseudolymphoma. To the best of our knowledge, only 31 other cases of this disease have ever been reported, with a highly asymmetrical male:female ratio of 1:9.7. Although we could find only one case of transformation of hepatic pseudolymphoma into lymphoma in the liver, the exact nature of development from benign pseudolymphoma to malignant lymphoma is still not fully understood and cases of hepatic lymphoma need to be followed carefully.  相似文献   

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