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Various growth phases of Moloney murine sarcoma virus (M-MSV) induced tumors in suckling and young adult BALB/c mice have been studied by light and electron microscopy. In the early phase (3-6 days following M-MSV), observations at the injection site of the thigh muscles consisted of endo- and perimysial edema "activated" muscle satellite, cells, endothelial cells and fibroblasts, scattered type C virus particles within the muscle fibers, muscle fibers and endomysial cells undergoing necrosis and macrophage and granulocyte infiltration. During the overt tumor phase (6-12 days following M-MSV), observation of neoplastic tissue disclosed proliferation of several cell type (endothelial, periosteal, fibroblasts, etc.), poorly differentiated myoblasts along with atypical rhabdomyoblast-like cells and sarcolytes, type C virus budding from muscle fiber and myoblast plasma membrane, and intense degenerative and regenerative changes in the muscle fibers together with more profuse granulocyte infiltration. The regressive phase (13-21 days following M-MSV) presented reduced cellularity of the neoplastic tissue, a decrease in blast cells, diminishing granulocyte infiltration with contemporaneous appearance of prominent lymphocyte foci and gradual disappearance of virus particles. Although many cell types of mesenchymal origin proliferate following M-MSV infection, the above morphological findings indicate that striated muscle is a preferential site for virus replication and transformation. Furthermore, the peculiar virus cell relationships leading to cell lysis and continuous recruitment of newly infected cells have been widely documented. In the light of these findings it is suggested that, besides the host immune control of virus spread and tumor cell multiplication, the non clonal growth pattern of M-MSV induced tumors is a crucial factor in determining the spontaneous regression which occurs with high frequency in this experimental system.  相似文献   

After having reviewed the importance of glycoconjugates in the organisation of the cell membrane and the multiple roles played by these membrane constituants, the disorders characteristics of malignant transformation are described : First, the changes affecting cellular properties (diminution of cellular adhesivity, abolition of the control of cell growth, disturbance of membrane permeability...) and second, the modifications concerning the glycoconjugates of the cell surface in the course of malignant transformation : alterations affecting membrane glycolipids and glycoproteins. It appears that certain modifications of glycannic structures of membrane glycoproteins, for whatever cell type and transforming agent, seem at the moment to constitute the only abnormality permanently associated with the tumorigenicity of malignant cells.  相似文献   

F Bozzetti  N Cascinelli  I Cataldo  G Lupi 《Tumori》1975,61(4):393-399
From 1930 to 1972, 27 cases of melanoma of the vulva were treated at the National Cancer Institute of Milan. Prognosis was evaluated in relation to the therapy, the anatomical site, the lymphnodes metastases and the classification according to Clark. The median survival was 20 months and the 4-yr survival was 19%. The authors reached the following conclusions: site and T of melanoma have no prognostic value; survival is strictly related to the lymphnodes metastases and to Clark's classification: no N+ patients survived longer than two years while 62% of N-- patients are still alive after four years. No survival after 2 years was observed in IV-V class of Clark while a 54% survival after 4 years was observed in II-III class of Clark. Surgery gives the best results while radiotherapy as single treatment is useless and its role as adjuvant postoperative therapy is still uncertain.  相似文献   

L Thiry 《Bulletin du cancer》1979,66(4):391-394
In order to explain why modes of sexual life influence the incidence of cervical carcinoma, several factors have been claimed to be involved. There is no solid basis for the hypothesis that sperm may be mutagenic. By contrast, epidemiological studies showed that partners whose life is not sedentary bring back home to their wives an increased risk of cervical carcinoma. The infectious factor does not seem to be associated with syphilis but may well be represented by herpes genitalis virus (Herpes Simplex type 2 virus). Women with cervical carcinoma show a variety of immunes reactions to this virus, and these reactions are statistically less frequent in control groups. In the laboratory, mouse and hamster cells have been transformed into cancerous cells by means of herpes simplex virus type 2.  相似文献   

Non-infiltrating intraductal carcinoma may be considered a type of "carcinoma in situ" of the breast. In a review of 47 cases diagnosed and treated at Gustave-Roussy Institute between 1956--1972, it appears that the early symptoms of this rare type of breast carcinoma (it occurs only in 2.4% of all breast cancers) were a bloody discharge (38%) or Paget's disease of the nipple (11%). The histological examination was of the utmost importance in these cases due to the diagnostic uncertainties between benign hyperplastic lesions and authentic carcinomas as well as between infiltrating carcinomas and strictly intraductal carcinomas. Frozen section was only accurate in 30% of cases. The high frequency of multicentric foci (76%) contrasted with the absence of lymph node involvment (none of the 23 cases in which at least one node was excised, showed lymph node metastases). Treatment was only of ablation of the whole mammary gland, except in 6 patients who had a tumorectomy, two of whom also received radiotherapy. Local recurrence occurred in 4 patients, 3 of whom had only tumorectomy. The contralateral breast was affected in 2 cases. No patient under follow-up died of cancer within 5 years. The peculiar and highly favorable course of non-infiltrating intraductal carcinoma calls for an adequate therapy which could later be followed by a plastic reconstructive surgery should the patient wish to have this procedure.  相似文献   

Normal human uroepithelial cells (HUC) were transformed with simian virus 40 (SV40) in vitro. SV40-transformed HUC (SV-HUC) were selected by their ability to survive senescence which normally occurs in HUC between passages 4 and 6. At passage 6, 100% of SV-HUC stained positive for SV40 T-antigen. The epithelial nature of SV-HUC was confirmed by positive staining for human cytoplasmic keratins in all cells. SV-HUC have altered growth characteristics compared to HUC including the capacity to grow on plastic, independent of a collagen-gel substrate; loss of the dependence on medium supplements for optimal growth, loss of the dependence on feeder cells for growth at clonal density, and an apparently unlimited lifespan in culture (greater than 2 years). Although SV-HUC have an increased percentage of viable cells and increased saturation density compared to HUC, the generation time of SV-HUC during log phase is similar to that of HUC. Cultures of SV-HUC are epithelial in appearance and show some morphological heterogeneity in cell size and shape. At the ultrastructural level, SV-HUC have numerous alterations such as, irregularly shaped nuclei and nucleoli, pleomorphic microvilli, and the lack of a glycocalyx on the cell surface. In addition, SV-HUC does not stratify in culture, suggesting an inability to differentiate. Unlike HUC, SV-HUC are capable of growth in soft agarose, a property which increased with serial passage. Yet, through at least P50, SV-HUC remained nontumorigenic as determined by the inability to form tumors in athymic nude mice. This cell line of human epithelial origin may be suitable for studying the conversion of cells to tumorigenicity by subsequent treatment with another oncogenic agent.  相似文献   

A review of literature shows that, at present, genetic factors are difficult to distinguish from environmental factors. A number of studies have put into light relationships between factors tranmetted genetically and an increased risk of breast cancer in some women. This might be a reflect of the transmission of a certain susceptibility. However, one of these factors alone cannot explain the increase of the risk. Most likely, as for many types of cancers, the development of breast cancer is due both to a multigenic transmission of a certain susceptibility and to the action of environmental factors. Though, epidemiological studies make possible to identify a high risk population. A regular follow-up of this population would permit early diagnosis and possibly prophylactic measures concerning the known environmental factors, and in particular hormonal factors.  相似文献   

Six cell lines originated from foetal mouse brain were maintained in vitro for more than two years. The morphology of most of these cultures suggests their glial character. This is corroborated, for some lines, by the presence of specific glial protein (Glial fibrillary acidic protein, or GFAP). Five out of these lines remained not transplantable in animals during all the experiments. However one of them went through a spontaneous transformation at the eleventh population doubling. This culture, after transformation remained glial and when injected in animals, induced GFAP containing tumors.  相似文献   

T Rock  G Cabrini  A Rizzi  G Bratina 《Tumori》1975,61(5):457-464
Pseudosarcoma of the esophagus previously has been described and documented in only 13 patients. Our case, after a successful total esophagectomy with esophagogastroplasty, is physically well without any symptoms of recurrence to date (18 months postoperative).  相似文献   

Little is known about the late effects of damage to the gonads in children treated for cancer. This investigation requires a prolonged surveillance. Radiotherapy sterilizes the ovaries above a dose of about 500 rads in an adult. Therefore, to protect at least one ovary in partial irradiation of a child's abdomen in mandatory whenever possible, either by restriction of the irradiated volume, or transposition of the ovary. Combined chemotherapies do not seem to inhibit endocrine function but it is too early to appreciate the effects of different combinations of drugs on reproductive function in girls. In boys, alkylating drugs cause an oligo or azoospermia, either temporary or permanently. The genetic risks in the descendants of children treated for cancer are still unknown.  相似文献   

F Bozzetti  R Doci  A Azzarelli  L Gennari 《Tumori》1975,61(2):211-213
A singular association of neurinoma of the abdominal vagus with relapsing peptic ulcer is reported. The singularity lies in the exceptional finding of a neurinoma of the left abdominal vagus -- not previously recorded in the literature -- and in the concomitant severe relapsing peptic ulcer, for which the nerve lesion may have been partly responsible.  相似文献   

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