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基于CF接口技术的诱发电位测试系统的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文涉及一种基于PDA等移动计算平台和CF接口技术的诱发电位测试系统的研究.这种诱发电位测试系统具备虚拟仪器结构特征,具有两个诱发信号输出通道和两个输入通道,可以输出重复频率0.01~100Hz、占空比5%~95%、幅度0~±5V并连续可调的各种函数或任意定义的诱发电信号,以50k sps的采样率实时采集诱发电位输入信号,并可以对输入信号进行模拟、数字信号处理,以满足诱发电位生理研究需要.在PDA等移动计算设备的CF接口基础上,设计出工作于I/O模式的CF 卡,并编写出运行于Windows CE等移动操作系统平台上的设备驱动程序和数据采集、处理程序,完成诱发电信号的产生和诱发电位的采集.实践表明基于PDA等移动计算设备和CF接口技术的诱发电位测试系统的卓越的诱发信号发生和实时采集、处理诱发电位信号的能力,满足大多数诱发电位生理研究的需要.  相似文献   

心血管疾病患者血浆CF 6的含量变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:研究常见心血管疾病中血浆内线粒体偶联因子6(mitochondrial coupling factor 6,CF6)含量的变化,以探讨CF6在其发病中的意义.方法:放射免疫分析检测血浆CF6的含量(pg/ml).结果:正常健康人群血浆CF6含量为210.5±33.7pg/ml.原发性高血压患者为307.5±95.5pg/ml,急性心肌梗塞患者为364.5±105.1,心力衰竭患者为351.2±104.6;睡眠呼吸暂停综合征患者为351.9±87.1,原发性高血压伴糖尿病患者为466.4±136.3,p<0.01,与正常人比较均明显升高(均p<0.01或p<0.05);稳定性心绞痛患者为266.3±69.3,心律失常患者为258.8±80.1,有上升趋势,但无统计学明显差异(p>0.05),肺动脉高压患者降低(159.3±122.8,p>0.05).结论:原发性高血压、急性心肌梗塞、心力衰竭、睡眠呼吸暂停综合征患者血浆CF6含量明显升高,并与病情严重程度有关,提示CF6可能在其病理生理过程中发挥着重要的作用,对于变化的机制及其意义有待于深入研究.  相似文献   

人们24小时的心搏次数可达10万余次,而普通心电图机标准12导程昕记录的心搏次数少于100次。这种情况对平时正常而突然心律失常又不需住院的患者来说,是不易听诊或难以使用普通心电图机来发现病情的。国外,为了解决此问题,Holter 心电图机早已被人们所  相似文献   

基于掌上电脑的袖珍式血压Holter研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一种基于掌上电脑的新型袖珍式血压Holter系统。采用低功耗单片机控制血压测量过程,配置与掌上电脑的接口,根据用户需要可通过掌电脑存储,显示,分析血压数据,可对测量参数进行控制修改,并实现数据的远程传输。该系统硬件部分由模拟电路的部分,智能单元部分,外设接口部分三大部分组成,分别给出了各部分结构和工作原理。软件部分主要介绍了血压数据的获取及Holter系统前端与掌上电脑的通信接口部分,该系统具有轻便,智能,操作方便,精度高,功耗低,性能稳定性的特点,有望成为家庭血压监护的理想仪器。  相似文献   

IC卡多媒体触摸屏医药咨询系统   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
IC卡多媒体触摸屏医药咨询系统为医药咨询、住院费查询等提供了方便,为增加透明度,方便病人,改善医患关系,赢得信任,树立良好的社会形象起到了积极作用。  相似文献   

本文对医疗保健系统的基本配置、系统模块、系统功能进行介绍,对选用磁卡类型、医院信息系统的运行以及医疗保健卡的应用意义进行了讨论  相似文献   

本文介绍了“金卡”工程引入我院的过程,并通过对本系统IC卡与其它种类卡特点的比较,说明了选用同时具有医疗信息和金融服务的IC卡的广泛用途,对本系统设计思路、硬件配置、软件平台、操作环境、功能模块作了扼要说明,针对使用以来存在的问题,谈了作者对IC卡今后在医疗卫生领域发展的设想。  相似文献   

目的:探索用星形测试卡测试屏-片系统的调制传递函数(modulation transfer function,MTF)的方法,获得随空间频率连续变化的屏-片系统的MTF曲线。方法:把星卡的X射线照片用显微密度计分别沿黑、白楔条的角平分线方向进行扫描,将得到的数据用计算机处理,获得屏-片系统的MTF曲线。并将该方法得到的MTF曲线与用矩形波测试卡得到的MTF曲线进行比较。结果:通过星卡曝光一微密度计扫描的方法,测试得到了随着空间频率的增加而逐渐减小的屏-片系统的MTF曲线,曲线随着空间频率的变化而连续变化。结论:用星形测试卡可以获得随空间频率连续变化的屏-片系统的MTF曲线;并且用星形测试卡测试得到的MTF曲线,在空间频率的连续性上明显优于用矩形波测试卡得到的MTF曲线。  相似文献   

护理输液卡软件的设计及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨毕辉 《医学信息》2006,19(9):1525-1526
本文从现代临床护理实际工作出发,详细介绍了护理输液卡的内容及用计算机软件实现的形式,重点阐述了护理输液卡软件开发的环境与结构,程序设计的方法与功能以及软件提供两种输液卡打印的报表样式。  相似文献   

为了长时间、准确的记录分分析体表ECG,从各个方面满足基础研究、临床、康复以及特殊生理需要,对Holter系统提出了愈来愈高的要求。作者从技术实现的角度讨论了Holter的主要技术要求,包括记录部分和分析部分;还介绍了几种用神经网络模型满足Holter系统技术要求的原理,包括用多层感知器实现数据压缩及分类,用高阶神经网络实现ECG的分类,以及用ART模型识别ECG中的P波与T波。  相似文献   

长程动态心电图监护分析系统(Holter系统)的开发研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
系统地介绍了Holter系统的开发研究,着重了其中的若干关键技术,低功耗的硬件设计、实时高效的算法,高速可靠的回放接口以及完整友善的界面设计等。  相似文献   

目的 通过分析Holter记录中阵发性心房颤动发作特点 ,探讨阵发性心房颤动反复发作的机理及意义。方法  2 0 0 2年 17月 19例阵发性心房颤动患者 ,平均年龄 (6 8.31± 7.4 8)岁。行动态心电图检查并人工回放 ,记录下列指标 :心房颤动发作时间、发作总次数、房性早搏联律间期、可诱发心房颤动的房性早搏及未诱发心房颤动的房性早搏次数及联律间期。同时采集患者的病史、用药情况及超声心动图结果。结果  30份Holter共记录 2 2 5次心房颤动 (1 2 7次 / 2 4h ,中位数 7次 / 2 4h)。阵发性心房颤动发作在中午和午夜分别有 2个高峰 ,以 12点峰值最明显 ,低谷时间在 16 19点。 15次心房颤动由房性心动过速或心房扑动诱发 ,2 10次心房颤动均由房性早搏诱发。诱发心房颤动的早搏与未诱发心房颤动的早搏相比 ,联律间期缩短 2 5ms(P =0 .0 0 79) ,早搏指数减少 0 .0 3(P =0 .0 12 )。其中 7例(36 .8% ) 97次心房颤动发作均由同一联律间期早搏诱发 ,有 2 3次心房颤动发作前有窦性心动过缓 [(5 2± 6 )次 /min]。结论  2 4h中心房颤动的发作频率存在 2个高峰 ,提示交感 /迷走神经张力可影响心房颤动的反复发生。多数心房颤动发作由固定联律的房性早搏诱发 ,且其联律间期明显短于未诱发心房颤动的房性早搏。  相似文献   

肠鸣音是肠生理状态的反映,在临床急腹症的诊断中具有重要的意义,为了深入研究肠鸣音的产生机理,研制一个利用计算机集成声卡实现肠鸣音采样、在LabVIEW环境下开发的肠鸣音采集系统,它可以实现肠鸣音的实时采集,显示和二进制存储,为探索肠鸣音发生机理提供了详实的临床数据,同时也为搭建生理信号采集系统提供了便捷可行的解决方案。  相似文献   

介绍了心电图机中三种标准化的存储格式,SCP,HL7aECG,DICOM,对这三种数据格式结构和主要特点进行了分析比较,对各自的优缺点进行了对比,随着网格化的发展,市场上会有会有越来越多的产家支持这几种通用的心电数据存储方式。  相似文献   

In patients with arrhythmias, coincidence with sleep-related breathing disorders (SRBD) is high and of clinical relevance. Electrocardiogram-derived (ECG) parameters have been developed for SRBD screening, but it has proved necessary to exclude patients with frequent arrhythmias. Holter-based screening tools, easy to use, are therefore warranted. The goal of our study was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy, with respect to SRBD detection, of transthoracic impedance recording (TTIR) integrated into a Holter System. Our investigation consisted of 2 phases. In phase 1 we compared the performance of TTIR to that of in-hospital polysomnography (PSG) in 56 patients (46 male, mean age 57). In phase 2 we compared TTIR to results from an ambulatory polygraphy (PG) system in 180 patients (143 male, mean age 56). We scored apnea and hypopnea from P(S)G, and derived a respiratory-disturbance index (P(S)G-RDI). TTIR was analyzed semi-automatically. Reduction of the impedance amplitude by more than 50% over 10 s was scored as apnea/hypopnea, with consequent calculation of TTIR-RDI. In phase 1, 20 out of 56 patients revealed a PSG-RDI > 10 h(-1). TTIR-RDI in 19 patients from this group was >10 h(-1) (sensitivity 95%, specificity 97.2%, positive predictive value 95%, negative predictive value 97.2%, interclass correlation coefficient 0.98). In phase 2, 46 of 180 patients revealed a PSG-RDI > 10 h(-1). TTIR-RDI in 37 out of this group was >10 h(-1) (sensitivity 80.4%, specificity 92.5%, positive predictive value 78.7%, negative predictive value 93.2%, interclass correlation coefficient 0.92). TTIR integrated into a Holter ECG system and tested in a large patient cohort demonstrates acceptable high accuracy in detection of SRBD. Arrhythmia analysis and screening for SRBD can be performed in a single-step approch.  相似文献   

基因芯片技术是当前功能基因组研究中十分重要的工具。基于网络的基因芯片数据存储分析系统为基因芯片相关实验提供了实验室信息管理,数据存储和发布,数据分析等功能。文中介绍了该系统的基本组成,并比较了常见的基因芯片数据库和实验室信息管理系统,列举了部分基因芯片数据在线分析系统,并对系统的改进和发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

This study assesses the feasibility of beat-to-beat measurement of the R-T interval in Holter ECG recordings. The low sampling rate of the Holter system was increased by a specific interpolating filter, and the precision and accuracy of two T-wave fiducial point (T-wave maximum: Tm, T-wave end: Te) detection algorithms were compared. The results of the validation tests show better performance of the Tm measurement procedure in the presence of high noise levels. The overall process for the beat-to-beat R-T interval measurement was then tested on ECG Holter recordings collected during free and controlled respiration. Finally, the R-Tm and the corresponding R-R intervals were measured on 24h ECG recordings of healthy subjects and the spectral analysis was applied to the constructed series. Both R-R and R-Tm spectra show two main frequency components (low-frequency ∼0·1 Hz, high-frequency ∼0·25 Hz) changing in their power ratios continuously throughout the 24h period. The method described seems to provide a dynamic index of the sympatho-vagal balance at the ventricle that can be useful for a deeper understanding of ventricular repolarisation duration variability.  相似文献   

Thin-slice CT data, useful for clinical diagnosis and research, is now widely available but is typically discarded in many institutions, after a short period of time due to data storage capacity limitations. We designed and built a low-cost high-capacity Digital Imaging and COmmunication in Medicine (DICOM) storage system able to store thin-slice image data for years, using off-the-shelf consumer hardware components, such as a Macintosh computer, a Windows PC, and network-attached storage units. “Ordinary” hierarchical file systems, instead of a centralized data management system such as relational database, were adopted to manage patient DICOM files by arranging them in directories enabling quick and easy access to the DICOM files of each study by following the directory trees with Windows Explorer via study date and patient ID. Software used for this system was open-source OsiriX and additional programs we developed ourselves, both of which were freely available via the Internet. The initial cost of this system was about $3,600 with an incremental storage cost of about $900 per 1 terabyte (TB). This system has been running since 7th Feb 2008 with the data stored increasing at the rate of about 1.3 TB per month. Total data stored was 21.3 TB on 23rd June 2009. The maintenance workload was found to be about 30 to 60 min once every 2 weeks. In conclusion, this newly developed DICOM storage system is useful for research due to its cost-effectiveness, enormous capacity, high scalability, sufficient reliability, and easy data access.Key words: Data storage, archive, computed tomography, PACS, thin-slice CT  相似文献   

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