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The movement of surface mounted targets (SMT) on a shell at the mid-shank and of bone mounted targets attached to the distal shank using a Percutaneous Skeletal Tracker (PST) were simultaneously measured during free-speed walking of three adult subjects having different body types. Surface movement errors in shank kinematic estimates were determined by expressing the segmental motion derived from the SMT relative to the PST-based segment coordinate system (SCS) located at the segment center of gravity. The greatest errors were along and around the shank longitudinal axis, with peak magnitudes of 10 mm of translation and 8° of rotation in one subject. Estimates of knee joint center locations differed by less than 11 mm in each SCS direction. Differences in estimates of net knee joint forces and moments were most prominent during stance phase, with magnitudes up to 39 N in the shank mediolateral direction and 9 N.m about the mediolateral axis. The differences in kinetics were primarily related to the effect of segment position and orientation on the expression of joint forces and on the magnitude and expression of joint moments.  相似文献   

BackgroundGait speed is one of the main biomechanical determinants of human movement patterns. However, in clinical gait analysis, the effect of gait speed is generally not considered, and people with disabilities are usually compared with able-bodied individuals even though disabled people tend to walk slower.Research questionsThis study proposes a simple way to predict the gait pattern of healthy individuals at a specific speed.MethodsThe method consists of creating a reference database for a range of gait speeds, and the gait-pattern prediction is implemented as follows: 1) the gait cycle is discretized from 0 to 100% for each variable, 2) a first or second-order polynomial is used to adjust the values of the reference dataset versus the corresponding gait speeds for each instant of the gait cycle to obtain the parameters of the regression, and 3) these regression parameters are then used to predict the new values of the gait pattern at any specific speed. Twenty-four healthy adults walked on the treadmill at eight different gait speeds, where the gait pattern was obtained by a 3D motion capture system and an instrumented treadmill.ResultsOverall, the predicted data presented good agreement with the experimental data for the joint angles and joint moments.SignificanceThese results demonstrated that the proposed prediction method can be used to generate more unbiased reference data for clinical gait analysis and might be suitably applied to other speed-dependent human movement patterns.  相似文献   

Bone anchored markers using intracortical bone pins are one of the few available methods for analyzing skeletal motion during human gait in-vivo without errors induced by soft tissue artifacts. However, bone anchored markers require local anesthesia and may alter the motor control and motor output during gait. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of local anesthesia and the use of bone anchored markers on typical gait analysis variables. Five subjects were analyzed in two different gait analysis sessions. In the first session, a protocol with skin markers was used. In the second session, bone anchored markers were added after local anesthesia was applied. For both sessions, three dimensional infrared kinematics of the calcaneus and tibia segments, ground reaction forces, and plantar pressure data were collected. 95% confidence intervals and boxplots were used to compare protocols and assess the data distribution and data variability for each subject. Although considerable variation was found between subjects, within-subject comparison of the two protocols revealed non-systematic effects on the target variables. Two of the five subjects walked at reduced gait speed during the bone pin session, which explained the between-session differences found in kinetic and kinematic variables. The remaining three subjects did not systematically alter their gait pattern between the two sessions. Results support the hypothesis that local anesthesia and the presence of bone pins still allow a valid gait pattern to be analyzed.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare subjects who sustained an ACL injury during soccer 16 years ago with a control group with regard to knee kinematics and kinetics of gait, step activity and cross over hop. Secondly, in the injured subjects, the purpose was to study the impact on kinematics and kinetics of characteristics such as operative status, meniscal resection, being symptomatic, having knee extensor weakness and of having radiographic knee OA. Data from a 3-dimensional gait analysis system (VICON) were used to calculate kinetics and kinematics during gait, step activity and cross over hop of 12 male subjects who had an anterior cruciate ligament injury 16 years earlier. Twelve uninjured subjects matched for age, sex, BMI and activity level served as controls. No significant differences in knee kinematics and kinetics between the ACL group and the control group were found. The variability of some parameters of step and all parameters of hop activity was generally larger in the ACL injured subjects compared with the controls. The ACL injured subjects had a significantly worse clinical status compared with the controls. Reduced knee extension strength was associated with joint moment reductions especially during step activity and cross over hop. Despite a significantly worse clinical status, as determined by self-report and isokinetic strength testing, no significant differences were seen in knee joint kinetics and kinematics in an ACL injured group 16 years after injury compared with a matched control group. The variation was larger among the ACL injured subjects indicating the need for larger study groups in gait and movement analysis in long-term follow-up of ACL injury.  相似文献   

《Gait & posture》2014,39(4):622-627
Gait function is one of the most important components of functional outcome evaluation in patients with a tumor around the knee. In addition to walking at a preferred speed, the patients might be sometimes required to walk fast in daily life (e.g., schooling and working) because the major types of bone tumors often occur in adolescence and young adults. Therefore, recovering the ability to walk fast would increase the quality of life of these patients. To clarify which parts of the lower limb are exerted while walking fast, we investigated the kinematic and kinetic changes during fast walking in patients who underwent endoprosthetic knee replacement after bone tumor resection. Laboratory-based gait analysis was performed on eight patients who had undergone endoprosthetic knee replacement following resection of a tumor around the knee. Patients walked at a preferred and faster speed, and the gait parameters were compared between the two walking speeds for each leg. To increase walking speed, patients tended to rely on the bilateral hip, ankle, and contralateral knee to generate additional power. Kinetic analysis showed that involved-side vertical body support was not significantly increased during late stance to increase walking speed, which was associated with a small increase in ankle plantarflexion moment and concentric power. These results suggest to patients after knee reconstruction how to effectively increase their walking speed or redistribute the mechanical load on the muscles and joints to prevent excessive stress on the lower limbs.  相似文献   

《Gait & posture》2015,41(4):622-627
Gait function is one of the most important components of functional outcome evaluation in patients with a tumor around the knee. In addition to walking at a preferred speed, the patients might be sometimes required to walk fast in daily life (e.g., schooling and working) because the major types of bone tumors often occur in adolescence and young adults. Therefore, recovering the ability to walk fast would increase the quality of life of these patients. To clarify which parts of the lower limb are exerted while walking fast, we investigated the kinematic and kinetic changes during fast walking in patients who underwent endoprosthetic knee replacement after bone tumor resection. Laboratory-based gait analysis was performed on eight patients who had undergone endoprosthetic knee replacement following resection of a tumor around the knee. Patients walked at a preferred and faster speed, and the gait parameters were compared between the two walking speeds for each leg. To increase walking speed, patients tended to rely on the bilateral hip, ankle, and contralateral knee to generate additional power. Kinetic analysis showed that involved-side vertical body support was not significantly increased during late stance to increase walking speed, which was associated with a small increase in ankle plantarflexion moment and concentric power. These results suggest to patients after knee reconstruction how to effectively increase their walking speed or redistribute the mechanical load on the muscles and joints to prevent excessive stress on the lower limbs.  相似文献   

BackgroundPrefabricated and customized insoles are used in clinical practice to reduce foot pronation. Although data exist on the effects at key points within the stance phase, exploring the impact of different insoles using time series analysis may reveal more detail about their efficacy.Research questionWhat are the effects revealed by a time series analysis of arch-supported prefabricated insoles (PREFABRICATED) versus arch-supported prefabricated insoles customized with a 6º medial wedge (CUSTOMIZED) on the lower limb biomechanics during walking, stepping up and down tasks in individuals with pronated feet?MethodsNineteen individuals with excessive foot pronation performed walking, stepping up and down tasks using three insoles: CONTROL (flat insole), CUSTOMIZED, and PREFABRICATED. Angles and moments of ankle and knee coronal and hip transverse planes were compared between conditions using statistical parametric mapping (SPM).ResultsFor walking, CUSTOMIZED reduced ankle eversion moment compared to CONTROL during midstance and PREFABRICATED during propulsion. CUSTOMIZED decreased KAM during midstance and propulsion compared to PREFABRICATED. Compared to CONTROL, CUSTOMIZED and PREFABRICATED reduced hip internal rotation during propulsion and loading response, respectively. CUSTOMIZED decreased eversion movement during midstance and propulsion for the stepping up task. PREFABRICATED reduced eversion movement during midstance in comparison to CONTROL. For the stepping down task, CUSTOMIZED increased eversion movement during propulsion compared to PREFABRICATED. CUSTOMIZED reduced hip internal rotation angle for stepping up task during propulsion, decreased medial rotation movement during midstance compared to CONTROL, and reduced medial rotation during midstance compared to PREFABRICATED. CUSTOMIZED increased KAM for stepping up and down tasks during propulsion.SignificanceThese findings suggest that both CUSTOMIZED and PREFABRICATED reduce foot pronation. However, non-local effects, such as changes in KAM and hip internal rotation, were seen only in the CUSTOMIZED. Therefore, CUSTOMIZED may be preferable if the objective is to modify the knee and hip mechanics.  相似文献   

《Gait & posture》2014,39(1):64-69
In 3D gait analysis, quantification of leg movements is well established, whereas a measure of arm swing has been lacking. Recently, the Arm Posture Score (APS) was introduced to characterize arm movements in children with cerebral palsy, including information from four variables (APS4) in the sagittal and frontal planes. A potential limitation of the APS is that it does not include rotational movements and has not yet been evaluated with regard to gait speed. The aims of this study were (i) to investigate the effect on APS of adding two components of arm rotation (APS6) and (ii) to determine the influence of gait speed on the APS measures, when applied to non-disabled adults. Forty-two subjects walked 10 m at a self-selected speed (1.34 m/s), and in addition a subgroup of 28 subjects walked at a slow speed (0.66 m/s) set by a metronome. Data were collected from markers in a whole-body set up and by eight optoelectronic cameras. The results demonstrated significantly higher APS6 than APS4 values for both arms, irrespective of gait speed. Speed condition, whether self-selected or slow, had a significant effect on both APS measures. The two additional arm components are suggested to provide relevant information about arm swing during walking. However, APS6 needs to be implemented in gait analysis of individuals with gait arm pathologies in order to further examine its utility. We recommend that gait speed should to be taken into account when using APS measures to quantify arm swing during gait.  相似文献   

BackgroundIn modern society, car usage is one of the most important activities of daily living. However, the three-dimensional (3D) mechanics of getting into and out of a car in total hip arthroplasty (THA) patients have not been studied.Research questionThis study aimed to elucidate the hip kinematics and kinetics of unilateral THA patients while getting into and out of a car.Methods3D motion and ground reaction force data were collected for 40 unilateral primary THA and 30 control participants using motion capture of getting into and out of a car. Normalized joint power was used to determine the individual joint contribution and was calculated by dividing the power of each joint by the total lower-extremity power. These kinematic and kinetic data were compared between unilateral THA and control participants.ResultsWhen getting into the car using the surgical side as the pivot limb, the peak flexion, abduction angle, and normalized power of the pivot hip were significantly lower, and the normalized power of the contralateral ankle was significantly higher. The peak flexion and abduction angle of the pivot hip were significantly lower, and normalized contralateral hip power was significantly higher when getting out of the car. In getting into and out of the car using the contralateral side as the pivot limb, there was no significant difference in the range of motion (RoM) and normalized joint power.SignificanceThe restoration of RoM and muscle strength in the surgical hip joint and adopting the normal side as the pivot limb may allow for a more appropriate balance in motion of getting into and out of a car, which will lead to safe mobility, assist in social participation, and improved quality of life.Level of evidenceLevel III, therapeutic study.  相似文献   

Toe-out/-in gait has been prescribed in reducing knee joint load to medial knee osteoarthritis patients. This study focused on the effects of toe-out/-in at different walking speeds on first peak knee adduction moment (fKAM), second peak KAM (sKAM), knee adduction angular impulse (KAAI), net mechanical work by lower limb as well as joint-level contribution to the total limb work during level walking.Gait analysis of 20 healthy young adults was done walking at pre-defined normal (1.18 m/s), slow (0.85 m/s) and fast (1.43 m/s) walking speeds with straight-toe (natural), toe-out (15° > natural) and toe-in (15° < natural). Repeated measure ANOVA (p < 0.05) with post-hoc Tukey’s test was applied for statistical analysis.Toe-out gait increased fKAM at all walking speeds (highest at normal speed) while toe-in gait reduced fKAM at all speeds (highest at fast walking speed). Toeing-in reduced KAAI at all speeds while toeing-out affected KAAI only at normal speed. Increasing walking speed generally increased fKAM for all foot positions, but it did not affect sKAM considerably. Slowing down the speed, increased KAAI significantly at all foot positions except for toe-in. At slow walking speed, hip and knee joints were found to be major energy contributors for toe-in and toe-out respectively. At higher walking speeds, these contributions were switched. The ankle joint remained unaffected by changing walking speeds and foot progression angles.Toe-out/-in gait modifications affected knee joint kinetics and lower limb energetics at all walking speeds. However, their effects were inconsistent at different speeds. Therefore, walking speed should be taken into account when prescribing toe-out/-in gait.  相似文献   

BackgroundClinical tests of foot posture and mobility are not strongly related to the dynamic kinematics of the foot during gait. These measures may be more directly related to foot and ankle kinetics. The supination resistance test (SRT) is a clinical test that may more directly measure forces acting on the weightbearing foot to provide clinicians with insight about the loading of foot structures.Research QuestionWhat is the relationship between the SRT in relaxed calcaneal stance and in single-leg-stance and the kinetics and kinematics of the foot and ankle during gait?Methods10 healthy adults between the ages of 18 and 65 were recruited to participate in this study. Three-dimensional motion analysis was performed using the Oxford Foot Model during gait. The results of the SRT were compared with peak midfoot and ankle joint moments, power generation and absorption, joint angles, and peak angular velocities and accelerations. Correlation coefficients were calculated to assess the strength of relationships between these variables and the SRT.ResultsThe SRT demonstrated significant relationships with several variables. In relaxed calcaneal stance, the SRT was inversely related to maximum midfoot pronation moments (r = −0.51), maximum midfoot plantarflexion moments (rho = −0.71), and peak midfoot power generation (r = −0.61). In single-leg-stance, the SRT was significantly related to maximum midfoot plantarflexion moments (rho = −0.55) and peak midfoot power generation (r = −0.47).SignificanceThe SRT is significantly associated to several kinetic variables that quantify midfoot loading during gait. Interventions that decrease supination resistance may have the potential to increase midfoot power generation.  相似文献   

The determination of gait events such as heel strike and toe-off provide the basis for defining stance and swing phases of gait cycles. Two algorithms for determining event times for treadmill and overground walking based solely on kinematic data are presented. Kinematic data from treadmill walking trials lasting 20–45 s were collected from three subject populations (healthy young, n = 7; multiple sclerosis, n = 7; stroke, n = 4). Overground walking trials consisted of approximately eight successful passes over two force plates for a healthy subject population (n = 5). Time of heel strike and toe-off were determined using the two new computational techniques and compared to events detected using vertical ground reaction force (GRF) as a gold standard. The two algorithms determined 94% of the treadmill events from healthy subjects within one frame (0.0167 s) of the GRF events. In the impaired populations, 89% of treadmill events were within two frames (0.0334 s) of the GRF events. For overground trials, 98% of events were within two frames. Automatic event detection from the two kinematic-based algorithms will aid researchers by accurately determining gait events during the analysis of treadmill and overground walking.  相似文献   

BackgroundAlthough commonly used to study knee osteoarthritis (OA), relatively little is known about the reliability and validity of three-dimensional (3D) gait biomechanics derived from treadmill-based systems.Research questionUsing a treadmill-based gait analysis system, our objectives were to: 1) estimate the test-retest reliability of frontal and sagittal plane knee angles and moments in knee OA patients; 2) examine concurrent validity by estimating the associations between treadmill-based and overground (gold standard) measures; and 3) examine known-groups validity by comparing measures between knee OA patients and matched healthy controls.Methods34 patients and 16 controls completed 3D gait analyses using treadmill-based and overground systems. Treadmill walking speed was matched to self-selected overground speed. Marker set, knee angle and moment calculations were consistent for both systems. Patients completed a second test session using the treadmill-based system <24 h later but within 1 week of the first test session. Variables calculated from knee angle and moment gait waveforms during stance were evaluated using Bland and Altman plots, Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICC), Pearson correlations (r) and t-tests.ResultsVisual inspection of the Bland and Altman plots did not reveal any systematic differences between test and retest sessions; however, limits of agreement (LoA) were larger for the sagittal plane than the frontal plane. Mean differences between sessions for knee angles were <0.25 degrees and <0.18 %BW*ht for knee moments. ICCs ranged from 0.57-to-0.93 for test-retest reliability. Pearson correlations between treadmill and overground systems ranged from 0.56-to-0.97. Although highly associated, there were substantial differences in the moments, emphasizing they cannot be used interchangeably. Patients had greater first peak knee adduction moments (KAM) than controls [mean difference (95 %CI): 0.55 (−1.07, −0.04), p = 0.03].SignificanceResults suggest frontal and sagittal plane knee angles and moments in patients with knee OA evaluated using a treadmill-based system are reliable and valid.  相似文献   

The study of human gait has expanded and diversified to the extent that it is now possible to identify a substantive literature concerning a variety of gait tasks, such as gait initiation [Halliday SE, Winter DA, Frank JS, Patla AE, Prince F. The initiation of gait in young, elderly, and Parkinson's disease subjects. Gait Posture 1998;8:8–14; Mickelborough J, van der Linden ML, Tallis RC, Ennos AR. Muscle activity during gait initiation in normal elderly people. Gait Posture 2004;19:50–57], stepping over and across obstacles [Patla AE, Prentice SD, Robinson C, Newfold J. Visual control of locomotion: strategies for changing direction and for going over obstacles. J Exp Psych 1991;17:603–34; Chen, HC, Ashton-Miller JA, Alexander NB, Schultz AB. Effect of age and available response time on ability to step over an obstacle. J Gerontol 1994;49:227–33; Sparrow WA, Shinkfield AJ, Chow S, Begg RK. Gait characteristics in stepping over obstacles. Hum Mov Sci 1996;15:605–22; Begg RK, Sparrow WA, Lythgo ND. Time-domain analysis of foot–ground reaction forces in negotiating obstacles. Gait Posture 1998;7:99–109; Patla AE, Rietdyk S. Visual control of limb trajectory over obstacles during locomotion: effect of obstacle height and width. Gait Posture 1993;1:45–60] negotiating raised surfaces such as curbs and stairs [Begg RK, Sparrow WA. Gait characteristics of young and older individuals negotiating a raised surface: implications for the prevention of falls. J Gerontol Med Sci 2000;55A:147–54; Mcfayden BJ, Winter DA. An integrated biomechanical analysis of normal stair ascent and descent. J Biomech 1988;21:733–44]. In addition, increasing research interest in age-related declines in gait that might predispose individuals to falls has engendered a very extensive literature concerning ageing effects on gait. While rapid locomotor adjustments are common in the course of daily activities there has been no previous review of the findings concerning gait adaptations when walking is terminated both rapidly and unexpectedly. The aims of this review were first, to summarise the key research findings and methodological considerations from studies of termination. The second aim was to demonstrate the effects of ageing and gait pathologies on termination with respect to the regulation of step characteristics, lower-limb muscle activation patterns and foot–ground reaction forces.  相似文献   

Background: The Gait Profile Score (GPS) measures the quality of an individual’s walking by calculating the difference between the kinematic pattern and the average walking pattern of healthy individuals.Research questions: The purposes of this study were to quantify the effect of speed on the GPS and to determine whether the prediction of gait patterns at a specific speed would make the GPS outcome insensitive to gait speed in the evaluation of post-stroke individuals.Methods: The GPS was calculated for able-bodied individuals walking at different speeds and for the comparison of post-stroke individuals with able-bodied individuals using the original experimental data (standard GPS) and the predicted gait patterns at a given speed (GPS velocity, GPSv). We employed standard gait analysis for data collection of the subjects. Sixteen participants with a stroke history were recruited for the post-stroke group, and 15 age-matched, able-bodied participants formed the control group.Results: Gait speed significantly affects the GPS and the method to predict the gait patterns at any speed is able to mitigate the effects of gait speed on the GPS. Overall, the gap between the GPS and GPSv values across the post-stroke individuals was small (0.5° on average, range from 0.0° to 1.4°) and not statistically significant. However, there was a significant negative linear relationship in the absolute difference between the GPS and GPSv values for the participants of the post-stroke group with gait speed, indicating that a larger difference between the speeds of the post-stroke participant and the reference dataset resulted in a larger difference between the GPS and GPSv.Significance: The modified version of the GPS, the GPSv, is effective in reducing the impact of gait speed on GPS; however, the observed difference between the two methods was only around 1° for the slowest individuals in comparison to the reference dataset.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Patellofemoral pain (PFP) is often attributed to abnormal patellar tracking. The Protonics knee orthosis was developed to reduce femoral internal rotation by altering pelvic alignment via hamstring activation. The purpose of this research was to determine if a single treatment with the orthosis improved lower extremity alignment during gait and the lateral step up exercise. We hypothesized that anterior pelvic tilt, hip internal rotation and adduction, and external rotation of the tibia with respect to the femur would decrease after use of the brace. METHODS: Nineteen females (23.4+/-3.1 year, 1.66+/-0.05 m, 65.3+/-20.4 kg) with chronic PFP participated. Three-dimensional kinematic data were collected for each subject at 60 Hz during pre-treatment (PRE), after a placebo condition with the orthosis set at zero resistance (PLAC), and post-treatment (POST). Treatment consisted of having the subject perform the rehabilitation exercises recommended by the Protonics manufacturer. A repeated measures ANOVA was performed on each dependent variable (alpha=0.05). RESULTS: This investigation did not verify the changes in alignment proposed by the manufacturer as a result of acute application of the Protonics system. However, after the use of the brace, pelvic rotation and hip hike were decreased during the lateral step up exercise. CONCLUSION: Based on the results of this study, it was concluded that a single application of the Protonics system did not alter anterior pelvic tilt, hip internal rotation and adduction, or tibial external rotation during the lateral step up and gait.  相似文献   

Previous studies examining the influence of gait analysis on surgical decision-making have been limited by the lack of a control group. The aim of this study was to use data from a randomized controlled trial to determine the effects of gait analysis on surgical decision-making in children with cerebral palsy (CP). 178 ambulatory children with CP (110 male; age 10.3 ± 3.8 years) being considered for lower extremity orthopaedic surgery underwent gait analysis and were randomized into one of two groups: gait report group (N = 90), where the orthopaedic surgeon received the gait analysis report, and control group (N = 88), where the surgeon did not receive the gait report. Data regarding specific surgeries were recorded by the treating surgeon before gait analysis, by the gait laboratory surgeon after gait analysis, and after surgery. Agreement between the treatment done and the gait analysis recommendations was compared between groups using the 2-sided Fisher's Exact test. When a procedure was planned initially and also recommended by gait analysis, it was performed more often in the gait report group (91% vs. 70%, p < 0.001). When the gait laboratory recommended against a planned procedure, the plan was changed more frequently in the gait report group (48% vs. 27%, p = 0.009). When the gait laboratory recommended adding a procedure, it was added more frequently in the gait report group (12% vs. 7%, p = 0.037). These results provide a stronger level of evidence demonstrating that gait analysis changes treatment decision-making and also reinforces decision-making when it agrees with the surgeon's original plan.  相似文献   

Gait analysis studies typically utilize continuous curves of data measured over the gait cycle, or a portion of the gait cycle. Statistical methods which are appropriate for use in studies involving a single point of data are not adequate for analysis of continuous curves of data. This paper determines the operating characteristics for two methods of constructing statistical prediction and confidence bands. The methods are compared, and their performance is evaluated using cross-validation methodology with a data set of the sort commonly evaluated in gait analysis. The methods evaluated are the often-used point-by-point Gaussian theory intervals, and the simultaneous bootstrap intervals of Sutherland et al. The Development of Mature Walking, MacKeith Press, London, 1988 and Olshen et al. Ann. Statist. 17 (1989) 1419-40. The bootstrap bands are shown to provide appropriate coverage for continuous curve gait data (86% coverage for a targeted coverage of 90%). The Gaussian bands are shown to provide inadequate coverage (54% for a targeted coverage of 90%). The deficiency in the Gaussian method can lead to inaccurate conclusions in gait studies. Bootstrap prediction and confidence bands are advocated for use as a standard method for evaluating gait data curves because the method is non-parametric and maintains nominal coverage levels for entire curves of gait data.  相似文献   

The goal of the study was to simultaneously obtain accurate kinematic and kinetic data from a total knee arthroplasty (TKA) during level walking, by coupling force plate data with the kinematics of TKA measured by a movable video-fluoroscopic system. Kinematic and kinetic information of a TKA is crucial for the improvement of implant designs and for the increased longevity of the implant components. Instrumented gait analysis, with skin mounted marker tracking and force plates, is a well-established method for the acquisition of kinematic and kinetic data of TKA in vivo and for non-invasive estimation of joint function. However, resultant moments at the knee joint are inaccurate with this method, due to skin movement artifacts. Video-fluoroscopy reduces these inaccuracies by means of the direct tracking of the implant components with X-ray. However this measuring technique carries disadvantages: it provides only kinematic data, and the image intensifier covers a limited field of view. This paper presents a newly developed measuring technique, which enables a more accurate resultant moments calculation for level walking than could be achieved by conventional instrumented gait analysis.  相似文献   

Background"Dynamic knee valgus” has been identified as a risk factor for significant knee injuries, however, the limits and sources of error associated with existing 3D motion analysis methods have not been well established.Research questionWhat effect does the use of differing static and functional knee axis orientation methods have on the observed knee angle outputs for the activities of gait, overhead squatting and a hurdle step?MethodsA pre-existing dataset collected from one season (September 2015–May 2016) as part of a prospective observational longitudinal study was used. A secondary analysis of data for 24 male footballers, from a single British University football team, was conducted in order to evaluate the effect of static (conventional gait model) and dynamic (constrained and unconstrained mDynaKAD) methods on knee joint kinematics for flexion-extension and valgus-varus angles.ResultsNo single calibration method consistently achieved both the highest flexion and lowest valgus angle for all tests. The constrained and unconstrained mDynaKAD methods achieved superior alignment of the knee medio-lateral axis compared to the conventional gait model, when the movement activity served as its own calibration. The largest mean difference between methods for sagittal and coronal plane kinematics was less than 4° and 14° respectively. Cross-talk could not account for all variation within the results, highlighting that soft tissue artefact, associated with larger muscle volumes and movements, can influence kinematics results.SignificanceWhen considering the trade-off between achieving maximum flexion and minimal valgus angle, the results indicate that the mDynaKAD methods performed best when the selected movement activity served as its own calibration method for all activities. Clinical decision making processes obtained through use of these methods should be considered in light of the model errors associated with cross-talk and effect of soft tissue artefact.  相似文献   

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