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1. The effect of fluoroaluminate complexes (AlCl3 plus NaF) upon smooth muscle tone, [3H]-inositol phosphate accumulation and [3H]-cyclic AMP accumulation has been investigated in slices of bovine tracheal smooth muscle. 2. Fluoroaluminate (10 microM AlCl3 + various concentrations of NaF) elicited concentration-dependent contractions of bovine tracheal smooth muscle strips at concentrations of NaF in the range 1-10 mM. The resultant contractile response was reversed by isoprenaline (50 nM) and was preserved in calcium-free medium. 3. Fluoroaluminate stimulated [3H]-inositol phosphate formation at concentrations of NaF over 1 mM. The response to 20 mM NaF + 10 microM AlCl3 was 164 +/- 29% of the response to 1 mM histamine. Fluoroaluminate also increased the incorporation of [3H]-myo-inositol into membrane phospholipids. 4. Fluoroaluminate produced a small rise in [3H]-cyclic AMP levels (2.1 fold increase over basal with 20 mM NaF). The response to forskolin (1 microM, 8.6 fold over basal) was reduced by fluoroaluminate in a concentration-dependent manner, but still remained significantly (P less than 0.05) elevated over the response to fluoroaluminate alone. 5. The [3H]-inositol phosphate response to fluoroaluminate was inhibited by salbutamol (maximum inhibition 60%, IC50 = 0.08 microM), forskolin (1 microM, 46% inhibition) and isobutylmethylxanthine (1 mM, 73% inhibition). 6. These data suggest that inhibition of agonist-induced inositol phospholipid turnover by cyclic AMP in this tissue can occur at the post-receptor level.  相似文献   

1. The effect on histamine-stimulated [3H]-inositol phosphate accumulation of a range of agents which increase the accumulation, or mimic the actions, of cyclic AMP has been investigated in bovine tracheal smooth muscle. 2. Salbutamol (1 microM), forskolin (1 microM) and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP, 1 microM) inhibited the inositol phosphate response to 0.1 mM histamine and increased the accumulation of [3H]-cyclic AMP in [3H]-adenine-labelled slices of bovine tracheal smooth muscle. The effect on inositol phospholipid hydrolysis was mimicked by the membrane permeant analogues of cyclic AMP, dibutrylcyclic AMP (1 mM) and 8-bromo-cyclic AMP (1 mM). 3. In contrast to salbutamol, which was equally effective at producing the two effects, forskolin produced large increases in [3H]-cyclic AMP accumulation (EC50 = 1.2 microM) at much higher concentrations than those required for inhibition of histamine-stimulated [3H]-inositol phosphate accumulation (EC50 = 0.09 microM). However, significant increases in [3H]-cyclic AMP accumulation, of similar magnitude to those obtained with salbutamol and VIP, were observed over the concentration range appropriate for inhibition of the inositol phosphate response to histamine. 4. In the presence of histamine (0.1 mM), isobutylmethylxanthine (IBMX, 1 mM) and rolipram (0.1 mM) both significantly (P less than 0.05) elevated tissue [3H]-cyclic AMP levels. IBMX, rolipram and (to a lesser extent) SKF 94120 significantly (P less than 0.05) reduced histamine-stimulated [3H]-inositol phosphate accumulation by 81%, 68% and 20%, respectively. M&B 22948 was without a significant effect on either [3H]-cyclic AMP or histamine-induced [3H]-inositol phosphate accumulation. 5. Both rolipram and forskolin reduced the increase in incorporation of [3H]-inositol into membrane phospholipids which followed stimulation with histamine. However, a significant inhibition of [3H]-inositol phosphate accumulation could be demonstrated under conditions in which there was no change in the level of [3H]-inositol incorporation.  相似文献   

Phosphodiesterase (PDE) activities that were capable of hydrolysing cyclic AMP (Km = 6.8 +/- 2 microM) and cyclic GMP (Km = 6.7 +/- 1.6 microM) were isolated from tracheal smooth muscle. These enzyme(s) activities were insensitive to stimulation by calcium/calmodulin and to inhibition by cyclic GMP, rolipram (type IV inhibitor) and siguazodan (type III inhibitor). Zaprinast was a relatively poor inhibitor of both cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP hydrolysis (IC50 = 46 +/- 9 microM and 45 +/- 14 microM respectively). These results suggest that tracheal smooth muscle may contain an apparently novel PDE. However, KCl (30 mM) which facilitates calcium entry in cells, depressed bradykinin-stimulated intracellular cyclic AMP formation, suggesting that the type I PDE may be functionally present. We suggest that considerable caution be exercised in identifying apparently novel PDE isoforms.  相似文献   

The cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (PDE) activity of canine tracheal smooth muscle (CTS,) was examined. Column chromatography of soluble CTSM-PDE revealed five peaks of activity. One of these peaks (V) was examined further in this study and showed a high affinity for adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (Km = 0.63 microM). Seven pharmacological PDE inhibitors were tested for their abilities to inhibit the peak V enzyme and also for their abilities to cause mechanical relaxation of CTSM strips in isolated tissue baths. A strong correlation (P greater than 0.001) between peak V PDE inhibition (-log Ki) and airway muscle relaxation (-log ED50) was found.  相似文献   

1. The profile of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (PDE) isoenzymes and the relaxant effects of isoenzyme selective inhibitors were examined in bovine tracheal smooth muscle. The compounds examined were the non-selective inhibitor 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX), zaprinast (PDE V selective), milrinone and Org 9935 (4,5-dihydro-6-(5,6-dimethoxy-benzo[b]thien-2-yl)-5-methyl-1 (2H)-pyridazinone; both PDE III selective), rolipram (PDE IV selective) and Org 30029 (N-hydroxy-5,6-dimethoxy-benzo[b]-thiophene-2-carboximidamide HCl a dual PDE III/IV inhibitor). 2. Ion exchange chromatography showed three main peaks of PDE activity. The first peak was stimulated by Ca2+/calmodulin (PDE I), the adenosine 3':5'-cyclic monophosphate (cyclic AMP) hydrolytic activity of the second peak was stimulated by guanosine 3':5'-cyclic monophosphate (cyclic GMP) (PDE II) whilst that of the third peak was not significantly modified by any regulator (PDE IV). Calmodulin affinity chromatography revealed the additional presence of cyclic GMP-specific PDE (PDE V) in the first peak. A clearly distinct peak of cyclic GMP-inhibited PDE (PDE III) was not observed. However, Org 9935 inhibited the third activity peak more effectively in the presence, than in the absence, of rolipram (3 mumol l-1), indicating the presence of PDE III activity. 3. Rolipram was the most potent inhibitor of PDE IV. The mean -log50 IC50 values for rolipram, IBMX, milrinone, Org 30029, Org 9935 and zaprinast were 5.9 +/- 0.1, 4.9 +/- 0.1, 4.7 +/- 0.1, 4.6 +/- 0.1 and 4.6 +/- 0.1, respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

1. The effects of the beta 2-adrenoceptor agonist, procaterol, on sympathetic neuroeffector transmission were studied in the pithed adrenal demedullated rat to determine if generation of angiotensin II was involved in its effect. Pressor responses were elicited by either electrical stimulation (20 V, 2 Hz) of the entire spinal sympathetic outflow or methoxamine (0.1 mg kg-1, i.v.). 2. Sodium nitroprusside (3 and 5 micrograms kg-1 min-1, i.v.) produced hypotension and the pressor responses to both sympathetic nerve stimulation and methoxamine were reduced. This indicates that decreasing blood pressure in pithed rats reduces pressor responses. Procaterol (10 and 30 ng kg-1 min-1, i.v.) also produced hypotension but did not alter pressor responses to sympathetic nerve stimulation. Nevertheless, procaterol (10 and 30 ng kg-1 min-1, i.v.) did reduce pressor responses to to methoxamine. Together these results suggest that procaterol may have enhanced sympathetic neurotransmitter release. This was confirmed in another series of experiments where procaterol (30 ng kg-1 min-1, i.v.) increased plasma noradrenaline levels during sympathetic nerve stimulation. 3. Captopril (5 mg kg-1, i.v.) produced hypotension and as expected reduced pressor responses to sympathetic nerve stimulation. When the hypotensive effect of captopril was abolished by concomitant vasopressin infusion (1.5-4.5 i mu kg-1 min-1, i.v.), pressor responses to sympathetic nerve stimulation were restored to pre-captopril levels. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

1. The ability of salmeterol to stimulate cyclic AMP accumulation and relaxation has been compared with that of salbutamol in bovine tracheal smooth muscle. In addition, the anti-spasmogenic effects of these agents and their abilities to modulate histamine-stimulated [3H]-inositol phosphate accumulation have also been investigated. 2. In tissue strips, a close temporal correlation was found to exist between salmeterol (0.1 microM)-induced relaxation of methacholine (500 nM)-induced tone and cyclic AMP accumulation, both maximal reversal of induced tone (26.2 +/- 6.0%) and maximal levels of cyclic AMP accumulation being achieved after 30-40 min. In contrast to salmeterol, salbutamol exerted greater and more rapid effects on both parameters. Maximal reversal of methacholine-induced tone (79.3 +/- 14.0%) and maximal levels of cyclic AMP accumulation were produced within 5 min. 3. Salmeterol-induced cyclic AMP accumulation (EC50 = 5.3 [1.8 - 15.2] nM) and inhibition of histamine (0.1 mM)-stimulated [3H]-inositol phosphate accumulation (IC50 = 1.4 [0.3-6.3] nM) were both more potent than those induced by salbutamol (EC50 = 169 [99 - 290] nM; IC50 = 13.8 [7.0 - 27.4] nM). However, maximal effects exerted by each of these agents were similar in magnitude. 4. Anti-spasmogenic effects were examined by beta-adrenoceptor agonist application to tissue strips prior to construction of spasmogen concentration-effect curves. Both salmeterol and salbutamol exerted more marked inhibition of the contractile response induced by histamine than that induced by methacholine, salmeterol being the more potent agent, while salbutamol produced a greater maximal inhibitory effect. 5. The results demonstrate that salmeterol is a more potent agent than salbutamol and have highlighted a close temporal correlation between promotion of cyclic AMP accumulation and tissue relaxation stimulated by each agent when both parameters are measured under identical conditions.  相似文献   

1. Histamine and carbachol produced concentration-related increases in the accumulation of 3H-inositol phosphates in slices of bovine tracheal smooth muscle. 2. Noradrenaline alone produced a small stimulation of 3H-inositol phosphate accumulation which was inhibited by the alpha-adrenoceptor antagonist phentolamine. In contrast, when noradrenaline (0.1 mM) was added simultaneously with histamine it significantly reduced the inositol phosphate response to high (greater than or equal to 0.1 mM) concentrations of histamine. However, noradrenaline had no inhibitory effect on the carbachol-induced inositol phosphate response. 3. The non-selective beta-agonist isoprenaline (IC50 = 0.08 microM) and the beta 2-selective agonist salbutamol (IC50 = 0.29 microM) both produced a dose-related inhibition of the inositol phosphate response to 0.1 mM histamine. The inhibitory effect of salbutamol was antagonized by propranolol (KA = 2.4 x 10(9) M-1) and the beta 2-selective adrenoceptor antagonist ICI 118551 (KA = 1.7 x 10(9) M-1). 4. The accumulation of 3H-inositol phosphates induced by histamine increased steadily over a 40 min period after an initial lag period of 3-4 min. Following the simultaneous addition of histamine and salbutamol there was a further delay of 3-4 min before the appearance of the inhibitory effect of salbutamol. 5. The effect of histamine on inositol phosphate accumulation was accompanied by a stimulation of [3H]-inositol incorporation into membrane phospholipids which was reduced by the presence of salbutamol.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Foetal calf serum (FCS) and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-stimulated incorporation of [3H]thymidine into pig aortic smooth muscle cell (ASMC) DNA was decreased by agents that either stimulated the synthesis (forskolin) or inhibited the breakdown (3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine, IBMX) of cAMP. FCS-stimulated incorporation of [3H]thymidine into DNA was also reduced by selective inhibitors of cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase (PDE IV) (Ro-20-1724, rolipram) and cGMP-inhibited cAMP PDE (PDE III) (SK&F 94836). IBMX, Ro-20-1724, rolipram and SK&F 94836 enhanced forskolin inhibition of DNA synthesis. Alone, rolipram was a relatively weak inhibitor of FCS-induced ASMC DNA synthesis (IC25 greater than 20 microM); however, in the presence of a threshold concentration of SK&F 94836 (20 microM), the potency of rolipram increased (IC25 = 4 microM), suggesting synergy in the actions of PDE III and PDE IV inhibitors. SK&F 94836 and rolipram elicited 30% and 37%, respectively, reductions in FCS-induced ASMC proliferation and potentiated the inhibitory actions of forskolin. PDE III and PDE IV inhibitors alone, exerted minimal effects on ASMC cAMP levels after a short term (10 min) or long-term (2 or 24 hr) exposure, but enhanced forskolin-induced accumulation of cAMP. ASMC spontaneously released cAMP into the extracellular medium, a process that was increased by forskolin. PDE III and PDE IV inhibitors had no effect alone on cAMP extrusion but enhanced the effect of forskolin. Exposure of ASMC to forskolin or SK&F 94836 for 15 min increased the activity ratio (AR) of cAMP-dependent protein kinase from 0.05 to 0.17 and 0.23, respectively. Ro-20-1724, alone, did not affect cAMP-dependent protein kinase but enhanced the stimulatory effect of forskolin (AR = 0.37) and SK&F 94836 (AR = 0.27). Agents that increased cGMP synthesis (glycerol trinitrate, atrial natriuretic factor) or decreased its hydrolysis by selectively inhibiting cGMP-specific PDE (PDE V) (zaprinast) exerted no effects on FCS- or PDGF-stimulated [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA either alone or in combination. The cytosolic fraction of pig ASMC contained four cyclic nucleotide PDEs which were categorized as PDE V, Ca2+/calmodulin-stimulated PDE (PDE I), PDE III and PDE IV. PDE I and III activities were also associated with the particulate fraction. The results demonstrate that inhibitors of PDEs III and IV alone or in combination with forskolin, reduce ASMC DNA synthesis and proliferation, through an action likely to involve elevation of intracellular cAMP. In contrast, inhibition of cGMP hydrolysing PDE subtypes (I and V) exerted no effect on DNA synthesis in this cell type.  相似文献   

  1. Rat cultured aortic vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) express both cyclic GMP-inhibited cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase (PDE3) and Ro 20-1724-inhibited cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase (PDE4) activities. By utilizing either cilostamide, a PDE3-selective inhibitor, or Ro 20-1724, a PDE4-selective inhibitor, PDE3 and PDE4 activities were shown to account for 15% and 55% of total VSMC cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase (PDE) activity.
  2. Treatment of VSMC with either forskolin or 8-bromo-cyclic AMP caused significant concentration- and time-dependent increases in total cellular cyclic AMP PDE activity. Using cilostamide or Ro 20-1724, we demonstrated that both PDE3 and PDE4 activities were increased following forskolin or 8-bromo-cyclic AMP treatment, with a relatively larger effect observed on PDE3 activity. The increase in cyclic AMP PDE activity induced by forskolin or 8-bromo-cyclic AMP was inhibited by actinomycin D or cycloheximide, demonstrating that new mRNA synthesis and protein synthesis were required. An analogue of forskolin which does not activate adenylyl cyclase (1,9-dideoxyforskolin) or an analogue of cyclic GMP (8-bromo-cyclic GMP) did not affect total cyclic AMP PDE activity.
  3. Incubation of VSMC with 8-bromo-cyclic AMP for 16 h caused a marked rightward shift in the concentration-response curves for both isoprenaline- and forskolin-mediated activation of adenylyl cyclase. A role for up-regulated cyclic AMP PDE activity in this reduced potency is supported by our observation that cyclic AMP PDE inhibitors (IBMX, cilostamide or Ro 20-1724) partially normalized the effects of isoprenaline or forskolin in treated cells to those in untreated cells.
  4. We conclude that VSMC cyclic AMP PDE activity is increased following long-term elevation of cyclic AMP and that increases in PDE3 and PDE4 activities account for more than 70% of this effect. Furthermore, we conclude that increases in cyclic AMP PDE activity contribute to the reduced potency of isoprenaline or forskolin in treated VSMC. These results have implications for long-term use of cyclic AMP PDE inhibitors as therapeutic agents.

Extracellular ATP has been shown to induce intracellular Ca2+ mobilization and adenylate cyclase inhibition via P2 purinoceptors in several species of cells. Now we found that in calf vascular smooth muscle cells the addition of ATP to the medium did not induce inhibition but stimulation of cyclic AMP accumulation, in addition to stimulation of inositol phosphate production. Adenosine and AMP also induced cyclic AMP accumulation but their efficacy was much less than that of ATP. The ATP action was not influenced by the presence of either adenosine deaminase or of an ATP regenerating system, whereas the AMP action was increased by the regenerating system. The results indicate that the cyclic AMP accumulation by ATP is due to ATP itself but neither to adenosine nor to AMP, both of which are produced from ATP. ATP receptor coupled to the cyclic AMP generation was shown to be different from that coupled to phospholipase C based on the difference in the potency order of the receptor agonists and in the sensitivity of P2 receptor agonists to 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine (CPX)- and suramin-induced antagonism. We conclude that in the aortic smooth muscle cells a novel P2-type receptor directly coupled to adenylate cyclase activation exists in addition to the previously known P2 receptor linked to phospholipase C activation.  相似文献   

1. [3H]-adenosine 3':5'-cyclic monophosphate ([3H]-cyclic AMP) responses were studied in primary cultures of human tracheal smooth muscle cells derived from explants of human trachealis muscle and in short term cultures of acutely dissociated trachealis cells. 2. Isoprenaline induced concentration-dependent [3H]-cyclic AMP formation with an EC50 of 0.2 microM. The response to 10 microM isoprenaline reached a maximum after 5-10 min stimulation and remained stable for periods of up to 1 h. After 10 min stimulation, 1 microM isoprenaline produced a 9.5 fold increase over basal [3H]-cyclic AMP levels. The response to isoprenaline was inhibited by ICI 118551 (10 nM), (apparent KA 1.9 x 10(9) M-1) indicating the probable involvement of a beta 2-adrenoceptor in this response in human cultured tracheal smooth muscle cells. However, with 50 nM ICI 118551 there was a reduction in the maximum response to isoprenaline. Prostaglandin E2 also produced concentration-dependent [3H]-cyclic AMP formation (EC50 0.7 microM, response to 1 microM PGE2 6.4 fold over basal). 3. Forskolin (1 nM - 100 microM) induced concentration-dependent [3H]-cyclic AMP formation in these cells. A 1.6 fold (over basal) response was also observed following stimulation with NaF (10 mM). 4. The nonselective phosphodiesterase inhibitor 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX) (0.1 mM) and the type IV, cyclic AMP selective, phosphodiesterase inhibitor rolipram (0.1 mM) both elevated basal [3H]-cyclic AMP levels by 1.8 and 1.5 fold respectively. IBMX (1-100 microM) and low concentrations of rolipram (< 10 microM), also potentiated the response to 1 microM isoprenaline.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Histamine (10(-5)--3 x 10(-4) M) increased the cylic AMP content of guinea-pig tracheal smooth muscle, the maximal effect being a 3-fold increase after 2-min incubation with 10(-4) histamine. Histamine-induced accumulation of cyclic AMP was not affected by propranolol or atropine, but was reduced by mepyramine. Aspirin and indomethacin abolished the cyclic AMP response to histamine and potentiated histamine-induced contractions of the smooth muscle. These results suggest that the elevation of cyclic AMP levels in response to histamine is mediated by prostaglandins, and represents an important negative feedback regulatory mechanism which modulates the contractile response of guinea-pig tracheal smooth muscle to histamine.  相似文献   

The mechamism of action of theophylline was studied by investigating the relationship between relaxant effect and inhibition of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (PDE) and by studying interactions with adenosine actions. Guinea pig tracheal smooth muscle cyclic AMP PDE had two apparent KmS': 0.4 and 70 microM for cyclic AMP. Theophylline and papaverine competetively inhibited the low Km form. Hydrolysis of 2.0 microM cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP was inhibited by several drugs. Some agents (e.g. ZK 62 711, ICI 63,197, Ro 20--1724, dipyridamol) were considerably more potent as inhibitors of cyclic AMP than of cyclic GMP hydrolysis, while other agents (M & B 22.948 and dilazep) selectively inhibited cyclic GMP breakdown, and some (theophylline, papaverine, IBMX and SQ 20,006) showed little selectivity. There was a weak but significant correlation between inhibition of cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase and relaxation of tracheal smooth muscle in vitro. There was also a correlation between the ratio of IC25 cyclic AMP/IC25 cyclic GMP and the smooth muscle relaxation, indicating that inhibition of cyclic AMP rather than cyclic GMP hydrolysis determined relaxation. However, there was a marked tachyphylaxis to the relaxant effect of the cyclic AMP selective PDE-inhibitors, while the nonselective methylxanthines did not show tachyphylaxis. The effect of theophylline was antagonized by low concentrations of adenosine, which by itself caused a weak tracheal contraction. The effect of PDI-inhibitors can be partly explained by decreased cyclic AMP breakdown but other mechanisms, such as antagonism of endogenous adenosine, may contribute to the observed relaxant action.  相似文献   

Several derivatives of two mesoionic xanthine analogs, mesoionic thiazolo[3,2-alpha]pyrimidine-5,7-diones and mesoionic 1,3,4-thiadiazolo[3,2-alpha]pyrimidine-5,7-diones, were synthesized and evaluated as inhibitors of cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase. A significant number of these compounds demonstrated theophylline-like activity.  相似文献   

Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (PDEs) from canine trachealis were characterized with respect to their kinetic properties, sensitivity to selective inhibitors, and subcellular distribution. Extracts from whole tissue homogenates were applied to DEAE-Sepharose anion exchange columns and eluted with a linear sodium acetate gradient. Three major peaks of PDE activity were resolved. The first (PDE I), which eluted at 0.2 M sodium acetate, was applied to a calmodulin (CaM)-Sepharose affinity column and resolved into CaM-insensitive and CaM-sensitive PDEs. The CaM-insensitive isozyme (PDE Ia) had apparent Km values of 135 microM (cAMP) and 4 microM (cGMP) and was potently inhibited by zaprinast (Ki = 0.1 microM). The CaM-sensitive isozyme (PDE Ic) had apparent Km values of 1 microM (cAMP) and 2 microM (cGMP) and was inhibited by zaprinast with an apparent Ki of 35 microM. The second peak of activity (PDE II) from the anion exchange column eluted at 0.3 M sodium acetate and had apparent Km values of 93 microM (cAMP) and 60 microM (cGMP). The enzyme displayed positive cooperativity with respect to the hydrolysis of cAMP (nH = 1.7). Low concentrations of cGMP (0.1-1 microM) reduced cooperativity (nH = 1.1) and increased the hydrolysis of 1 microM cAMP. The third peak of activity from the anion exchange column eluted at 0.6 M sodium acetate and displayed anomalous kinetics that suggested the presence of two isozymes. This was supported by the observation that enzyme activity was only partially inhibited by SK&F 94120 or Ro 20-1724 but was abolished by the combination of the two PDE inhibitors. Subsequent studies confirmed the existence of two isozymes. The first, PDE III, had apparent Km values of 0.3 microM (cAMP) and 8 microM (cGMP) and was inhibited by cGMP (IC50 = 0.1 microM), SK&F 94120 (Ki = 7.8 microM), and SK&F 94836 (Ki = 0.4 microM). The second, PDE IV, had apparent Km values of 4 microM (cAMP) and 40 microM (cGMP) and was inhibited by Ro 20-1724 (Ki = 5.2 microM) and rolipram (Ki = 0.5 microM) but not by cGMP. Assessment of the 100,000 x g soluble and particulate PDE activity revealed that all five isozymes were present in the soluble fraction, but only four isozymes (PDEs Ia, Ic, III, and IV) were present in the particulate fraction. These results indicate that five distinct PDE isozyme exist in canine trachealis and that these isozymes differ in their kinetic characteristics, sensitivity to activators and inhibitors, and subcellular distribution.  相似文献   

The relationship between cyclic AMP levels and mechanical activity after exposure to isoprenaline was studied in tracheal smooth muscle. It was found that the basal cyclic AMP content decreased with age. The relaxing effects of isoprenaline, theophylline and papaverine were tested on muscles contracted by histamine, acetylcholine or carbacholine. Isoprenaline completely relaxed histamine contracted tracheas, but not those contracted by acetylcholine or carbacholine. Theophylline and papaverine completely relaxed the tracheas irrespective of whether the contracting agent was histamine, acetylcholine or carbacholine. Isoprenaline increased the cyclic AMP content of bovine trachea; this effect was stronger in muscles with spontaneous tension than in histamine contracted muscles. In muscles contracted by carbachol, isoprenaline increased the cyclic AMP level after 5 min. The correlations between the changes in the cyclic AMP levels and the tension in tracheal smooth muscle support the hypothesis that this nucleotide plays a role in the relaxation process.  相似文献   

1. The effects of various metabotropic glutamate receptor agonists on [3H]-cyclic AMP accumulation and phosphoinositide hydrolysis were investigated in guinea-pig cerebral cortical slices prelabelled with [3H]-adenine or [3H]-inositol. 2. 1-Aminocyclopentane-1S,3R-dicarboxylate (1S,3R-ACPD), L-2-amino-4-phosphonobutanoate (L-AP4) and (2S,3S,4S)-alpha-(carboxycyclopropyl)glycine (L-CCG-I), elicited concentration-dependent inhibitions of forskolin-stimulated [3H]-cyclic AMP accumulation, with IC50 values of 2.1 +/- 0.3, 71 +/- 17 and 0.2 +/- 0.1 microM respectively. 3. 1S,3R-ACPD and L-CCG-I increased the cyclic AMP responses to histamine H2 receptor stimulation with EC50 values of 7 +/- 2 microM and 19 +/- 2 microM respectively. 1S,3R-ACPD (EC50 values 17 +/- 2 microM) and L-CCG-I (EC50 value 15 +/- 3 microM) potentiated the cyclic AMP responses to the adenosine receptor agonist 5'-N-ethylcarboxamidoadenosine (NECA, 10 microM). This potentiating effect of L-CCG-I was reduced in the presence of a protein kinase C inhibitor, and also in the absence of extracellular calcium. In contrast, L-AP4 inhibited the NECA response in a concentration-dependent manner, with an IC50 value of 120 +/- 20 microM. 4. L-AP4 (at concentrations up to 1 mM) failed to stimulate phosphoinositide hydrolysis in guinea-pig cerebral cortical slices, but both 1S,3R-ACPD (EC50 value 35 +/- 6 microM) and L-CCG-I (approximately 160 microM) elicited concentration-dependent stimulations of phosphoinositide turnover. 5. These results confirm the existence of at least two distinct subtypes of metabotropic receptor in guinea-pig cortex.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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