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Abstract:  The aim of this study was to assess baseline knowledge of skin cancer, sun protection practices, and perceptions of tanning among third through fifth grade elementary students in Florida. A total of 4,002 students in nineteen elementary schools in Palm Beach County, Florida were surveyed. SunSmart America ™ curriculum pretest responses were the main outcome measures. Overall students' knowledge using a students' mean knowledge scale scores of skin cancer and sun protection were low (<40% of questions answered correctly) and was found to increase with increasing grade level (p < 0.01). Boys more frequently reported spending greater than 2 hours in the sun when compared with girls (p < 0.01). Girls, however, were more likely to try and get a tan most of the time or always when compared with boys (p = 0.02). Non-Hispanic White students (51.3%) more frequently reported use of SPF 15 or greater sunscreen most of the time or always compared with Hispanic (35.3%) and non-Hispanic Black (13.4%) students (p < 0.01). Elementary aged students in south Florida have limited knowledge about sun safety, despite spending considerable amount of time in the sun. Sun safe behavior is associated with gender and ethnicity. The findings provide empirical support for the need of a school-based educational intervention.  相似文献   

学校预防艾滋病教育对高中生知识态度及性行为的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨学校预防艾滋病教育对高中生预防艾滋病知识态度及性行为的影响。方法:于2004年6月对河北省2所普通中学高2年级529名在校学生进行自填式、不记名问卷调查。结果:有28·7%的学生报告在学校被教过有关艾滋病或艾滋病病毒方面的知识。与没有被教过的学生比较,被教过的学生预防艾滋病基本知识得分明显高;回答愿意与感染艾滋病病毒的同学在同一个教室上课的比例明显高。有关婚前性交行为的发生率,两组比较,差别没有显著性。总的看来,相当部分的被调查高中生仍缺少基本的预防艾滋病知识和对艾滋病病毒感染者不歧视的态度。结论与建议:本研究显示,学校预防艾滋病教育可提高学生预防艾滋病知识水平,促进对艾滋病病毒感染者不歧视态度的形成,并没有导致学生性交行为的增加。应迅速普及学校预防艾滋病教育。  相似文献   

Abstract:  This study presents nationally representative trends (1998–2004) and patterns in skin cancer risk behaviors, including sunburns, sun protection, and indoor tanning behaviors, and attitudes regarding ultraviolet radiation exposure among parents of U.S. adolescents. Data were from the American Cancer Society Sun Surveys I and II, telephone-based random digit dialed cross-sectional surveys of U.S. adolescents and their parents conducted in the summers of 1998 and 2004. Between 1998 and 2004, use of sunscreen, wide-brimmed hats and composite use of three to five behaviors increased significantly; concurrently, indoor tanning use increased significantly and sunburn prevalence changed a little. In 2004, 47% reported summer sunburns and more than half of those received painful sunburns. Parents continued to report low compliance with recommended behaviors; sunscreen use was most frequently reported, but many followed inappropriate application practices. About 13% practiced indoor tanning in the past year. Parents reported high levels of positive attitudes toward sun protection benefit, but at the same time, significant proportions reported positive tan appeal and outdoor sun exposure attitudes. The low rates and mixed progress in safe ultraviolet radiation exposure behaviors demand more attention for primary skin cancer prevention among parents of adolescents that focuses on changing beliefs about tanning appeal and promotes comprehensive ultraviolet radiation exposure protection.  相似文献   

目的了解军校学员防晒认知和防晒用品的使用情况。方法运用自制调查表对1871例大一军校学员进行问卷调查。运用频率/频数描述、卡方检验和Logistic回归分析处理数据。结果 78.8%(1183/1501)的学员对紫外线基本知识不了解,9.4%(141/1501)的学员清楚平时防晒应该是对UV-A和UV-B均防,81.7%(1226/1501)的学员对防护等级(PA)和防光系数(SPF)的的含义不清楚;13.6%(204/1501)的学员能够积极的采取防晒措施;32.7%(490/1501)的学员曾采取过防晒措施,仅有50例学员做过专业性皮肤检查。防晒态度与是否采取防晒措施、是否使用过防晒霜(乳液)均有关(P<0.001;P=0.004)。调查问卷后有62.9%(914/1452)的学员会主动了解关于防晒方面的知识。结论军校学员中防晒知识水平较低,缺乏防护措施,对他们应该加强防晒宣传教育。进行问卷调查对学员是一个较好的干预措施。  相似文献   

目的 了解云南玉溪流行地区村民对麻风知识知晓情况,对麻风的行为及态度.方法 从麻风流行较重的县(区)以抽签法随机抽取麻风疫村及非疫村各3个,对抽取的调查点以随机入户法抽取18岁以上的大众人群各100人为调查对象,采用问卷调查方式,包括调查对象对麻风的认知、行为及态度.结果 村民对麻风的病因、传染性、症状和治疗等知晓率偏低,相当比例的村民对麻风病人存在恐惧与歧视.结论 麻风流行地区村民对麻风防治知识普遍欠缺,对麻风患者仍存在偏见,今后需加强对大众的麻风健康教育.  相似文献   

目的探讨本草防晒霜对日光照射引起的小鼠皮肤中的超氧化物岐化酶(SOD)活力和丙二醛(MDA)含量变化及皮肤组织形态的影响。方法采用7-8月自然光线照射制作小鼠光损伤模型同时涂以防晒霜,分别采用总SOD试剂盒(T-SOD)和MDA试剂盒测试本草防晒霜对小鼠皮肤中SOD和MDA的影响及小鼠皮肤组织的变化。结果与模型组比较,中药各组小鼠皮肤组织中SOD活性逐渐上升,中、高浓度组与模型组差异有统计学意义(P0.05,P0.01);而各组小鼠皮肤组织中MDA含量逐渐下降,且与模型组差异都有统计学意义(均P0.01);中药低、中、高浓度组及对照组与模型组相比小鼠皮肤组织老化、炎症及色素沉着均有减轻,其中以中药高浓度组最为明显。结论本草防晒霜对日光所致小鼠剃毛背部皮肤有防晒作用,高浓度组防晒效果优于SPF20(PA++)丁家宜美白防晒,防晒指数高于SPF20(PA++)。  相似文献   

The level of knowledge and awareness of skin cancer risks in parents of young children is largely unknown. The Erlangen Kindergarten study, which enrolled 3,129 parents of 3‐ to 6‐year‐old children in southern Germany, addressed this. The population‐based survey found an overall high level of knowledge about skin cancer risks and strong support for the necessity of sun protection but identified two areas (role of intermittent sun exposure, sun protection on cloudy summer days) offering a target for improvement in future public health campaigns.  相似文献   

目的 了解低流行状态下深圳市基层医务人员和居民麻风病知识水平。方法 采用自行设计的麻风病知识调查问卷进行调查。结果  76.3 4%的基层医务人员不知道如何治疗麻风病人 ;68.75 %的居民认为麻风病传染性极大 ,5 6.2 5 %的居民认为与麻风病人一起工作学习十分可怕。结论 基层医务人员对于麻风病知识的掌握并不全面 ,在居民中还存在对麻风病人的严重歧视现象 ;需要进一步对基层医务人员和居民进行麻风病专业知识培训及广泛的宣传教育。  相似文献   

目的了解贵州西部高原地区民众紫外线致病知识的知晓情况、防晒意识和防晒方式,为该地区开展紫外线相关的皮肤病健康教育和制定预防光损性皮肤病措施提供科学依据。方法 2010年8月-2011年5月对贵州西部高原地区3363例光曝露人群和1915例普通民众采用分层整群抽样法进行问卷调查,并对调查结果进行统计学分析。结果农民和驾驶员的平均日晒时间高于其他人群,81.58%的被调查者不能正确回答问卷中的问题,92.61%不知道部分肿瘤发生与紫外线相关,89.18%不知道皮肤老化与过度日晒有关,女性的防晒知识了解较男性多,40.43%日常生活中无任何防晒措施,49.80%认为紫外线所致皮肤损伤不属于疾病范畴。结论贵州西部高原地区民众对紫外线致病知识知晓率低、防晒意识薄弱、防晒方式单一,对该地区民众进行紫外线相关的健康教育、建立皮肤肿瘤和光损伤性皮肤病的初级预防机制具有重要意义。  相似文献   

西安市高中生日光紫外线暴露和防护的知识和行为评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的评价西安市高中学生日光紫外线辐射的认知水平和防护行为,阐明影响紫外线辐射安全教育的因素。方法西安市4所高中的607名在校学生,完成19个题目构成的问卷调查,问卷涉及调查对象对紫外线辐射不良作用的认识程度和采取的防护行为。运用频率描述和卡方检验处理数据。结果 77.27%(469例)和70.51%(428例)的被调查者知道紫外线辐射可以引起皮肤损伤和皮肤癌,53.71%(326例)的被调查者采取防护措施,仅有7.25%(44例)的被调查者紫外线辐射安全知识是从学校教育获得。结论高中生的紫外线辐射知识水平有限,防护行为不足,应该强调紫外线知识的学校教育。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND:: To assess factors associated with having a Trichomonas vaginalis (TV) infection among persons receiving care for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and estimate the number of transmitted HIV infections attributable to TV. METHODS:: HIV clinic patients were recruited from 2 secondary prevention studies, screened by urine nucleic-acid amplification tests for sexually transmitted infections, and interviewed about risk factors (baseline, 6, and 12 months). We conducted mathematical modeling of the results to estimate the number of transmitted HIV infections attributable to TV among a cohort of HIV-infected patients receiving medical care in North Carolina. RESULTS:: TV was prevalent in 7.4%, and incident in 2% to 3% of subjects at follow-up. Individuals with HIV RNA <400 copies/mL (odds ratio, 0.32; 95% CI: 0.14-0.73) and at least 13 years of education (odds ratio, 0.24; 95% CI: 0.08-0.70) were less likely to have TV. Mathematical modeling predicted that 0.062 HIV transmission events occur per 100 HIV-infected women in the absence of TV infection and 0.076 HIV infections per 100 HIV- and TV-infected women (estimate range: 0.070-0.079), indicating that 23% of the HIV transmission events from HIV-infected women may be attributable to TV infection when 22% of women are coinfected with TV. CONCLUSIONS:: The data suggest the need for improved diagnosis of TV infection and suggest that HIV-infected women in medical care may be appropriate targets for enhanced testing and treatment.  相似文献   

目的:了解皮肤性病门诊患者对性病/艾滋病的了解以及预防知识的认知情况,探讨如何在人群中进行性病/艾滋病知识的宣传及干预方式。方法:对皮肤性病患者按就诊科室分为2组,在同一时间可随机调查人群的认知情况进行问卷调查,并给予适当的性病预防知识宣传及干预,再对同一人群进行问卷调查。结果:人群对性病有一定的认识,尤其是宣传较多的艾滋病及经典性病如梅毒、淋病等,但对性病的预防及传播知识了解不够。结论:加强社会宣传,提高人们对性病预防知识及意识的提高,通过行为干预是预防性病传播的重要途径。  相似文献   


Purpose of Review

The purpose of this review was to explore current research on the impact of migration on issues related to female genital cutting and sexuality.

Recent Findings

There is growing evidence that migration results in a broad opposition to female genital cutting among concerned migrant groups in western countries. In addition, after migration, affected women live in the midst of a dominant discourse categorizing them as “mutilated” and sexually disfigured. There is also, in contrast to what is shown by most research, a public discourse saying that female genital cutting (FGC) leads to lost capacity to enjoy sex. Concurrently, a vast body of research demonstrates a strong correlation between a negative body image or body shame and sexual dysfunction.


Care for women with FGC needs to be holistic and, while offering medical care when needed, the health care providers should avoid feeding into self-depreciatory body images and notions about lost ability to enjoy sexual life.

OBJECTIVE: To examine general practitioners' (GPs') attitudes towards taking a sexual history. METHODS: Questions on sexual history taking were included in a random survey on the STD knowledge, attitudes, and practices of 600 GPs practising in Victoria, Australia. RESULTS: Most GPs commonly asked patients about safe sex (79%), number of sex partners (63%), and injecting drug use (60%) while fewer asked about recent overseas travel (50%) and sex with sex workers (31%). GPs who performed sexual health consultations daily or weekly identified barriers to sexual history taking to be of less concern than those who performed such consultations infrequently. Most GPs (92%) would take a sexual history from a man presenting as the sexual contact of an infected partner, but less than a third would do so for a patient routinely requesting the contraceptive pill (28%), a Papanicolaou (Pap) smear (30%), or advice about immunisation before overseas travel (30%). Female GPs were significantly more likely than male GPs to take a sexual history in those clinical situations involving a female patient and also to perceive these patients as experiencing less embarrassment. CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights both the lack of opportunistic sexual history taking and the main barriers to sexual history taking in general practice in Victoria, Australia. The importance of educating both patients and GPs about sexual history taking are discussed.  相似文献   

Background: Exposure to UVR provides benefits related to vitamin D synthesis, but also causes harms, since UVB is considered a complete carcinogen. There is no definition of the level of sun exposure and the proportion of exposed body required for proper synthesis of vitamin D in the skin without causing it damage.Objectives: This study aims to analyze the sun exposure index, vitamin D levels and clinical changes in the skin caused by constant sun exposure in the fishermen population.Methods: It is a cross-sectional, observational and analytical study The sample consisted of fishermen and was calculated in 174 individuals. The questionnaire was applied, the dermatological examination was carried out and the examinations of calcidiol, parathyroid hormone, calcium and phosphorus were requested. Data were expressed as percentages. The comparative analysis was done through the Chi-square test, and the correlations were established through the Pearson's linear coefficient.Results: We observed that there was vitamin D deficiency in a small part of the cases (11.46%), and the frequency of diagnosis of skin cancer was 2.7% of the cases surveyed.Study limitations: The difficulty in categorizing the sun exposure index.Conclusion: The fact that fishermen expose themselves to the sun chronically and have been exposed to the sun for more than 15 years, between 21 and 28 hours a week, and without photoprotection, were indicative factors for protection against vitamin D deficiency. Chronic exposure to sun and high vitamin levels D may be indicative of protection of this population against skin cancer.  相似文献   

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