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医院药品管理的特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1医院药品管理的概念及其主要内容 由物资管理的一般性原理可知,医院药品管理是指医院对医院购入、自制药品的整个药品物流管理的总称,包括药品采购、院内运输、收货、药品质量控制、院内药品仓储、院内药品搬运、药品配发、药品使用等各环节的管理。  相似文献   

目的提高医院药品管理水平,探讨医院药品采购新模式。方法提出"药品智能化供应链"的全新模式,完善药品供应链体系,着重解决药品零库存问题。结果通过药品"用后结算"实现药品财务上的零库存。科学运用药品"智能化供应链",实现药品采购的合理化、药品管理的科学化、药品运送的有序化,药品配发的自动化。结论 "医院药品智能化供应链"作为医院药品管理的新模式在保障药品供应的同时,大幅度降低医院药品的资金成本、人力成本和物流成本。是一条药品采购的优化之路。  相似文献   

我区卫生厅为贯彻执行《药品管理法》,加强药品监督检验工作,确保药品质量,防止药品生产企业的不合格药品出厂和药品经营企业、医疗单位销售、使用伪劣药品,切实把好药品在产、供、用各环节上的质量关,保障人民用药安全有效,制定了“关于加强药品监督检验工作的暂行规定”.(一)药品生产、经营、使用单位向国家药品监督检验机构实行药品定期报验制度.1.药品生产企业、药品经营企业(包括个体药店)和医疗单位(包括个体诊所),对本单位存放的外观检查质量可疑的药品和生产后存放满五年以上的药品(不包括有保存期、有效期规定的药品和中药材)必须向药品检验所报验.  相似文献   

药品分类存在的问题与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨曾让 《中国药事》2003,17(12):734-735
药品分类是药品监督管理不可缺少的基础条件。药品分类标准、分类名称及各类别所包含的范围不统一 ,必然带来管理的混乱。笔者试对药品分类现状作分析 ,以便形成统一、科学、合理的分类方法。1 药品分类的现状1 1 《药品管理法》对药品的分类《药品管理法》是统一药品分类的根本依据。按《药品管理法》关于“药品”的含义 :药品被分为中药材、中药饮片、中成药、化学原料药及其制剂、抗生素、生化药品、放射性药品、血清、疫苗、血液制品、诊断药品等类别。在《药品管理法》中还使用了其它的分类名词 ,如 :现代药、传统药、新药、中药、地…  相似文献   

寿张轩  金雪 《中国药房》2007,18(5):389-391
目的研究药品英文商品名中包含的信息。方法从常用药品中遴选出97个英文商品名进行分析,找出其中蕴含的药品信息,并加以综合与归纳。结果与结论药品英文商品名中包含活性成分、活性成分的药理作用、活性成分的性质及类别、药品生产商、药品用途、药品给药途径、药品作用部位、药品药剂特性等方面的信息;部分药品英文商品名中包含与药品特性有关的信息。  相似文献   

为深入贯彻中央西部大开发的战略决策,积极落实国家食品药品安全"十一五"规划,全面提升国家食品药品监督技术支撑的整体能力,保障人民群众用药安全有效,由中国药品生物制品检定所联合北京市药品检验所、上海市药品检验所、天津市药品检验所、山东省药品检验所、江苏省药品检验所、广东省药品检验所、浙江省药品检验所、黑龙江省药品检验所、辽宁省药品检验所、广州市药品检验所共同承  相似文献   

为规制药品捐赠行为,通过分析当前药品捐赠立法现状及实践中存在的问题,提出药品捐赠立法建议:应明确药品捐赠主体、合理使用捐赠药品、保证药品质量、确立过剩或近效期药品处理方式、明确药品捐赠的法律责任。  相似文献   

药品基本信息标准化研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
目的 :实现药品基本信息标准化。方法 :收集、整理药品基本信息。药品基本信息包括药品的分类、药品的商品名称、药品中英文通用名称、药品剂型、规格、装量和包装以及由此形成的药品编码。结果 :建立了包括65000余条药品基本信息的标准化数据库。结论 :本研究成果是药品信息处理和信息交换的基础 ,对药品信息共享具有重要作用。  相似文献   

目的探讨某三甲医院药品库存周转率、药品短缺率、药资回收毛利率的关系,旨在加快资金周转,提高药品经营绩效。方法将某三甲医院一级库与二级库的药品月消耗量、药品月平均库存量、药房药品请领计划数、药品短缺数等数据输入Excel 2003,计算药品周转率、药品短缺率、药资回收毛利率等。结果一级库2009-2012年药品库存周转率分别是254.3%、386.1%、282.1%、289.7%。2012年一级库每月的药品周转率与药品短缺率不相关;二级库药品周转率最低的为222.1%,最高的为375.5%,因此,衡量药品获利能力的药资回收毛利率相差较大。结论各库存单位的药品库存周转率虽然符合2012年卫生部《国家级优质评审标准》,但是药品库存管理依然以传统经验为主,缺乏规范统一的药品库存管理方法。用科学的库存管理方法合理控制药品库存,从而提高药品周转率,不会导致药品短缺率的增加,但是可提高药品经营绩效。  相似文献   

药品标准是药品质量规格和检验方法的技术规定,是药品生产、经营、使用、检验、管理等单位共同遵守的法定依据。制定和颁发药品标准是加强药品监督管理,保证人民用药安全有效、促进药品发展的一项重要措施。《药品管理法》规定:“药品必须符合国家药品标准或省、自治区、直辖市药品标准”。因此,同一种药品,不仅国家药品标准与地方药品标准记载应相同,地方药品标准之间也应一致。 工作中我们经常遇到,同一药品按某省药品标准检验不符合规定,按另一省药品标准检验则符合规定。如我们抽查某厂生产的穿心莲注射液,按照河南省药品标准鉴别呈负反应,按照广东省药品标准鉴别则呈正反应,孰是孰非,很难判断。我们还发现某药在不同省市药品标准上不仅剂量、外观性状、理化鉴别、用法用量等项记载各不相同,而且pH值、相对密度等项目的要求也不一致,少数药品相差甚  相似文献   

蒋波 《中国药业》2004,13(4):5-6
上海是中国现代医药工商业的发祥地.上海医药集团则拥有当今中国医药业最完整的产业链基础和完善的分销零售体系,仅以2001年的业绩来看,其工业产值占全国医药工业总产值的7.5%,销售收入达135.75亿元,占全国医药行业销售总额的8%,产品出口额列全国医药生产企业之首.但是,作为国内同行中堪称规模最大的企业,上海医药集团却又有点"盛名之下,其实难符".自1996年由原来的上海市医药管理局转制过来后,上药集团尽管在名义上是一个企业集团,却依然承担着大量的政府行政职能,在经营思想和管理行为上也还保留了不少计划经济时代的弊端和痕迹,特别是由于缺乏总体上的战略整合,集团所属企业也基本上是自成一体、单兵作战,整个上药集团虽有可观的规模,却又难以形成合力.  相似文献   

Roflumilast is a specific PDE4 inhibitor being developed by Altana Pharma (formerly known as Byk Gulden) for the potential treatment of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [312928].  相似文献   

Schwarz Pharma AG, under license from Aderis Pharmaceuticals Inc, is developing rotigotine CDS, a once-daily transdermal patch formulation of rotigotine, which is a naphthol-derived selective D(2) dopamine agonist, for the potential treatment of Parkinson's disease and restless legs syndrome.  相似文献   

Hoechst Marion Roussel (HMR; now Aventis Pharma) launched leflunomide (HWA-486), an immunomodulator and a disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (DMARD), for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in the US in late 1998 [310118]. By August 2000, the compound had been launched extensively across all of Latin America and in all major European countries [380046]. The compound is also under preclinical investigationfor the prevention of transplant rejection [279727], [304402]. In 1998, HMR filed for approvalfor RA in Europe [279727]. In September 1998, the FDA approved leflunomide for the treatment of active RA in adults and it was launched shortly thereafter [298204], [299258], [310118]. In September 1999, the EU Commission accepted the view of the Committee for Proprietary Medicinal Products, published in May 1999 [326040], [337534], and gave approval for the use of leflunomide in RA in adults [339128]. Lehman Brothers has reported that EU launch was delayed by rare side effects including pancytopenia [354434]. In August 1998, the Arthritis Advisory Committee unanimously recommended that leflunomide be contraindicatedfor pregnancy, and that a pregnancy registry should be established to monitor possible teratogenic effects of the drug [296187]. Kyorin had a licence to develop leflunomide in Japan. Product approval was scheduled for 1998 [159079], but no development has been reported since 1994. Preclinical studies in an animal model of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) have shown leflunomide to be a powerful immunosuppressant which may have potential in diseases such as multiple sclerosis [187881]. Leflunomide is rapidly processed in vivo to its active metabolite, A-771726 (RS-61980) [202941], [253615]. In 1996, leflunomide was designated as one of HMR's nine top-priority products, serving an unmet medical need and addressing a potential market in excess of US $500 million per year [221118].  相似文献   

The ketolide telithromycin (HMR-3647; Ketek), a derivative of clarithromycin, has been launched by Aventis Pharma (formerly Hoechst Marion Roussel) for the treatment of respiratory tract infections with gram-positive or gram-negative cocci, Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Moraxella catarrhalis, intracellular pathogens, atypical microorganisms, toxoplasma or anaerobic bacteria. By May 2001, filings in the US and EU had been completed and a filing in Japan was expected to take place in the fourth quarter of 2001. In July 2001, telithromycin was granted marketing authorization by the EC for the treatment of community-acquired respiratory tract infections, including those caused by bacteria resistant to commonly used antibiotics. In October 2001, the product was launched in Germany. In March 2000, telithromycin was submitted to the US FDA and the EMEA, under the EU centralized approval procedure, for approval for the treatment of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), acute sinusitis, acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis and tonsillitis/pharyngitis. The company had expected to launch the product in early 2001. The CPMP issued a positive opinion for all four indications on April 23 2001. In September 2001, the company indicated that it expected the product to be launched in Japan in 2002. The FDA's Anti-infectives Advisory Committee was due to review telithromycin for all the submitted indications on January 29 2001; however, this was postponed. This postponement was thought to be at Aventis' request in order to discuss the potential for a resistant pneumococcal infection labeling which would boost product sales. The revised date for the meeting was April 26 2001, at which the Anti-Infective Drugs Advisory Committee of the FDA recommended approval of telithromycin for the treatment of CAP in patients 18 years of age or older. The committee failed to recommend approval for the use of the drug for the remaining three indications for which it was filed, citing concerns over potential cardiovascular risk and liver toxicity; at this time, the company was in active discussions with the FDA regarding approval of the remaining three indications. An approvable letter for CAP, acute bacterial exacerbations of chronic bronchitis and acute bacterial sinusitis was received by the company in June 2001; Aventis also received a non-approvable letter for the treatment of tonsillitis/pharyngitis at this time. In April 1999, ABN Amro predicted annual sales of DM 50 million in 2001, rising to DM 100 million in 2002. In February 1999, Lehman Brothers estimated a 70% probability that this ketolide would come to market. The analysts also estimated a launch date of 2001, with peak sales of US $700 million in 2009. Analysts Merrill Lynch predicted in September 200, that the product would be launched by 2001, with sales of euro 50 million in that year, rising to euro 284 million in 2004. Deutsche Bank predicted in August 2001, that sales of the product would reach euro 5 million in 2001, rising to euro 300 million in 2005. Analysts at Merrill Lynch predicted in November 2001, that the product would be resubmitted in the US in mid-2002, and would make sales of US $5 million in 2001, rising to US $250 million in 2004.  相似文献   

Globally ranked fourth by volume and 13th in value, the Indian pharma industry is a leading producer of high-quality, low-cost generic drugs. Its 14% share of the USD 57 billion world generic market is expected to increase to 50% by 2010. With the advantages of cost competitiveness, ability and experience in reverse engineering, availability of skilled scientific and engineering personnel and the capability to produce raw materials for a wide range of drugs from the basic stage, the industry delivers the entire range of therapeutic products. McKinsey & Co. predict that India's pharmaceutical market could reach a size of USD 20 billion by 2015, becoming one of the top 10 drug markets in the world. Generic versions of the cardiovascular drug carvedilol, ANDA-approved allopurinol, verapamil SR and the anticancer drug paclitaxel are some of the recent products introduced by Indian companies, with Caraco, Ranbaxy, Dabur, Dr. Reddy's, Nicholas Piramal India, leading the list. Setting up of integrated drug development companies and aggressive entries into the Japanese drug market have provided further impetus to the country's pharma manufacturing arena.  相似文献   

MGI Pharma is developing irofulven, a semi-synthetic compound derived from illudin S, a toxin from the Omphalotus illudens mushroom, for the potential treatment of refractory and relapsed tumors, including ovarian, prostate, hepatocellular, breast, lung and colon cancers. Phase II trials of the compound as a monotherapy or in combination therapies are ongoing for a number of these indications.  相似文献   

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