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目的:了解初三学生在过去一年间受校园欺凌状况,分析受欺凌经历和不同受欺凌类型对学生身心健康的影响。方法:2016年中国教育追踪调查采用PPS和整群抽样,调查对象为在校初三学生,共8 600名。采用问卷调查收集调查对象基本情况,比较学生过去一年遭受肢体欺凌、言语欺凌、社交欺凌和网络欺凌的情况,基于多因素OLS回归模型和多因素有序logistic回归模型,分别探究校园欺凌对心理健康和生理健康的影响。结果:过去一年遭受过言语欺凌的学生比例为49.29%,社交欺凌为37.69%,肢体欺凌为18.41%,网络欺凌为14.08%。心理健康多因素OLS回归分析结果表明,遭受校园欺凌是学生心理健康的危险因素,其中社交欺凌的危害最大,其次是言语欺凌。生理健康多因素有序logistic回归结果表明,受欺凌学生的患病风险高于未受欺凌学生,言语欺凌是生理健康的重要危险因素。结论:当前校园欺凌形式上以言语欺凌为主,网络欺凌成为校园欺凌新形式。遭受校园欺凌对学生的身心健康均有负面影响,社交欺凌是心理健康的主要危险因素,言语欺凌对学生的生理健康危害更大。  相似文献   

目的 了解新疆生产建设兵团某师中小学生遭受不同类型校园欺凌现状及影响因素,为防控校园欺凌提供科学依据。方法 于2020年8—10月,采用分层整群随机抽样法从新疆生产建设兵团某师随机选取7所城区和5所农村学校共3 010名中小学生进行校园欺凌及相关因素问卷调查,采用SPSS 20.0软件通过χ2检验、logistic回归对资料进行分析。结果 新疆生产建设兵团某师中小学生遭受欺凌报告率为19.0%;欺凌报告率从高到低依次为言语欺凌(17.8%)、情感忽视(5.1%)和躯体欺凌(3.9%)。男生、非住校生、睡眠时间>8 h者、有曾被家长打骂过者、小学生、打架≥2次者遭受欺凌和3种不同类型的欺凌报告率均较高(均P <0.05)。影响因素分析显示,男生、曾被家长打骂是遭受欺凌(OR男生=1.253,OR曾被家长打骂=2.096)、言语欺凌(OR男生=1.339,OR曾被家长打骂=2.209)和躯体欺凌(OR男生=1.964,OR曾被家长打骂  相似文献   

目的 调查大连市中学生校园欺凌行为的特点,分析校园欺凌行为的家庭影响因素并发现重点人群,提出有效干预措施。方法 2020年10-11月,采用多阶段分层整群抽样的方法,抽取大连市1 423名中学生,调查过去12个月校园欺凌的发生情况,调查内容包括基本信息及学生健康行为调查表(包括躯体欺凌、言语欺凌、关系欺凌、网络欺凌)。采用AMOS 22.0建立结构方程模型,对校园欺凌相关影响因素的作用途径和作用效应进行分析。结果 大连市中学生遭受校园欺凌报告率为10.8%(154/1 423)。非独生子女中学生遭受躯体欺凌的发生率(4.3%)高于独生子女中学生(2.4%),差异有统计学意义(P=0.047);在家庭中经常受到责罚的中学生遭受躯体欺凌、言语欺凌、关系欺凌率高于从不、偶尔受到责罚的中学生(χ2=42.906,P<0.001);学习成绩在班级前茅的学生遭受躯体欺凌、言语欺凌、关系欺凌率均低于在班级中占中上、中等、中下、后面的学生(χ2=50.537,P<0.001)。结构方程模型结果显示,母亲文化程度(P=0.049)、父亲文化程度(P...  相似文献   

  目的  探讨新冠肺炎疫情暴发期间急性应激反应与疫情常态化管理时期中学生同伴欺凌行为的关系, 为制定减少同伴欺凌行为的相关措施提供依据。  方法  2020年12月采用整群抽样方法选取安徽省皖南(宣城市)和皖北(淮北市)2所普通初级中学2 219名学生, 调查遭受欺凌和欺凌他人中言语欺凌、关系欺凌、躯体欺凌和网络欺凌行为发生情况, 并自我回顾性评价新冠肺炎疫情暴发(社交隔离)期间急性应激反应状况。采用多因素Logistic回归模型, 探讨中学生新冠肺炎疫情暴发期间不同水平急性应激反应与同伴欺凌行为的关联。  结果  新冠肺炎疫情常态化管理时期中学生同伴欺凌行为报告率为65.8%, 遭受他人欺凌和欺凌他人的报告率分别为63.8%和27.1%;遭受他人言语欺凌报告率最高(54.8%), 对他人网络欺凌报告率最低(4.6%)。疫情期间中学生急性应激反应得分为(6.50±1.67)分。除躯体欺凌他人外, 其他类型欺凌他人与遭受他人欺凌行为报告率在高水平应激反应组均最高, 差异均有统计学意义(P值均 < 0.05)。多因素Logistic回归模型显示, 调整相关混杂因素后, 高水平急性应激反应与中学生遭受言语欺凌(OR=1.38)、关系欺凌(OR=2.28)、躯体欺凌(OR=1.87)和网络欺凌(OR=2.30)风险增加相关, 高水平急性应激反应组中学生言语(OR=1.80)、关系(OR=1.99)、躯体(OR=1.76)和网络(OR=2.32)欺凌他人的风险均高于低水平急性应激反应组(P值均 < 0.05)。  结论  中学生高水平急性应激反应与不同类型同伴欺凌行为之间均存在关联, 且与网络欺凌的关联性较强。  相似文献   

  目的  了解中低收入国家青少年遭受校园欺凌的发生率及其与青少年学生心理健康的关系,为青少年校园欺凌防控与心理健康干预提供参考。  方法  数据来源于19个中低收入国家2009—2015年全球校园健康调查,共22 963名13~17岁中学生。采用二元Logistic回归分析遭受校园欺凌的影响因素,多元线性回归分析遭受校园欺凌与心理健康的关系。  结果  学生心理健康平均得分为(5.75±2.09)分,有35.1%的学生报告曾遭受校园欺凌,低收入和中等收入国家学生遭受过校园欺凌的比例分别为39.4%,34.3%。低年级、超重、家庭经济状况差、家庭学习和心理支持低、感知家庭关系较差、逃学多、同学关系差的学生更容易遭受校园欺凌(P值均 < 0.05),遭受校园欺凌与女生的不利心理健康状态呈正相关(B=1.27,P < 0.01)。  结论  遭受校园欺凌在低收入国家更为普遍,且对女性心理健康的负面影响更大。需要对低收入国家和女性青少年学生群体中的校园欺凌问题给予更多地关注,采取具有成本效益的干预措施,以减少或减轻欺凌的后果。  相似文献   

了解北京市中小学生传统欺凌和网络欺凌的流行现状,为研究干预措施提供依据.方法 2017年9-10月,采用多阶段整群随机抽样的方法,抽取北京市16个区12 417名小学五年级至高三年级学生进行欺凌现况问卷调查.结果 过去6个月内,北京市中小学生传统欺凌他人、遭受欺凌的报告率分别为2.6%和10.6%,网络欺凌他人、遭受欺凌的报告率分别为1.0%和2.8%.无论传统欺凌还是网络欺凌,男生报告率均高于女生(P值均<0.05).传统欺凌他人和网络欺凌他人的报告率均随着年级的增长逐渐增高,遭受传统欺凌的报告率在初中阶段最高,遭受网络欺凌的报告率在初中和高中阶段均较高.学习成绩较差的学生更容易参与传统欺凌和网络欺凌(P值均<0.05).母亲的文化程度越高,参与传统欺凌他人的报告率越高(P=0.03).中小学生遭受本校人员传统欺凌的比例(71.0%)高于网络欺凌(59.3%)(x2=15.25,P相似文献   

了解上海市金山区青少年校园欺凌受害经历与心理行为问题的现状及关系,为制定针对性的干预措施提供参考.方法 采用分层整群抽样方法,于2016年3-4月抽取上海市金山区1所小学、3所初中、1所高中共3 777名学生进行调查,收集的数据采用SPSS 23.0进行χ2检验及多因素Logistic回归分析.结果 有42.6%的青少年报告过去30 d内有过校园欺凌受害经历;不同学段青少年校园欺凌受害经历呈现不同特点,小学生易遭受躯体欺凌,高中生易遭受言语欺凌及情感欺凌;偶尔或经常遭遇欺凌经历是各种心理行为问题的危险因素,包括有时或经常感到孤独(OR=3.71,95%CI=3.14~4.39)、有时或经常失眠(OR=2.46,95%CI=2.06~2.93)、自残行为(OR=2.61,95%CI=2.14~3.19)、离家出走(意念/计划/行动)(OR=3.10,95%CI=2.63~3.65)以及自杀(意念/计划/行动)(OR=3.19,95%CI=2.63~3.87).结论 上海市金山区青少年遭遇欺凌的现状不容乐观,并与一系列心理行为问题有密切关联.应针对青少年不同阶段特点开展综合性干预措施.  相似文献   

目的了解太原市大学生网络欺凌的流行状况及其与自杀行为的关系,为促进青少年身心健康提供科学依据。方法于2018年5-7月采用多阶段分层随机整群抽样的方法,在山西省6所大学的大二、大三年级各随机选取2个院(系)共4 012名学生进行问卷调查,调查内容包括基本人口统计学特征、网络使用情况、网络欺凌情况、自杀行为等。结果大学生网络欺凌的总报告率为19.42%,其中网络欺凌、受网络欺凌、欺凌-受欺凌报告率分别为1.60%,11.49%和6.16%,自杀行为总报告率为10.87%。Logistic回归分析表明,受网络欺凌、欺凌-受欺凌与自杀行为均呈正相关(OR值分别为1.82,2.97,P值均<0.05)。结论大学生网络欺凌行为尤其是遭受网络欺凌或同时实施和遭受网络欺凌可能会增加学生自杀行为的风险。在降低网络欺凌行为发生的同时,更应该关注遭受网络欺凌学生的心理健康,减少自杀等健康危险行为的发生。  相似文献   

  目的  了解西部地区汉族、彝族、藏族青少年校园欺凌和抑郁症状的流行现状, 探讨不同欺凌角色、欺凌频率与抑郁症状之间的关联程度, 为青少年校园欺凌防治提供新观点。  方法  采用典型抽样和整群抽样相结合的方法, 于2020年4—11月在四川省苍溪县、甘洛县和西藏自治区拉萨市的6所中小学中招募3 115名中小学生进行自填式问卷调查。采用多因素Logistic回归分析校园欺凌与抑郁症状的关系。  结果  881名(28.3%)中小学生在过去6个月中经历过校园欺凌, 892名(28.6%)检出抑郁症状。汉族、彝族、藏族的校园欺凌报告率分别为20.5%, 46.4%和23.8%, 其中被欺凌报告率分别为15.3%, 25.0%和11.8%, 欺凌报告率分别为2.3%, 5.7%和6.7%, 欺凌-被欺凌报告率分别为2.9%, 5.7%和5.4%;抑郁症状检出率分别为20.4%, 37.9%和36.5%。调整年龄、年级、民族、吸烟、饮酒变量后, 被欺凌者(AOR=1.98, 95%CI=1.61~2.45)、欺凌者(AOR=2.63, 95%CI=1.81~3.82)和欺凌-被欺凌者(AOR=3.33, 95%CI=2.44~4.54)的抑郁风险高于无校园欺凌经历者(P值均 < 0.01), 且抑郁风险随着欺凌频率增加而增大。  结论  西部地区彝族和藏族青少年的校园欺凌和抑郁症状均高于汉族, 参与校园欺凌、高欺凌频率与抑郁症状密切相关。干预措施中应加强对各类欺凌角色和少数民族青少年的关注。  相似文献   

探究青少年在校园欺凌中的不同角色与抑郁之间的关联,为预防青少年校园欺凌的发生及促进青少年心理健康提供科学依据.方法 采取分层整群抽样方法,于2017年11-12月在上海市3所初中招募六至八年级全部学生1 649名,采用平板计算机进行匿名自填问卷调查,内容包括青少年的人口学特征、抑郁状况以及参与欺凌的情况等.结果 75.74%的学生涉及欺凌,其中旁观者456名(27.65%),受欺凌者559名(33.90%),欺凌者33名(2.00%),欺凌-受欺凌者201名(12.19%).性别、是否为独生子女在不同欺凌角色分布比较中差异均有统计学意义(X2值分别为36.89,9.59,P值均<0.05).在抑郁分组中,低分组l 022名,占61.98%;高分组有627名,占38.02%.多因素Logistic回归分析发现,与未涉及欺凌者相比,涉及欺凌的4种角色人群均有更高的抑郁水平,以欺凌-受欺凌者(OR=4.77,95%CI=3.27~6.96)和受欺凌者(OR=3.66,95%CI=2.71~4.94)为甚.结论 青少年在校园欺凌中的不同角色和抑郁水平之间存在关联,与未涉及者相比,欺凌者、受欺凌者、欺凌-受欺凌者和旁观者的抑郁水平均较高.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: School‐based bullying, a global challenge, negatively impacts the health and development of both victims and perpetrators. This study examined the relationship between bullying victimization and selected psychological variables among senior high school (SHS) students in Ghana, West Africa. METHODS: This study utilized data from the 2008 Ghana Global School‐based Student Health Survey (GSHS). Prevalence rates of being bullied (95% confidence intervals [CI]) were calculated by each demographic group, as well as each psychological variable. Multiple logistic regression was used to model the relationship of being bullied (physical/nonphysical) on the linear combination of demographic variables. RESULTS: A total of 7137 students participated in the 2008 GSHS with 40.1% reporting being bullied. Senior high school‐level 1 (lowest grade) students were 3 (95% CI: 2.45‐3.68) times more likely to be bullied compared with SHS level 3 (highest grade) students. Victims of bullying were significantly more likely to report negative psychological health compared with those who reported not being bullied. Odds ratios were as follows: signs of depression, 1.97 (95% CI: 1.75‐2.21); suicide ideation, 1.72 (95% CI: 1.45‐2.05); being so worried that it affects sleep, 2.10 (95% CI: 1.77‐2.49); and loneliness, 1.82 (95% CI: 1.49‐2.22). There was no significant difference in self‐reports of negative psychological health when comparing students who experienced physical forms with those who were bullied in nonphysical ways. CONCLUSION: Bullying victimization is a major problem among SHS students. We recommend strengthening of existing proactive anti‐bullying programs by taking into account the association between bullying and the psychological health of students.  相似文献   

Gofin R  Palti H  Gordon L 《Public health》2002,116(3):173-178
The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence of bullying among adolescents studying in Jerusalem schools and to identify the characteristics of its victims and perpetrators.Pupils in the 8th and 10th grade (ages 14-16 y) in 11 schools in Jerusalem (n=1182) anonymously completed the World Health Organization questionnaire from the 'Health Behavior in School Children' study. Bullying others or being bullied at least once in the last term was reported. The independent variables studied were socio-demographic characteristics, and personal and school-related factors. Bullying was reported by 57.1% of boys and 27.0% of girls, and being bullied by 50.3% of boys and 39.5% of girls. The factors associated with bullying others were lack of support from teachers for both genders and poor mental health among boys. Variables related to social exclusion among girls and social isolation among boys were associated with being bullied.Health professionals should be active in all levels of prevention to deal with this problem that affects the health and well-being of so many children and adolescents.  相似文献   

了解北方某城市中小学生欺凌行为的流行情况及其发生发展规律,为开展干预措施提供科学依据.方法 采用多阶段整群随机抽样方法,选取该城市小学四年级至高中三年级学生4 008名,进行欺凌行为匿名问卷调查.采用x2检验比较不同性别、年级、学校类型、家庭类型等学生欺凌行为报告率差异.结果 该市中小学生欺凌行为的报告率为12.9%,其中男生为17.6%,女生为9.1%,差异有统计学意义(x2=63.038,P<0.01).欺凌他人的报告率为6.5%,被他人欺凌的报告率为10.4%.欺凌行为的报告率随着年级的增高而增高,在初中阶段达到峰值,随后出现下降(x2=14.023,P<0.01).职业中学学生通过手机、网络散布谣言的报告率高于普通学校和重点学校学生(x2值分别为12.003,7.519,P值均<0.01).单亲/重组家庭学生发生欺凌他人和被他人欺凌的报告率均较高(x2值分别为9.785,14.136,P<0.01).住宿生中被殴打、关黑屋,被破坏物品,威胁、强迫和遭受网络欺凌的比例均高于非住宿生(x2值分别为11.802,5.356,11.793,4.881,P值均<0.01).1.0%的学生同时有4种及以上欺凌他人的行为,1.5%的学生同时遭受4种及以上的欺凌.结论 应动员个人、家庭、学校和社会等各方面的力量,采取综合干预措施,建设安全校园,预防欺凌行为的发生,并针对高危人群开展心理咨询.  相似文献   

了解不同学业水平大学生的受欺负经历及其与人际关系敏感之间的关系,为预防和干预校园欺负提供依据.方法 运用分层整群抽样方法,采用问卷匿名调查上海市2所高校(1所高职院校和1所综合大学)1 963名学生,用x2检验比较两校学生受欺负经历的差异,用二元Logistic回归分析受欺负经历与人际关系敏感的关联.结果 2所高校大学生曾经受言语欺负比例最高(24.5%).综合大学学生被威胁恐吓、受身体欺负及被勒索钱财报告率均高于高职院校学生(x2值分别为19.27,6.08,7.46,P值均<0.05).随着受欺负学段及时长数增长,学生受欺负报告率下降,且有人际关系敏感症状的可能性增大(P值均<0.05).小学阶段曾受欺负者更可能在大学时出现人际关系敏感症状(OR=2.532,95%CI=1.183~5.417).而初中、高中是否受欺负以及受欺负的时长对大学阶段是否出现明显人际关系敏感症状的影响无统计学意义(P值均>0.05).结论 大学生受欺负经历对心理成长有不良影响,社会各级各界有理由进行干预.  相似文献   

Victims and perpetrators of bullying experience a variety of psychological problems. The aim of the current pilot study was to explore the bullying experiences of Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMHS) service-users. The investigation was conducted as a cross-sectional survey at a community-based specialist CAMH service. A modified version of the Revised Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire was used to assess bullying experiences. Participants comprised an opportunity sample of 26 adolescent male and female CAMH service-users. Results indicated that 61.5% of participants reported being bullied. Clear links were made between being bullied and the mental health of participants, with 62.5% of bullied participants reporting that being bullied was a “moderately important-very important” reason for their attendance at the CAMH service. Therapists at the CAMH service made appropriate enquiries about young people being victims of bullying, but more enquiries could be made about young peoples' experiences as perpetrators. Service-users favoured therapist-led bullying interventions such as assertiveness training, therapy and/or psychological coping strategies, and social skills training. These findings underline the need for ecological approaches to dealing with bullying, and suggest that CAMH services could play an important role in establishing and supporting such interventions.  相似文献   

  目的  探讨初中生欺凌受害、心理素质和自杀意念之间的关系,为校园欺凌防治和青少年自杀预防提供参考依据。  方法  采用Olweus儿童欺负问卷、中学生心理素质问卷和自杀意念问卷,对整群抽取的毕节试验区5所初级中学的3 635名七至九年级学生进行问卷调查。  结果   毕节试验区初中生欺凌受害的检出率为28.34%,言语欺凌、关系欺凌、身体欺凌的检出率分别为22.59%,12.05%和7.54%,不同性别学生欺凌受害及言语、关系、身体欺凌的检出率差异均有统计学意义(χ2值分别为88.92,94.29,7.69,P值均 < 0.01)。欺凌受害与自杀意念之间呈正相关(r=0.21),两者与心理素质均呈负相关(r值分别为-0.17,-0.22)(P值均 < 0.01)。在欺凌受害与自杀意念的关系中,心理素质的调节作用有统计学意义(β=-0.04, P < 0.05)。  结论  心理素质能缓冲欺凌受害对自杀意念的影响,应重视心理素质教育在维护青少年心理健康中的关键作用。  相似文献   

Objectives. Using data from a regional census of high school students, we have documented the prevalence of cyberbullying and school bullying victimization and their associations with psychological distress.Methods. In the fall of 2008, 20 406 ninth- through twelfth-grade students in MetroWest Massachusetts completed surveys assessing their bullying victimization and psychological distress, including depressive symptoms, self-injury, and suicidality.Results. A total of 15.8% of students reported cyberbullying and 25.9% reported school bullying in the past 12 months. A majority (59.7%) of cyberbullying victims were also school bullying victims; 36.3% of school bullying victims were also cyberbullying victims. Victimization was higher among nonheterosexually identified youths. Victims report lower school performance and school attachment. Controlled analyses indicated that distress was highest among victims of both cyberbullying and school bullying (adjusted odds ratios [AORs] were from 4.38 for depressive symptoms to 5.35 for suicide attempts requiring medical treatment). Victims of either form of bullying alone also reported elevated levels of distress.Conclusions. Our findings confirm the need for prevention efforts that address both forms of bullying and their relation to school performance and mental health.Recent national attention to several cases of suicide among youth victims of cyberbullying1,2 has raised concerns about its prevalence and psychological impact. Most states now have legislation in place that requires schools to address electronic harassment in their antibullying policies,3 yet schools lack information about cyberbullying correlates and consequences and how they may differ from those of school bullying. To inform schools’ efforts, research is needed that examines the overlap between cyberbullying and school bullying and identifies which youths are targeted with either or both types of bullying. It is also necessary to understand whether the psychological correlates of cyberbullying are similar to those of school bullying and whether students targeted with both forms of bullying are at increased risk of psychological harm.With reports indicating that 93% of teens are active users of the Internet and 75% own a cell phone, up from 45% in 2004,4 there is great potential for cyberbullying among youths. Yet the extent of cyberbullying victimization and its prevalence relative to school bullying is unclear. Studies have found that anywhere from 9% to 40% of students are victims of cyberbullying,5–7 and most suggest that online victimization is less prevalent than are school bullying and other forms of offline victimization.8,9 Strikingly few reports provide information on youths’ involvements in bullying both online and on school property.Cyberbullying has several unique characteristics that distinguish it from school bullying. Electronic communications allow cyberbullying perpetrators to maintain anonymity and give them the capacity to post messages to a wide audience.10 In addition, perpetrators may feel reduced responsibility and accountability when online compared with face-to-face situations.11,12 These features suggest that youths who may not be vulnerable to school bullying could, in fact, be targeted online through covert methods. The limited number of studies that address the overlap between school and cyberbullying victimization has wide variation in findings, indicating that anywhere from about one third to more than three quarters of youths bullied online are also bullied at school.11,13,14The distinct features of cyberbullying have led to questions about the sociodemographic characteristics of cyberbullying victims compared with those of school bullying victims. Although numerous studies of school bullying have found that boys are more likely to be victims,15,16 the extent of gender differences in cyberbullying is unclear.5 Some studies have found that girls are more likely to be victims of cyberbullying,9,10 yet other studies have found no gender differences.8,17,18 Age is another characteristic in which cyberbullying patterns may differ from traditional bullying. Although there is a decreasing prevalence of traditional bullying from middle to high school,16 some studies suggest that cyberbullying victimization increases during the middle school years,8,10 and others have found no consistent relationship between cyberbullying and age.11,19 Sexual orientation has been consistently linked with traditional bullying.20–22 Despite recent media attention to cases of suicide among sexual minority youths who have been cyberbullied,23 accounts of the relationship between cyberbullying and sexual orientation are primarily anecdotal, with little documentation of the extent to which nonheterosexual youths are victimized. The wide range of definitions and time frames used to assess cyberbullying complicates the comparison of the prevalence and correlates of cyberbullying across studies, and rapid advances in communications technology render it difficult to establish a comprehensive and static definition. Furthermore, there is wide variation in the age and other demographic characteristics of the samples, with many studies employing small, nonrepresentative samples.In addition to comparing the sociodemographics of cyberbullying victims with those of school bullying victims, it is important to understand whether cyberbullying is linked with negative school experiences, as is the case with school bullying. School bullying is widely known to be associated with many negative indicators, including lower academic achievement, lower school satisfaction, and lower levels of attachment and commitment to school, known as school bonding.24,25 Because most cyberbullying occurs outside school,19,26 it is uncertain whether a similar relationship exists for cyberbullying. A few studies have linked cyberbullying to negative school experiences, such as lower academic performance27 and negative perceptions of school climate.8 Although these studies suggest that cyberbullying may be a contributing factor, more research is needed to determine the extent to which school attachment and performance are related to cyberbullying experiences.The known link between school bullying and psychological harm, including depression and suicidality28–31 has also raised concerns about how cyberbullying is related to various forms of psychological distress. An emerging body of research has begun to identify psychological correlates of cyberbullying that are similar to the consequences of traditional bullying, including increased anxiety and emotional distress.6,11,32 There are also reports that online victimization may be linked with more serious distress, including major depression,33,34 self-harm, and suicide.31,35,36 Although studies consistently identify a relationship between cyberbullying and psychological distress, it is not known whether reports of psychological distress are similar among cyberbullying and school bullying victims or what levels of distress are experienced by those who report being victimized both online and at school.In this study, we used data collected from more than 20 000 students from the second wave of the MetroWest Adolescent Health Survey to examine patterns and correlates of bullying victimization. We first examined the prevalence of cyberbullying and school bullying and the degree of overlap between the 2 forms of victimization. Next, looking at youths who experienced cyberbullying only, school bullying only, or both types of bullying, we identified sociodemographic and individual-level school characteristics associated with each type of victimization. Finally, we analyzed the relationship between type of bullying victimization and multiple indicators of psychological distress, ranging from depressive symptoms to suicide attempts.  相似文献   

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