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Although many recent studies have suggested that CD4+ helper T cell (Th-cell) functions are well conserved among teleost fishes and mammals, there is little evidence that CD4+ Th-cells in fish are actually involved in both humoral and cell-mediated immunity during a secondary immune response. In the present study, adoptive transfer using clonal ginbuna crucian carp and crucian carp hematopoietic necrosis virus (CHNV) was used to investigate the functions of CD4+ cells during humoral and cell-mediated immunity. With regard to humoral immunity, transplanting CHNV-sensitized donor cells, containing CD4+ cells, into naive fish induced more rapid and stronger antibody production than by transplanting non-sensitized donor cells or sensitized donor cells lacking CD4+ cells. During cell-mediated immunity, no significant differences were found in recipients that received sensitized cells regardless of whether the donor cells contained CD4+ cells, although recipients that received both sensitized donor cells (with and without CD4+ cells) exhibited more efficient cell-mediated cytotoxicity than those that received non-sensitized donor cells. These findings suggest that inducing a secondary antibody response requires CD4+ cell help, and secondary cell-mediated immunity can be induced both by CD4+ cells and leukocytes other than CD4+ cells.  相似文献   

Our previous studies have demonstrated that virus-specific cell-mediated cytotoxicity of sensitized leukocytes can be induced using clonal ginbuna crucian carp and their syngeneic cell lines. In the present study, we attempt to determine if virus-specific cytotoxic cell populations of fish express CD8alpha and TCRbeta genes. Leukocytes from ginbuna crucian carp were separated into four fractions by immunomagnetic separation and density gradient centrifugation: Fraction A, leukocytes with a density of 1.08 g/ml (primarily lymphocytes); Fraction B, sIg-negative leukocytes with density of 1.08 g/ml; Fraction C, sIg-positive cells (primarily B-lymphocytes); Fraction D, leukocytes with a density of 1.08-1.09 g/ml (primarily neutrophils). Leukocytes in all fractions from uninfected fish do not exhibit cytotoxic activity against virus-infected syngeneic cells and weakly express CD8alpha and TCRbeta mRNAs. In contrast, leukocytes in fractions A and B from virus-infected fish exhibit a high level of cytotoxic activity and strongly express CD8alpha and TCRbeta mRNAs. In addition, mRNA expressions of CD8alpha and TCRbeta in effector cells are upregulated by cocultivation with virus-infected target cells but not uninfected ones. The present study suggests that fish possess virus-specific cytotoxic cells with phenotype and gene expression pattern similar to those of CTLs in mammals.  相似文献   

The presence of helper and cytotoxic T cells in fish has been suggested, although T cell subsets have yet to be identified at the cellular level. In order to investigate the functions of CD4 and CD8α positive T cells we attempted to produce and characterize monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against teleost CD4 and CD8α. Here we report the successful production of mAbs against CD4 and CD8α in clonal ginbuna crucian carp Carassius auratus langsdorfii and the function of CD4 positive T cells. In this study we demonstrate the presence of teleost CD4- and CD8α-positive T cell subsets with morphology, tissue distribution and gene expression similar to those of mammalian CD4- and CD8-positive T lymphocytes. Using mAbs we found that CD4/CD8 double positive T cells are only present in the thymus, suggesting that it is the site of T cell development. We further demonstrated in vitro proliferation of CD4 positive T cells by allogeneic combination of mixed leukocyte culture and antigen-specific proliferation of CD4 positive T cells after in vitro sensitization with OVA. In our previous study we showed that CD8α-positive lymphocytes are the primary cell type showing specific cytotoxicity against allogeneic targets. Collectively, these findings suggest that CD4 and CD8α positive T cells in ginbuna are equivalent to helper and cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) in mammals, respectively. This is the first report to show the characteristics and functions of CD4 positive T cells in fish and these findings shed light into the evolutionary origins and primordial functions of helper T cells.  相似文献   

目的探讨人白细胞介素18在鼻咽癌细胞中的表达能否提高鼻咽癌病人外周血CD8+T细胞的杀伤活性以及作用途径.方法构建人白细胞介素18的真核表达载体[pcDNA3.1(-)/hIL-18,转染人鼻咽癌细胞株SUNE;以转染的SUNE细胞和未转染的SUNE细胞为靶细胞,以鼻咽癌患者外周血的CD8+T细胞为效应细胞,混合培养12 h,用LDH释放法测定CD8+T细胞的细胞毒活性;用免疫组化法测定混合培养物中CD8+T细胞上Perlorin、Fas-L、Granzyme B的表达.结果所构建的真核表达载体在鼻咽癌细胞中能高效表达hIL-18;ELISA法测得转染阳性细胞培养上清液中hIL-18的含量为(85±10)pg/ml,而未转染的SUNE细胞的培养上清液中hIL-18的含量低于5 pg/ml.将表达hIL-18的SUNE细胞与鼻咽癌患者外周血CD8+T细胞混合培养12 h后,CD8+T细胞的细胞毒活性显著增强(P<0.001),尤其是当效应细胞/靶细胞为101时,CD8+T细胞对转染的SUNE细胞的裂解率高达46.7%,而CD8+T细胞对未转染的SUNE细胞的裂解率仅为4.6%.免疫组化法表明,这种杀伤活性的增强与CD8+T细胞表达Perforin有关,而与Fas-L和Granzyme B途径无关.结论hIL-18能显著增强鼻咽癌患者外周血CD8+T细胞的体外杀伤活性,这种杀伤活性与CD8+T细胞表达Perlorin有关.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T lymphocytes induce apoptosis in target cells through the CD95(APO-1/Fas) and the perforin/granzyme B (GrB) pathway. The exact substrate of GrB in vivo is still unknown, but to induce apoptosis GrB requires the activity of caspases in target cells. We show here that in HeLa target cells induction of apoptosis through the perforin/GrB pathway resulted in minor direct cleavage of CPP32 (caspase-3) by GrB. Most caspase-3 cleavage resulted from activation of an upstream caspase. Moreover, target cells derived from caspase-3?/? mice displayed GrB-induced poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) cleavage with only partially reduced efficiency compared to wild-type target cells. This indicates that other PARP-cleaving caspases can be activated during perforin/GrB-induced cell death. In contrast to caspase-3, FLICE (caspase-8) was directly cleaved by GrB in HeLa cells. We therefore conclude that FLICE not only plays a central role in CD95(APO-1/Fas)-induced apoptosis but can also be directly activated during perforin/GrB-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

Infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 induces a progressive deterioration of the immune system that ultimately leads to acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Murine models indicate that the common γ-chain (γ(c))-sharing cytokine interleukin (IL)-21 and its receptor (IL-21R) play a crucial role in maintaining polyfunctional T cell responses during chronic viral infections. Therefore, we analyzed the ability of this cytokine to modulate the properties of human CD8 T cells in comparison with other γ(c)-sharing cytokines (IL-2, IL-7, and IL-15). CD8 T cells from healthy volunteers were stimulated in vitro via T cell receptor signals to mimic the heightened status of immune activation of HIV-infected patients. The administration of IL-21 upregulated cytotoxic effector function and the expression of the costimulatory molecule CD28. Notably, this outcome was not accompanied by increased cellular proliferation or activation. Moreover, IL-21 promoted antiviral activity while not inducing HIV-1 replication in vitro. Thus, IL-21 may be a favorable molecule for immunotherapy and a suitable vaccine adjuvant in HIV-infected individuals.  相似文献   

Using the technique of homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells, a mouse strain without functional CD4 and CD8 genes has been generated. Surprisingly, these mice contain significant numbers of αβ T cells. Although mice deficient for CD8 only do not show any cytotoxic response when their T cells are stimulated with either alloantigen or viral antigen, the CD4?8? mice do generate alloreactive cytotoxic T cells. These cytotoxic T cells bear the αβ T cell receptor and recognize major histocompatibility complex class I antigens. In addition fully allogeneic skin transplants were rejected but skin transplants expressing only minor transplantation antigens were not. Virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes were also not detected. It seems that alloreactive cytotoxic T cells can be induced and exert their effector function in vitro and in vivo in the absence of CD8, and that they can develop and mature in vivo without the CD8 molecule or the signals it might provide.  相似文献   

The biological significance of protective CD8 T-cell-mediated responses against non-traditional alternative reading frame epitopes remains relatively unknown. Cytolytic CD8 T cells (CTL) specific for a non-traditional cryptic MHC class I epitope, SYNTGRFPPL, are critically involved in the protection of mice during infection with the LP-BM5 murine retrovirus. The goal of this study was to determine the functional properties of the protective SYNTGRFPPL-specific CTL during LP-BM5 infection of susceptible BALB/c CD8−/− mice. Direct infection experiments and adoptive transfer of CD8 T cells derived from perforin (pfp)−/−, IFNγ−/−, FasL−/− and, as a positive control, wild-type BALB/c mice, were utilized to assess the effector mechanisms responsible for protection. Our results indicate that SYNTGRFPPL-specific effector CTL preferentially utilize perforin-mediated cytolysis to provide protection against LP-BM5-induced pathogenesis, whereas CTL production of IFNγ is not required. Our results also suggest a minimal contribution of FasL/Fas-mediated lysis during the effector response. Collectively, these results provide insight into effector mechanisms utilized by protective CTL directed against non-traditional cryptic epitopes during disease protection.  相似文献   

Human CD8+ cytotoxic T cell responses to adenovirus capsid proteins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Adenoviruses (Ads) cause fatal disease in allogeneic stem cell transplant recipients, but there is no established therapy. Ad-specific CD8+ T cells were detected in PBMC from healthy adults at a mean frequency of 77 per 10(5) CD8+ T cells (range 8-260) by interferon-gamma ELISPOT and cytokine flow cytometry assays. CD8+ T cell lines from 7 of 7 donors exhibited MHC-class-I-restricted killing of targets expressing the capsid protein hexon. In contrast, cytotoxicity against the capsid proteins fiber and penton base was weaker or not detected. Two HLA-A2-restricted hexon epitopes and one HLA-B-restricted epitope were identified, all of which are adjacent to or overlap an HLA-DP4-restricted epitope in the highly conserved C-terminus. Thus, hexon is the immunodominant T cell target among capsid proteins and contains multiple C-terminal epitopes conserved among serotypes. These data support evaluation of donor lymphocyte infusions for treatment of Ad disease post-transplant.  相似文献   

CD8 T cells contain a distinct subset of CD8+ CD28- cells. These cells are not present at birth and their frequency increases with age. They frequently contain expanded clones using various TCRalphabeta receptors and these clones can represent >50% of all CD8 cells, specially in old subjects or patients with chronic viral infections such as HIV-1. Herein, it is shown that a large fraction of CD8+ CD28- cells expresses intracellular perforin by three-color flow cytometry, in particular when this subset is expanded. Together with their known ability to exert potent re-directed cytotoxicity, this indicates that CD8+ CD28- T cells comprise cytotoxic effector cells. With BrdU labeling, we show that CD8+ CD28- cells derive from CD8+ CD28+ precursors in vitro. In addition, sorted CD8+ CD28+ cells gave rise to a population of CD8+ CD28- cells after allo-stimulation. Moreover, ex vivo CD8+ CD28+ cells contain the majority of CD8 blasts, supporting the notion that they contain the proliferative precursors of CD8+ CD28- cells. CD95 (Fas) expression was lower in CD8+ CD28- cells, and this subset was less prone to spontaneous apoptosis in ex vivo samples and more resistant to activation-induced cell death induced by a superantigen in vitro. Thus, the persistence of expanded clones in vivo in the CD8+ CD28- subset may be explained by antigen-driven differentiation from CD8+ CD28+ memory precursors, with relative resistance to apoptosis as the clones become perforin(+) effector cells.  相似文献   

MRL/lpr mice develop a systemic autoimmune disease similar to systemic lupus erythematosus in humans. The mice show progressive lymphadenopathy due to the accumulation of an unusual population of CD4?8?(DN) B220+ αβ+ T cells. We bred MRL/lpr mice with mice lacking CD4+ or CD8+ T cells by gene targeting via homologous recombination in embryonal stem cells to determine the roles of these cells in the autoimmune disease. No difference in survival or autoantibody levels was noted between CD8-/- lpr and littermate controls. Interestingly, these CD8-/- lpr mice have a reduced level of B220+ DN T cells despite the fact that the degree of lymphadenopathy was unaltered. CD4-/- lpr mice had a diminished autoimmune disease with a reduction in autoantibody production and skin vasculitits, and increased survival compared to littermate controls. However, CD4-/- lpr mice had an enhanced splenomegaly that developed massively by 16–20 weeks of age (5 to 8 greater than lpr control mice) due to the accumulation of DN B220+ T cells. In addition, there were no differences in peripheral lymph node enlargement, although the proportion of DN B220+ T cells was about twofold higher in the CD4-/- lpr mice. These cells were phenotypically identical to the DN population in control lpr mice, indicating that the accumulating DN T cells can be dissociated from the autoimmune disease in these mice. Collectively, our results reveal that the autoimmune disease is dependent on CD4+, but not CD8+ T cells, and that many of the B220+ DN T cells traverse a CD8 developmental pathway.  相似文献   

Perforin‐deficient (PKO) mice serve as models for familial hemophagocytic lympho‐histiocytosis, a uniformly fatal disease associated with viral infection of perforin‐deficient humans. Naïve perforin‐deficient BALB/c mice survive while vaccinated PKO mice containing virus‐specific memory CD8 + T cells rapidly succumb to lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) infection. Thus, vaccination converts a nonlethal persistent infection into a fatal disease mediated by virus‐specific memory CD8 + T cells. Here, we determine the extent to which vaccination‐induced mortality in PKO mice following LCMV challenge is due to differences in vaccine modalities, the quantity or epitope specificity of memory CD8+ T cells. We show that LCMV‐induced mortality in immune PKO mice is independent of vaccine modalities and that the starting number of memory CD8 + T cells specific to the immunodominant epitope NP118‐126 dictates the magnitude of secondary CD8 + T‐cell expansion, the inability to regulate production of CD8+ T‐cell‐derived IFN‐γ, and mortality in the vaccinated PKO mice. Importantly, mortality is determined by the epitope specificity of memory CD8 + T cells and the associated degree of functional exhaustion and cytokine dysregulation but not the absolute magnitude of CD8 + T‐cell expansion. These data suggest that deeper understanding of the parameters that influence the outcome of vaccine‐induced diseases would aid rational vaccine design to minimize adverse outcomes after infection.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) play a significant role in the clearance of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in humans and mice. Identification of class I MHC-restricted CTL epitopes is critical in elucidating mechanisms of CTL responses against viral infections. However, only four H-2d-restricted epitopes have been reported in mice. Because of the diversity of transgenic and knockout mice available to study immune responses, new epitopes in additional strains of mice must be identified. We therefore attempted to discover novel CTL epitopes in C57Bl/6 mice. Our efforts revealed a new H-2D(b)-restricted CTL epitope from the RSV M protein, corresponding to aa 187-195 (NAITNAKII). Also, M187-195-specific CTLs were activated with kinetics similar to the immunodominant BALB/c epitope, M2 82-90. This is the first RSV-specific CTL epitope described in a strain of mice other than BALB/c. Furthermore, identification of this H-2b-restricted CTL epitope provides access to genetically modified H-2b mice for more detailed studies of CTL mechanisms in RSV infection.  相似文献   

Activation of CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes typically begins with recognition of class I MHC-peptide complexes by the TCR and CD8 as a coreceptor. In its coreceptor role, CD8 binds thesame class I-peptide antigen complex as the TCR, enhancing the strength of TCR-class I interaction. Subsequent to initial TCR engagement, CD8 acts as an accessory molecule by binding any properly conformed class I molecules on the target cell surface, leading to CD8-mediated adhesion and cosignaling functions. We expressed and isolated a number of mutant class I molecules in which one or moreacidic or polar residues in the class I alpha3 domain CD loop and D strand region, or alpha2 domain were altered. Using solid phase CTL adhesion and degranulation assays with isolated class I molecules, we demonstrate that multiple acidic residues in the alpha3 domain, although involved in CD8 coreceptor interaction, are not required for TCR-activated CD8 accessory interactions. Instead, we show that Q226, a polar group on the end of the CD loop, is required for TCR-activated CD8 accessory functions. These results indicate that CD8 coreceptor and accessory interactions differ substantially and suggest that TCR activation results in changes that alter the structural constraints for CD8 accessory interactions.  相似文献   

CD160/BY55 is a glucosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored cell membrane receptor that is expressed primarily in natural killer (NK) cells. Its presence in CD8(+) T lymphocytes is considered to be a marker of cytotoxic activity, although there are few data in this regard. In the present work, we analysed the expression of CD160 in subpopulations of cytomegalovirus (CMV)-specific CD8(+) T cells. Subpopulations were defined by CD28 and CD57 expression and exhibited varying degrees of differentiation and cytotoxic potential, as evaluated by the expression of perforin, interferon (IFN)-gamma and interleukin (IL)-7Ralpha/CD127. We included subjects with different intensities of anti-viral immune response. Results showed that the terminally differentiated CD28(-) CD57(+) subset displaying the highest level of perforin expressed CD160 at a level similar to that of memory CD28(+) CD57(-)perforin(-) cells. A comparison of the expression of perforin in CD160(+) cells versus CD160(-) cells showed that expression was significantly higher in the absence of CD160. Interestingly, the CMV-specific CD8(+) T cell subset from a patient with ongoing CMV reactivation did not begin to express CD160 until day +92 of the follow-up period. Taken together, our data show that CD160 cannot be considered a cytotoxic marker in CMV-specific CD8(+) T cells.  相似文献   

Combining cell surface phenotyping with functional analysis, human CD8+ T cells have been divided into several subsets which are being studied extensively in diverse physiological situations, such as viral infection, cancer and ageing. In particular, so-called terminally differentiated effector cells possess a CD45RA+ CCR7- CD27- CD28- phenotype, contain perforin and, in different models, have been shown to exert direct ex vivo killing and to release interleukins upon both antigen-nonspecific and -specific stimulation. Using HLA class I multimers, we have identified a high frequency of peripheral CD8+ T cells that recognize a peptide derived from the self protein cytokeratin 18 presented by the HLA-A*0201 molecule. These cells can be detected in approximately 15% of the HLA-A2-positive healthy donors tested. A detailed analysis revealed that they must have divided extensively in vivo, have an effector cell phenotype and express various natural killer cell-associated receptors. Interestingly, however, they remained unresponsive to antigen-specific stimulation in vitro in terms of cytotoxicity and cytokine secretion. Thus, cytokeratin 18-specific cells constitute a frequently encountered, new CD8+ T lymphocyte subpopulation without classical effector status and with so far unknown function.  相似文献   

There is convincing evidence that soluble HLA-A,-B,-C (sHLA-A,-B,-C) and soluble HLA-G (sHLA-G) antigens can induce apoptosis in CD8(+) activated T cells although there is scanty and conflicting information about the mechanism(s) by which sHLA-A,-B,-C antigens and sHLA-G antigens induce apoptosis. In this study we have compared the apoptosis-inducing ability of sHLA-A,-B,-C antigens with that of sHLA-G1 antigens in CD8(+) T lymphocytes and CD8(+) NK cells. Furthermore we have compared the inhibitory effect of sHLA-A,-B,-C antigens and of sHLA-G1 antigens on the activity of EBV-specific CD8(+) cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). sHLA molecules were purified from serum and from the supernatant of HLA class I-negative cells transfected with one gene encoding either classical or non-classical HLA class I antigens. Both classical and non-classical sHLA class I molecules trigger apoptosis in CD8(+) T lymphocytes and in CD8(+) NK cells, which lack the T cell receptor, and their apoptotic potency is comparable. The binding of sHLA-A,-B,-C and sHLA-G1 molecules to CD8 leads to Fas ligand (FasL) up-regulation, soluble FasL (sFasL) secretion and CD8(+) cell apoptosis by Fas/sFasL interaction. Moreover, classical and non-classical sHLA class I molecules inhibit the cytotoxic activity of EBV-specific CD8(+) CTL. As the amount ofsHLA-G molecules detectable in normal serum is significantly lower than that of sHLA-A,-B,-C molecules, the immunomodulatory effects of sHLA class I molecules purified from serum are likely to be mainly attributable to classical HLA class I antigens. As far as the potential in vivo relevance of these findings is concerned, we suggest that classical sHLA class I molecules may play a major immunoregulatory role in clinical situations characterized by activation of the immune system and elevated sHLA-A,-B,-C serum levels. In contrast, non-classical HLA class I molecules may exert immunomodulatory effects in particular conditions characterized by elevated sHLA-G levels such as pregnancy and some neoplastic diseases.  相似文献   

There are reports suggesting an influence of CD4(+)CD25(+) T regulatory cells (Treg) on cytotoxic lymphocytes. The aim of the study was to evaluate such an influence. Cytotoxic activity was examined in the cultures of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) as well as in the cultures of separate T CD8(+) or NK cells mixed with Treg and other subpopulations of PBMC. We found that the production of IFNgamma, perforin and cytotoxic activity of T CD8(+) or NK cells were decreased in the presence of Treg, however, the percentage of conjugates formed by cytotoxic cells with target cells during cytotoxic reaction was decreased only in the cultures of T CD8(+) cells. Inhibition of the cytotoxic reactions in the presence of Treg cells was found to be associated with the generation of conglomerates formed by CD4(+)CD25(+) and the cytotoxic cells, as observed under the fluorescence microscope. Treg produced IL10 when mixed with the cytotoxic lymphocytes, however, an addition of anti-IL10 mAb into the cultures did not affect the results. It is concluded that Treg were able to inhibit both T CD8+ and NK lymphocyte cytotoxic activities in a direct cell-to-cell interaction. Treg decreased the number of T CD8+ cells attached to the target cells, while the mechanism underlying a decrease in NK cytotoxicity remained unclear.  相似文献   

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