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南京市411名老年干部牙齿缺失后修复情况的调查   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
蔡玉惠  蒋跃娟 《口腔医学》1991,11(4):194-196
本文调查了南京市411名老年干部牙齿缺失后的修复情况。牙齿缺失者350人,患病为率85.16%,缺牙修复者159人,修复率为45.43%,修复体共231件,其中不良修复体62件,占26.83%,主要原因为(牙合)(切)磨耗。牙列缺损患者不仅修复率低,而且义齿合格率也低,因而要及时修复缺失牙。修复前妥善处理余留牙,提出完整的治疗方案,修复体要适应老年人的特点,舒适、稳固,保护口腔组织,修复后应定期复查,避免产生不良修复体。  相似文献   

关于牙齿缺失和修复情况的分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据调查所得资料,本文重点讨论老年人牙齿缺失和修复的情况。 缺牙情况 在2191名受检人中,有牙齿缺失者(不包括第三磨牙)1983人,占受检人数的90.5%,共缺牙2398颗,受检者失牙均为10.95颗,缺牙者失牙均为12.10颗,缺牙人数中,牙  相似文献   

目的 分析我国成年人牙齿缺失及修复需求情况,并探索相关影响因素,为我国成年人牙齿缺失的防治工作提供数据支持。方法 研究于2022年6月至2023年1月在北京大学口腔医学院预防科教研室进行。采用2015年第四次全国口腔健康流行病学调查中成年人35~44岁、55~64岁、65~74岁年龄组数据,纳入包含前牙、前磨牙、第一磨牙和第二磨牙在内的28颗牙的调查数据。经分层后加权处理,分析缺失牙数、缺牙率、存留牙不足20颗、存留牙不足8颗等牙齿缺失情况,以及人均残根数、人均修复需求牙数、修复需求人群比例等修复需求情况;并对可能的影响因素(包括:社会人口因素、口内因素、口腔健康知信行因素、口腔卫生服务利用因素、口腔及全身情况自我评价因素等)进行分析。结果 35~44岁、55~64岁、65~74岁年龄组调查人数分别为4410、4623、4431人,共13 464人。所有数据加权处理后,我国成年人缺牙率为56.9%,人均缺失牙数3.28颗,存留牙不足20颗的人群比例为11.8%,存留牙不足8颗的人群比例为3.5%;人均修复需求牙数3.86颗,修复需求人群占比59.2%。随着年龄的增大,缺牙率、人均缺失牙...  相似文献   

北京市中老年人牙齿缺失及修复情况分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
目的:对北京市中老年人的口腔牙体缺失和修复状况进行评价。方法:在1995年第二次全国口腔健康流行病学调查中,对北京市35-44岁、65-74岁各2132名中老年人进行了抽样调查。结果:35-44刚中年组现有恒牙平均数城市为27.29,农村为26.43;牙列缺损修复率很低,城市为25.1%,农村为37.2%。65-74岁老年组牙列缺失率和缺损率都明显增高,无牙颌率城市为6.62%,农村为18.4%;有牙人现有恒牙平均数城市为21.42,农村为18.14;城乡存在明显差别(P〈0.01)。结论:这提示我们应加强龋病、牙周疾病的防治工作,提高人们自我口腔健康意识;另一方面提高口腔治疗及修复水平,特别应重视农村口腔医疗水平的提高。  相似文献   

目的:根据老年人的口腔特点,探讨老年人牙齿缺失缺损后如何进行口腔修复,方法:笔者采用了保留残根残冠的修复方法,即全冠、桩冠、桩核冠等并利用残根残冠治疗后做基牙、修复缺失的牙齿。结果:通过6年对732颗牙齿的临床观察,695件义齿中,优672件,良14件,差9件,总有效率达96%以上,结论:此方法优越性大,不拔牙,易被患者所接受,是一种切实可行的修复方法。  相似文献   

湖北省中、老年人群牙齿缺失及修复情况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牙齿缺失会影响人的面容、咀嚼、和消化功能,为了解湖北省中、老年人牙齿缺失和修复状况,我们于2005年对湖北省中、老年人群的牙齿缺失及修复情况进行了调查,现将结果作以下报告。  相似文献   

陆英  金友良  柳惠荣 《口腔医学》2010,30(2):112-114
目的 了解绍兴市教师牙列缺失、牙列缺损的特点及修复状况。方法 由固定的3位口腔医生,采用统一标准,对绍兴市教师进行口腔检查。共调查2112人,其中男629人(32.39%);女1483人(67.61%)。调查结果 采用SPSS11.5软件统计分析。结果 牙列缺损、牙列缺失的总患病率为41.34%,上颌的缺牙数多于下颌,磨牙缺失率显著高于前磨牙和前牙;缺牙患病率在男女性别上差异无显著性;缺牙修复率为55.56%,固定义齿修复占55.00%。结论 应在教师中积极开展口腔健康教育,提高缺牙修复率,同时口腔医师应不断学习新知识和新技术,提高义齿修复水平。  相似文献   

目的了解湖南省老年人牙齿缺失及义齿修复情况。方法采用分层随机整群抽样的方法,对湖南省老年人牙齿缺失及义齿修复情况进行抽样调查。结果老年人牙齿缺失率为64.8%,无牙颌率为2.44%,义齿修复率为35.6%,牙齿修复率为41.8%。不同性别、城乡间牙齿修复率有差异(P〈0.05),缺牙率差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);义齿修复种类以"不良修复体"所占比例最高。结论湖南省老年人牙齿修复率有待进一步提高,且要避免不良修复体。  相似文献   

门诊986例老年人牙齿缺失及修复情况调查分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
目的调查老年人牙齿缺失、修复状况、义齿质量和基牙情况。方法由固定的2位医生,统一标准,对门诊986例老年患者进行问卷调查。结果缺牙率为93.5%。女性组缺牙率(95.6%)与男性组(92.0%)有显著性差异(P<0.05)。缺牙修复率为60.3%。修复率与年龄成正相关。覆盖义齿的根面龋、牙龈炎发病率分别为27.3%和38.4%。结论应提高老年人口腔卫生与保健意识,修复设计应符合老年人缺牙特点。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to show how the survival of restorations placed in teeth of young patients varied with the age of the patient at the time of treatment. Data from the treatment records of 113 regularly attending patients at one practice were collected, and the fate and survival of 1327 restorations was determined from the sequences of treatment of each permanent tooth. Occlusal restorations occurred most frequently (37.6%) and together with the MO and DO restorations (22.6%) accounted for more than half of the restorations in the study. The proportion of replaced restorations increased with increasing patient age at the time of treatment, from 33% to 56%. The survival of all restorations improved the older the patient at the time of treatment, from 40% to 77% surviving 5 yr. The implications for the treatment of carious young permanent teeth are considered.  相似文献   

Tooth‐coloured restorative materials are being used increasingly more often in Class II preparations in permanent teeth. Using a practice‐based study design, we aimed to assess the survival time of Class II restorations and to identify factors relevant to their longevity. Class II restorations (n = 4,030), consisting of resin composites (81.5%), compomers (12.7%), amalgams (4.6%), and glass‐ionomer cement restorations (1.2%), were placed in 1,873 patients with a median age of 15 yr. In total, 92.7% of restorations were placed due to primary caries and 5.8% were replacements. After an average follow‐up period of 4.6 yr, 61.6% of the restorations were successful, 11.2% had failed, and 27.2% were not available for evaluation (owing to patient drop‐out). The mean annual failure rate was 2.9% for resin‐composite restorations and 1.6% for amalgams. For resin‐composite restorations, secondary caries was the most common reason for replacement (73.9%), followed by loss (8.0%), fracture (5.3%), and marginal defects (2.4%). Multilevel Cox‐regression analyses identified young age of the patient, high previous caries experience, deep cavities, and saucer‐shaped preparation technique as predisposing to shorter longevity of resin‐composite restorations. One brand of resin composite had a shorter survival time than the others.  相似文献   

BackgroundOpportunities exist to promote minimally invasive dentistry by repairing rather than replacing defective and failing direct resin-based composite restorations. The authors conducted a study to investigate the current teaching of such techniques in U.S. and Canadian dental schools.MethodsIn late 2010, the authors, with the assistance of the Consortium of Operative Dentistry Educators, invited 67 U.S. and Canadian dental schools to participate in an Internet-based survey.ResultsThe response rate was 72 percent. Eighty-eight percent of the dental schools taught repair of defective direct resin-based composite restorations. Of these schools, 79 percent reported providing both didactic and clinical teaching.ConclusionsAlthough teaching repair of defective resin-based composite restorations was included in the didactic curricula of most schools, students in some schools did not gain experience in minimally invasive management of defective resin-based composite restorations by means of performing repair procedures. The American Dental Association's Code on Dental Procedures and Nomenclature does not have a procedure code for resin-based composite restoration repairs, which may limit patients' access to this dental treatment.Clinical ImplicationsTeaching dental students minimally invasive dentistry procedures, including restoration repair, extends the longevity of dental restorations and reduces detrimental effects on teeth induced by invasive procedures, thereby serving the interests of patients.  相似文献   

Jokstad A, Mjor IA, Qvist V. The age of restorations in situ. Acta Odontol Scand 1994;52:234–242. Oslo. ISSN 0001-6357.

In a cross-sectional survey the age of restorations in situ was recorded in three patient groups. Group A were randomly examined regular attenders, group B were irregular attenders randomly chosen from patient treatment records, and in group C the age of posterior gold and composite resin restorations was recorded in selected regular attenders. The study material included 8310 restorations in group A, 1281 in group B, and 500 restorations in group C. The three materials amalgam, composite, and gold accounted for more than 90% of all restorations. In group A 3.3% of the restorations were scheduled for replacement. The most prevalent reasons for replacement were secondary canes, bulk fractures of the restoration, and tooth fractures. The median age of the failed restorations was fairly similar to the median age of the acceptable restorations in situ among the regular patients (group A). The data indicate median ages of 20 years for gold restorations, 12–14 years for amalgam restorations, and 7–8 years for composite resin restorations. The restoration ages were influenced by the type and size of the restoration, the restorative material used, and possibly also the intraoral location of the restorations.  相似文献   

目的:探讨前牙关学区即刻种植即刻美学修复的临床特点及修复后的美学效果。方法:18例患者22枚m和Replace种植体前牙区即刻种植即刻临时冠修复,对种植体成功率及周围牙龈附着状况进行观察,6个月后永久冠修复。结果:1枚种植体在愈合期内脱落,其余种植体在修复后12个月时均有骨结合,临床效果良好。结论:前牙美学区即刻种植即刻美学修复时多因素可影响种植体的成功率及软组织美学效果,严格掌控适应证,才能获得理想的美学效果。  相似文献   

A series of examiner variability studies were carried out in the assessment of restorations in adults made by extended duty ancillaries (E.D.A.s). While there were some differences between the two supervising team dentists these were smaller than those found when dentists who did not work in the project were examined. The use of indirect evaluation by examining bitewing radiographs for the presence of overhangs was no improvement over the clinical examination in terms of examiner agreement, and moreover only identified half of the restorations scheduled for replacement clinically. Using the results of these experiments, it is suggested that quality control should take into account examiner variability and consequently a 3-4% sample would be sufficient to maintain standards.  相似文献   

abstract — Recurrent caries appears to be the most frequently occurring reason for replacement of amalgam dental restorations. Recent developments of amalgam alloys have improved the clinical appearance of such fillings but the possible influence on their durability is uncertain.  相似文献   

目的:探讨超瓷材/复合纤维(TARGIS/VECTRIS)材料应用于儿童及青少年恒牙牙体缺损患的固定修复。方法:临床上应用超瓷料/复合纤维(TARGIS/VECTRIS)于儿童及青少年患行嵌体、贴面、冠修复。结果:该材料具有良好的生物相容性、生物功能性及修复效果好等优点。结论:超瓷材/复合纤维(TARGIS/VECTRIS)是适合儿童有青少年患的固定修复材料,值得在临床广泛推广使用。  相似文献   

BackgroundThe authors aimed to determine whether dentists in practices belonging to The Dental Practice-Based Research Network (DPBRN) were more likely to repair or to replace a restoration that they diagnosed as defective; to quantify dentists' specific reasons for repairing or replacing restorations; and to test the hypothesis that certain dentist-, patient- and restoration-related variables are associated with the decision between repairing and replacing restorations.MethodsThis cross-sectional study had a consecutive patient and restoration recruitment design. Practitioner-investigators (P-Is) recorded data for consecutively seen restorations in permanent teeth that needed repair or replacement. The DPBRN is a consortium of dental practitioners and dental organizations in the United States and Scandinavia. The collected data included the primary reason for repair or replacement, tooth surface or surfaces involved, restorative materials used and patients' demographic information.ResultsP-Is collected data regarding 9,484 restorations from 7,502 patients in 197 practices. Seventy-five percent (7,073) of restorations were replaced and 25 percent (2,411) repaired. Secondary caries was the main reason (43 percent, n = 4,124) for treatment. Factors associated with a greater likelihood of repairing versus replacing restorations (P N/A .05) included having graduated from dental school more recently, practicing in a large group practice, being the dentist who placed the original restoration, patient's being of an older age, the original restorative material's being something other than amalgam, restoration of a molar and the original restoration's involving fewer tooth surfaces.ConclusionsDPBRN dentists were more likely to replace than to repair restorations. Secondary caries was the most common reason for repairing or replacing restorations. Certain dentist-, patient- and restoration-related variables were associated with the repair-or-replace decision.Clinical ImplicationsThe selection of minimally invasive treatment for an existing restoration is critical, as it may affect the longevity of the tooth.  相似文献   

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