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目的掌握义齿基托与口腔粘膜炎症变化及真菌间关系。方法对118例全口义齿戴用者进行了临床调查,对60例患者的腭粘膜微生物丛与义齿菌斑进行了真菌学定量研究。结果义齿性日炎与义齿菌斑的沉积量呈正相关关系;真菌总数及念珠菌的检出量与义齿性口炎的发生及其严重程度呈正相关关系;白色念珠菌的检出率及量,在重度炎症组与轻度炎症组之间均存在高度显著性差异(P<0.01)。结论重度义齿性口炎的发生同热带念珠菌、皱褶念珠菌及白色念珠菌的混合感染密切相关。  相似文献   

Denture pellicle in denture stomatitis has been studied with transmission electron microscopy after embedding the denture base in a water-miscible resin in seven patients with heavy plaque deposits on their dentures and in five patients with no apparent plaque accumulation. In the first group, the denture surface was covered by a well differentiated granular pellicle. A cell-free zone was interposed between the pellicle and the plaque, which consisted predominantly of rounded, rod-shaped, and filamentous microorganisms with a loose distribution, separated by an electron-lucent amorphous and gel-like matrix. C. albicans were scattered among the bacteria and often presented with degenerated cytoplasm. In the second group, a structurally heterogeneous pellicle was seen adjacent to the denture surface. A thin plaque that consisted mainly of dense accumulations of C. albicans, a narrow dense matrix, and few bacteria was found. Calculus accumulations on the dentures consisted of amicrobial calcifications in the deeper layers, whereas the superficial parts showed bacterial calcifications.  相似文献   

Literature concerning the relationship between denture plaque, oral pathology, and the nature and effectiveness of the products commercially available for cleaning dentures has been reviewed. The literature reports indicate that (1) plaque on the tissue surface side of the denture is unquestionably a major etiologic factor in the pathogenesis of denture stomatitis, inflammatory papillary hyperplasia, and chronic candidiasis and (2) there are shortcomings in the popular products used by the public to clean their dentures. The protocol and results of a study to test the plaque removal effectiveness of a new denture cleansing product are described. In this study, the plaque removal effectiveness of the ultrasonic device tested, when used with water alone, was found to be substantially greater than that of two popular alkaline-peroxide soak-type denture cleansers, Efferdent and Polident.  相似文献   

Aminopeptidase and phosphatase activity of denture stomatitis mucosa was studied histochemically and biochemically. Stomatitis clearly increased the activity of these enzymes. An enzyme resembling the chloride-activated aminopeptidase B, usually involved in inflammatory processes, was recognized in the inflamed tissue in higher concentrations than in the control tissue.  相似文献   

abstract — To evaluate the "resting" pH and induced pH changes in denture plaque, soft deposits were collected from the fitting surface of the denture, pooled and suspended in water. Plaque pH was determined with microelectrode equipment before and after mouth rinsing with a sucrose solution. A characteristic level in the "resting" pH of denture plaque was found in most of 12 subjects tested. pH values below the baseline level were recorded for more than 2 h after a rinse. The pH depressions were more pronounced in maxillary than in mandibular plaque. Further, the pH minima tended to be lower in subjects with denture stomatitis than in. controls. No clear relationship could be established between the "resting" pH and the concentration of Candida hyphae in denture smears or palatal inflammation.  相似文献   

Denture stomatitis (DS) is the commonest form of oral Candida infection. Although it has been suggested that the acidic conditions prevailing beneath maxillary dentures may potentiate palatal inflammation associated with DS, little is known about the pH and carboxylic acids of denture plaque in subjects with and without the disease. Therefore, qualitative and quantitative analyses of short-chain carboxylic acids and pH of maxillary denture plaque of ten patients and nine controls were performed. Gram-stained smears of plaque revealed numerous yeasts in the DS plaque while yeasts were absent in control plaque. Acetate, lactate, propionate, succinate, formate and pyruvate were present in descending order of concentration in all plaque samples. DS plaque was more acidic and contained significantly lower concentrations of lactate ions than control plaque. These results imply that the carboxylic acids produced by the microflora of denture plaque may be aetiologically involved in the pathogenesis of denture stomatitis.  相似文献   

This paper describes the ultrastructural, topographical changes seen in rat gastric mucosa following application of 0.1 N HC1 or 1,10 or 50 niM NaF in 0.1 N HC1 to the stomach. No morphological differences were noticed between the 0.1 N HC1 (control) and 1 mM NaF in 0.1 N HCI specimens. Ten milliomolar NaF in 0.1 N HC1 produced some desquamation of surface mucous epithelial cells while 50 mM NaF produced extensive damage to cells surrounding the gastric gland openings (foveolae) as well as inlerfoveolar cell loss.  相似文献   

To evaluate the "resting" pH and induced pH changes in denture plaque, soft deposits were collected from the fitting surface of the denture, pooled and suspended in water. Plaque pH was determined with microelectrode equipment before and after mouth rinsing with a sucrose solution. A characteristic level in the "resting" pH of denture plaque was found in most of 12 subjects tested. pH values below the baseline level were recorded for more than 2 h after a rinse. The pH depressions were more pronounced in maxillary than in mandibular plaque. Further, the pH minima tended to be lower in subjects with denture stomatitis than in controls. No clear relationship could be established between the "resting" pH and the concentration of Candida hyphae in denture smears or palatal inflammation.  相似文献   

AIM: To examine plaque accumulation on silk and polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) sutures at different time intervals. METHODOLOGY: Twenty-one male albino rabbits received sutures under general and local anaesthesia. After 3, 5 and 7 days sutures were removed and processed for scanning electron microscope (SEM) observation. The Friedman and the Wilcoxon tests were used to compare contamination on PVDF and silk suture materials at different time intervals. RESULTS: At all time intervals, the whole surface of silk sutures was covered with a thick layer of bacterial plaque and debris. Microorganisms and blood cells on the surface and between the filaments of the silk suture material were observed. Light debris appeared around the knot area of PVDF sutures after 3 days. At 5 and 7 days, contamination could be seen in scattered areas along the suture material. The average contaminated area was smaller on PVDF suture materials, which were removed at 5 than at 7 days after insertion. At 3 days, PVDF sutures showed significantly less contamination than at 5 and 7 days (P = 0.002). There were statistically significant differences between silk and PVDF sutures at 3, 5 and 7 days. CONCLUSION: SEM observation showed that PVDF sutures were contaminated less than silk sutures at 3, 5 and 7 days.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to use scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to visualize the morphology of the enamel surface in 12 primary teeth from children with amelogenesis imperfecta (AI). The observations were correlated to genetic, clinical and microradiographic data from the same teeth and to non-affected control teeth. SEM showed similar disturbances in teeth with a clinical predominance of hypoplasias and in teeth with a predominance of hypomineralization. In the microradiographs the enamel of most teeth showed both hypoplasias and areas of hypomineralization, independently of the predominant clinical manifestation. In the one boy with an X-linked inheritance pattern, both SEM and microradiography showed the morphology of the enamel to be unique in the present study. In the other teeth, similar manifestations were found in cases with AI as an AD trait and in the sporadic cases.  相似文献   

Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) is a hereditary defect in enamel formation affecting both primary and permanent dentition. Scanning electron microscopic investigation is one of the most effective methods in diagnosing and identifying the type of amelogenesis imperfecta. The aim of this study was to investigate the ultrastructure of different types of amelogenesis imperfecta enamel. The primary teeth of three children with AI aged 4, 10 and 11-years-old were studied by scanning electron microscopy and irregular enamel, irregularities in enamel crystallites, hypoplastic areas on the enamel surface were seen. Histopathological evaluation revealed predentin areas with irregular canaliculi between normal dentin and internal resorption areas in the pulp tissue. Conclusively, in amelogenesis imperfecta, enamel tissue is mostly affected besides minor defects in dentinal and pulpal tissue.  相似文献   

Human palatal mucosa may be glycerolized, frozen, thawed, and autogenically transplanted with success after a storage period. Although tissue damage is observed, both on a light and electron microscopic level, this is not clinically significant. This damage is attributed to the glycerolization, freezing, and thawing processes. As evidenced primarily by our ultrastructural study, regeneration of grafted epithelium is effected via the basal cell layer. The formation of intracytoplasmic vesicular structures and alterations in both the basal lamina and intercellular substances may play a significant role in the regenerative process. The electron microscope has served to elucidate changes in regenerating cells that have not been previously observed by light microscopy.  相似文献   

Histological features of the palatal mucosa in denture sore mouth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A histological investigation was carried out on biopsy specimens taken from patients suffering from denture sore mouth. The results were compared with those obtained in previous investigations on denture and non-denture-wearers. The sections were studied by standardized quantitative morphometric methods. After 4 years the denture bearing palatal epithelium from both groups, the denture wearers and the patients suffering from a denture sore mouth did not show changes in mean thickness of the epithelium compared with the controls. The mitotic index in denture bearing epithelium from patients suffering from denture sore mouth was three times lower than in the epithelium of the normal denture wearers. The three groups of patients investigated did not show differences in density of mast cells in the lamina propria of their palatal epithelium.  相似文献   

In this study, scanning electron microscopy was used to describe the surface morphology of fissured tongue. Tissue samples from the anterior part of the tongue were taken from 15 patients with fissured tongue. The formalin-fixed samples were processed routinely for scanning electron microscopy. Typically, the surface of a fissured tongue was covered with hairless papillae of various sizes. The biggest papillae were larger than the body of a normal filliform papilla, and the apex was rounded and rough. On the other hand, some of these papillae had a few hairs and resembled normal filiform papillae, but were flatter. In addition some papillae formed only slight elevations on the tongue mucosa, which was smooth and contained some desquamating cells. The walls of the fissure found in macroscopical examination consisted of very low elevations of the smooth mucosa with some desquamating cells. At high magnification the superficial cells of the epithelium were polygonal. On their surface there were branching or parallel microplicae, which were often broken. Only occasionally superficial cells of the large papillae had a pitted appearance. The knob-like structures found among the microplicae and small cracks between the epithelial cells are discussed from the standpoint of the pathogenesis of fissured tongue.  相似文献   

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