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The adult rat brain develops through an interplay of neuronal proliferation and programmed cell death. Steroid hormones and growth factors may alter the balance between these competing processes. "Endocrine disrupters" (EDs) may also alter brain development, by mimicry or modulation of endogenous hormone systems. Under control conditions, the sexually dimorphic nucleus (SDN) of the medial preoptic hypothalamus becomes larger in adult males than females, but its final volume may also reflect the hormonal conditions prevailing during development. Two EDs that have recently been studied in protocols involving lifespan exposures are the phytoestrogen genistein and the weakly estrogenic compound para-nonylphenol, which is used in the production of many surfactants and plastics. Experimental dietary exposure of adult female rats to genistein or p-nonylphenol began 28 days prior to their mating at concentrations of 5 ppm, 100 ppm, and 500 ppm for genistein or 25 ppm, 200 ppm, and 750 ppm for p-nonylphenol. Exposure of the offspring continued throughout gestation and lactation, as well as in their chow after weaning, until they were sacrificed at 140 days of age for immunohistochemical labeling of the calbindin D28k-labeled subdivision of the SDN: the CALB-SDN. Both genistein and nonylphenol were found to increase the volume of the CALB-SDN in male rats (p's < 0.01), but not in female rats.  相似文献   

The estrogenic isoflavone genistein is a common dietary component that has been shown to affect reproductive development in experimental animals at high doses. The objective of the present study was to examine interactions of genistein and the hormonally active pesticide methoxychlor on mammary gland development in juvenile rats. Timed-pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats were fed a soy- and alfalfa-free diet containing different combinations of genistein (300 and 800 ppm) and methoxychlor (800 ppm). Rats were fed these diets starting on gestation day (GD)1 and continuing through pregnancy and lactation until postnatal day (PND) 22, when the pups were killed. Inguinal mammary glands from both female and male pups were processed as whole-mount preparations for morphometric analysis. The total glandular area and the numbers of branch points, lateral buds, and terminal end buds in the male rats were found to be significantly greater in the groups exposed to methoxychlor than those exposed to genistein only. These effects were not observed in the female rats. In the male rats, methoxychlor had the most prominent effect on elongating the glandular ducts, while genistein enhanced the ductile branching. The 2 compounds in combination promoted the development of alveolar-lobular structure, an effect not observed with either compound alone. Immunostaining for proliferating cell nuclear antigen revealed a high percentage of immunopositive cells in the mammary epithelia of the males exposed to methoxychlor and genistein (800 ppm) compared to the controls. While no significant changes in serum levels of mammotrophic hormones were detected, increased immunostaining for insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor, estrogen receptor alpha, and progesterone receptor in the genistein + methoxychlor group suggested that local factors involved in regulating mammary growth may have played a role in propagating the endocrine effects of these two compounds. These results indicated that the mammary glands of juvenile male rather than juvenile female rats may be more sensitive to certain endocrine-active compounds and that high levels of phytoestrogens have the potential to alter the toxicological behaviors of other hormone mimics.  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that the androgen receptor antagonist, flutamide, can produce a suite of reproductive malformations in the male rat when orally administered daily on gestation days (GD) 12-21. The objective of this study was to investigate the gestation time dependence for the induction of these malformations to establish a robust animal model for future studies of gene expression related to specific malformations. Groups of timed-pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats (GD 0 = day of mating) were administered flutamide as a single gavage dose (50 mg/kg) on GD 16, 17, 18, or 19 with 10 dams per group. Control animals (5 dams per time per group) were administered corn oil vehicle (2 ml/kg). Dams were allowed to litter, and their adult male offspring were killed at postnatal day (PND) 100 +/- 10. Anogenital distance was measured at PND 1 and 100. Areolae were scored at PND 13, and permanent nipples evaluated at PND 100. No reproductive tract malformations were found in control male offspring. In the treated groups, malformations were noted following exposure at every GD, although the incidence of specific malformations varied by GD. At GD 16, the highest incidence was noted for permanent nipples (46% pups, 60% litters), epispadias (12% pups, 30% litters), and missing epididymal components (5% pups, 20% litters). The highest incidences for hypospadias (58% pups, 80% litters), vaginal pouch (49% pups, 70% litters), cleft prepuce (29% pups, 60% litters), and missing prostate lobes (12% pups, 60% litters) were noted at GD 17. At GD 18 the highest incidence of malformations noted were epispadias (5% pups, 30% litters), reduced prostate size (32% pups, 90% litters), and abnormal kidneys (3% pups, 30% litters) and bladders (7% pups, 30% litters), while on GD 19 70% of the litters had animals with abnormal seminal vesicles. Testicular and epididymal morphological changes were noted at all GDs and were consistent with the gross observations and peaked in incidence and severity on GD17. The major discrepancy between this study and previous multiple-dose studies was in the very few numbers of animals presenting with cryptorchidism (only one each on GDs 16 and 17), suggesting that exposure over multiple days may be required to induce this malformation. Thus, a single gestational exposure of flutamide induced numerous reproductive tract malformations consistent with previously reports following multiple exposures, with the timing of the exposure producing marked tissue selectivity in the response noted in adult offspring.  相似文献   

Triclocarban (TCC) is an antimicrobial compound widely used in personal care products such as soaps, toothpaste, and shampoo. This agent is incompletely removed by wastewater treatment and represents an environmental contaminant. Recent studies have shown that TCC is associated with some endocrine disruptions. The aim of the present study was to evaluate if TCC exposure during critical periods of development (gestation and lactation) could lead to adverse effects on reproductive and behavior parameters of female offspring. Pregnant female Wistar rats were divided into four groups (n = 8–11/group): Control; TCC 0.3 mg/kg (TCC 0.3); TCC 1.5 mg/kg; TCC 3.0 mg/kg (TCC 3.0); and treated daily by oral gavage from gestational day 0 to lactational day 21. The female pups (F1 generation) were weaned on post-natal day 21 and included in the study. No litter-mates were used for the same group. There was a decrease in estradiol levels in the TCC 0.3 and TCC 3.0 groups. Moreover, there was a decrease in progesterone levels and an increase in pre-implantation loss in the TCC 3.0 group in adulthood. It is suggested, in this study, that the decrease in progesterone biosynthesis could interfere with implantation process. The exposure window to TCC is an important factor, as we found alterations only in the offspring.  相似文献   

Genistein (GE) is a prevalent phytoestrogen whose presence in human and animal foods may affect biological actions of synthetic endocrine active compounds. We have previously reported that in utero and lactational exposure to high doses of GE or the endocrine active pesticide methoxychlor (MXC) caused mammary epithelial proliferation in 21-day-old male rats. Combined exposure to GE and MXC resulted in significant feminization of the male mammary glands. The goals of the current study were to evaluate mammary responses to GE and MXC at the adult stage and investigate relevant mechanisms. Following in utero, lactational exposure (through maternal diet), and direct dietary exposure, the inguinal mammary gland of male rats (90 days of age) was found to exhibit significant morphological alterations in the groups treated with GE and/or MXC compared to the control. GE exposure (at 300 and 800 ppm concentrations) caused lobular enlargement and epithelial proliferation, whereas MXC exposure (800 ppm) led to ductal elongation and lobular enlargement. Combining the two treatments caused prominent proliferation of both ducts and alveoli; secretory material was seen in readily recognizable alveolar lumens, which are absent in untreated male mammary. We also surveyed gene expression in the mammary tissue using a cDNA microarray and evaluated relevant protein factors. The results indicated that the treatment effects are likely due to interactions between steroid hormone receptor-mediated signals and growth factor-driven cellular pathways. The distinctive responses associated with the GE+MXC combination were likely linked to enhanced actions of insulin-like growth factor 1 and related downstream pathways.  相似文献   

Daidzein is an estrogenic isoflavone present in many plants and therefore consumed in relatively high doses by humans. Daidzein has a low affinity for the estrogen receptor (3 orders of magnitude lower than estradiol) and has been demonstrated to have estrogenic effects in rodents after administration of high doses. We have studied the disposition and biotransformation of daidzein in rats fed a diet low in isoflavone content. Four male and four female Fischer 344 rats were orally administered 100 mg/kg daidzein; excreted urine and feces were collected for 96 h and unchanged daidzein as well as formed metabolites were quantified by HPLC. In urine of male rats, daidzein, daidzein-glucuronide, and daidzein-sulfate were excreted; in females, only unchanged daidzein and daidzein-glucuronide were present. Total urinary excretion of daidzein accounted for < 10% of dose in both males and females. The major pathway of daidzein elimination was excretion of unchanged daidzein with feces. Reductive daidzein-metabolites likely formed by intestinal microflora (equol, O-desmethylangolensin) were excreted with feces in small amounts (< 5% of dose). Excretion of daidzein and metabolites with urine and feces was rapid with elimination half-lives of less than 12 h; daidzein concentrations in urine and feces were below the limit of detection 36 h after daidzein administration. The results suggest that daidzein is only poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract in rodents. Absorbed daidzein is rapidly eliminated both unchanged and as conjugates with urine. The inefficient absorption of daidzein from the gastrointestinal tract and the rapid excretion may explain the weak estrogenicity of daidzein seen in vivo in rodents when compared to other estrogenic chemicals with comparatively low affinity to the estrogen receptor.  相似文献   

The herbicide atrazine is a putative endocrine disruptor. The present studies investigated the effects of atrazine in male Japanese quail during sexual maturation. Atrazine was administered for two weeks in the diet or systemically to birds under long photoperiods. Atrazine had no effect on mortality but depressed both feed intake and growth (average daily gain [ADG] in g/day) at dietary concentrations of 1000 ppm. Atrazine in the diet at 10 ppm, but at no other concentrations, increased testes weight and gonadal-somatic-index and decreased the seminiferous tubule diameter-to-testis weight ratio. However, there were no effects on absolute tubule diameter, relative stage of testicular development, or the presence of a lumen. Atrazine in the diet at 1000 ppm increased circulating concentrations of testosterone but this effect was not observed consistently in all studies. Dietary atrazine at 10 ppm increased circulating concentrations of estradiol. Moreover, in one study, atrazine at 1000 ppm in the diet decreased circulating concentrations of luteinizing hormone. Atrazine administered systemically exerted no effect on indices of growth or reproduction. Atrazine did not mimic the effects of either estradiol or tamoxifen in male quail; thus, atrazine did not exhibit overt estrogenic or anti-estrogenic activity. Conversely, atrazine augmented the effects of testosterone and estradiol on testis regression, presumably by increasing the negative-feedback effects of these sex-steroids on follicle stimulating hormone secretion. It is concluded that atrazine up to 1000 ppm in the diet may exert some effects on reproductive development in sexually maturing male birds, but these are inconsistent and modest.  相似文献   

Methoxychlor is an insecticide with estrogen-like activity, thus exposure during development might cause sexually dimorphic behavioral alterations. To evaluate this, pregnant rats consumed diets containing 0, 10, 100 or 1000 ppm methoxychlor from gestational day 7, and offspring continued on these diets until postnatal day (PND) 77. Assessments of sexually dimorphic behaviors in offspring indicated that intake of a 3.0% sodium chloride solution was significantly increased (41%) in males and females of the 1000 ppm group. No treatment group differed from controls in open field nor running wheel activity, play behavior, nor 0.3% saccharin solution intake. Offspring of the 1000 ppm group showed significantly decreased body weight, reaching 17% less than controls at PND 77, but not clearly related to their salt solution intake. During pregnancy, 1000 ppm dams consumed 23% less food and weighed 10% less than controls, but this did not affect litter outcomes. These results indicate that in rodents, developmental and chronic exposure to dietary methoxychlor alters the sexually dimorphic behavior of salt-solution intake in young adults of both sexes. Similar behavioral alterations with other xenoestrogens, and the potential for interactions among xenoestrogens, suggest that this report may minimize the true effects of dietary methoxychlor exposure.  相似文献   

The effects of prenatal rubratoxin-B (RB) exposure on 8 behavioral parameters in JCL:ICR mice were assessed. Pregnant mice were injected intraperitoneally with 0.1 or 0.2 mg/kg/day of RB dissolved in propylene glycol water solution on days 7-9 (Group A) or 10-12 (Group B) of gestation. Controls received the vehicle similarly on days 7-12 of gestation. Before weaning, the offspring of both sexes were examined to test their the surface righting reflex (5 days of age), cliff avoidance response (6 days), negative geotaxis response (7 days), and swimming development (8, 10, and 12 days). After weaning, male animals were examined using the rotarod test (6 weeks of age), the open-field test (7 weeks), the shuttle-box-avoidance-learning test (9 weeks), and the water E-maze test (10 weeks). The preweanling offspring in the 0.2 mg/kg-B group showed significantly lower success rates and longer response times than controls in the cliff-avoidance response. In swimming development, the offspring in the 0.2 mg/kg B group had significantly lower scores than controls for swimming angle at 10 and 12 days of age. The avoidance learning of the mice in all RB-exposed A and B groups was significantly poorer than that of controls. These results indicate that prenatal exposure to RB produced a delay of early response development and impaired learning ability in the offspring of mice exposed to RB during middle pregnancy.  相似文献   

Genistein, a phytoestrogen possessing a high affinity for estrogen receptor beta (ERbeta), is of increasing interest because of its possible influence on the physiology of mammalian reproductive tracts. Although estrogen has been demonstrated to regulate Calbindin-D9k (CaBP-9k) in the rat uterus as with other calcium binding proteins, the role of ERbeta on the modulation of CaBP-9k remains to be elucidated. To elucidate the effect of genistein as a selective ERbeta agonist on uterine expression of CaBP-9k mRNA and protein, immature female rats were injected with genistein daily for three consecutive days in a dose-dependent (0.4, 4, and 40 mg/kg/day) and time-dependent (40 mg/kg/day; 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, and 72 h) manner. Then, the expression of CaBP-9k mRNA and protein was analyzed by Northern hybridization and Western blot, respectively, in the absence or presence of ICI 182,780 (ICI), an estrogen antagonist. In addition, the protein levels of ERalpha and ERbeta and mRNA level of progesterone receptor (PR) were further measured following genistein treatment to elucidate which of ERs is involved in CaBP-9k modulation. In a dose-dependent experiment, the highest dose of genistein (40 mg/kg/day) for 3 days significantly induced uterine CaBP-9k protein as 17beta-estradiol (E2) did. In addition, its maximal mRNA expression was observed at 3 and 6 h, and it returned to control level at 24 h in a time-dependent experiment. In parallel with its mRNA level, the protein level of CaBP-9k was significantly induced by genistein at 3 h and sustained up to 48 h. The pretreatment with ICI, followed by genistein or E2, completely blocked genistein- and E2-induced CaBP-9k protein in the uterus of immature rats. Interestingly, genistein was demonstrated to induce ERalpha protein, but not ERbeta and PR mRNA, an E2-responsive gene, in this tissue. These results imply that genistein, an ERbeta ligand, may regulate CaBP-9k gene through ERalpha pathway. Taken together, the present study demonstrated that genistein enhanced CaBP-9k gene via ERalpha in the uterus of immature rats, suggesting that ERalpha may be a key mediator in uterine CaBP-9k gene induction in immature rats.  相似文献   

目的探讨雌激素及植物雌激素对去卵巢大鼠乳腺组织形态和ERα亚型表达的影响,并比较雌激素和植物雌激素作用的异同。方法48只Wistar大鼠随机分为8组,分别为假手术组(Sham)、去卵巢组(Ovx)、17β-雌二醇组(Ovx+Est)、17-β雌二醇+黄体酮组(Ovx+Est+Pro)、黄体酮组(Ovx+Pro)、染料木素组(Ovx+Gen)、白黎芦醇组(Ovx+Res)、根皮素组(Ovx+Phl)。对应组给药21d后处死,取乳腺组织,用蛋白免疫印迹法观察各组大鼠乳腺ERα的表达、并利用免疫组化对其形态学变化进行观察。结果乳腺组织中的ERα主要位于乳腺导管上皮细胞的胞质和胞核内。ERα在8组中均可表达,但表达量却不同。Sham与Ovx比较,Ovx组ERα表达上调(P<0·05);Ovx与Ovx+Est、Ovx+Pro、Ovx+Gen、Ovx+Res、Ovx+Phl比较,后5组ERα表达均下调(P<0·01);Ovx与Ovx+Est+Pro比较则差异无显著性(P>0·05);大鼠卵巢切除后,乳腺明显萎缩。卵巢切除大鼠皮下分别注射Gen和Phl后,乳腺结构仍呈现出卵巢切除后的表现。皮下注射Res乳腺腺泡及其上皮细胞有不同程度的增生。皮下注射Est或Est合并Pro后,乳腺组织密度增加,乳腺上皮细胞明显增生。结论植物雌激素Gen、Phl和Res与雌激素相似,可以下调去卵巢切除大鼠乳腺组织ERα的表达;Res还可促进去卵巢切除大鼠乳腺上皮细胞增生,但作用不如雌激素强。  相似文献   

The present studies report the effects on neonatal rats of oral exposure to genistein during the period from birth to postnatal day (PND) 21 to generate data for use in assessing human risk following oral ingestion of genistein. Failure to demonstrate significant exposure of the newborn pups via the mothers milk led us to subcutaneously inject genistein into the pups over the period PND 1-7, followed by daily gavage dosing to PND 21. The targeted doses throughout were 4 mg/kg/day genistein (equivalent to the average exposure of infants to total isoflavones in soy milk) and a dose 10 times higher than this (40 mg/kg genistein). The dose used during the injection phase of the experiment was based on plasma determinations of genistein and its major metabolites. Diethylstilbestrol (DES) at 10 micro g/kg was used as a positive control agent for assessment of changes in the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area (SDN-POA). Administration of 40 mg/kg genistein increased uterus weights at day 22, advanced the mean day of vaginal opening, and induced permanent estrus in the developing female pups. Progesterone concentrations were also decreased in the mature females. There were no effects in females dosed with 4 mg/kg genistein, the predicted exposure level for infants drinking soy-based infant formulas. There were no consistent effects on male offspring at either dose level of genistein. Although genistein is estrogenic at 40 mg/kg/day, as illustrated by the effects described above, this dose does not have the same repercussions as DES in terms of the organizational effects on the SDN-POA.  相似文献   

para-Nonylphenol (NP; CAS #84852-15-3), an alkylphenol with a 9-carbon olefin side chain, is widely used in the manufacture of nonionic surfactants, lubricant additives, polymer stabilizers, and antioxidants. Due to its wide commercial use and putative endocrine activity in humans and wildlife, the NTP elected to assess its effects on reproduction in multigenerational studies. To avoid known estrogenic activity of phytoestrogens in soy and alfalfa, a soy- and alfalfa-free, casein-containing diet was used in a range-finding study to determine the doses of NP to be tested further. NP was administered to Sprague-Dawley rats in the diet at 0, 5, 25, 200, 500, 1000, or 2000 ppm to F(0) dams beginning on gestation-day 7. The F(1) pups were weaned at postnatal day (PND) 21, and their exposure via diet was continued at the same dose level as their respective dams. Pup weights from birth through weaning were not significantly different from controls in any dose group, but the average weight of both sexes was significantly less compared to controls, beginning with the PND 28 weighing. The F(1) rats were sacrificed on PND 50 (n = 15, 3 pups of each sex from 5 litters for all dose groups). Terminal body weights of males and females in the 2000-ppm dose group were 74% and 85% of controls, respectively. Severe polycystic kidney disease (PKD) was present in 100% of the 2000 ppm-exposed male and female rats. At 1000 ppm, 67% of males and 53% of females had mild to moderate PKD versus none of either sex in the control and lower-dose groups. The no-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) for PKD was determined to be 500 ppm. Previous studies with comparable duration and route of exposure, but using soy-containing diets, reported either no or only mild PKD at 2000 ppm NP. We conclude that the renal toxicity of NP is highly dependent on the diet on which the animals are maintained. The potential interaction of diet and test compounds on nonreproductive as well as reproductive endpoints should be considered when contemplating the use of special diets formulated to minimize exogenous "hormone" content for the study of the effects of putative endocrine disruptive chemicals.  相似文献   

J Si  J Li  F Zhang  G Li  Q Xin  B Dai 《Environmental toxicology》2012,27(10):605-612
Tributyltin (TBT), an endocrine‐disrupting chemical, is well known to induce imposex in female gastropods. In this study, we assessed the effects of low doses of tributyltin chloride (TBTCl) on dams and their offspring. Pregnant mice were administered by gavage with 0, 1, 10, or 100 μg TBTCl/kg body weight/day from day 6 of pregnancy through the period of lactation. There were no TBT treatment‐related deaths or clinical signs of toxicity for dams, and no treatment‐related effects on body weight, litter sizes, gestational length of dams, and sex ratio, lactational body weight, postnatal survival, age at eruption of incisors, and eye opening of pups. However, at 100 μg/kg, TBTCl retarded the testes descent of male offspring. Behavioral tests showed a significant delay in cliff‐drop aversion response in offspring of 10 and 100 μg/kg groups, but no significant difference in the righting reflex between control and TBT‐exposed offspring was detectable. These results indicate that neurobehavioral toxicity seems to be one sensitive indicator to assess the risk of low doses of TBT. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Environ Toxicol, 2012.  相似文献   

木黄酮对心肌成纤维细胞增殖的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
观察木黄酮对心肌成纤维细胞 (CF)增殖的影响 .采用培养的新生大鼠CF ,以 [3 H]TdR参入率作为细胞增殖指标 ;流式细胞仪分析细胞周期 .结果显示木黄酮 (0 .5~ 50 μmol·L- 1)具有浓度依赖性地抑制 2 .5%胎牛血清刺激CF增殖的作用 ,并将CF细胞周期阻抑在G2 /M期 ;提示木黄酮有望成为防治心脏纤维化的物质  相似文献   

Genistein is a plant-derived estrogenic isoflavone commonly found in soy-based products such as soymilk and soy-based dietary supplements for treating menopausal symptoms, for example. Vasopressin is a neurosecretory nonapeptide synthesized primarily in neurons of the hypothalamus and secreted into the bloodstream from the posterior lobe of the pituitary. The endogenous opiate peptide beta-endorphin is synthesized both in neurons of the hypothalamus and in pituitary cells, primarily of the neurointermediate lobe. It has been reported that exposure to 17beta-estradiol or diethylstilbesterol increased the vasopressin content of the hypothalamus, and that estradiol valerate selectively damages hypothalamic beta-endorphin-containing neurons. Since little was known of the potential effects of estrogenic endocrine-disruptor compounds on hypothalamic neuropeptides, we fed Sprague-Dawley fetuses from day 7 in utero until sacrifice at postnatal day 77, with either a control diet (<1 ppm) or an experimental diet containing 25, 250, or 1250 ppm of genistein. We then conducted ELISA assays for hypothalamic content of both beta-endorphin and vasopressin immunoreactivity. Whereas there were no statistically reliable effects of dietary genistein on hypothalamic beta-endorphin content, vasopressin levels were significantly elevated in the 1250-ppm genistein group (p < 0.05). Elevated vasopressin levels may be associated with fluid balance, altered blood pressure, and cardiovascular effects. These data are consistent with the known actions of estradiol and may serve to explain our finding in a previous study that estrogenic endocrine-disruptors such as genistein increased sodium preference in rats exposed through their diet.  相似文献   

目的探讨金雀异黄素(genistein,Gen)和槲皮素(quercetin,Que)对人类乳腺癌细胞株增殖的影响。方法采用噻唑蓝(MTT)比色法测定槲皮素对雌激素依赖性乳腺癌细胞MCF-7、T47D和非雌激素依赖性乳腺癌细胞MDA-MB231的细胞增殖作用,并以雌激素受体拮抗剂ICI182780为工具药来评价金雀异黄素、槲皮素发挥雌激素样作用与雌激素受体的关系,流式细胞术对MCF-7细胞的增殖情况进行分析。结果Gen和Que在一定剂量范围内能促进T47D和MCF-7细胞的增殖,而对雌激素受体阴性MDA-MB231细胞未见增殖作用,并将MCF-7细胞周期由G1期向S期推进,促进DNA合成,提高细胞分裂增殖指数,且Gen和Que促进MCF-7细胞增殖作用被雌激素受体拮抗剂所拮抗。结论金雀异黄素和槲皮素具有雌激素活性,此作用可能是通过雌激素受体(ER)介导的。  相似文献   

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of neonatal exposure to the herbicide acetochlor (ACT) on pubertal development and reproductive functions in female Wistar rats and to investigate capability of ACT to interfere with estradiol binding to rat uterine estrogen receptors (ERs) ex vivo.

Methods: Acetochlor (7.68 and 15.36?mg/kg/day) was administered by subcutaneous injection from postnatal day (PND) 4–7, and vaginal opening, and estrous cyclicity were evaluated from PND 8-159. A second group of adult ovariectomized female rats was dosed for 6 days with ACT (153.6?mg/kg/day, oral gavage). The interference of ACT with the binding of [3H]Estradiol -17β to uterine nuclear and cytoplasmic estrogen receptors was analyzed ex vivo in receptor binding assay.

Results: Both doses of ACT caused acceleration of the age at eye opening and vaginal patency that were significantly different from the control. In addition, altered estrous cyclicity was observed in the ACT (15.36?mg/kg/day) group with 54% of the female rats displaying irregular cycles at PND 159. While uterine weights were not altered, a significant accumulation of uterine nuclear estrogen receptors was observed in the ACT group.

Conclusion: These results indicate that acetochlor can act as the endocrine disruptor and that endpoints related to pubertal development and reproductive functions sensitive sites are targeted with this persistent pollutant.  相似文献   

雌激素对缺氧保护作用的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
雌激素具有多方面的生理功能 ,如预防动脉粥样硬化、冠心病和骨质疏松等。植物雌激素是一种存在于植物中、结构与雌激素相似、并具有雌激素效能的天然化合物。目前 ,雌激素和植物雌激素对缺氧条件下机体的影响的研究尚少 ,其作用机制也正在进一步探讨之中  相似文献   

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