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Depressivepsychosisisametastaticneuro sismanifestingmainlyaspersistingmentalde pressioninclinic.It’smorbidityincreasesgrad uallyinrecentyearsandapparentlyhinderspa tients’dailylifeandworkingabilities.Itisre ported[1 ] thatacupuncturetherapy possessesagoodt…  相似文献   

77 cases of neurosis were treated with intelligent(computerized)elec-troacupuncture(IEA)and common electroacupuncture(CEA)at two different wave forms and fre-quencies.The results showed that the markedly effective rates of IEA and CEA were respectively75% and 60% without a statistically significant difference.For different subtypes of neurosis,thetherapeutic effects of IEC in the treatment 6f neurasthenia and depressive neurosis were superior toand in the treatment of anxiety was inferior to those of CEA.For different syndromes,the curativeeffects of IEA on somatic symptom,depression and asthenic symptom were.superior to and on anxietyand sleep-disorder were not as good as those of CEA.  相似文献   

Thetherapeuticeffectofacupuncturefordia betesmellitus(DM)hasbeenconfirmedbyalarge numberofclinicalinvestigations.Itisasubjectfor acupuncturiststoconsiderandsearchforatherapy providingbettertherapeuticeffectsbywayofproper differentiationofsyndromesandcombinationofacu points.Basedonclinicalexperiencegainedformore than30years,theauthorsofthepresentpaperhave graduallyformedaneffectivecombinedtherapyfor treatingtypeⅡDM(noninsulindependentDM)and itsvariouscomplications.Thereportisasfollows.1CLI…  相似文献   

Facialspasmorblepharospasmisanintractable disease,characterizedbyparoxysmal,irregular,in voluntaryconvulsionoffacialmusclesononeside,whichusuallystartsfromtheeyeorbicularmuscleof thelowereyelidandgraduallyextendsdownwardto thelowermusclesoftheface.Forseverepatients,vi olentmuscularspasmappearsinthewholeface.However,modernmedicinelackseffectivetherapyfor thisdiseaseatpresent.Theauthorsofthepresentpa peradoptedscalpacupuncturetotreat34casesofthis diseasefromSeptember2003toJuly2004,and achieveda…  相似文献   

Out of 100 cases of intractable schizophrenia,57 cases were in the group ofComputer-Controlled Electric Acupuncture (CCEA) and 43 in the control group.The therapeutic re-sults showed that clinically CCEA had a remarkably effective rate of 40. 35% on refractoryschizophrenia,which had much better curative effects than those in the control group.Through dy-namic evaluation of brief psychiatric rating scale (BPRS),negative symptom scale (SANS) and posi-tive symptom scale (SAPS) for both groups before,during and after treatment,the results indicatedthat in CCEA group the scores of BPRS,SANS and SAPS after treatment were much less than thosebefore treatment,which were remarkably different from those in the control group (P<0.01).Lab-oratory examination of thyroxin and androgen of patients in both groups before and after treatmentfound a significant result.  相似文献   

Asoneofthemainmethodsfortreatmentoftumors,chemotherapyworkswellforsometypesofthem .But,atthesametime ,itsviru lentandsideeffectsrestrictitstherapeuticeffectandlowerthepatients’lifequality .Recently ,weappliedacupoint injectionofAstragalusRootinjectiotothep…  相似文献   

目的:探讨治疗神经外科术后病人偏瘫的最佳疗法。方法:将本病患者50例随机分为治疗组25例和对照组25例。对照组采用内科西药常规治疗,治疗组在对照组治疗基础上,术后3天加用针刺,取内关、水沟、曲池、合谷、三阴交、极泉、委中等穴,并合用头针,治疗30天(1次/日),以神经功能缺损评分进行治疗前后的功能评价。结果:采用针刺法能明显改善患者的神经功能缺损程度,治疗组总有效率为76.0%,对照组总有效率为42.4%,经统计学处理(P〈0.05),两组间差异有显著性意义。结论:治疗组疗效优于对照组。采用针刺配合西药治疗神经外科术后病人偏瘫有协同作用,疗效更好。  相似文献   

Goutyarthritisresultsfromdisordersofthemetabolismofpurine .Inclinic ,highlithemiaisoftenusedasthekeypointfordiagnosisandoc cursmostlyinthemiddle agedandsenilemen .Itisoftencharacterizedasurgentattack ,baryo dyniaoftheunilateralfirstmetatarsophalangealjoin…  相似文献   

According to the "International Standard of Chinese Head Acupoints" 207 patientssuffering from stroke were treated by needling along the anterior and posterior obligue lines of vertex-temporal, and the line 1 and line 2 lateral to vertex. The markedly effective rate accounted for73. 43% of the total, and the overall effective rate represented 89. 86%. After the treatment somesymptoms as hemiplegia, lingual dysfunction, facial and tongue paralysis were obviously improved (P< 0. 01 ). The therapeutic effect of head acupuncture was obviously better than that of Westernmedicine(P<0.01). Comparison of therapeutic effects made among needling along different lines andbetween those applied on the intact and affected sides of the body showed that they were all effectivein improving the symptoms, but there was no significant difference(P<0. 05)  相似文献   

TheauthorofthepresentpaperemployedacupuncturetheraPytotreat52casesofsiffneckandcomareditseffectwiththatofrnaSSagtherapyfortreathentofanother3Ocases.Hereisthereport.cratunRanOfthe52casesinacupuncturegroup,l8werernaleand34fernale-TheyoungestwaslOyearoldandtheoldest58yearold,withanaverageageof33yearS.Theshortestdurationofdiseasewas1dayandthelongest3days.A-mongthe3OcasesofthemaSSagegroup,9wereInaleand21ede.TheyOungestwas16yearsoldandtheoldest62yearsold,withanaverageageof37years.Theshortestdu…  相似文献   

Acupuncture therapy was adopted in treating 17 patients suffering from postherpeticneuralgia. Local acupoint was selected as the main point and some points on the related meridians asadjunct points, which were punctured once a day, 10 successive days as a treatment course. It was re-vealed that the total effective rate was 88. 24% and 22. 22% in acupuncture group and control grouprespectively (P<0. 01). And the high effective rates were observed in the 2nd and 3rd course of thetreatment and in the patients whose courses of diseases were in one month. lt is suggested thatacupuncture was simple, physiologically moderate and effective therapy in the treatment of posther-petic neuralgia.  相似文献   

233 cases of arthralgia-syndrome were randomly divided into five treatment groupswith double blind method:1)acupuncture pills cupping;2)acupoint medicinal injection;3)acupointmedicinal injection plus laser radiation;4)acupoint medicinal injection plus field effect,and 5)electroacupuncture(EA)plus cupping for observation of the therapeutic effect.The total effective ratewas 89.2%.No significant differences were found among the five groups in the total effective rate.But,the markedly effective rate was highest in the acupoint medicinal injection plus field effect group.And the therapeutic effect in patients with pain arthralgia and migratory arthralgia and shorter courseof disease was best.  相似文献   

Epilepsyisaparoxysmalandtransitorydis turbanceofthefunctionsofthebrainwhichde velopssuddenly ,ceasesspontaneously ,andex hibitsaconspicuoustendencytorecurrence.Itisacommonsyndromewithrepeatedonsetoftheuncontrolledneuraldischargesofthebrain .Itsischaracterizedbyparoxysmaltrance,disorderofconsciousness,evensuddenfalling ,lossofcon sciousness,etc.,whichmayormaynotbeasso ciatedwithtonicspasmandcloniccontractionsofthemuscles,foaminginthemouth ,screamingorroar,up viewingoftheeyes.Afterrecoveringcons…  相似文献   

目的:观察远红外消喘康贴穴位贴敷疗法防治支气管哮喘的临床疗效。方法:将366例支气管哮喘患者随机分为治疗组185例和对照组181例,治疗组使用远红外消喘康贴治疗,对照组使用传统“三伏灸”药物外贴,治疗前后分别测定肺功能(FEV1、PEF)和观察主要症状与体征的变化情况。结果:两组疗法均能有效改善肺功能并控制症状,减少哮喘发作,治疗组和对照组在疗效之间差异无显著性意义(P〉0.05)。结论:远红外消喘康贴防治支气管哮喘,疗效与传统三伏灸疗法无明显差异,可以替代传统三伏灸疗法。  相似文献   

In the present paper, 32 cases of hiccup are treated with acupoint digital pressing and massage. According to syndrome differentiation, hiccup is divided into 5 types including stomach-cold, reversed rising of the stomach-fire, adverse flow of qi and phlegm obstruction, deficiency of both spleen-yang and kidney-yang and insufficiency of the stomach-yin. Acupoints used are Zusanli (ST 36), Neiguan (PC 6), Zhongfu (LU 1), etc. and pressed with fingers repeatedly. Then, massage manipulations are performed by tapping the patient's back repeatedly for 5 - 6 times; tapping Jiuwei (CV 15) area, and pressing the tender-point beside the left side of T3_4 spinous processes and Geshu (BL 17). After treatment, of the 32 cases of hiccup, 23 cases are cured, 6 have remarkable improvement and 3 are failed in treatment, with the effective rate being 90.6% .  相似文献   

In the present study,the therapeutic effect of penetration needling was observed in 120cases facial paralysis patients and compared with that of the routine needling in another105cases.Re-sults showed that though no significant difference was found between these two groups in the therapeu-tic effect,the acupoints used were fewer in penetration needling group and its effect on tear and poste-rior-auricular pain was superior to that of routine needling.  相似文献   

In the present paper,the therapeutic effect of acupoint application of Chinese materia Medica in the treatment of allergic asthma was observed.The results revealed that topical application of drug-paste[mixture of powder of Mahuang(Herba Ephedrae),Xixin (Herba Asari),Baijiezi(Semen Sinapis Albae),etc.]at the acupuncture points could improve symptome and signs of allergic asthma patients,with the total effective rate being 69.57%(16/23)for the short-term effect,and 52.17%(12/23)for the long-term effect.In medication(Aminophylline)group,of the 25 cases of allergic asthma,16(64.0%)were effective after 4 weeks of treatment,while 6(24.0%)were still effective that was shown by 6-months‘ follow up.The therapeutic effect of acupoint application group was significantly better than that of medication group in the long-term effect.Results also showed that no obvious interrelation between the short-term therapeutic effect and the duration of the severity of the disease.Results also display that acupoint application therapy is an effective,safe and handy method withfewer side effects for asthma.  相似文献   

Protrusionoflumbarintervertebraldiscisoneofthecomrnonlyencountereddiseases.Inthepastseveralyears,theauthorsadQptedelec-troacupuncturetotreat51patientsandachievedsatisfactoryresults.ltisreportedasfollows:GENERALMATERIALSAllthe51casesofprotrusionoflumbarin-tervertebraldischadtypicalclinicalmanifesta-ti...[1]andwereconfirmedtohavepathologicalchangeinL4/L5or(and)L5/S,byCTscanningandnuclearmagneticresonance(NMR)exami-nation.Amongthem,39casesweremaleandl2female,ranginginagefrom27to58(mean4…  相似文献   

Neurodermatitis is an intractable dermatosis, which is characterized by paroxysmal pru-ritus and lichenoid pathological changes in the skin. In this study, 104 cases of local neuredermatitiswere treated with catgut implantation at acupoints. Among them, 80 cases (76. 9 % ) were markedlyeffective, 14 cases (13. 5 % ) effective with the total effective rate of 90. 4 %. There were another 38cases used as a control group, who were treated with 10% Unguentum picis fabae nigrae or Triamci-nolone. The local area smeared with the ointment was blowed by an electric hot blower. If itching wassevere, it should be treated with sedative or using some antihistaminics. Of them, 18 cases (47. 4 % )were markedly effective, 11 cases (28. 9 % ) effective. The total effective rate was 76. 3 %. There wasa significant difference between the two groups (P<0.05 ). It shows that the effect of catgut implan-tation at acupoint is better than that of medicination group.  相似文献   

In the present paper, the authors review some new results of acupuncture treatment of shoulder pain in stroke patients from ① application of filiform needle with different needling manipulations, ② selection and combination of acupoints, and ③ some special needling methods including point-injection. Generally, if acupuncture therapy is used in combination with other rehabilitation methods, the therapeutic effect of shoulder-pain-relief will be much better. Regarding the acupoint selection, both local acupoints and those of the yang meridians are primarily used in clinical practice. Further studies on treating shoulder pain of hemiplegia based upon the basic theory of TOM are necessary.  相似文献   

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