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The perinatal period of brain is characterized by dynamic changes in structure and high propensity for epilepsy. Animal models have shown that alterations of AMPA receptor (AMPAR) assembly or function may be related to seizure-induced cell damage, long-lasting impairments in brain development and seizure threshold. However, effects of earlier epileptiform discharges on AMPAR composition and sub-cellular distribution remain understudied. In this study, we analyzed age-dependent variation of relative GluR1 and GluR2 protein levels in primary cultured rat cortical neurons at 7 DIV, 12 DIV, 17 DIV and 21 DIV. By inducing a single event of epileptiform activity at 6 DIV, we tested the effects of early-life seizure-like insults on AMPAR subunit distribution. We found a significant increase in synaptosomal membrane GluR1 expression in magnesium-free (MGF) medium-treated neurons at each time point detected (p < 0.05), while GluR2 expression increased at 7 DIV, and declined at 17 DIV and 21 DIV respectively (p < 0.05). That is, a trend of high GluR1 with much lower GluR2 expression on the surface membrane of epileptiform discharges experienced neurons over time in culture was presented. These findings in an in vitro model of early-life seizure may inform rodent models of epilepsy, as well as the cellular mechanism involved in epilepsy-associated brain dysfunction.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that excitatory amino acid transmitters such as glutamate are involved in the initiation of seizures and their propagation. Most attention has been directed to synapses using NMDA receptors, but more recent evidence indicates potential roles for ionotropic non-NMDA (AMPA/kainate) and metabotropic glutamate receptors as well.Based on the role of glutamate in the development and expression of seizures, antagonism of glutamate receptors has long been thought to provide a rational strategy in the search for new, effective anticonvulsant drugs. Furthermore, because glutamate receptor antagonists, particularly those acting on NMDA receptors, protect effectively in the induction of kindling, it was suggested that they may have utility in epilepsy prophylaxis, for example, after head trauma.However, first clinical trials with competitive and uncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonists in patients with partial (focal) seizures, showed that these drugs lack convincing anticonvulsant activity but induce severe neurotoxic adverse effects in doses which were well tolerated in healthy volunteers. Interestingly, the only animal model which predicted the unfavorable clinical activity of competitive NMDA antagonists in patients with chronic epilepsy was the kindling model of temporal lobe epilepsy, indicating that this model should be used in the search for more effective and less toxic glutamate receptor antagonists.In this review, results from a large series of experiments on different categories of glutamate receptor antagonists in fully kindled rats are summarized and discussed. NMDA antagonists, irrespective whether they are competitive, high- or low-affinity uncompetitive, glycine site or polyamine site antagonists, do not counteract focal seizure activity and only weakly, if at all, attenuate propagation to secondarily generalized seizures in this model, indicating that once kindling is established, NMDA receptors are not critical for the expression of fully kindled seizures.In contrast, ionotropic non-NMDA receptor antagonists exert potent anticonvulsant effects on both initiation and propagation of kindled seizures. This effect can be markedly potentiated by combination with low doses of NMDA antagonists, suggesting that an optimal treatment of focal and secondarily generalized seizures may require combined use of both non-NMDA and NMDA antagonists. Given the promising results obtained with novel AMPA/kainate antagonists and glycine/NMDA partial agonists in the kindling model, the hope for soon having potentially useful glutamate antagonists for use in epileptic patients is increasing.  相似文献   

We present an 8-year-old boy with folate receptor alpha (FRα) defect and congenital deafness with labyrinthine aplasia, microtia and microdontia (LAMM syndrome). Both conditions are exceptionally rare autosomal recessive inherited diseases mapped to 11q13. Our patient was found to have novel homozygous nonsense mutations in the FOLR1 gene (p.R204X), and FGF3 gene (p.C50X). While the FRα defect is a disorder of brain-specific folate transport accompanied with cerebral folate deficiency (CFD) causing progressive neurological symptoms, LAMM syndrome is a solely malformative condition, with normal physical growth and cognitive development.Our patient presented with congenital deafness, hypotonia, dysphygia and ataxia in early childhood. At the age of 6 years he developed intractable epilepsy, and deteriorated clinically with respiratory arrest and severe hypercapnea at the age of 8 years. In contrast to the previously published patients with a FOLR1 gene defect, our patient presented with an abnormal l-dopa metabolism in CSF and high 3-O-methyl-dopa. Upon oral treatment with folinic acid the boy regained consciousness while the epilepsy could be successfully managed only with additional pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP).This report pinpoints the importance of CSF folate investigations in children with unexplained progressive neurological presentations, even if a malformative syndrome is obviously present, and suggests a trial with PLP in folinic acid-unresponsive seizures.  相似文献   

The human brain contains about 100 billion neurons forming an intricate network of innumerable connections, which continuously adapt and rewire themselves following inputs from external and internal environments as well as the physiological synaptic, dendritic and axonal sculpture during brain maturation and throughout the life span.  相似文献   

We conducted population-based association tests for the four selected SNPs (rs2240340/padi4_94, rs7528684/fcrl3_3, rs3792876/slc2F2 and rs2268277/runx1) previously reported to be associated with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The study population consisted of 950 unrelated Japanese subjects with RA and 507 controls, none of whom had previously been tested for these variants. Only the SNP rs2240340/padi4_94 was modestly associated with RA [allele odds ratio (OR) 1.22, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.04–1.43, P = 0.012]. The most significant association effect was found for genotype contrast between minor and major allele homozygotes (OR 1.53, 95% CI 1.10–2.12, P = 0.010). No other SNPs showed a statistically significant association with RA in our population. Meta-analysis of published studies and our new data confirmed a highly significant association between PADI4 gene SNPs and increased risk of RA in East Asian populations (allele fixed-effects summary OR 1.31, 95% CI 1.22–1.41, P < 0.0001). We found some evidence for an association of either rs7528684/fcrl3_3 or rs3792876/slc2F2 with RA; however, because the magnitudes of effects were apparently much weaker than those reported in the initial positive reports, and there were substantial levels of inter-study OR heterogeneity, we concluded that additional studies are needed to fully understand the present results. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A constant pattern through the development of cellular life is that not only cells but also subcellular components such as proteins, either being enzymes, receptors, signaling or structural proteins, strictly cooperate. Discerning how protein cooperation originated and propagates over evolutionary time, how proteins work together to a shared outcome far beyond mere interaction, thus represents a theoretical and experimental challenge for evolutionary, molecular, and computational biology, and a timely fruition also for biotechnology. In this review, we describe some basic principles sustaining not only cellular but especially protein cooperative behavior, with particular emphasis on neurobiological systems. We illustrate experimental results and numerical models substantiating that bench research, as well as computer analysis, indeed concurs in recognizing the natural propensity of proteins to cooperate. At the cellular level, we exemplify network connectivity in the thalamus, hippocampus and basal ganglia. At the protein level, we depict numerical models about the receptosome, the protein machinery connecting neurotransmitters or growth factors to specific, unique downstream effector proteins. We primarily focus on the purinergic P2/P1 receptor systems for extracellular purine and pyrimidine nucleotides/nucleosides. By spanning concepts such as single-molecule biology to membrane computing, we seek to stimulate a scientific debate on the implications of protein cooperation in neurobiological systems.  相似文献   

Taking a comparative approach, data from a range of visual species are discussed in the context of ideas about mechanisms of motion detection. The cellular basis of motion detection in the vertebrate retina, sub-cortical structures and visual cortex is reviewed alongside that of the insect optic lobes. Special care is taken to relate concepts from theoretical models to the neural circuitry in biological systems. Motion detection involves spatiotemporal pre-filters, temporal delay filters and non-linear interactions. A number of different types of non-linear mechanism such as facilitation, inhibition and division have been proposed to underlie direction selectivity. The resulting direction-selective mechanisms can be combined to produce speed-tuned motion detectors. Motion detection is a dynamic process with adaptation as a fundamental property. The behavior of adaptive mechanisms in motion detection is discussed, focusing on the informational basis of motion adaptation, its phenomenology in human vision, and its cellular basis. The question of whether motion adaptation serves a function or is simply the result of neural fatigue is critically addressed.  相似文献   

Behavioral sensitization refers to the progressive augmentation of behavioral responses to psychomotor stimulants that develops during their repeated administration and persists even after long periods of withdrawal. It provides an animal model for the intensification of drug craving believed to underlie addiction in humans.Mechanistic similarities between sensitization and other forms of neuronal plasticity were first suggested on the basis of the ability of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonists to prevent the development of sensitization [Karler, R., Calder, L. D., Chaudhry, I. A. and Turkanis, S. A. (1989) Blockade of “reverse tolerance” to cocaine and amphetamine by MK-801. Life Sci., 45, 599–606.]. This article will review the large number of subsequent studies addressing: (1) the roles of NMDA, α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionate (AMPA) and metabotropic glutamate receptors in the development and expression of behavioral sensitization, (2) excitatory amino acids (EAAs) and the role of conditioning in sensitization, (3) controversies regarding EAA involvement in behavioral sensitization based on studies with MK-801, (4) the effects of acute and repeated stimulant administration on EAA neurochemistry and EAA receptor expression, and (5) the neuroanatomy of EAA involvement in sensitization.To summarize, NMDA, AMPA metabotropic glutamate receptors all participate in the development of sensitization, while maintenance of the sensitized state involves alterations in neurochemical measures of EAA transmission as well as in the expression and sensitivity of AMPA and NMDA receptors.While behavioral sensitization likely involves complex neuronal circuits, with EAAs participating at several points within this circuitry, EAA projections originating in prefrontal cortex may play a particularly important role in the development of sensitization, perhaps via their regulatory effects on midbrain dopamine neurons.The review concludes by critically evaluating various hypotheses to account for EAA involvement in the development of behavioral sensitization, and considering the question of whether EAA receptors are involved in mediating the rewarding effects of psychomotor stimulants and sensitization of such rewarding effects.  相似文献   

The synaptic plasticity that is addressed in this review follows neurodegeneration in the brain and thus has both structural as well as functional components. The model of neurodegeneration that has been selected is the kainic acid lesioned hippocampus. Degeneration of the CA3 pyramidal cells results in a loss of the Schaffer collateral afferents innervating the CA1 pyramidal cells. This is followed by a period of structural plasticity where new synapses are formed. These are associated with changes in the numbers and shapes of spines as well as changes in the morphometry of the dendrites. It is suggested that this synaptogenesis is responsible for an increase in the ratio of NMDA to AMPA receptors mediating excitatory synaptic transmission at these synapses. Changes in the temporal and spatial properties of these synapses resulted in an altered balance between LTP and LTD. These properties together with a reduction in the inhibitory drive increased the excitability of the surviving CA1 pyramidal cells which in turn triggered epileptiform bursting activity. In this review we discuss the insights that may be gained from studies of the underlying molecular machinery.

Developments in one of the collections of the cogs in this machinery has been summarized through recent studies characterizing the roles of neural recognition molecules in synaptic plasticity in the adult nervous systems of vertebrates and invertebrates. Such investigations of neural cell adhesion molecules, cadherins and amyloid precursor protein have shown the involvement of these molecules on the morphogenetic level of synaptic changes, on the one hand, and signal transduction effects, on the other. Further complex cogs are found in the forms of the low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDL-R) family of genes and their ligands play pivotal roles in the brain development and in regulating the growth and remodelling of neurones. Evidence is discussed for their role in the maintenance of cognitive function as well as Alzheimer's. The molecular mechanisms responsible for the clustering and maintenance of transmitter receptors at postsynaptic sites are the final cogs in the machinery that we have reviewed.

Postsynaptic densities (PSD) from excitatory synapses have yielded many cytoskeletal proteins including actin, spectrin, tubulin, microtubule-associated proteins and calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II. Isolated PSDs have also been shown to be enriched in AMPA, kainate and NMDA receptors. However, recently, a new family of proteins, the MAGUKs (for membrane-associated guanylate kinase) has emerged. The role of these proteins in clustering different NMDA receptor subunits is discussed. The MAGUK proteins are also thought to play a role in synaptic plasticity mediated by nitric oxide (NO). Both NMDA and non-NMDA receptors are highly clustered at excitatory postsynaptic sites in cortical and hippocampal neurones but have revealed differences in their choice of molecular components. Both GABAA and glycine (Gly) receptors mediate synaptic inhibition in the brain and spinal cord. Whilst little is known about how GABAA receptors are localized in the postsynaptic membrane, considerable progress has been made towards the elucidation of the molecular mechanisms underlying the formation of Gly receptors. It has been shown that the peripheral membrane protein gephyrin plays a pivotal role in the formation of Gly receptor clusters most likely by anchoring the receptor to the subsynaptic cytoskeleton. Evidence for the distribution as well as function of gephyrin and Gly receptors is discussed. Postsynaptic membrane specializations are complex molecular machinery subserving a multitude of functions in the proper communication between neurones. Despite the fact that only a few key players have been identified it will be a fascinating to watch the story as to how they contribute to structural and functional plasticity unfold.  相似文献   

Wang F  Wu H  Xu S  Guo X  Yang J  Shen X 《Neuroscience research》2011,71(3):210-218
In our previous study, peripheral inflammatory stimulation evoked production of macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) in the spinal cord and found spinal microglia are the major source of MIF in this context. Given the contribution of the activated-microglia to the inflammatory neuropathy plus the role for upregulated COX 2 expression and PGE2 production in the severity of clinical manifestations of these neuroinflammatory conditions, we herein tested the hypothesis that in vitro MIF stimulation to spinal microglia could result in an activation of COX 2–PGE2 system by MIF–CD74 interaction. We found MIF played roles in evoking COX 2 mRNA and protein expression in a dose-dependent manner correspondingly in changes in PGE2 level in the cultured rat microglia, but these changes could be inhibited by genetic deletion of CD74. Finally, MIF-induced COX 2–PGE2 activation could be blocked by selective inhibitors of p44/p42 and p38 MAPKs. These data highlight MIF/CD74 interaction induces upregulation of COX 2 expression and PGE2 secretion in primary rodent microglia, and further this effect is associated with downstream activation of p38 and p44/p42 signaling cascades, and favors the role of MIF as a novel pathway for microglia-associated neuroinflammation.  相似文献   

Nucleotides such as ATP, ADP, UTP or the diadenosine polyphosphates and possibly even NAD+ are extracellular signaling substances in the brain and in other tissues. Enzymes located on the cell surface catalyze the hydrolysis of these compounds and thus limit their spatio-temporal activity. As a final hydrolysis product they generate the nucleoside and phosphate. The paper discusses the biochemical properties, cellular localization and functional properties of surface-located enzymes that hydrolyse nucleotides released from nervous tissue. This is preceded by a brief discussion of nucleotide receptors, cellular storage and mechanisms of nucleotide release. In nervous tissue nucleoside 5′-triphosphates are hydrolysed by ecto-ATP-diphosphohydrolase and possibly in addition also by ecto-nucleoside triphosphatase and ecto-nucleoside diphosphatase. The molecular identity of the ATP-diphosphohydrolase has now been revealed. The hydrolysis of nucleoside 5′-monophosphates is catalysed by 5′-nucleotidase whose biochemical properties and molecular structure have been studied in detail. Little is known about the molecular properties of the diadenosine polyphosphatases. Surface located enzymes for the extracellular hydrolysis of NAD+ and also ecto-protein kinases are discussed briefly. The cellular localization of the ecto-nucleotidases is only partly defined. Whereas in adult mammalian brain activity for hydrolysis of ATP and ADP may be associated with nerve cells or glial cells 5′-nucleotidase appears to have a preferential glial allocation in the adult mammal. The extracellular hydrolysis of the nucleotides is of functional importance not only during synaptic transmission where it functions in signal elimination. It plays a crucial role also for the survival and differentiation of neural cells in vitro and presumably during neuronal development in vivo. Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd.  相似文献   

Dendrites and spines undergo dynamic changes in physiological and pathological conditions. Dendritic outgrowth has been observed in surviving neurons months after ischemia, which is associated with the functional compensation. It remains unclear how dendrites in surviving neurons are altered shortly after ischemia, which might reveal the mechanisms underlying neuronal survival. Using primary cortical cultures, we monitored the dendritic changes in individual neurons after oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD). Two to four hours of OGD induced approximately 30–50% cell death in 24 h. However, the total dendritic length in surviving neurons was significantly increased after OGD with a peak at 6 h after re-oxygenation. The increase of dendritic length after OGD was mainly due to the sprouting rather than the extension of the dendrites. The dendritic outgrowth after 2 h of OGD was greater than that after 4 h of OGD. Application of NMDA receptor blocker MK-801 abolished OGD-induced dendritic outgrowth, whereas application of AMPA receptor antagonist CNQX had no significant effects. These results demonstrate a NMDA receptor-dependent dendritic plasticity shortly after OGD, which provides insights into the early response of surviving neurons after ischemia.  相似文献   

Development represents a critical moment for shaping adult behavior and may set the stage to disease vulnerability later in life. There is now compelling evidence that stressful experiences during gestation or early in life can lead to enhanced susceptibility for mental illness. In this paper we review the data from experimental studies aimed at investigating behavioral, hormonal, functional and molecular consequences of exposure to stressful events during prenatal or early postnatal life that might contribute to later psychopathology. The use of the newest methodology in the field and the intensive efforts produced by researchers have opened the possibility to reveal the complex, finely tuned and previously unappreciated sets of molecular interactions between different factors that are critical for neurodevelopment thus leading to important discoveries regarding perinatal life. The major focus of our work has been to revise and discuss data from animal studies supporting the role of neuronal plasticity in the long-term effects produced by developmental adversities on brain function as well as the possible implications for disease vulnerability. We believe these studies might prove useful for the identification of novel targets for more effective pharmacological treatments of mental illnesses.  相似文献   

The analysis of cellular-molecular events mediating synaptic plasticity within vestibular nuclei is an attempt to explain the mechanisms underlying vestibular plasticity phenomena. The present review is meant to illustrate the main results, obtained in vitro, on the mechanisms underlying long-term changes in synaptic strength within the medial vestibular nuclei. The synaptic plasticity phenomena taking place at the level of vestibular nuclei could be useful for adapting and consolidating the efficacy of vestibular neuron responsiveness to environmental requirements, as during visuo-vestibular recalibration and vestibular compensation. Following a general introduction on the most salient features of vestibular compensation and visuo-vestibular adaptation, which are two plastic events involving neuronal circuitry within the medial vestibular nuclei, the second and third sections describe the results from rat brainstem slice studies, demonstrating the possibility to induce long-term potentiation and depression in the medial vestibular nuclei, following high frequency stimulation of the primary vestibular afferents. In particular the mechanisms sustaining the induction and expression of vestibular long-term potentiation and depression, such as the role of various glutamate receptors and retrograde messengers have been described. The relevant role of the interaction between the platelet-activating factor, acting as a retrograde messenger, and the presynaptic metabotropic glutamate receptors, in determining the full expression of vestibular long-term potentiation is also underlined. In addition, the mechanisms involved in vestibular long-term potentiation have been compared with those leading to long-term potentiation in the hippocampus to emphasize the most significant differences emerging from vestibular studies. The fourth part, describes recent results demonstrating the essential role of nitric oxide, another retrograde messenger, in the induction of vestibular potentiation. Finally the fifth part suggests the possible functional significance of different action times of the two retrograde messengers and metabotropic glutamate receptors, which are involved in mediating the presynaptic mechanism sustaining vestibular long-term potentiation.  相似文献   

Although Huntington's disease (HD) occurs only in humans, the use of animal models is crucial for HD research. New genetic models may provide novel insights into HD pathogenesis, but their relevance to human HD is problematic, particularly owing to a lower number of typically degenerated and dying striatal neurons and consequent insignificant reactive gliosis. Hence, neurotoxin-induced animal models are widely used for histopathological studies. Unlike in humans, the neurodegenerative process (NDP) of the HD phenotype develops very fast after the application of quinolinic acid (QA). For that reason, we compared three groups of rats in more advanced stages (1–12 months) of the QA lesion with 3 representative HD cases of varying length and grade. The outcomes of our long-term histological study indicate that significant parallels may be drawn between HD autopsies and QA-lesioned rat brains (particularly between post-lesional months 3 and 9) in relation to (1) the progression of morphological changes related to the neuronal degeneration, primarily the rarefaction of neuropil affecting the density as well as the character of synapses, resulting in severe striatal atrophy and (2) the participation of oligodendrocytes in reparative gliosis. Conversely, the development and character of reactive astrogliosis is principally conditioned by the severity of striatal NDP in the context of neuron–glia relationship. Despite the above-described differences, morphological patterns in which the components of striatal parenchyma react to the progression of NDP are similar in both human and rat brains. Our study specifies the possibilities of interpreting the morphological findings gained from the QA-induced animal model of HD in relation to HD post-mortem specimens.  相似文献   

The development of chronic pain involves increased sensitivity of peripheral nociceptors and elevated neuronal activity in many regions of the central nervous system. Much of these changes are caused by the amplification of nociceptive signals resulting from the modulation and altered expression of specific ion channels and receptors in the central and peripheral nervous system. Understanding the processes by which these ion channels and receptors are regulated and how these mechanisms malfunction may lead to new treatments for chronic pain. Here we review the contribution of the Ca2+-permeable acid-sensing ion channel (ASICCa) in the development and persistence of chronic pain, and the potential underlying mechanisms. Accumulating evidence suggests that ASICCa represents an attractive new target for developing effective therapies for chronic pain.  相似文献   

For over 30 years, scientists have been investigating the phenomenon of pain suppression upon exposure to unconditioned or conditioned stressful stimuli, commonly known as stress-induced analgesia. These studies have revealed that individual sensitivity to stress-induced analgesia can vary greatly and that this sensitivity is coupled to many different phenotypes including the degree of opioid sensitivity and startle response. Furthermore, stress-induced analgesia is influenced by age, gender, and prior experience to stressful, painful, or other environmental stimuli. Stress-induced analgesia is mediated by activation of the descending inhibitory pain pathway. Pharmacological and neurochemical studies have demonstrated involvement of a large number of neurotransmitters and neuropeptides. In particular, there are key roles for the endogenous opioid, monoamine, cannabinoid, γ-aminobutyric acid and glutamate systems. The study of stress-induced analgesia has enhanced our understanding of the fundamental physiology of pain and stress and can be a useful approach for uncovering new therapeutic targets for the treatment of pain and stress-related disorders.  相似文献   

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive motoneuron disease, whose pathogenesis remains unclear. Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) has been shown to be neurotrophic and neuroprotective in several types of neurons in culture. However, the survival effect of PMA on motoneurons has not been reported. Therefore, we investigated this using purified rat motoneurons. PMA showed a small but significant neurotrophic activity, which was inhibited by GF109203X, a protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor. Under the conditions in which the survival of motoneurons is supported by brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), excitotoxicity was induced by glutamate. PMA markedly protected motoneurons against excitotoxicity. The up-regulation of PKC in the spinal cord of ALS patients was previously reported, therefore, the present results indicate that PKC activation might be involved in neuroprotection.  相似文献   

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