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Organic delusional disorder (ODD) is rarely diagnosed in psychiatric in-patients, and may be misdiagnosed as delusional disorder (DD) from a similar clinical presentation. The aim of the present study was to investigate the characteristics of ODD and to make a comparison with those of DD patients. Patients who conformed to DSM-III-R criteria for ODD were recruited from an 8-year psychiatric in-patient database. Matching controls were DD patients admitted over the same time period. The prevalence of ODD according to DSM-III-R criteria was 0.4% of total admissions and 2.9% of organic mental disorders. Compared to DD patients, ODD patients less often had a family psychiatric history, and had an older age of onset of psychiatric disorder, longer hospital stays and lower treatment dosage of antipsychotic drugs. It is suggested that a detailed medical history and examination are needed in patients with delusion, especially in patients with a late onset of psychiatric symptoms and no family psychiatric history.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to determine the clinical characteristics of patients who are diagnosed with bipolar disorder not otherwise specified (BPD NOS) and who are considered to represent part of the bipolar spectrum. The lifetime prevalence of BPD in the general population may be as high as 6% when the full spectrum of bipolar disorders is accounted for. Correct identification of true bipolar patients in clinical settings may result in more appropriate treatment. Our hypothesis was that patients with BPD NOS would be more similar to other bipolar patients than major depressive disorder (MDD) patients in terms of age of onset, history of suicidal behavior and family history of BPD. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective chart review to extract and analyze data on the family history, disease course and clinical characteristics of 305 bipolar disorder I (BPD I), bipolar disorder II (BPD II), bipolar disorder not otherwise specified (BPD NOS) or major depressive disorder (MDD) patients who were then grouped by diagnosis for analysis. Nominal variables were compared between groups using chi-square tests and ANOVA was used to compare means between groups for continuous variables. Significant F values were followed by independent-samples t-tests. RESULTS: Patients with BPD I, BPD II and BPD NOS were all found to have a significantly earlier mean age of onset of depression than MDD patients. A significantly higher incidence of bipolar illness in a first-degree relative was found in all BPD groups (27-32%) compared with MDD patients (11%). Only the BPD I group had a significantly higher rate of suicide attempts (42%), compared with the BPD NOS (17%) and MDD recurrent (16%) groups. CONCLUSIONS: Our data support the conclusions of others that an early age of onset and a positive family history of bipolar illness are associated not only with BPD I and II but also with 'softer' forms of bipolar illness, which DSM-IV classifies as BPD NOS and the current literature refers to as a category of 'bipolar spectrum disorder', albeit with varying proposed definitions and diagnostic criteria. Suicide attempt history may be more useful in identifying the severity of illness than distinguishing the bipolar spectrum from depressive disorders. Further research is needed to clearly define the boundaries of the bipolar spectrum.  相似文献   

目的 了解非典型摄食障碍(EDNOS)的特征表现.方法 采用进食情况调查表(EDI)进行自评问卷调查、摄食障碍检查问卷( EDE)和SCID —I的H部分进行访谈的方法,对8 600名大一女生筛选和确诊摄食障碍,并获取各类摄食障碍的心理行为特征.结果 EDNOS的发病率最高,为7.277‰.EDNOS的代偿行为基本少于神经性厌食症和神经性贪食症;EDNOS群体中,选择剧烈运动和采取一种代偿行为所占的比例相对较高,分别为38.7%和43.5%.三类摄食障碍的EDI与EDE所有因子分的差异均无统计学意义;EDE的条目中,EDNOS的空腹和体重重要性分值低于神经性厌食症,而秘密进食分值低于神经性贪食症.结论 EDNOS总体上具有摄食障碍的所有临床特征,在某些症状上表现较轻,需要鉴别和引起重视.  相似文献   

Out of 301 first-time admitted patients with delusional psychoses, 71 met Kendler's criteria of delusional disorder (DD) and 137 met the ICD-9 criteria of schizophrenia (S). DD was subdivided according to operational criteria into reactive delusional disorder (RDD) with precipitating factors (n = 31) and non-RDD (n = 40). At follow-up after 22-39 years, 20 RDD patients, 21 non-RDD patients and 85 S patients were personally interviewed. The delusions had faded in 61% of DD cases, were unchanged in 17%, and more prominent in another 17%. Recovery was recorded in 37%, mild defect in 32%, moderate impairment in 10%, and severe impairment in 22% of DD patients. Outcome was more favourable in DD compared with S, in RDD compared with non-RDD, and in non-RDD compared with S. The study supports distinctions between DD and S, RDD and non-RDD, and non-RDD and S based on course and outcome.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Children with transient psychotic symptoms and serious emotional disturbances who do not meet current criteria for schizophrenia or other presently recognized diagnostic categories commonly present diagnostic and treatment problems. Clarifying the connections between children with narrowly defined schizophrenia and children with a more broadly defined phenotype (i.e., Psychotic Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, PD-NOS) has implications for understanding the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. In this study, the neuropsychological test performance of a subgroup of children with atypical psychosis was compared with that of patients with childhood-onset schizophrenia (COS). METHOD: Cognitive function was assessed with neuropsychological test battery regimens in 51 neuroleptic-nonresponsive patients within the first 270 at NIMH testing (24 PD-NOS, 27 COS) were included in this analysis. Seventeen (39%) of 44 COS subjects were unavailable for this study as their IQ tested <70. The PD-NOS patients were younger than the COS patients at the time of testing (12.0+/-2.8 vs 14.4+/-1.8years, respectively, p<0.004). The test levels of these groups were compared with each other. RESULTS: The neuropsychological test results for the PD-NOS and COS patients were 1-2standard deviations below normative data across a broad array of cognitive functions. There were no overall differences in the test levels for the six summary scales (F=2.82, df=1, 36, p=0.10) or in the profile shape (F=1.70, df=5, 180, p=0.14) between the PD-NOS and COS groups. For the COS patients, there was a significant difference between their mean full-scale WISC IQ (84.7+/-16.2) and their average standard scores for both the spelling (97.7+/-16.1, n=23, t=4.0, p=0.001) and reading decoding subtests (97.7+/-13.7, n=23, t=3.7, p=0.001) of the Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment-refractory PD-NOS and COS patients share a similar pattern of generalized cognitive deficits, including deficits in attention, learning and abstraction which are commonly observed in adult patients with schizophrenia. These data support a hypothesis that at least some of the PD-NOS cases belong within the schizophrenic spectrum, which is of importance for future genetic studies planned for this cohort.  相似文献   

This study is the first to compare the change in developmental quotient (DQ) or IQ between autistic disorder (AD) and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDDNOS) in preschool years. Forty-nine AD children and 77 PDDNOS children were evaluated at age 2 and at age > or =5. The AD children were significantly lower in DQ/IQ at initial evaluation and outcome evaluation (also with initial DQ being controlled for) than the PDDNOS children.  相似文献   

Little is known about the cognitive profiles of high-functioning Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD) in adults based on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale III (WAIS-III). We examined cognitive profiles of adults with no intellectual disability (IQ > 70), and in adults with Asperger's disorder (AS; n = 47), high-functioning autism (HFA; n = 24), and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDDNOS; n = 51) using the WAIS-III. Verbal Intelligence (VIQ)-Performance Intelligence (PIQ) differences were detected between the three groups. Full Intelligence (FIQ) and VIQ scores were significantly higher in AS than in HFA and PDDNOS. Vocabulary, Information, and Comprehension subtest scores in the Verbal Comprehension index were significantly higher in AS than in the other subgroups, while Digit-Symbol Coding and Symbol Search subtest scores in the Processing Speed index were significantly lower in HFA. The findings demonstrated cognitive profiles characteristic of adults with high-functioning PDD.  相似文献   

Although psychotic phenomena in children with disruptive behavior disorders are more common than expected, their prognostic significance is unknown. To examine the outcome of pediatric patients with atypical psychoses, a group of 26 patients with transient psychotic symptoms were evaluated with clinical and structured interviews at the time of initial contact (mean age, 11.6 +/- 2.7 years) and at follow-up 2 to 8 years later. Measures of functioning and psychopathology were also completed at their initial assessment. Risk factors associated with adult psychotic disorders (familial psychopathology, eyetracking dysfunction in patients and their relatives, obstetrical complications, and premorbid developmental course in the proband) had been obtained at study entry. On follow-up examination (mean age, 15.7 +/- 3.4 years), 13 patients (50%) met diagnostic criteria for a major axis I disorder: three for schizoaffective disorder, four for bipolar disorder, and six for major depressive disorder. The remaining 13 patients again received a diagnosis of psychotic disorder not otherwise specified (NOS), with most being in remission from their psychotic symptoms. Among this group who had not developed a mood or psychotic disorder, disruptive behavior disorders were exceedingly common at follow-up and were the focus of their treatment. Higher initial levels of psychopathology, lower cognitive abilities, and more developmental motor abnormalities were found in patients with a poor outcome. Obstetrical, educational, and family histories did not differ significantly between the groups. Through systematic diagnostic evaluation, children and adolescents with atypical psychotic disorders can be distinguished from those with schizophrenia, a difference with important treatment and prognostic implications. Further research is needed to delineate the course and outcome of childhood-onset atypical psychoses, but preliminary data indicate improvement in psychotic symptoms in the majority of patients and the development of chronic mood disorders in a substantial subgroup.  相似文献   

Aim: Asperger's disorder (Asperger syndrome, AS) and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD‐NOS) are different subtypes of mild pervasive developmental disorders (PDD). Methods: Using the Japanese version of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children–Third Edition (WISC‐III), 28 AS children (mean age, 9.3 years, 24 male) were compared with 78 PDD‐NOS children (mean age, 7.6 years, 64 male) with normal intelligence (IQ ≥ 85), using analysis of covariance (ancova ) with the chronological age of a child as a covariate. Results: Verbal IQ tended to be higher in the AS children than in the PDD‐NOS children (mean raw scores, AS vs PDD‐NOS: 103.9 vs 99.6; P < 0.10), although full‐scale and performance IQ did not differ significantly. Compared with the PDD‐NOS children, the AS children scored significantly higher on Freedom from Distractibility index (110.1 vs 104.5; P < 0.05) consisting of Arithmetic (11.0 vs 9.9, P = 0.04) and Digit Span (12.4 vs 11.6, P = 0.051), but tended to score lower on Coding (8.5 vs 9.8, P = 0.08). Conclusion: The typical cognitive profile of PDD (i.e. low score on Comprehension and high score on Block Design) was shared by both groups, which may support the validity of the current diagnostic classification of PDD. Relatively better verbal ability in AS children seems to reflect their normal language acquisition in infancy, and strong numeric interest may produce the AS children's mathematical excellence over PDD‐NOS children. A low score on Coding in AS children might reflect their extreme slowness, circumstantiality and/or drive for perfection.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Diminished suppression of the P50 response, a consistent finding in schizophrenia, has also been reported in patients with psychotic bipolar disorder. It is a promising endophenotype for schizophrenia, but its relationship to genetic liability in bipolar disorder is unknown. We therefore assessed whether diminished P50 suppression is associated with familial risk for psychotic bipolar disorder. METHODS: The P50 response was collected in a conditioning (C)--testing (T) paradigm from 42 outpatients with bipolar 1 disorder who had experienced psychotic symptoms and 44 of their unaffected first-degree relatives, all from families multiply affected with bipolar disorder or another non-organic psychotic disorder; 48 healthy control subjects were also studied. The T/C ratio was compared between the groups, with linear regression analyses and robust variance estimators for clustered data. RESULTS: Both patients (estimated mean difference in T/C ratio to control subjects, 32, 95% confidence interval [CI] 15-48, p=.001) and unaffected relatives (20, 95% CI 7-32, p=.002) demonstrated higher T/C ratio, thus indicating diminished P50 suppression compared with control subjects. CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge, this is the first report of diminished P50 gating in unaffected relatives of psychotic bipolar disorder patients from multiply affected families. Our results suggest that impaired P50 gating is a putative endophenotype for psychotic bipolar disorder and thus might reflect the impact of susceptibility genes across psychosis.  相似文献   

Objectives: Rapidly alternating or mixed mood states in bipolar disorder are associated with a particularly high risk for suicidal behavior. Are individuals with these patterns of illness more likely to develop suicidal intentions, or are they less able to resist them? This analysis examines the specific contribution of rapid switching and other variables to the relative likelihood of having or acting on self‐reported suicidal thought and action, in a large group of individuals with bipolar disorder. Methods: The analysis included 1574 family members with bipolar disorder interviewed for a multi‐site bipolar disorder genetic linkage study. Two models were tested, using the same set of demographic and clinical data points as independent variables. One model tested the influence of rapid switching and other variables on self‐reported suicidal thought or action (i.e., suicidality), while the other tested the influences on suicidal action only among those who reported a history of suicidality. Results: Over 75% of subjects had contemplated suicide and 38% reported a history of suicidal behavior. A history of rapid switching was associated with higher likelihood of a history of suicidality, as was panic disorder. Familial suicidal behavior, as well as drug abuse, increased the likelihood of suicidal action among suicidal individuals, but did not increase the likelihood of becoming suicidal. Female sex, early age at onset, and several demographic factors were associated with both facets of suicidality. Conclusions: Factors associated with high acuity of distress, such as panic attacks and unstable moods, appear to enhance the risk of suicidality in general. Factors that affected the threshold for action without increasing suicidality overall can also be seen as markers of impulsive decision‐making. Of the two distinct kinds of suicidal risk, the latter – the likelihood of action given intent – appears to be the more familial.  相似文献   

The prevalence of mental disorders in 76 first-degree relatives (parents and nontwin siblings) of 33 subjects with anxiety disorder was compared with the prevalence of mental disorders in 45 first-degree relatives of 20 subjects with mood disorder and 13 first-degree relatives of 6 subjects with psychoactive substance use disorder. All subjects were personally interviewed with the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R Axis I (SCID I). Interrater reliability was high for most diagnoses. Significantly more first-degree relatives of subjects with anxiety disorder had panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder compared with relatives of probands with mood disorder. Significantly more female than male relatives of anxiety subjects suffered from anxiety disorders; there were no gender differences in the prevalence of anxiety disorders in relatives of mood and psychoactive substance use disorder (PSUD) subjects. The combination of anxiety and mood disorder was overrepresented in first-degree relatives of subjects with the same type of comorbidity. In relatives of subjects with mixed anxiety and psychoactive substance use disorder, but no mood disorder, there was an overrepresentation of PSUD; mainly alcohol abuse or dependence.  相似文献   

Aim: The aim of this work is to investigate differences between two non‐schizophrenic, non‐organic psychotic disorders, namely persistent delusional disorders (PDD) and acute and transient psychotic disorders (ATPD) according to ICD‐10. Method: In a prospective and longitudinal study, we compared all 43 inpatients with PDD who were treated at Halle‐Wittenberg University Hospital during a 14‐year period to a previously investigated cohort of 41 patients with ATPD in regard to demography, long‐term symptomatic outcome, and social consequences. Sociobiographical data were collected using a semi‐structured interview. Follow‐up investigations were performed at a mean of 10–12 years after the onset of the disorder using standardized instruments. Results: With the exception of the duration of the psychotic symptoms, the PDD patients were significantly different from the ATPD patients on various levels, such as sex ratio (female predominance only in ATPD), age at onset (older in PDD), the number of preceding stressful life‐events in the index hospitalization (more frequent in ATPD), richness and variety of symptoms (higher in ATPD), and persistence of positive psychotic symptoms (in PDD). Patients with PDD had significantly less re‐hospitalizations during the course of their illness. Long‐term outcome was marked by chronicity of delusional symptoms and lower global functioning in PDD than in ATPD, while negative symptoms and loss of independence were infrequent in both conditions. Conclusions: PDD differs from ATPD not only in the duration of the psychotic symptoms, but also in a variety of significant variables. They appear to be two separate entities within a psychotic spectrum.  相似文献   

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