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Summary Five groups of 10 rats were used. Group A included sedentary rats kept at 24° C, group B exercised-trained rats and group C rats exposed at –15° C for 2 h every day and kept at 24° C for the remaining time. These 3 groups were kept on this regimen for 10 weeks. In addition group D was acclimated to cold (2 h · d–1 at –15° C) for 6 weeks and subsequently deacclimated at 24° C for 4 weeks. Group E was also acclimated to cold for 6 weeks and during the deacclimation, at 24° C period which lasted 4 weeks, the animals were exercised 2 h per day. Following the 10 week experimental period all animals were sacrified and DNA and protein content of the IBAT as well as its total mass were measured. The results show significant increases in the cold adapted group. Exercise training which had no effect on brown adipose tissue IBAT at room temperature, caused an accelerated reduction in weight, DNA and protein content of the BAT in rats previously acclimated to cold. In spite of this, the thermogenic response to noreadrenaline was significantly enhanced in the group which exercised during the deacclimation period. It is suggested that tissues other than IBAT may explain this enhanced heat production capacity.  相似文献   

The contribution of basic fibroblast growth factor to brown adipose tissue (BAT) enlargement during cold acclimation was investigated using rat brown adipocytes in primary culture. After cold exposure (at 5° C) for 28 days, the level of bFGF messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) in BAT of cold-acclimated rats was markedly increased with the increase in the BAT weight. In addition, the blood plasma from cold-acclimated rats considerably enhanced the expression of basic fibroblast growth factor mRNA in rat brown adipocytes. Likewise, the blood plasma from cold-acclimated rats significantly stimulated the growth of rat brown adipocyte precursor cells compared with that from warm-acclimated rats, whereas there was no difference of effect between the two blood plasmas on the growth of bovine capillary endothelial cells. Basic fibroblast growth factor, but not platelet-derived growth factor stimulated the growth of brown adipocyte precursor cells. The conditioned medium from brown adipocyte primary culture markedly stimulated the growth of bovine capillary endothelial cells and the effect was inhibited considerably by antibasic fibroblast growth factor antibody. These results suggest that some factors concerned with the growth of brown adipocyte precursor cells are present in the blood plasma from cold-acclimated rats, and that basic fibroblast growth factor produced by brown adipocytes may significantly contribute to BAT enlargement by autocrine mechanisms during cold exposure.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to test the role of pituitary dependent hormones in cold-induced non-shivering thermogenesis. In the 28°C-acclimated rat, hypophysectomy inhibited body growth and led to an atrophy of thyroid and adrenals. In brown adipose tissue (BAT) some alterations were induced which are usually observed after cold acclimation of the animal: increase in relative weight, decreases in the relative amount of lipids, increases in the amounts of protein and DNA and modification of the proportions of several phospholipid fatty acids; moreover, basal lipolysis, in vitro, was enhanced to the same extent as that following cold acclimation of the normal rat. The in vivo stimulation by norepinephrine (NE) of O2 consumption (test for nonshivering thermogenesis) and of fatty acid release into blood were suppressed.Progressive cold acclimation of the hypophysectomized rats at 15°C led to a hypertrophy of BAT to the same extent as in the sham-operated animals. The in vivo sensitivity to NE was partially restored. The results suggest that hypophysectomy does not suppress the ability to acclimate to moderate cold by means of BAT dependent non-shivering thermogenesis. However, the low ability to produce heat seems to indicate that pituitary or pituitary-dependent hormones are necessary to optimize the cold stimulation of brown fat thermogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary Following the transfer of cold-adapted rats to a warm environment at 25‡ C, enhanced nonshivering thermogenesis and enlarged interscapular brown adipose tissue (BAT) decreased gradually and reached a steady state after 4 weeks of de-adaptation. Animals that were exercised in the process of de-adaptation, however, showed no decrease in enhanced nonshivering thermogenesis, but did show a decrease in BAT weight as compared with sedentarily de-adapted animals. Triiodothyronine (T3), the physiologically most active thyroid hormone, was at a higher plasma level in cold-adapted rats than in de-adapted animals with or without exercise loads. Although the resting level of T3 in running-trained rats was not higher than that in sedentary rats, some fluctuations of T3 level were observed during running. The part of this work using radioisotopes was performed in the Central Institute of Isotope Science, Hokkaido University  相似文献   

目的探讨白色脂肪组织(WAT)和棕色脂肪组织(BAT)来源的间充质干细胞成脂分化特性的差异。方法雄性SD大鼠15只,3只用于细胞分离培养,12只用于细胞移植。体外分离培养WAT和BAT两种来源的脂肪干细胞,用油红O染色检测两种干细胞的成脂分化率,用免疫荧光技术检测成脂诱导、分化后的细胞是棕色脂肪细胞还是白色脂肪细胞。4’6-二脒基-2-苯基吲哚(DAPI)标记两种来源的干细胞后移植至腹股沟区,分别在第1、2、3周取材,免疫荧光技术检测植入细胞的分化趋向。结果 WAT来源的干细胞增殖速度明显快于BAT来源的干细胞,前者成脂分化率为0.205±0.069,后者为0.165±0.053,两种干细胞的成脂诱导率差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。两种干细胞分别植入体内后,在第1、2、3周发现,两种干细胞均表达棕色脂肪特异性蛋白解耦联蛋白1(UCP1)。结论 WAT和BAT来源的干细胞在体外及体内诱导成脂后均分化为棕色脂肪细胞。  相似文献   

Ventromedial hypothalamic (VMH) lesions cause excessive fat accumulation in white adipose tissue (WAT), and brown adipose tissue (BAT); however, little information is available on whether or not cell proliferation occurs in WAT and BAT after VMH lesioning. In this study, we determined the DNA content and thymidine incorporation in unilateral parametrial WAT and interscapular BAT 0, 1, 3, and 7 days after VMH lesioning, and examined the mechanism of increased DNA content in WAT. In rats with VMH lesions, the weight of WAT and BAT had increased significantly at 7 days, and the DNA content and thymidine incorporation of WAT had increased significantly at 3 days and continued to increase for up to 7 days, while those of BAT did not increase for as long as 7 days after VMH lesioning. Restricted food intake according to the pair-feeding method partially inhibited the increased DNA content in WAT. The increased DNA content in WAT was mostly restored but not completely by the administration of anti-insulin antibody, and by administration of propranolol, a -adrenergic blocker. The results demonstrated that VMH lesions induced DNA synthesis in WAT early after VMH lesioning, but did not induce DNA synthesis in BAT, and suggested that either hyperinsulinemia or a -adrenergic receptor mechanism or both may be responsible for the increased DNA content in WAT.  相似文献   

The metabolic responses to electrical nerve stimulation, norepinephrine or octanoate additions were studied using continuous monitoring of NAD(P)H/NADP redox state by reflexion spectrophotometry of interscapular brown adipose tissues from control and ventromedial hypothalamic (VMH) lesioned rats. The responses to these stimuli were all greatly decreased already 3 days after VMH lesions, indicating a reduced cell capacity to oxidize free fatty acids. Measurements of interscapular brown adipose tissue composition 4–5 weeks after VMH lesions showed a decrease of both DNA concentration and total content, indicating some tissue involution.It is concluded that the involvement of the ventromedial bypothalamus in the activation of brown adipose tissue provided a possible anatomical clue concerning pathways connecting thermal and weight regulations.  相似文献   

It has been shown previously that high plasma levels of oestradiol inhibit brown adipose tissue thermogenesis. Since rats and mice show a close association between thermogenic activity in and sympathetic discharge to brown fat, we measured the noradrenaline turnover in rats with high plasma levels of oestradiol to establish whether the observed inhibition of thermogenic activity is brought about by a reduction in the sympathetic drive to brown adipocytes. Oestradiol-filled Silastic capsules were implanted subcutaneously in female rats previously acclimated either to thermoneutrality or to cold. Control rats received empty implants. After 15 days treatment, noradrenaline turnover was measured by blocking its synthesis with -methyl-p-tyrosine. As expected, noradrenaline turnover was higher in cold-acclimated rats than in rats kept at thermoneutrality. The presence of high plasma oestradiol levels did not alter sympathetic activity in any of the treated groups despite reducing thermogenic activity. This result reveals that oestradiol dissociates the thermogenic activity of brown adipose tissue from its sympathetic activation. Such dissociation has never been previously reported in rats, although it seems to be common in Syrian hamsters. However the causative factor in this species is unknown.A preliminary report of this work was presented to the XXXIIth International Congress of Physiological Sciences, Glasgow, August 1993 and appears as abstract No. 287.6/P.  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of the present work was to study whether long-term alcohol consumption in man affects the develeopment of brown adipose tissue. The adipose tissue around the thoracic aorta and common carotid arteries was collected at medicolegal autopsies on adults with a positive record of heavy alcohol consumption. Adults without any evident history of alcohol consumption served as controls. Histochemical reactions of the oxidative mitochondrial enzymes, cytochrome oxidase and succinate dehydrogenase were studied in samples of this adipose tissue and the activities of the enzymes were measured biochemically.There was histological evidence of some multilocular adipose tissue around the thoracic aorta and common carotid arteries of the alcohol consumers, whereas the adipose tissue from the non-drinkers was mostly unilocular resembling white adipose tissue. Histochemical evidence of brown adipose tissue was found in all alcohol consumers, but also in some of the controls. Biochemical cytochrome oxidase (CYO) and succinate dehydrogenase measurements in isolated mitochondria showed activity in 70% of the cases of drinkers and in one of the eight controls. Activity of CYO was measurable in the mitochondria from two other controls. The protein content of the samples from the alcoholics was twice that of the controls. The results suggest that chronic alcohol intake may induce a change in the white adipose tissue around the thoracic aorta and common carotid arteries of human adults into brown fat.  相似文献   

The changes in regional blood flows to the rat's interscapular brown adipose tissue and several other tissues during electrical stimulation of the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) were studied using radioactively labelled microspheres. Measurement of blood flow was carried out, along with monitoring heart rate, under anesthesia and at thermoneutrality. During VMH stimulation the heart rate was clearly augmented and cardiac output increased about 45%. Regional blood flows were significantly increased in response to VMH stimulation in interscapular brown adipose tissue, adrenal glands, diaphragm and gastrocnemius muscles. The response of interscapular brown adipose tissue was the most prominent (approx. fiftyfold increase). Blood flows tended to decrease in spleen, lungs and kidneys during VMH stimulation, but did not change in liver or in other visceral organs. These observations suggest that the VMH is concerned with the regulation of regional blood flow to brown adipose tissue and contributes to thermogenesis in this tissue.  相似文献   

The xenon clearance method was adapted to continuous measurement of interscapular brown adipose tissue (ISBAT) blood flow in anaesthetized rats.The ISBAT-blood partition coefficient for xenon was determined to 3.6 ml·g–1. The blood flow values obtained by Xe clearance were compared with flow values obtained concomitantly by the microsphere technique in 17 cold acclimated rats, at ISBAT blood flows between 0.1 and 6 ml·g–1·min–1. Variations in blood flows were obtained by infusion of noradrenaline at different rates.The blood flow values obtained from the xenon clearance method showed a close correlation to the blood flow values determined with microspheres.Y=0.98.X+0.15 (r=0.96,P<0.001).The Xe clearance method has the advantages compared to the microsphere technique that it permits continuous monitoring of the blood flow and does not require the sacrifice of the animal.  相似文献   

Radiofrequency heat lesions were made in the medial hypothalamus of 12-week old male and female Holtzman rats. Two to three days later rats were offered a palatable cafeteria diet in addition to chow or were fed chow alone for the next 3-4 weeks. Male lesioned rats were only slightly hyperphagic on the chow diet and gained little extra weight. When fed the cafeteria diet, energy intake of male lesioned rats almost doubled in comparison with chow-fed lesioned rats and a very rapid extra weight gain occurred. Despite the marked hyperphagia, thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue was suppressed in the cafeteria-fed lesioned rats, as indicated by low mitochondrial guanosine diphosphate (GDP) binding. In female rats, lesions induced much greater hyperphagia and body weight gain than in male rats, particularly when they ate the cafeteria diet. Again, thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue was suppressed in the cafeteria-fed female lesioned rats. The proportion of energy derived from carbohydrate was not altered by the cafeteria diet in either male or female rats, whether lesioned or not, but there was an increase in the proportion of energy derived from fat at the expense of protein. No sex differences in food selection were observed. The accumulation of body fat was always greater in female lesioned rats than in male lesioned rats for similar food intakes. It is concluded that medial hypothalamic lesions prevent the normal occurrence of diet-induced thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue despite extreme overeating by the rats of a palatable cafeteria diet.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of prenatal and lactation nicotine exposure on the morphology and function of brown adipose tissue (BAT) in male rat offspring. We conducted a morphological assay and gene expression study of interscapular BAT (iBAT) in male rat offspring. The male offspring from nicotine-exposed dams exhibited higher body weight and iBAT weight. Hematoxylin and eosin staining and transmission electron microscopy showed that iBAT from nicotine-exposed male offspring presented a “whitening” phenotype characterized by lipid droplet accumulation and impaired mitochondria with a randomly oriented and fractured cristae. The expression of the iBAT structure and function-related genes all decreased in nicotine-exposed male offspring. These data indicate that prenatal and lactation nicotine exposure affects morphology and function of iBAT in male rat offspring.  相似文献   

Single channel current events were recorded from membranes of cultured brown adipose tissue cells with the patch-clamp technique. In excised inside-out patches the predominant type of events showed a slope conductance of about 30 pS (25 °C). The current was carried by both, Na+ ions and K+ ions. Discrimination between them was poor. The frequency of events increased with increasing temperature. Their amplitude was temperature dependent as well (Q101.4). A single exponential was not sufficient for fitting the histograms of on-time or off-time. We conclude that these events belong to a type of non-selective cation channel described previously for other tissues.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that brown adipose tissue plays a special role in the control of body weight. This hypothesis was investigated by measuring the body weight of female hamsters over a two month period following removal of interscapular brown adipose tissue. Two groups of animals were used, one maintained on a short day (10:14 light: dark ratio) and the other on a long day (16:8 light: dark ratio) photoperiod. Under both photoperiod conditions hamsters with interscapular brown adipose tissue removed gained somewhat more weight than their corresponding sham operated controls. Photoperiod, however, had a much larger effect on body weight. Hamsters maintained on short days increased their body weight by about 60 percent during the two months of the experiment whereas the hamsters maintained on long days increased their body weight by only about 17 percent. It was concluded that brown adipose tissue plays a small non special role in the control of body weight in the female hamster, but that the light-dark ratio is quantitatively much more important under these experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Three-hour immobilization stress was imposed on male adult rats of Wistar strain by restraining them on a board 6 days a week for 1–8 weeks. The stressed rats showed less body weight gain during the experiment compared to the controls. These stressed animals manifested an improved cold tolerance as shown by no significant fall in colonic temperature in the cold at –5° C for 300 min during the experimental period, while the colonic temperature of the controls fell progressively. Nonshivering thermogenesis as assessed by noradrenaline-induced increase in oxygen consumption was significantly potentiated in the stressed rats. The weight and protein content of the intercapsular brown adipose tissue (BAT) increased and BAT mitochondria were more packed in the stressed rats. Plasma insulin, insulin/glucagon molar ratio and thyroxine levels were lowered in the stressed rats, while the plasma triiodothyronine level remained unchanged. Removal of interscapular BAT led to a loss of improved cold tolerance and a significant reduction of nonshivering thermogenesis in the stressed rats.These results indicate that repetitive stress may induce cross adaptation between stress and cold through an enhanced capacity of nonshivering thermogenesis mediated, at least in part, via stimulation of BAT function.  相似文献   

Morphometric analysis of adipocytes is widely used to demonstrate the effects of antiobesity drugs or anti-diabetic drugs on adipose tissues. However, adipocyte morphometry has been quantitatively performed by manual object extraction using conventional image analysis systems. The authors have developed an automated quantitative image analysis method for adipose tissues using an innovative object-based quantitative image analysis system (eCognition). Using this system, it has been shown quantitatively that morphological features of adipose tissues of mice treated with peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) agonists differ dramatically depending on the type of PPAR agonist. Marked alteration of morphological characteristics of brown adipose tissue (BAT) treated with GI259578A, a PPAR-alpha agonist, was observed in AKR/J (AKR) obese mice. Furthermore, there was a 22.8% decrease in the mean size of adipocytes in white adipose tissue (WAT) compared with vehicle. In diabetic db/db mice, the PPAR-gamma agonist GW347845X decreased the mean size of adipocytes in WAT by 15.4% compared with vehicle. In contrast to changes in WAT, GW347845X increased the mean size of adipocytes in BAT greatly by 96.1% compared with vehicle. These findings suggest that GI259578A may activate fatty acid oxidation in BAT and that GW347845X may cause adipocyte differentiation in WAT and enhancement of lipid storage in BAT.  相似文献   

Sixteen male students exercised for 14 days (1 h/day) in the heat for heat acclimation (HA). During deacclimation (DA) one group exercised in the cold (EXG, n=8) for 60 min/day (morning) and was exposed to the cold for another hour (afternoon) for 14 days. The other group was exposed to the cold (EPG, n=8) for 1 h each in the morning and afternoon (Ta: 18.0°C, RH: 58%) over the same period. All returned to exercise in the heat for reacclimation (RA) for 10 days. Subjects were tested on days 1, 16, 21, 32, 36 and 44 on a bicycle ergometer for 60 min at 60% of VO2max in the heat (Ta: 31.1°C, RH: 70%). Rectal temperature (T re) and heart rate (HR) at 40 min of exercise were used to determine the decay/gain of HA, which was calculated using the formula described by Pandolf et al. (Ergonomics, 20:399–408, 1977). After HA (day 16) T re and HR decreased significantly. During DA, EXG showed decay in T re of 24 and 35% and HR of 29 and 35% on days 21 and 32, respectively. For EPG the corresponding decay was of 2 and 9% for T re and 17 and 17% for HR. After 10 days of RA, EXG showed gains of 11% in T re and 12% in HR, while EPG showed gains of 47% in T re and 38% in HR. In conclusion, EXG had greater decay during DA and lower gains in RA compared to EPG. However, the differences between groups were significant only for T re after 4 days of DA.  相似文献   

Lou/C rats, an inbred strain of Wistar origin, remain lean throughout life and therefore represent a remarkable model of obesity resistance. To date, the exact mechanisms responsible for the leanness of Lou/C rats remain unknown. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the leanness of Lou/C rats relies on increased thermogenic capacities in brown adipose tissue (BAT).Results showed that although daily energy expenditure was higher in Lou/C than in Wistar rats, BAT thermogenic capacity was not enhanced in Lou/C rats kept at thermoneutrality as demonstrated by reduced thermogenic response to norepinephrine in vivo, similar oxidative activity of BAT isolated mitochondria in vitro, similar levels of UCP1 mRNA and lower abundance of UCP1 protein in interscapular BAT depots. Relative abundance of β3-adrenergic receptor mRNA was lower in Lou/C BAT while that of GLUT4, FABP or CPT1 was not altered. Activity-related energy expenditure was however considerably increased at thermoneutrality as Lou/C rats demonstrated an impressively high spontaneous running activity in voluntary running wheels. Prolonged cold-exposure (4 °C) depressed the spontaneous running activity of Lou/C rats while BAT thermogenic capacity was increased as reflected by rises in BAT mass, oxidative activity and UCP1 expression.It is concluded that the leanness of Lou/C rats cannot be ascribed to higher thermogenic capacity of brown fat but rather to, at least in part, increased locomotor activity. BAT is not deficient in this rat strain as it can be stimulated by cold exposure when locomotor activity is reduced suggesting some substitution between these thermogenic processes.  相似文献   

 We examined the function of putative sensory fibers that are contained in intercostal nerves and innervate interscapular brown adipose tissue (IBAT) in urethane-anesthetized rats. Warming the IBAT to 40–44°C with two small heaters placed bilaterally on the skin above it attenuated the subsequent noradrenaline-induced thermogenesis (NIT) of the IBAT. In this range of warming, higher IBAT temperatures resulted in more attenuation. Denervation of IBAT blocked the effect of thermal stimulation on the NIT. Thus, activation of nerve fibers in IBAT that are sensitive to warmth or to the nociceptive effects of heat probably attenuated the NIT. Since the putative sensory fibers in the IBAT contain calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and substance P, which are thought to act in peripheral tissues, we tested the effects of injection of these neuropeptides into the IBAT. Administration of 5.2 nmol CGRP but not substance P or vehicle saline mimicked the effect of thermal stimulation of IBAT. As the neuropeptide-containing primary sensory neurons are characterized by their sensitivity to capsaicin, we also tested its effects (1 mg/kg, s.c.) and found that it also attenuated the NIT. Denervation of the IBAT or pretreatment with capsazepine, a capsaicin receptor antagonist, blocked the effect of capsaicin. We propose that temperature- and capsaicin-sensitive nerve fibers release CGRP to attenuate the NIT of brown adipocytes. Received: 14 May 1998 / Received after revision: 6 August 1998 / Accepted: 11 August 1998  相似文献   

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