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Summary A study of actin distribution in human salivary glands was performed, using smooth muscle antibodies from a patient with active chronic hepatitis.Immunoperoxidase labelling methods were found to give a good staining intensity for actin containing cells. The peroxidase antiperoxidase (PAP) method gave a stronger reaction than the double layer method, but the latter was sensitive enough for our purpose and was less time consuming. Sections from formalin fixed and paraffin embedded specimens were negative for actin staining while frozen sections showed good staining results. Sections from specimens which were washed for 12 h at 4 ° C showed less background staining.Strong staining was found in myoepithelial cells lying around the acini, intercalated ducts and parts of the striated ducts. The number of myoepithelial cells around acini increased in the following order: the parotid gland, the submandibular gland, the sublingual gland and the small glands of the lip. This distribution indicates the importance of myoepithelial cells in the process of physical expression of saliva. Cytoplasmic staining in the basal epithelial cells of the striated ducts illustrates that these cells may be involved in some sort of secretion. This staining might also suggest a histogenetic origin for myoepithelial cells.  相似文献   

The principal aims of this study have been to elucidate the nature of glycoconjugates produced by the two distinct parts of bovine Brunner glands, peripheral and central areas of lobules, and to investigate the presence of sialyl acid residues. Bovine duodenal tissues, embedded in paraffin wax, were investigated by means of both conventional histochemical methods (PAS, AB, HID) and biotinylated lectins (Con A, DBA, SBA, GS-I-B4, PNA, sWGA, GS-II, UEA-I, LPA, LFA). Conventional histochemical methods allowed us to accurately define two different areas: a central and a peripheral area. The central area, composed of secretory tubular tracts and the excretory duct, contained neutral glycoconjugates. The peripheral area was formed by both terminal alveolar and tubular secretory tracts and contained both neutral and acidic glycoconjugates, the latter partly carboxylated and partly sulfated. Lectin histochemistry confirmed differences highlighted by conventional histochemical methods and allowed us to characterise glycoprotein profiles of the preterminal and terminal tracts. The preterminal tracts and the excretory duct contained glycoconjugates with terminal D-Gal beta(1-3)GalNAc, alpha-D-Gal, alpha/beta-D-GalNAc, alpha/beta-D-GlcNAc, and internal beta(1-4) D-GlcNAc and alpha-Man residues. The terminal tracts were characterised by terminal alpha-L fucose, beta-D-GalNac, alpha/betaD-GlcNAc, alpha-D-Gal, alpha-D-GalNAc, and sialic acid residues. Internal beta(1-4) D-GlcNAc and alpha-Man residues were also identified. Finally, secretion of bovine Brunner glands is characterised by both O-linked and N-linked glycoproteins: cells located in the preterminal tracts and in the excretory duct produce mainly O-linked glycoproteins while cells located in the terminal tracts produce N-linked glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Summary Immunofluorescent labeling of human salivary glands was carried out with a battery of monoclonal antibodies reactive with specific cytokeratin polypeptides. All the epithelial elements of the glands were positively labelled by a broad-spectrum cytokeratin antibody (KG 8.13) and by antibody Ks 18.18, which reacts with cytokeratin No. 18 exclusively. Labelling of frozen sections with antibody KM 4.62, which is reactive with the 40 Kd (No. 19) cytokeratin, was confined to the ductal system and apparently absent from the acini. Antibody KA-1, reactive with polypeptides 4, 5 and 6 stained both the myoepithelial cells and the basal cells of the large ducts. Antibody KS 8.58, however, reacted with the basal cells exclusively. It is thus proposed that the combined use of the various monoclonal antibodies may provide a most useful probe in studies on epithelial cell diversity in normal salivary glands as well as in pathological disorders of that gland.  相似文献   

Mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC) comprises approximately 30% of all salivary gland malignancies, making it the most common malignant tumor of the salivary glands. Multiple histologic variants with a wide range of differentiation have been described. Sclerosing MEC (SMEC) is a rare subtype that may be misdiagnosed as a benign reactive condition or low-grade non-SMEC malignancy. We report 4 cases of SMEC and evaluated them with Her-2/neu and MIB-1 to determine whether an association exists between the histologic grade and immunohistochemical findings. In 3 cases, histologic examination demonstrated relatively well-circumscribed, nonencapsulated tumors composed of extensive central sclerosis with keloid-like stroma and scattered epithelial islands of low-grade MEC. In the fourth case, the tumor showed similar sclerotic stroma; but the epithelial component was of intermediate grade. In all 4 cases, eosinophils and neutrophils were part of the inflammatory infiltrate; and the edges were surrounded by lymphoid tissue, with germinal center formation and residual epithelial islands. A Mayer mucicarmine stain revealed abundant intracytoplasmic mucin. We found MIB-1 labeling indices of 5% or less in cases 1, 2, and 3 and 12% in case 4, suggesting an association between MIB-1 index and tumor grade. The tumors were negative for Her-2/neu in all 4 cases. The latter seems to bear no relationship to tumor grade.  相似文献   

The abundant glands situated in the lamina propria of the human anterior middle nasal turbinate were complex tubules that consist of serous, seromucous, and mucous cells, either singly or in combination. Serous granules were homogeneously dense, but could have a small lighter core. Seromucous granules had a dense rim and a large compartment of appreciably lighter density. Gradation between serous and seromucous granules made precise identification of these secretory cell types difficult. Mucous cells were of conventional morphology. The secretory tubules, which possessed a complement of myoepithelial cells, gradually transformed into ducts or the changeover was relatively sudden. The ductular portions of the tubules consisted either of tall prismatic cells or of shorter columnar cells, both of which lacked secretory granules, but had many mitochondria in their supranuclear cytoplasm. In many cases the ducts, for most of their length, consisted of secretory cells. These glands clearly participate in the elaboration of the glycoconjugate coat that serves to protect the nasal mucosa and keeps it from drying out.  相似文献   

目的 探讨成纤维细胞生长因子受体 3 (FGFR3 )在人体正常涎腺组织中的表达情况。方法 正常成人涎腺标本2 4例 ,其中腮腺、颌下腺和舌下腺标本各 4例 ,唇腺、腭腺、磨牙后腺及舌腺各 3例 ,分别用超敏S P免疫组化法检测不同腺体组织中FGFR3的分布。结果 在腮腺的浆液性腺泡的分泌颗粒及其他混合性腺的浆液性腺泡的分泌颗粒中均可见少量的FGFR3的表达 ,在大唾液腺及小唾液腺的小叶内导管和小叶间导管中均可见中等强度的FGFR3的表达 ,其中以颌下腺中表达较强 ,而在舌下腺中表达较弱 ,在间质结缔组织中均无FGFR3的表达。结论 人体正常涎腺的导管系统中及浆液性腺泡中有FGFR3的表达  相似文献   

Posterior lingual glands consist of two sets of minor salivary glands that serve important functions in oral physiology. To investigate the hypothesis that the hypoglossal nerve provides sympathetic innervation to the posterior lingual glands, we examined ultrastructural changes in the glands following hypoglossal denervation. In the posterior deep lingual glands (of von Ebner), the serous acinar cells showed a decrease in the number of secretory granules and an increase in lipofuscin accumulation. The ratios of cells containing lipofuscin granules were 11.39, 36.49 and 50.46%, respectively, of the control, 3- and 7-day post-axotomy glands ( P  < 0.001). Intraepithelial phagocytotic activity was increased. The mucous acinar cells in the posterior superficial lingual glands (of Weber) also showed degenerative changes after hypoglossal denervation. One week after nerve transection, marked cytoplasmic vacuolation and fragmentation of organelles were frequently observed. Degenerative changes were also found in unmyelinated axons associated with the glands. We provide the first evidence of the structural and functional connections between the sympathetic component of the hypoglossal nerve and posterior lingual glands.  相似文献   

Summary An antiserum against epithelial membrane antigen has been used to stain a variety of lesions arising in the salivary glands. In normal major and minor glands staining was localised to the ductal systems. There was no evidence of myoepithelial cell staining. The mucous elements of the submandibular and sublingual glands were negative, but in the mucous elements of the minor glands there was focal cytoplasmic positivity. There was no cytoplasmic staining of serous elements in major or minor salivary glands. In pleomorphic adenomas the luminal membrane of ductal elements was strongly positive, with focal cytoplasmic positivity in some myxoid areas. In mucoepidermoid tumours both adjacent cell membranes and cytoplasm were strongly positive. The ductal structure of adenoid cystic carcinomas were clearly delineated while the pseudoducts produced by enclosed areas of stroma were negative. All mesenchymally derived tumours were negative and a tumour previously considered as a chondroma was strongly positive. The results are discussed in relation to phenotypic heterogeneity and the histogenesis of salivary gland tumours.  相似文献   

干燥综合征是一种发病率仅次于类风湿关节炎的自身免疫病,多累及涎腺和泪腺,以中年女性多见。其病因尚不清楚,诊断标准不一,诊断方法各有千秋。本文将超声在原发性干燥综合征中的作用加以综述,为临床提供一种更好的诊断方法。  相似文献   

Piras M  Hand AR  Piludu M 《Acta histochemica》2011,113(8):844-847
In recent years, minor salivary glands, due to their involvement in the health and homeostasis of the oral cavity, have been the focus of several research investigations. Despite the fact that a considerable amount of data has been collected, many aspects of their functional features, including the secretory components they produce, remain to be ascertained. In this study we have analyzed the ultrastructural distribution of the MUC5B mucin in human palatal and buccal glands by means of post-embedding immunoelectron microscopy.Thin sections of normal human buccal and palatal glands obtained at surgery, were treated with polyclonal antibodies to human salivary MUC5B. Intense MUC5B reactivity was observed in the secretory granules of mucous cells of all glands examined. The present results provide new data regarding the secretory pattern of MUC5B in human buccal and palatal glands, indicating their significant contribution to the maintenance of the mucous biofilm that protects buccal and palatal mucosal areas.  相似文献   

Morphogenesis of salivary glands involves complex coordinated events. Synchronisation between cell proliferation, polarisation and differentiation, which are dependent on epithelial–mesenchymal interactions and on the microenvironment, is a requirement. Growth factors mediate many of these orchestrated biological processes and transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) appear to be relevant. Using immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence, we have mapped the distribution of TGF-beta 1, 2 and 3 and compared it with the expression of maturation markers in human salivary glands obtained from foetuses ranging from weeks 4 to 24 of gestation. TGF-beta 1 first appeared during canalisation stage in the surrounding mesenchyme and, in the more differentiated stages, was expressed in the cytoplasm of acinar cells throughout the adult gland. TGF-beta 2 was detected since the bud stage of the salivary gland. Its expression was observed in ductal cells and increased along gland differentiation, TGF-beta 3 was detected from the canalisation stage of the salivary gland, being weakly expressed on ductal cells, and it was the only factor detected on myoepithelial cells. The data suggest that TGF-beta have a role to play in salivary gland development and differentiation.  相似文献   

Background: The respiratory submucosal glands are a major source of secretions in the airway. Human submucosal laryngeal glands have been scarcely studied, with no works existing about their ultrastructure and histochemistry. Methods: Samples of epiglottis, ventricle, false vocal folds and true vocal folds were fixed in 10% buffered formalin for histochemical study with conventional and carbohydrate lectin histochemistry. Other samples were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde and conventionally processed for transmission electron microscopy. Results: The human submucosal laryngeal glands are composed of serous tubules; mucous tubules; collector duct; and final portion of this duct. The serous cells showed sialosulphomucins and affinity for WGA and Con-A lectins. With a previous treatment with neuraminidase, they also labelled with PNA. The mucous cells contained sialosulphomucins and showed affinity for WGA and DBA lectins in the samples proceeding from blood group A, and for WGA, UEA-I and LTA with those from blood group O. Ultrastructurally, the serous cells presented a wide variety of granules, cells in which seromucous granules predominated. The mucous cells presented larger-sized granules which were very electron-lucent. The collector duct was composed of mitochondria-rich cells and basal cells. A cell which we have termed “intermediate” was identified in the transition zone between the mucous tubules and the collector duct, and in the final portion of the collector duct. It had morphological characteristics as if it were a transition between a goblet cell and collector duct cell. Some nerve endings with cholinergic and peptidergic vesicles were found among the myoepithelial cells. Conclusions: These glands presented some histological differences from the bronchial glands, the mucous secretion was related to the blood group antigens, and the serous cells showed a wide variability in their secretory granules, many of them being of a seromucous type. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

目的 研究人巨细胞病毒(HCMV)对人涎腺导管上皮细胞(HSG)细胞周期的影响及其相关机制.方法 体外培养HSG;用RT-PCR及nest-RT-PCR法检测感染HCMV的HSG中立即早期基因(ie1/ie2)的转录;用流式细胞仪检测HCMV对HSG细胞周期的影响;用蛋白印迹技术检测HCMV感染细胞中周期素D1的表达.结果 感染HCMV的HSG中可检测到HCMV ie1/ie2的转录;HCMV通过影响细胞周期的G1/S关卡,使HSG阻滞于G1期;感染HCMV的HSG周期素D1表达下调.结论 在体外HCMV通过作用于细胞周期的G1/S关卡及下调周期素D1抑制涎腺导管上皮细胞的增殖.  相似文献   

Although salivary calcification is relatively common, little is known about the localization and content of the calcium of normal and diseased human salivary glands. We investigated this in chronic submandibular sialadenitis with a variable mixture of relatively normal and extremely atrophic parenchyma and in normal submandibular, parotid and palatal glands. Calcium was localized histochemically in mucous acinar cells of submandibular and palatal glands at moderate to high levels, in serous acinar cells of submandibular and parotid glands at low to moderate or occasionally high levels, in mucous ductal cells at moderate to high levels, and in extremely atrophic parenchyma at low levels or not at all. Calcium was determined biochemically at relatively high levels in the different glands in the order palatal, submandibular, sialadenitis and parotid. However, the differences were small. The results indicate that most salivary calcium is associated with secretory granules; this is the likely source of the calcium involved in salivary calcification  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to investigate the presence and distribution of nerve cell bodies and small ganglia in the stroma of human submandibular gland. A retrospective immunohistochemical study in 13 human submandibular glands, fixed in neutral buffered formalin and embedded in paraffin wax, was undertaken. Six glands were excised in the course of radical neck dissection for oral squamous cell carcinoma and were disease-free, six showed sialadenitis, and one was involved by tuberculosis. Primary antibodies applied were neuron specific enolase, synaptophysin, and glial fibrilliary acidic protein. Neuron specific enolase and synaptophysin positive nerve cell bodies and small ganglia were found in 8/13 and 13/13 glands, respectively. They were found in the interlobular connective tissue stroma of human SMG, in close association to salivary parenchymal cells and blood vessels, and some of them were incorporated in GFAP positive peripheral nerves. To our knowledge, nerve cell bodies and small ganglia have been described only in the connective tissue stroma of autotransplanted human SMG and their functional importance is not clear.  相似文献   

Background: Hypolemmal nerve terminals, which are abundant in many types of salivary glands, are naked axons that have penetrated the basement membrane to take up a position between adjacent parenchymal cells. Although they may form vesicle-filled varicosities, there usually are no obvious morphological indications as to which cell actually is being innervated. Methods: Specimens of over 200 species of bats were live-trapped and their major salivary glands extirpated and prepared for electron microscopic examination. Results: In 13 species of bats out of the more than 200, mitochondria-hypolemmal nerve terminal complexes were observed in different sites in different salivary glands. In these 13 species, mitochondria in epithelial cells that abut nerve varicosities are closely applied to the plasma membranes of their cells to follow the contours of these nerve elements. The complexes so formed often consist of a varicosity flanked by two mitochondria in separate cells. In intensely innervated glandular segments, mitochondria may be apposed not only to varicosities, but to the axonal portions of these nervous elements as well. Conclusions: The physiological significance of such complexes is unknown; it is conceivable that the mitochondria facilitate signal transmission or play a role in local calcium homeostasis related to nerve function. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Acinic cell carcinoma of minor salivary glands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A. FERLITO 《Histopathology》1980,4(3):331-343
Three cases of acinic cell carcinoma of minor salivary glands, located respectively in the larynx, base of the tongue, and right tonsil, were encountered at the Section of Pathology of the ENT Department of the University of Padua between 1974 and 1978. Such neoplasms arising in minor salivary gland tissue are extremely rare, but may be found in all sites containing normal or aberrant salivary gland tissue. The histological and histochemical characteristics of the tumour are discussed together with the differential diagnosis from other neoplasms, particularly clear-celled tumours such as glycogen rich adenocarcinoma, mucoepidermoid carcinoma, metastatic clear cell renal adenocarcinoma and clear cell squamous carcinoma. In general, acinic cell carcinoma can be defined as a tumour of low-grade malignancy, though not too rarely it may recur and occasionally metastasize.  相似文献   

Summary Six cases of adenoid cystic carcinoma of salivary glands have been examined with antibodies specific for either keratin or vimentin. Tumor cells in all six cases showed coexpression of keratin and vimentin.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant Ca 93 1/2) and by the Hamburger Stiftung zur Förderung der Krebsbekämpfung  相似文献   

The hormone melatonin was initially believed to be synthesized exclusively by the pineal gland and the enterochromaffin cells, but nowadays its production and distribution were observed in several other tissues and organs. Among others, the ultrastructural localization of melatonin and its receptors has been reported in human salivary glands. In these glands, the fine localization of melatonin in intracellular organelles, above all in mitochondria, remains to be explored comprehensively. Bioptic samples of parotid and submandibular glands were treated to search for melatonin using the immunogold staining method by transmission electron microscopy. Morphometric analysis was applied to micrographs. The results indicated that, both in parotid and submandibular glands mitochondria, a certain melatonin positivity was present. Within glandular cells, melatonin was less retrieved in mitochondria than in secretory granules; however, its presence in this organelle was clearly evident. Inside striated duct cells, melatonin staining in mitochondria was more prominent than in glandular cells. Our data provide an ultrastructural report on the presence of melatonin in mitochondria of human major salivary glands and represent a fundamental prerequisite for a better understanding of the melatonin role in this organelle.  相似文献   

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