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The afferent and efferent connections of the nucleus submedius in the rat.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The afferent and efferent connections of the nucleus submedius (Sm) in the medial thalamus of the rat were examined. Injections of wheat-germ agglutinin conjugated horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) into the Sm resulted in dense terminal labeling in the middle layers of the ipsilateral ventrolateral orbital cortex (VLO). Less dense labeling was also observed in the superficial and deep layers of VLO and in the medial part of the lateral orbital cortex (LO) and in the contralateral VLO. Retrogradely labeled neurons were observed primarily in the deep layers of VLO and the dorsal peduncular cortex (DP). Labeled neurons were also observed bilaterally, in the nucleus of the horizontal limb of the diagonal band, the lateral hypothalamus, the thalamic reticular nucleus (Rt), medial parabrachial nucleus (MPB), and the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus (LDT). Many labeled neurons were also observed in the trigeminal brain-stem complex. Injections of Fluoro-Gold (FG) into Sm resulted in a very similar distribution of retrogradely labeled neurons. Injections of WGA-HRP and FG in the orbital cortex confirmed the ipsilateral Sm projection to VLO and suggested that the middle and deep layers of VLO receive a specific ipsilateral projection from the dorsal Sm and that the superficial layers receive a projection primarily from the ventral Sm. Injections of WGA-HRP into the lateral hypothalamus, LDT, and MPB confirmed the retrograde labeling findings; the lateral hypothalamus was found to send a projection to the medial Sm, the LDT region to the ventromedial Sm and the MPB to the medial and dorsal Sm. These findings confirm and extend the results of previous studies in cat and rat indicating that Sm has a major and specific reciprocal connection with VLO. This finding, in conjunction with previous studies showing direct spinal and trigeminal inputs and the existence of nociceptive neurons in Sm and VLO, provides further support for a role of Sm in nociception.  相似文献   

The afferent connections to the principal division of the ventromedial thalamic nucleus (VMP) were studied in the cat by means of the HRP retrograde transport technique. The large (40 nl) and small (20 nl) injections of this enzyme were delivered into the VMP using different stereotaxic approaches. The main afferents to VMP emanated bilaterally from the prefrontal, premotor, and rostral agranular insular cortices. Another important group of afferents to the VMP were those originating in the rostral third of the reticular thalamic nucleus, the entopeduncular nucleus, the substantia nigra pars reticulata, and the deep cerebellar nuclei. From the cerebellar nuclei, the contralateral lateral nucleus and the caudal third of both (ipsi and contralateral) medial cerebellar nuclei were the origin of afferents to the VMP. Other cortical areas projecting (in a lower density) to the VMP were the motor cortex, the cortex along the anterior ectosylvian sulcus, the granular insular cortex, the posterior agranular insular area, the prelimbic area, and the cortex along the posterior rhinal sulcus (SRP). Among other subcortical prosencephalic structures projecting to the VMP are the dorsal claustrum, substantia innominata, hypothalamic formations, and the zona incerta. Projections originated from the brainstem in the lateral part of the intermediate and deep layers of the superior colliculus, the central gray matter, the locus coeruleus, and the reticular formation. The nucleus tegmenti pedunculopontinus pars compacta, parabrachial nuclei, the vestibular complex, and the spinal trigeminal nucleus were also origins of projections to the VMP. We conclude by emphasizing the important bilateral cortical modulation of the different functions attributed to the VMP: recruiting-response mediation, reticular-activating system participation, and extrapyramidal motor integration. In light of the connections just described, the VMP may be considered as a point for impulses coming from complex association cortical areas and limbic formations to converge with those emanating from cortical and subcortical motor structures.  相似文献   

The efferent connections of the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMH) of the rat have been examined using the autoradiographic method. Following injections of small amounts (0.4-2.0 muCi) of tritium labeled amino acids, fibers from the VMH can be traced forward through the periventricular region, the medial hypothalamus and the medial forebrain bundle to the preoptic and thalamic periventricular nuclei, to the medial and lateral preoptic areas, to the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and to the ventral part of the lateral septum. Some labeled axons continue through the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis into the stria itself, and hence to the amygdala, where they join other fibers which follow a ventral amygdalopetal route from the lateral hypothalamic area and ventral supraoptic commissure. These fibers terminate in the dorsal part of the medial amygdaloid nucleus and in the capsule of the central nucleus. A lesser number of rostrally directed fibers from the VMH crosses the midline in the ventral supraoptic commissure and contributes a sparse projection to the contralateral amygdala. Descending fibers from the VMH take three routes: (i) through the medial hypothalamus and medial forebrain bundle; (ii) through the periventricular region; and (iii) bilaterally through the ventral supraoptic commissure. These three pathways are interconnected by labeled fibers so that it is not possible to precisely identify their respective terminations. However, the periventricular fibers seem to project primarily to the posterior hypothalamic area and central gray, as far caudally as the anterior pole of the locus coeruleus, while the medial hypothalamic and medial forebrain bundle fibers apparently terminate mainly in the capsule of the mammillary complex, in the supramammillary nucleus and in the ventral tegmental area. The ventral supraoptic commissure fibers leave the hypothalamus closely applied to the medial edges of the two optic tracts. After giving off their contributions to the amygdala, they continue caudally until they cross the dorsal edge of the cerebral peduncle to enter the zona incerta. Some fibers probably terminate here, but others continue caudally to end in the dentral tegmental fields, and particularly in the peripeduncular nucleus. Within the hypothalamus, the VMH appears to project extensively to the surrounding nuclei. However, we have not been able to find evidence for a projection from the VMH to the median eminence. Isotope injections which differentially label the dorsomedial or the ventrolateral parts of the VMH have shown that most of the long connections (to the septum, amygdala, central tegmental fields and locus coeruleus) originate in the ventrolateral VMH, and there is also some evidence for a topographic organization within the projections of this subdivision of the nucleus.  相似文献   

The efferent and afferent connections of the avian isthmo-optic nucleus (ION) were studied using light microscopic techniques. Injections of [3H]proline into the nucleus resulted in labeling of centrifugal endings in the retina at the junction of the inner plexiform layer and inner nuclear layer, but produced no other transported label to any thalamic or mesencephalic nucleus. The origin of the tectal afferents to the ION was demonstrated by means of injections of [3H]proline into the most superficial layers of the optic tectum and by stereotaxic injections of horseradish peroxidase into the ION. The tectal efferent cell bodies were located in lamina h of the optic tectum and at the junction of laminae h and i.  相似文献   

The ascending projections of cholinergic neurons in the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus (TLD) were investigated in the rat by using Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) and wheat germ agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) anterograde tracing techniques. Two ascending pathways were identified after iontophoretic injections of PHA-L into the TLD. A long projection system courses through the dorsomedial tegmentum, caudal diencephalon, medial forebrain bundle, and diagonal band. Different branches of this system innervate the midbrain (superior colliculus, interstitial magnocellular nucleus of the posterior commissure, and anterior pretectal nucleus), the diencephalon (lateral habenular nucleus, parafascicular, anteroventral, anterodorsal, mediodorsal, and intralaminar thalamic nuclei), and the telencephalon (lateral septum and medial prefrontal cortex). The second system is shorter and more diffuse and innervates the median raphe, interpeduncular, and lateral mammillary nuclei. Retrograde tracing with WGA-HRP, combined with choline acetyltransferase immunohistochemistry, revealed that most of the TLD projections to the tectum, pretectum, thalamus, lateral septum, and medial prefrontal cortex are cholinergic. Afferents to the TLD were studied by anterograde and retrograde tracing techniques. Injection of tracers into the TLD retrogradely labelled neurons bilaterally in the midbrain reticular formation, the periaqueductal gray, the medial preoptic nucleus, the anterior hypothalamic nucleus, and the perifornical and lateral hypothalamic areas. Retrogradely labelled cells were also located bilaterally in the premammillary nucleus, paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, zona incerta, and lateral habenular nucleus. In the telencephalon, the nucleus of the diagonal band and the medial prefrontal cortex contained retrogradely labelled neurons ipsilateral to the TLD injection site. The projections of the medial prefrontal cortex, the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, and the lateral habenular nucleus to the TLD were confirmed in anterograde tracing studies. These findings indicate that the TLD gives rise to several ascending cholinergic projections that innervate diverse regions of the forebrain. Afferents to the TLD arise in hypothalamic and limbic forebrain regions, some of which appear to have reciprocal connections with the TLD. The latter include the lateral habenular nucleus and medial prefrontal cortex.  相似文献   

The rat retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) contains candidate central chemoreceptors that have extensive dendrites within the marginal layer (ML). This study describes the axonal projections of RTN neurons and their probable synaptic inputs. The ML showed a dense plexus of nerve terminals immunoreactive (ir) for markers of glutamatergic (vesicular glutamate transporters VGLUT1-3), gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-ergic, adrenergic, serotonergic, cholinergic, and peptidergic transmission. The density of VGLUT3-ir terminals tracked the location of RTN chemoreceptors. The efferent and afferent projections of RTN were studied by placing small iontophoretic injections of anterograde (biotinylated dextran amine; BDA) and retrograde (cholera toxin B) tracers where RTN chemoreceptors have been previously recorded. BDA did not label the nearby C1 cells. BDA-ir varicosities were found in the solitary tract nucleus (NTS), all ventral respiratory column (VRC) subdivisions, A5 noradrenergic area, parabrachial complex, and spinal cord. In each target region, a large percentage of the BDA-ir varicosities was VGLUT2-ir (41-83%). Putative afferent input to RTN originated from spinal cord, caudal NTS, area postrema, VRC, dorsolateral pons, raphe nuclei, lateral hypothalamus, central amygdala, and insular cortex. The results suggest that 1) whether or not the ML is specialized for CO(2) sensing, its complex neuropil likely regulates the activity of RTN chemosensitive neurons; 2) the catecholaminergic, cholinergic, and serotonergic innervation of RTN represents a possible substrate for the known state-dependent control of RTN chemoreceptors; 3) VGLUT3-ir terminals are a probable marker of RTN; and 4) the chemosensitive neurons of RTN may provide a chemical drive to multiple respiratory outflows, insofar as RTN innervates the entire VRC.  相似文献   

Efferent projections from the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMN) were traced using tritiated amino acid autoradiography in albino rats. Ascending fibers passed through the anterior hypothalamus. Labelled fibers and terminal fields were seen in the preoptic area, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, substantia innominata, the anterior amygdaloid area, diagonal bands of Broca and lateral septum. Fibers also projected laterally from VMN and entered the supraoptic commissures and zona incerta. These lateral projections were responsible for the fibers observed in the cerebral peduncle, the amygdala, the thalamus and the reticular formation. Fibers descending in a medial position projected through the posterior hypothalamus and then swept dorsally to terminate in the mesencephalic and pontine central grey. A projection from VMN into the median eminence was noted. The overall patterns of projection from different parts of VMN were similar; differences that existed were primarily in the relative strengths of the different projections. The efferent projections from VMN are extensive, well organized, and would appear capable of supporting significant physiological actions on extra-hypothalamic structures.  相似文献   

Intrinsic and efferent connections of the endopiriform nucleus in rat.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The endopiriform nucleus is a large group of multipolar cells located deep to the piriform cortex. The function of this nucleus is unknown, but studies with animal models suggest that it plays an important role in temporal lobe epileptogenesis. To address questions concerning mechanisms of epileptogenesis and to gain insights into its normal function, efferent axons from the endopiriform nucleus were labeled by anterograde transport from small extracellular injections of Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin. Several principles of organization were derived: (1) heavy local and long intrinsic connections are present throughout the endopiriform nucleus; (2) endopiriform efferents target cortical rather than nuclear structures; (3) extensive projections from the endopiriform nucleus extend to most basal forebrain areas including the piriform cortex, entorhinal cortex, insular cortex, orbital cortex, and all cortical amygdaloid areas. The perirhinal cortex, olfactory tubercle, and most subdivisions of the hippocampal formation receive light projections; (4) projections are highly distributed spatially within all target areas; (5) efferent axons from the endopiriform nucleus are unmyelinated and give rise to boutons along their entire course rather than arborizing locally; and (6) the endopiriform nucleus and piriform cortex share target areas, but efferents from the endopiriform nucleus lack the precise laminar order of those from the piriform cortex, and provide a heavy caudal to rostral pathway that is lacking in the cortex. The significance of these findings for the triggering of generalized seizures from the deep piriform region are discussed. An hypothesis for a role of the endopiriform nucleus in memory storage is presented.  相似文献   

The efferent and afferent connections of the supplementary motor area   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
U. Jürgens   《Brain research》1984,300(1):63-81
The efferent and afferent connections of the supplementary motor area (SMA) were studied in 6 squirrel monkeys using [3H]leucine and horseradish peroxidase, respectively. Efferent projections, common to all leucine-injected animals, were found to the cortical areas 9,8,44,4,2,5,7,24 and 23. Subcortically , efferents were found to the putamen, caudate nucleus, claustrum, the thalamic nuclei reticularis, ventrialis anterior, ventralis lateralis, medialis dorsalis, centralis lateralis, paracentralis , centrum medianum, parafascicularis, centralis superior lateralis, centralis inferior and lateralis posterior, the subthalamic nucleus, field H of Forel, nuel . ruber, reticular formation of midbrain, pons and medulla, the pontine gray and nucl . reticularis tegmenti pontis. Afferent connections exist with the cortical areas 9,8,6,44,4,1,2,5,7, 24 and 23, insula, fronto-parietal operculum and superior temporal sulcus. Subcortical afferent connections exist with the claustrum, nucleus of the diagonal band, nucl . basalis Meynert, basolateral amygdaloid nucleus, the thalamic nuclei ventralis anterior, ventralis lateralis, medialis dorsalis, centralis lateralis, paracentralis , centrum medianum, centralis superior lateralis, centralis inferior, lateralis posterior and pulvinaris , the posterior hypothalamus, ventral tegmental area, nucl . ruber pars parvicellularis , reticular formation of midbrain and pons, locus coeruleus and nucl . centralis superior Bechterew. The projections are discussed with respect to the possible role SMA plays in the voluntary initiation of motor actions.  相似文献   

Previously, we described a cell group expressing tuberoinfundibular peptide of 39 residues (TIP39) in the lateral pontomesencephalic tegmentum, and referred to it as the medial paralemniscal nucleus (MPL). To identify this nucleus further in rat, we have now characterized the MPL cytoarchitectonically on coronal, sagittal, and horizontal serial sections. Neurons in the MPL have a columnar arrangement distinct from adjacent areas. The MPL is bordered by the intermediate nucleus of the lateral lemniscus nucleus laterally, the oral pontine reticular formation medially, and the rubrospinal tract ventrally, whereas the A7 noradrenergic cell group is located immediately mediocaudal to the MPL. TIP39-immunoreactive neurons are distributed throughout the cytoarchitectonically defined MPL and constitute 75% of its neurons as assessed by double labeling of TIP39 with a fluorescent Nissl dye or NeuN. Furthermore, we investigated the neuronal inputs to the MPL by using the retrograde tracer cholera toxin B subunit. The MPL has afferent neuronal connections distinct from adjacent brain regions including major inputs from the auditory cortex, medial part of the medial geniculate body, superior colliculus, external and dorsal cortices of the inferior colliculus, periolivary area, lateral preoptic area, hypothalamic ventromedial nucleus, lateral and dorsal hypothalamic areas, subparafascicular and posterior intralaminar thalamic nuclei, periaqueductal gray, and cuneiform nucleus. In addition, injection of the anterograde tracer biotinylated dextran amine into the auditory cortex and the hypothalamic ventromedial nucleus confirmed projections from these areas to the distinct MPL. The afferent neuronal connections of the MPL suggest its involvement in auditory and reproductive functions.  相似文献   

Nucleus cuneatus projections to nucleus ventralis posterolateralis pars medialis (VPLm) and other thalamic as well as midbrain and medullary nuclei were studied in cats using the Fink-Heimer I silver technique. Single electrolytic lesions of very small size were made stereotaxically in different zones of nucleus cuneatus under electrophysiological control. All zones studied projected to contralateral VPLm in a pattern of discrete terminal arborizations or clusters, which were organized in onionskin-like dorso-ventral laminae. The clusters of degeneration varied in size and density according to their dorsoventral location within VPLm. Those in dorsal areas were smaller in diameter (50–125 μ) and contained less dense amounts of degeneration than clusters (150–300 μ) in more ventral regions. The clustered terminal arborizations mirrored the organization of the VPLm neuronal clusters, themselves. Terminations within VPLm were topographically organized, but were completely inverted, i.e. dorsal nucleus cuneatus projected to ventral VPLm and ventral to dorsal, lateral to medial, and medial to lateral VPLm. A ventral zone of nucleus cuneatus, which contained “deep” units, projected to a separate dorsal zone of VPLm. In addition to its classical connection with VPLm, nucleus cuneatus projected to the following contralateral brainstem or thalamic nuclei: medial and dorsal accessory olives, external nucleus of the inferior colliculus, ventrolateral part of the superior colliculus, nucleus ruber, medial geniculate nucleus pars magnocellularis, suprageniculatus, medial and lateral divisions of the posterior thalamic nuclear group, zona incerta, and Fields of Forel. Very sparse amounts of degeneration were also present within nuclei ventralis posteromedialis (caudal pole) and ventralis posterolateralis pars lateralis. The brainstem and thalamic projections of the dorsocaudal part (cell nest region) of the cuneate nucleus were more restricted than those of its rostral and ventral regions. The clusters of both the VPLm neurons and cuneate terminations within VPLm provides an anatomical basis for the functional characteristics of synaptic security, fine grain somatotopia and modality specificity so prominent in the dorsal column nuclei-medial lemniscal system.  相似文献   

The connections of the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus (LDTg) have been investigated using anterograde and retrograde lectin tracers with immunocytochemical detection. Inputs to LDTg were found from frontal cortex, diagonal band, preoptic areas, lateral hypothalamus, lateral mamillary nucleus, lateral habenula; the interpeduncular nucleus, ventral tegmental area, substantia nigra and retrorubral fields; the medial terminal nucleus, interstitial nucleus, supraoculomotor central grey, medial pretectum, nucleus of the posterior commissure, paramedian pontine reticular formation, paraabducens and paratrochlear region; the parabrachial nuclei and nucleus of the tractus solitarius. Terminal labelling from PHA-L injections of LDTg was found in infralimbic, cingulate and hippocampal cortex, lateral septum, septofimbrial and triangular nuclei, horizontal limb of diagonal band and preoptic areas; in the anterior, mediodorsal, reuniens, centrolateral, parafascicular, paraventricular and laterodorsal thalamic nuclei, rostral reticular thalamic nucleus, and zona incerta; the lateral habenula and the lateral hypothalamus. A number of brainstem structures apparently associated with visual functions were also innervated, mainly the superior colliculus, medial pretectum, medial terminal nucleus, paramedian pontine reticular formation, inferior olive, supraoculomotor, paraabducens and supragenual regions, prepositus hypoglossi and nucleus of the posterior commissure. Also innervated were substantia nigra compacta, ventral tegmental area, interfascicular nucleus, interpeduncular nucleus, dorsal and medial raphe, pedunculopontine tegmental region, parabrachial nuclei, and nucleus of the tractus solitarius. These findings suggest the LDTg to be a highly differentiated part of the ascending "reticular activating" system, concerned not only with specific cortical and thalamic regions, especially those associated with the limbic system, but also with the basal ganglia, and visual (particularly oculomotor) mechanisms. Additional links with the habenula-interpeduncular system are discussed in this context.  相似文献   

We are using wheat germ agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase (WIiRP) to study reconnectivity in the transplanted (TX) olfactory bulb (OB) in Sprague-Dawley rats. Tritium-labeled OBs from fetal rat donors of Embryonic Days 14–15 were immediately grafted into neonatal rats in the site from which the host OB had been removed. Following survival times of 7 weeks and longer, WHRP solution was injected into the TX OB, and subjects were perfused after 24 h. The WHRP transport is seen in fibers from the TX OB into layer I of the host olfactory peduncle (OP) and olfactory cortex (OC) and in cell bodies in layers II and III of the OP and OC, the lateral hypothalamus, and the contralateral anterior olfactory nucleus (AON). These findings reaffirm that the axons from a TX OB make connections with some appropriate areas of the host brain and also indicate that axons from cells in the target areas of the host brain, including contralateral AON, reinnervate the TX OB.  相似文献   

The present work is an analysis of the afferent projections to the thalamic nucleus rotundus in a lizard, both at the light- and electron-microscopic level, using biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) as a neuroanatomical tracer. This study has confirmed previously reported afferent projections to nucleus rotundus in reptiles and has also identified a number of new cellular aggregates projecting to this dorsal thalamic nucleus. After BDA injections into nucleus rotundus, retrogradely labelled neurons were observed consistently within the following neuronal groups in the midbrain and the diencephalon: (i) the stratum griseum centrale of the optic tectum; (ii) the nucleus subpretectalis in the pretectum; (iii) the nucleus ansa lenticularis posterior, the posterior nucleus of the ventral supraoptic commissure, and the posteroventral nucleus, in the dorsal thalamus and (iv) the lateral suprachiasmatic nucleus and part of the reticular complex in the ventral thalamus. Tectal axons entering nucleus rotundus were fine and varicose and formed exclusively asymmetric synaptic contacts, mainly on small dendritic profiles. Rotundal neurons had symmetric synapses made by large boutons probably of nontectal origin. After comparing our results with those in other reptiles, birds and mammals, we propose that the sauropsidian nucleus rotundus forms part of a visual tectofugal pathway that conveys mesencephalic visual information to the striatum and dorsal ventricular ridge, and is similar to the mammalian colliculo-posterior/intralaminar-striatoamygdaloid pathway, the function of which may be to participate in visually guided behaviour.  相似文献   

Thalamic and cortical afferents to the insular and perirhinal cortex of the rat were investigated. Unilateral injections of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) were made iontophoretically along the rhinal sulcus. HRP injections covered or invaded areas along the rhinal fissure from about the level of the middle cerebral artery to the posterior end of the fissure. The most anterior injection labeled a few cells in the mediodorsal nucleus. More posterior injections labeled neurons in the basal portion of the nucleus ventralis medialis, thus suggesting that this cortical region constitutes the rat's gustatory (insular) cortex. We consider the cortex situated posterior to the gustatory cortex in and above the rhinal sulcus as the core region of the rat's (associative) insular cortex, as this cortex receives afferents from the regions of and between the nuclei suprageniculatus and geniculatus medialis, pars magnocellularis. It includes parts of the cortex termed perirhinal in other studies. The cortex dorsal and posterior to the insular cortex we consider auditory cortex, as it receives afferents from the principal part of the medial geniculate nucleus, and the cortex ventral to the insular cortex (below the fundus of the rhinal sulcus) we consider to constitute the prepiriform cortex, which is athalamic. The posterior part of the perirhinal cortex (area 35) receives afferents from nonspecific thalamic nuclei (midline nuclei). Cortical afferents to the injection loci arise from a number of regions, above all from regions of the medial and sulcal prefrontal cortex. Those injections confined to the projection cortex of the suprageniculate-magnocellular medial geniculate nuclear complex also led to labeling in contralateral prefrontal regions, particularly in area 25 (infralimbic region). A comparison of our results with those on the insular cortex of cats and monkeys suggests that on the basis of thalamocortical connections, topographical relations, and involvements of neurons in information processing and overt behavior, the insular cortex has to be regarded as a heterogeneous region which may be separated into prefrontal insular, gustatory (somatosensory) insular, and associative insular portions.  相似文献   

In summary, we have demonstrated the subnuclear organization of PB, and correlated this with the origins of its efferent connections. In general, PBm projects primarily to the insular, infralimbic and lateral frontal cortex, and to associated areas in the thalamus, hypothalamus and amygdala. PBl chiefly innervates the autonomie nuclei of the hypothalamus and related portions of the amygdala and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. KF is the main source of descending projections from PB to the region of the nucleus of the solitary tract, the ventrolateral medulla and the intermediolateral cell column in the thoracic spinal cord. Further subnuclear organization of the origins of these projections within the major PB subdivisions has been described in detail.While PB afferents tend to terminate in specific subnuclei, one cannot reliably predict from the functional properties of the major inputs to a subnucleus what information will be carried in its efferents. Further anatomical and physiological studies of the input-output relationships of single PB neurons will be necessary to help resolve this enigma. However, recent immunohistochemical observations suggest that the subnuclear organization of PB afferent and efferent connections may reflect, at least in part, their biochemical specificity.  相似文献   

In summary, we have demonstrated the subnuclear organization of PB, and correlated this with the origins of its efferent connections. In general, PBm projects primarily to the insular, infralimbic and lateral frontal cortex, and to associated areas in the thalamus, hypothalamus and amygdala. PBl chiefly innervates the autonomic nuclei of the hypothalamus and related portions of the amygdala and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. KF is the main source of descending projections from PB to the region of the nucleus of the solitary tract, the ventrolateral medulla and the intermediolateral cell column in the thoracic spinal cord. Further subnuclear organization of the origins of these projections within the major PB subdivisions has been described in detail. While PB afferents tend to terminate in specific subnuclei, one cannot reliably predict from the functional properties of the major inputs to a subnucleus what information will be carried in its efferents. Further anatomical and physiological studies of the input-output relationships of single PB neurons will be necessary to help resolve this enigma. However, recent immunohistochemical observations suggest that the subnuclear organization of PB afferent and efferent connections may reflect, at least in part, their biochemical specificity.  相似文献   

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