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<正>The cerebellum has a complex network and relates to various clinical functions including ataxia,gait disturbance,hearing and vision,cognition and affective control.Cerebellar peduncles are the structure connecting the cerebellum to the brain stem and the cerebrum.There exist three cerebellar peduncles.The superior cerebellar peduncle(SCP)involves vestibular sense and proprioception connecting to the thalamocortical pathway.The middle cerebellar peduncle(MCP)is the largest structure among the three 相似文献
<正>Introduction Aging is the accumulation of multidimensional deterioration of processing of biological,psychological,and social changes with expansion over time(Bowen and Atwood,2004;Grady,2012).Aging-related changes are typically accompanied by decline in cognitive function,urinary control,sensory-motor function,and gait ability(Bradley et al.,1991;Bowen and Atwood,2004;Hedden and Gabrieli,2004;Grady,2012;Moran et al., 相似文献