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Previous research has demonstrated covariation of physiological responding with judgments of valence and arousal. However, until now links between these affective dimensions and respiratory measures have not been extensively investigated. In this study, eight picture series of different affective valence and arousal level were shown to 30 subjects, while respiration, skin conductance level (SCL), heart rate (HR) and affective judgments were measured. With increasing pleasantness, inspiratory time lengthened, mean inspiratory flow decreased and thoracic breathing increased. With increasing arousal, inspiratory time and total breath duration shortened and mean inspiratory flow, minute ventilation, thoracic breathing and electrodermal activity increased. These findings confirm the importance of arousal in respiratory responding, but also indicate a modulatory role of affective valence. We propose that the arousal effects reflect energy mobilization in preparation to act, and that the valence effects might be a manifestation of an attention bias toward negative stimuli.  相似文献   

An initial reflexive constriction of the pupil to stimulation—the light reflex—is primarily modulated by brightness, but is attenuated when participants are under threat of shock (i.e., fear‐inhibited light reflex). The present study assessed whether the light reflex is similarly attenuated when viewing emotional pictures. Pupil diameter was recorded while participants viewed erotic, violent, and neutral scenes that were matched in brightness; scrambled versions identical in brightness were also presented as an additional control. Compared to viewing neutral scenes, the light reflex was reliably modulated by hedonic content, with significant attenuation both when viewing unpleasant as well as pleasant pictures. No differences in the light reflex were found among scrambled versions. Thus, emotional modulation of the initial light reflex is not confined to a context of fear and is not indicative of brightness differences when viewing pictures of natural scenes.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of 30 min of cycling exercise at a moderate intensity of 50% peak oxygen uptake, compared to 30 min of rest, on changes in emotional responses to pictorial foreground stimuli that reliably elicit unpleasant, neutral, and pleasant affect. Emotional responses were measured by self-reports of valence (unpleasant to pleasant) and arousal (low to high) and by hemispheric asymmetry (R-L) of frontal and parietal brain electroencephalographic (EEG) activity in 13 females and 21 males (24+/-3 y). Compared to after rest, self-reports of arousal in response to unpleasant slides were diminished after exercise, but self-reports of valence and frontal asymmetry of alpha frequencies were generally unchanged. Even so, there were differential responses in asymmetry in the beta frequencies in the frontal region and for alpha and beta frequencies in the parietal region, indicative of decreased activity in the left frontal and right parietal regions after exercise compared to after rest. We conclude that moderately intense cycling exercise generally does not alter emotional responding to pleasant and neutral pictures, but may reduce emotional arousal during exposure to unpleasant stimuli.  相似文献   

In this study we assessed blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), stroke volume (SV), cardiac output (CO), and total peripheral resistance (TPR) in response to 13 picture series in 37 participants in order to investigate their hemodynamic response associated with activation of the appetitive and defensive motivational systems underlying emotional experience. BP and SV, but not TPR, increased with increasing self‐rated arousal, whereas HR decelerated more in response to negative than positive and neutral pictures. These findings suggest that modulation of the cardiovascular response to pictures is primarily myocardial. The observed response pattern is consistent with a configuration of cardiac sympathetic–parasympathetic coactivation. The relationships between self‐rated arousal, BP, and SV were mainly exhibited by men, suggesting that increases in the sympathetic inotropic effect to the heart with self‐rated arousal may be larger in men than in women.  相似文献   

We used the framework of the uncontrolled manifold hypothesis to explore the relations between anticipatory synergy adjustments (ASAs) and anticipatory postural adjustments (APAs) during feedforward control of vertical posture. ASAs represent a drop in the index of a multimuscle-mode synergy stabilizing the coordinate of the center of pressure in preparation to an action. ASAs reflect early changes of an index of covariation among variables reflecting muscle activation, whereas APAs reflect early changes in muscle activation levels averaged across trials. The assumed purpose of ASAs is to modify stability of performance variables, whereas the purpose of APAs is to change magnitudes of those variables. We hypothesized that ASAs would be seen before APAs and that this finding would be consistent with regard to the muscle-mode composition defined on the basis of different tasks and phases of action. Subjects performed a voluntary body sway task and a quick, bilateral shoulder flexion task under self-paced and reaction time conditions. Surface muscle activity of 12 leg and trunk muscles was analyzed to identify sets of 4 muscle modes for each task and for different phases within the shoulder flexion task. Variance components in the muscle-mode space and indexes of multimuscle-mode synergy stabilizing shift of the center of pressure were computed. ASAs were seen ~ 100-150 ms prior to the task initiation, before APAs. The results were consistent with respect to different sets of muscle modes defined over the two tasks and different shoulder flexion phases. We conclude that the preparation for a self-triggered postural perturbation is associated with two types of anticipatory adjustments, ASAs and APAs. They reflect different feedforward processes within the hypothetical hierarchical control scheme, resulting in changes in patterns of covariation of elemental variables and in their patterns averaged across trials, respectively. The results show that synergies quantified using dissimilar sets of muscle modes show similar feedforward changes in preparation to action.  相似文献   

Past studies beginning with Jackson et al. [Jackson, D.C., Malmstadt, J.R., Larson, C.L., Davidson, R.J., 2000. Suppression and enhancement of emotional responses to unpleasant pictures. Psychophysiology 37 (4), 515-522.] document increases and decreases in emotionally-potentiated startle by way of instructing participants to enhance or suppress their emotional responses to symbolic sources of threat (unpleasant pictures). The present study extends this line of work to a threat-of-shock paradigm to assess whether startle potentiation elicited by threat of actual danger or pain is subject to emotion regulation. Results point to successful volitional modulation for both Affective-Picture and Threat-of-Shock experiments with startle magnitudes from largest to smallest occurring in the enhance, maintain, and suppress conditions. Successful regulation of startle potentiation to the threat of shock found by the current study supports the external validity of the Jackson paradigm for assessment of regulation processes akin to those occurring in the day-to-day context in response to real elicitors of emotion.  相似文献   

We studied the modulation of oscillatory resistance (R(os)) by viewing and imagery of affective pictures. Thirty nonasthmatic participants viewed 36 affective slides precategorized as positive, neutral, and negative in valence. Each picture was presented for 15 s, followed by an imagery epoch of 15 s. R(os), facial EMGs, respiration, skin conductance response, heart period, and respiratory sinus arrhythmia were measured throughout the session, as well as viewing time and ratings of pleasure, arousal, and interest. Increases of R(os) were observed for negative pictures, and little changes for positive or neutral pictures. Other physiological parameters did not mirror this response pattern, leaving no clear indication for a ventilatory or vagal origin of R(os) changes. Overall differences between behavioral contexts of visual processing and imagery revealed evidence for a coupling of cardiac and respiratory responses, which included changes in R(os). The findings in R(os) are discussed in the light of earlier discrepant findings on the affective modulation of airway resistance and cardiac activity.  相似文献   

Emotional stimuli capture attention, receive increased perceptual processing resources, and alter peripheral reflexes. In the present study, we examined whether emotional stimuli would modulate the magnitude of the motor evoked potential (MEP) elicited in the abductor pollicus brevis muscle by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) delivered to the motor cortex. The electromyogram (EMG) was recorded from 16 participants while they viewed six blocks of pleasant, neutral, and unpleasant images; 36 TMS pulses at increasing intensities were delivered during each block. The TMS-induced MEP was reliably larger while participants viewed pleasant and unpleasant compared to neutral images. There were no differences in the pre-TMS EMG activity as a function of emotional stimuli. Thus, viewing arousing stimuli, regardless of valence, increased motor cortex excitability. Implications and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Preparation of anticipatory postural adjustments prior to stepping   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Step initiation involves anticipatory postural adjustments (APAs) that propel the body mass forward and laterally before the first step. This study used a startle-like acoustic stimulus (SAS) and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to examine the preparation of APAs before forward stepping. After an instructed delay period, subjects initiated forward steps in reaction to a visual "go" cue. TMS or SAS was delivered before (-1,400 or -100 ms), on (0 ms), or after (+100 ms for TMS, +200 ms for SAS) the imperative "go" cue. Ground reaction forces and electromyographic activity were recorded. In control trials, the mean reaction time was 217 +/- 38 ms. In contrast, the SAS evoked APAs that had an average onset of 110 +/- 54 ms, whereas the incidence, magnitude, and duration of the APA increased as the stimulus timing approached the "go" cue. A facilitation of motor-evoked potentials in the initial agonist muscle was observed only when TMS was applied at +100 ms. These findings indicate that there was an initial phase of movement preparation during which the APA-stepping sequence was progressively assembled, and that this early preparation did not involve the corticomotor pathways activated by TMS. The subsequent increase in corticomotor excitability between the imperative stimulus and onset of the APA suggests that corticospinal pathways contribute to the voluntary initiation of the prepared APA-stepping sequence. These findings are consistent with a feedforward mode of neural control whereby the motor sequence, including the associated postural adjustments, is prepared before voluntary movement.  相似文献   

Healthy college females (n=24) completed counterbalanced conditions of 20 min of very low and low intensity cycling exercise and seated rest. Startle and corrugator supercilii responses, and baseline orbicularis oculi and corrugator supercilii electromyographic (EMG) activity, were measured during each exercise condition while participants viewed pleasant, neutral and unpleasant pictures. The exercise conditions did not alter the magnitude of the startle or corrugator responses compared with the resting control condition. Baseline orbicularis EMG increased slightly and baseline corrugator EMG increased significantly, during the low intensity exercise condition. In conclusion, low intensity physical activity is not sufficient to alter emotional responsiveness as assessed by the acoustic startle eyeblink response and corrugator supercilii EMG responses during the viewing of pleasant, neutral, and unpleasant pictures. Despite modestly increased baseline EMG levels, reliable startle and corrugator EMG responses can be obtained in healthy college females during picture viewing while performing low intensity cycling exercise.  相似文献   

 The reactive forces and torques associated with moving a hand-held object between two points are potentially destabilising, both for the object’s position in the hand and for body posture. Previous work has demonstrated that there are increases in grip force ahead of arm motion that contribute to object stability in the hand. Other studies have shown that early postural adjustments in the legs and trunk minimise the potential perturbing effects on body posture of rapid voluntary arm movement. This paper documents the concurrent evolution of grip force and postural adjustments in anticipation of dynamic and static loads. Subjects held a manipulandum in precision grasp between thumb and index finger and pulled or pushed either a dynamic or a fixed load horizontally towards or away from the body (the grasp axis was orthogonal to the line of the load force). A force plate measured ground reaction torques, and force transducers in the manipulandum measured the load (tangential) and grip (normal) forces acting on the thumb and finger. In all conditions, increases in grip force and ground reaction torque preceded any detectable rise in load force. Rates of change of grip force and ground reaction torque were correlated, even after partialling out a common dependence on load force rate. Moreover, grip force and ground reaction torque rates at the onset of load force were correlated. These results imply the operation of motor planning processes that include anticipation of the dynamic consequences of voluntary action. Received: 28 June 1996 / Accepted: 4 February 1997  相似文献   

The current study provides a comprehensive evaluation of critical psychometric properties of commonly used psychophysiology laboratory tasks/measures within the NIMH RDoC. Participants (N = 128) completed the no‐shock, predictable shock, unpredictable shock (NPU) task, affective picture viewing task, and resting state task at two study visits separated by 1 week. We examined potentiation/modulation scores in NPU (predictable or unpredictable shock vs. no‐shock) and affective picture viewing tasks (pleasant or unpleasant vs. neutral pictures) for startle and corrugator responses with two commonly used quantification methods. We quantified startle potentiation/modulation scores with raw and standardized responses. We quantified corrugator potentiation/modulation in the time and frequency domains. We quantified general startle reactivity in the resting state task as the mean raw startle response during the task. For these three tasks, two measures, and two quantification methods, we evaluated effect size robustness and stability, internal consistency (i.e., split‐half reliability), and 1‐week temporal stability. The psychometric properties of startle potentiation in the NPU task were good, but concerns were noted for corrugator potentiation in this task. Some concerns also were noted for the psychometric properties of both startle and corrugator modulation in the affective picture viewing task, in particular, for pleasant picture modulation. Psychometric properties of general startle reactivity in the resting state task were good. Some salient differences in the psychometric properties of the NPU and affective picture viewing tasks were observed within and across quantification methods.  相似文献   

Rapid picture processing: affective primes and targets   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
In rapid serial visual presentation of pictures, an early ERP component shows enlarged negativity over occipital regions for emotional, compared to neutral, pictures. The present study examined the processing of emotional target pictures as a function of the hedonic valence of a preceding prime picture. Dense sensor ERPs were measured while subjects viewed a continuous stream of pleasant, neutral, and unpleasant pictures, presented for 335 ms each. Two main findings were observed: First, replicating previous results, emotional target pictures were associated with a larger posterior negativity, compared to neutral pictures. Second, the emotional content of the preceding prime picture affected target processing, with pleasant or unpleasant primes resulting in reduced negativity of the following picture, irrespective of its emotional valence. These findings are discussed within a framework of competition among successive pictures.  相似文献   

The paper outlines a biomechanical approach to quantifying anticipatory postural adjustments in the elderly. The measurement problems that occur in applying the biomechanical approach to elderly subjects are described and the ‘signal-to-noise’ properties of three candidate measures are compared, using data from volitional unilateral arm-raise tests performed on 100 elderly subjects. The results suggest that changes in vertical ground reaction force provide the greatest potential for accurate measurement of anticipatory adjustments, in comparison with changes in horizontal force or centre-of-pressure displacement. By normalising the anticipatory change in vertical ground reaction force with respect to the vertical perturbation force induced by the arm motion, a measure of relative anticipatory response is derived. The use of this measure, as well as its limitations, are demonstrated by analysing its relationship to actual falling risk, monitored prospectively in the elderly subject population. The findings showed evidence of larger relative anticipatory adjustments in the subjects who experienced recurrent falls, and it is suggested that these responses may be indicative of disordered motor programming. However, to detect these differences it was necessary to average responses over multiple trials and to exclude trials with very small arm acceleration or very large baseline ‘noise’ (associated with ongoing postural sway). The need to screen and exclude data would seem to limit the practical utility of this approach in testing elderly populations.  相似文献   

We studied the changes in the anticipatory postural adjustments (APAs), associated with dropping a load from extended arms and during fast bilateral shoulder flexion movements, when movements were performed in a self-paced manner and under a simple reaction-time instruction. The latter instruction applied time pressure and did not allow the regular pattern of APAs to be used. In particular, the following questions were asked: (1) are there changes in the relative timing of APAs under the reaction time condition; (2) are changes in the relative timing of APAs associated with changes in APAs themselves; (3) can different postural strategies be used to maintain stability under self-paced and reaction time conditions; and (4) are changes in APAs related to actual reaction time or to a change in the instruction? In particular, under reaction-time conditions, APAs occurred later in time, typically simultaneously with the initiation of the focal movement. Additional changes in electromyographic (EMG) patterns in postural muscles included an increase in the amplitude of EMG bursts and “speeding-up” some of the tri-phasic patterns in postural dorsal-ventral muscle pairs. This was accompanied by a smaller early shift of the center of pressure followed by its more rapid delayed displacement. There was considerable variability in the changes of EMG and dynamic characteristics across subjects. Some of the changes in the EMG patterns in postural muscles depended on actual reaction time, while others were related to a change in the instruction and occurred even if actual reaction times were long enough to allow for the typical self-paced APA patterns to occur. These findings can be interpreted as supporting the parallel control hypothesis for the focal movement and postural adjustments. Alternatively, they can be interpreted within a framework that implies the generation of a single control function, which is transformed into two components, one directed at the focal muscles/joints and the other directed at postural muscles/joints.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE AND METHODS: Two experiments examined the impact of viewing unpleasant, pleasant, and neutral photographic slides on cold-pain perception in healthy men and women. In each experiment, participants viewed one of three slide shows (experiment 1 = fear, disgust, or neutral; experiment 2 = erotic, nurturant, or neutral) immediately before a cold-pressor task. Skin conductance and heart rate were recorded during the slide shows, whereas visual analog scale ratings of pain intensity and unpleasantness thresholds and pain tolerance were recorded during the cold-pressor task. RESULTS: Viewing fear and disgust slides decreased pain intensity and unpleasantness thresholds, but only the fear slides decreased pain tolerance. In contrast, viewing erotic, but not nurturant, slides increased pain intensity and unpleasantness threshold ratings on the visual analog scale in men, whereas neither nurturant nor erotic slides altered pain tolerance. CONCLUSIONS: These results are consistent with a motivational priming model that predicts that unpleasant affective states should enhance pain and that pleasant affective states should attenuate it.  相似文献   

Emotionally arousing picture stimuli evoked scalp-recorded event-related potentials. A late, slow positive voltage change was observed, which was significantly larger for affective than neutral stimuli. This positive shift began 200-300 ms after picture onset, reached its maximum amplitude approximately 1 s after picture onset, and was sustained for most of a 6-s picture presentation period. The positive increase was not related to local probability of content type, but was accentuated for pictures that prompted increased autonomic responses and reports of greater affective arousal (e.g. erotic or violent content). These results suggest that the late positive wave indicates a selective processing of emotional stimuli, reflecting the activation of motivational systems in the brain.  相似文献   

There is evidence suggesting that exposure to an abnormal magnetic environment may produce psychophysiological effects related to abnormalities in responses to stress. This may be of relevance for space medicine where astronauts are exposed to a magnetic field different from that exerted by the Earth. Aim of this study was to assess how the exposure of the head to a magnetic field simulating the one encountered by the International Space Station (ISS) during a single orbit (90 min) around the Earth affects the cardiovascular and psychophysiological parameters. Twenty-four human volunteers were studied double blindly in random order under sham and magnetic exposure. During exposure, the persons were shown a set of pictures of different emotional content while subjective self-rating, skin conductance (SC), blood pressure (BP), and heart rate (HR) were measured. In addition, BP, HR, and tooth pain threshold were assessed before and after exposure. While subjects were under magnetic exposure, skin conductance was strongly differentiated (F2,36 = 22.927; p = 0.0001), being high during emotionally involving (positive and negative) pictures and low during neutral pictures. Conversely, when subjects were under sham exposure, no significant differences were observed. There was, however, a trend for higher heart rate during picture viewing under magnetic exposure as compared to sham exposure. No effects were found for the other variables. These results suggest that an abnormal magnetic field that simulates the one encountered by ISS orbiting around the Earth may enhance autonomic response to emotional stimuli.  相似文献   

Human fear research has mostly applied exteroceptive stimuli to induce fear. Interoceptive sensations however can also be very threatening and play a major role in a number of anxiety disorders. In this study, we compared affective responses to inspiratory resistive loads with those to aversive pictures. During repeated administrations of two loads, a light and a moderate one, and five aversive pictures we measured electrodermal activity, startle blink responses, subjective fear and ratings on valence, arousal and dominance. Results indicate that loads evoke affective reactions comparable or stronger than those evoked by the pictures. Startle data did not follow this pattern with an absence of startle potentiation during the moderate load, suggesting that fear potentiated startle does not occur when the background aversive stimulus is of an interoceptive nature.  相似文献   

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