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Quantitative analysis of eye movements is a useful tool for examining the behavioural effects of ageing. Although the effect of ageing on saccadic eye movement has been examined in some detail, the effect of ageing on a second class of eye movement, smooth pursuit (SP), has received less attention. We examined the initiation of SP in a group of fifteen healthy older people (mean age 72 years) and compared their performance with that of ten young controls (mean age 21 years). Although their performance was qualitatively similar, pursuit latency was increased in the older group. Investigation of the gap effect on pursuit revealed that, while the gap effect was present in the older group, it seemed to be directionally asymmetrical. When the longer absolute latencies were taken into account, although the gap effect in the two groups was identical for leftward tasks, for rightward tasks it was reduced in the older group, although this did not reach statistical significance. The difference between the old and young groups was driven by some of the older subjects. At the longest gap duration employed (400 ms), while there was a clear gap effect for leftward tasks in these subjects, there was no reduction in latency, or increases in latency, for rightward tasks. This asymmetry was not related to chronological age within the older group. These results suggest an age-related alteration in SP initiation that is more complex than general slowing of information processing in ageing. They may be indicative of additional ageing effects specific to the oculomotor or closely related systems.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the influence of smooth-pursuit eye movements on saccade initiation in response to a sudden jump of a continuously moving target. We replicated the finding by Tanaka et al. (1998) that saccadic eye movements in the direction opposite to preceding pursuit have longer latencies than those in the same direction. We confirmed that this asymmetry is indeed due to an inhibitory effect of smooth pursuit on saccade initiation in the opposite direction rather than facilitation of saccade initiation in the same direction. The inhibitory effect decreased strongly when subjects knew the jump direction in advance. This supports the notion that the prolonged latencies of backward saccades are not due to orbital mechanics or low-level motor processing. Furthermore, we found that the range of saccade directions inhibited by a pursuit movement is broad, covering all directions that did not have the same horizontal component as the pursuit direction. This is in contrast with the predictions of "Inhibition of Saccade Return" (ISR, Hooge and Frens 2000), which is restricted to a smaller confined area. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Smooth pursuit eye movements reflect the temporal dynamics of bidimensional (2D) visual motion integration. When tracking a single, tilted line, initial pursuit direction is biased toward unidimensional (1D) edge motion signals, which are orthogonal to the line orientation. Over 200 ms, tracking direction is slowly corrected to finally match the 2D object motion during steady-state pursuit. We now show that repetition of line orientation and/or motion direction does not eliminate the transient tracking direction error nor change the time course of pursuit correction. Nonetheless, multiple successive presentations of a single orientation/direction condition elicit robust anticipatory pursuit eye movements that always go in the 2D object motion direction not the 1D edge motion direction. These results demonstrate that predictive signals about target motion cannot be used for an efficient integration of ambiguous velocity signals at pursuit initiation.  相似文献   

In order to extract information from the visual world, it is necessary to bring the images of objects of interest to rest on the high acuity part of the retina, the fovea. Primates, including humans, use two types of eye movement, saccades and smooth pursuit, to accomplish this. While classically conceived of as being separate and distinct, various lines of evidence indicate a close linkage between these two eye movement systems. They are often investigated at a behavioural level by presenting subjects with single targets to saccade or to track. We investigated the effect of presenting a single stationary distractor at various positions in the visual field at the same time as a moving target which subjects were instructed to track. We found that while a stationary distractor presented in the contralateral visual field and part of the ipsilateral visual field increased pursuit latency in an eccentricity dependent manner, a distractor presented in the ipsilateral visual field, within 45° of the axis along which the pursuit target moved, had no effect on latency. We found no evidence that within this region distractors modified eye velocity during the early part of the pursuit response. This spatial pattern of the effect of a stationary distractor on pursuit latency is very similar to the effect of distractors on saccade latency. Our results provide behavioural evidence supporting the hypothesis that the processes that determine when an eye movement is made are linked, but that those determining the form of that eye movement are substantially independent.  相似文献   

Blinks executed during eye movements affect kinetic eye movement parameters, e.g., peak velocity of saccades is decreased, their duration is increased, but their amplitude is not altered. This effect is mainly explained by the decreased activity of premotor neurons in the brainstem: omni-pause neurons (OPN) in the nucleus raphe interpositus. Previous studies examined the immediate effect of blinks directly on eye movements but not their effect when they are elicited several hundred milliseconds before the eye movements. In order to address this question we tested blinks elicited before the target onset of saccades and pursuit and compared the results to the gap effect: if a fixation light is extinguished for several hundred milliseconds, the reaction time (latency) for subsequent saccades or smooth pursuit eye movements is decreased. Monocular eye and lid movements were recorded in nine healthy subjects using the scleral search-coil system. Laser stimuli were front-projected onto a tangent screen in front of the subjects. Horizontal step-ramp smooth pursuit of 20 deg/s was elicited in one session, or 5 deg horizontal visually guided saccades in another experimental session. In one-third of the trials (smooth pursuit or saccades) the fixation light was extinguished for 200 ms before stimulus onset (gap condition), and in another third of the trials reflexive blinks were elicited by a short airpuff before the stimulus onset (blink condition). The last third of the trials served as controls (control condition). Stimulus direction and the three conditions were randomized for saccades and smooth pursuit separately. The latency of the step-ramp smooth pursuit in the blink condition was found to be decreased by 10 ms, which was less than in the gap condition (38 ms). However, the initial acceleration and steady-state velocity of smooth pursuit did not differ in the three conditions. In contrast, the latency of the saccades in the gap condition was decreased by 39 ms, but not in the blink condition. Saccade amplitude, peak velocity, and duration were not different in the three conditions. There was also no difference in blink amplitude and duration of pupil occlusion in the blink condition, neither in saccades nor in smooth pursuit. The latency reduction of smooth pursuit, but not of saccades, may neither be explained by the brief pupil occlusion nor by visual suppression, warning signals, or the startle response. Whether the effects are caused by the influence of blinks on OPNs or other premotor structures remains to be tested.  相似文献   

The coordination of saccadic and smooth pursuit eye movements in macaque monkeys was investigated using a target selection paradigm with two moving targets crossing at a center fixation point. A task in which monkeys selected a target based on its color was used to test the hypothesis that common neural signals underlie target selection for pursuit and saccades, as well as testing whether target selection signals are available to the saccade and pursuit systems simultaneously or sequentially. Several combinations of target color, speed, and direction were used. In all cases, smooth pursuit was highly selective for the rewarded target before any saccade occurred. On >80% of the trials, the saccade was directed toward the same target as both pre- and postsaccadic pursuit. The results favor a model in which a shared target selection signal is simultaneously available to both the saccade and pursuit systems, rather than a sequential model.  相似文献   

Schizophrenia patients have a deficiency of smooth pursuit eye movement initiation. We addressed whether this deficit is specifically related to a predisposition for schizophrenia. Thirty-two relatives of schizophrenia patients, eight schizotypals, 13 psychiatric comparison, and 33 nonpsychiatric subjects were assessed on smooth pursuit initiation. The nonpsychiatric subjects had significantly higher eye accelerations than did subjects in the other three groups, who did not significantly differ. The relatives were subdivided into three groups: (a) those with a schizophrenia spectrum disorder ( n = 4) performed similarly to the schizotypals; (b) those with a major depression history ( n = 7) were similar to the psychiatric comparison subjects; and (c) those with no psychiatric history differed from the nonpsychiatric subjects only on 30°/s targets. There was also a significant relationship between offspring and parent eye accelerations to 30°/s targets ( r = .476). These results suggest that pursuit initiation deficits may be associated with a nonspecific, genetically transmitted neurological abnormality among schizophrenia spectrum disorder subjects.  相似文献   

We examined the temporal and spatial properties of the effects of target saliency on the initiation of smooth pursuit eye movement in humans. Visual stimuli consisted of random dots projected on a large-field screen. During a fixation period, a cluster of dots (2×2 deg) was blinked (turned off for a short period) to make that region stand out from the remaining background and serve as a cue. After a delay (cue lead time), a cluster of dots (2×2 deg) started to move as a pursuit target. The target and cue were presented at either identical or different locations so that the subject could not predict the target location from the cue location. We examined the time course of the effect of the cue on pursuit initiation by changing the cue lead time. In half of the trials, the cue and target locations were identical, and in the other trials, they were not identical. There was a clear effect of the cue only for the trials where the cue and target locations were identical. The effect of the cue increased as cue lead time increased, peaked at ~160 ms, and then decreased. We also examined the spatial extent of the effect of the cue by varying the distance between the target and the cue. The largest effect was observed when the cue and the target were presented at the same location. Facilitating effects were observed when the target and the cue were presented in the same hemifield but not when presented in the opposite hemifield.  相似文献   

Reduction of retinal speed and alignment of the line of sight are believed to be the respective primary functions of smooth pursuit and saccadic eye movements. As the eye muscles strength can change in the short-term, continuous adjustments of motor signals are required to achieve constant accuracy. While adaptation of saccade amplitude to systematic position errors has been extensively studied, we know less about the adaptive response to position errors during smooth pursuit initiation, when target motion has to be taken into account to program saccades, and when position errors at the saccade endpoint could also be corrected by increasing pursuit velocity. To study short-term adaptation (250 adaptation trials) of tracking eye movements, we introduced a position error during the first catch-up saccade made during the initiation of smooth pursuit—in a ramp-step-ramp paradigm. The target position was either shifted in the direction of the horizontally moving target (forward step), against it (backward step) or orthogonally to it (vertical step). Results indicate adaptation of catch-up saccade amplitude to back and forward steps. With vertical steps, saccades became oblique, by an inflexion of the early or late saccade trajectory. With a similar time course, post-saccadic pursuit velocity was increased in the step direction, adding further evidence that under some conditions pursuit and saccades can act synergistically to reduce position errors.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated learning in the pursuit system, but it is unclear whether these effects are the result of changes in visual or motor processing. The ability to maintain smooth pursuit during the transient disappearance of a visual target provides a way to assess pursuit properties in the absence of visual inputs. To study the long-term effects of learning on nonvisual signals for pursuit, we used an operant conditioning procedure. By providing a reinforcing auditory stimulus during periods of accurate tracking, we increased the pursuit velocity gain during target blanking from 0.59 in the baseline session to 0.89 after 8 to 10 daily sessions of training. Learning also reduced the occurrence of saccades. The learned effects generalized to untrained target velocities and persisted in the presence of a textured visual background. In a yoked-control group, the reinforcer was independent of the subjects' responses, and the velocity gain remained unchanged (from 0.6 to 0.63, respectively, before and after training). In a control group that received no reinforcer, gain increased slightly after repetition of the task (from 0.63 to 0.71, respectively, before and after training). Using a model of pursuit, we show that these effects of learning can be simulated by modifying the gain of an extra-retinal signal. Our results demonstrate that learned contingencies can increase eye velocity in the absence of visual signals and support the view that pursuit is regulated by extra-retinal signals that can undergo long-term plasticity.  相似文献   

Pursuing an object with smooth eye movements requires an accurate estimate of its two-dimensional (2D) trajectory. This 2D motion computation requires that different local motion measurements are extracted and combined to recover the global object-motion direction and speed. Several combination rules have been proposed such as vector averaging (VA), intersection of constraints (IOC), or 2D feature tracking (2DFT). To examine this computation, we investigated the time course of smooth pursuit eye movements driven by simple objects of different shapes. For type II diamond (where the direction of true object motion is dramatically different from the vector average of the 1-dimensional edge motions, i.e., VA not equal IOC = 2DFT), the ocular tracking is initiated in the vector average direction. Over a period of less than 300 ms, the eye-tracking direction converges on the true object motion. The reduction of the tracking error starts before the closing of the oculomotor loop. For type I diamonds (where the direction of true object motion is identical to the vector average direction, i.e., VA = IOC = 2DFT), there is no such bias. We quantified this effect by calculating the direction error between responses to types I and II and measuring its maximum value and time constant. At low contrast and high speeds, the initial bias in tracking direction is larger and takes longer to converge onto the actual object-motion direction. This effect is attenuated with the introduction of more 2D information to the extent that it was totally obliterated with a texture-filled type II diamond. These results suggest a flexible 2D computation for motion integration, which combines all available one-dimensional (edge) and 2D (feature) motion information to refine the estimate of object-motion direction over time.  相似文献   

Summary The predictive component of human smooth pursuit was studied by perturbing sinusoidal target motion at unpredictable instants. The disturbances consisted of either a brief period of stabilization of the target on the fovea or a replacement of the sine by a ramp displacement for half a period. To minimize the effects of a possible change of the tracking strategy by the subject the transitions were masked and only the initial part of the response to the disturbance was analyzed. After stabilization on the fovea the eye oscillation continued at the frequency of the preceding target movement for about one half-cycle, whereupon the oscillation was rapidly damped. The mean unidirectional smooth eye acceleration was 70% of the mean unidirectional target acceleration prior to the stabilization. This suggests that during pursuit of a sinusoidal target movement about 75% of the oculomotor response is generated by predictive processes. When the sine was replaced by a ramp, starting at the velocity zero-crossing, the eye accelerated away from the target for ca. 180 ms irrespective of the frequency of prior tracking. In contrast, when the ramp started at the peak velocity of the sinusoidal target motion the eye accelerated away from the target for more than a quarter period. After foveal stabilization during pursuit of a pseudorandom stimulus, the eye continued to oscillate for less than one period at approximately the highest frequency present in the stimulus. The frequency characteristics of human smooth pursuit of predictable as well as unpredictable target motion were correctly simulated by a model, which derived its predictive properties from a lead element, tuned to the current frequency of the target motion.  相似文献   

When a moving target disappears and there is a complete absence of visual feedback signals, eye velocity decays rapidly but often recovers to previous levels if there is an expectation the target will reappear further along its trajectory Given that eye velocity cannot be maintained under such circumstances, the anticipatory recovery may function to minimize the developing velocity error. When there is a change in target velocity during a transient, any recovery should ideally be scaled and hence predictive of the expected target velocity at reappearance. This study confirmed that subjects did not maintain eye velocity close to target velocity for the duration of the inter-stimulus interval (ISI). The majority of subjects exhibited an initial reduction in eye velocity followed by a scaled recovery prior to target reappearance. Eye velocity during the ISI was, therefore, predictive of the expected change in target velocity. These behavioral data were simulated using a model in which gain applied to the visuomotor drive is reduced after the loss of visual feedback and then modulated depending on subject's expectation regarding the target's future trajectory.  相似文献   

The mechanics of human smooth pursuit eye movement.   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文

Summary Eye movements were recorded in human subjects who tracked a target spot which moved horizontally at constant speeds. At random times during its trajectory, the target disappeared for variable periods of time and the subjects attempted to continue tracking the invisible target. The smooth pursuit component of their eye movements was isolated and averaged. About 190 ms after the target disappeared, the smooth pursuit velocity began to decelerate rapidly. The time course of this deceleration was similar to that in response to a visible target whose velocity decreased suddenly. After a deceleration lasting about 280 ms, the velocity stabilized at a new, reduced level which we call the residual velocity. The residual velocity remained more or less constant or declined only slowly even when the target remained invisible for 4 s. When the same target velocity was used in all trials of an experiment, the subjects' residual velocity amounted to 60% of their normal pursuit velocity. When the velocity was varied randomly from trial to trial, the residual velocity was smaller; for target velocities of 5, 10, and 20 deg/s it reached 55, 47, and 39% respectively. The subjects needed to see targets of unforeseeable velocity for no more than 300 ms in order to develop a residual velocity that was characteristic of the given target velocity. When a target of unknown velocity disappeared at the very moment the subject expected it to start, a smooth movement developed nonetheless and reached within 300 ms a peak velocity of 5 deg/s which was independent of the actual target velocity and reflected a default value for the pursuit system. Thereafter the eyes decelerated briefly and then continued with a constant or slightly decreasing velocity of 2–4 deg/s until the target reappeared. Even when the subjects saw no moving target during an experiment, they could produce a smooth movement in the dark and could grade its velocity as a function of that of an imagined target. We suggest that the residual velocity reflects a first order prediction of target movement which is attenuated by a variable gain element. When subjects are pursuing a visible target, the gain of this element is close to unity. When the target disappears but continued tracking is attempted, the gain is reduced to a value between 0.4 and 0.6.Supported by grants DFG Be 783/1 and Be 783/2-1 (1), and NIH RR 00166 and EY 00745 (2)  相似文献   

Visual tracking of moving objects requires prediction to compensate for visual delays and minimize mismatches between eye and target position and velocity. In everyday life, objects often disappear behind an occluder, and prediction is required to align eye and target at reappearance. Earlier studies investigating eye motion during target blanking showed that eye velocity first decayed after disappearance but was sustained or often recovered in a predictive way. Furthermore, saccades were directed toward the unseen target trajectory and therefore appeared to correct for position errors resulting from eye velocity decay. To investigate the synergy between smooth and saccadic eye movements, this study used a target blanking paradigm where both position and velocity of the target at reappearance could vary independently but were presented repeatedly to facilitate prediction. We found that eye velocity at target reappearance was only influenced by expected target velocity, whereas saccades responded to the expected change of target position at reappearance. Moreover, subjects exhibited on-line adaptation, on a trial-by-trial basis, between smooth and saccadic components; i.e., saccades compensated for variability of smooth eye displacement during the blanking period such that gaze at target reappearance was independent of the level of smooth eye displacement. We suggest these results indicate that information arising from efference copies of saccadic and smooth pursuit systems are combined with the goal of adjusting eye position at target reappearance. Based on prior experimental evidence, we hypothesize that this spatial remapping is carried out through interactions between a number of identified neurophysiological structures.  相似文献   

Human smooth pursuit: stimulus-dependent responses   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
We studied pursuit eye movements in seven normal human subjects with the scleral search-coil technique. The initial eye movements in response to unpredictable changes in target motion were analyzed to determine the effect of target velocity and position on the latency and acceleration of the response. By restricting our analysis to the presaccadic portion of the response we were able to eliminate any saccadic interactions, and the randomized stimulus presentation minimized anticipatory responses. This approach has allowed us to characterize a part of the smooth-pursuit system that is dependent primarily on retinal image properties. The latency of the smooth-pursuit response was very consistent, with a mean of 100 +/- 5 ms to targets moving 5 degrees/s or faster. The responses were the same whether the velocity step was presented when the target was initially stationary or after tracking was established. The latency did increase for lower velocity targets; this increase was well described by a latency model requiring a minimum target movement of 0.028 degrees, in addition to a fixed processing time of 98 ms. The presaccadic accelerations were fairly low, and increased with target velocity until an acceleration of about 50 degrees/s2 was reached for target velocities of 10 degrees/s. Higher velocities produced only a slight increase in eye acceleration. When the target motion was adjusted so that the retinal image slip occurred at increasing distances from the fovea, the accelerations declined until no presaccadic response was measurable when the image slip started 15 degrees from the fovea. The smooth-pursuit response to a step of target position was a brief acceleration; this response occurred even when an oppositely directed velocity stimulus was present. The latency of the pursuit response to such a step was also approximately 100 ms. This result seems consistent with the idea that sensory pathways act as a low-pass spatiotemporal filter of the retinal input, effectively converting position steps into briefly moving stimuli. There was a large asymmetry in the responses to position steps: the accelerations were much greater when the position step of the target was away from the direction of tracking, compared with steps in the direction of tracking. The asymmetry may be due to the addition of a fixed slowing of the eyes whenever the target image disappears from the foveal region. When saccades were delayed by step-ramp stimuli, eye accelerations increased markedly approximately 200 ms after stimulus onset.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary Horizontal smooth pursuit eye movements were recorded in normal subjects in response to different patterns of target motion that was either periodic or not. Periodic patterns were triangular and sinusoidal waves. Non-periodic patterns were ramps with either constant or sinusoidally varying velocity. In both cases, several different amplitudes and peak velocities were considered. The experimental results indicate that (a) the performance of the smooth pursuit system depends on the spatio-temporal characteristics of target motion, (b) the relationship between smooth pursuit eye velocity and target velocity during the tracking of constant velocity ramps is strongly nonlinear with a saturation depending on the amplitude of target excursion, (c) in the remaining experimental conditions, there is a linear behaviour up to target velocities of 75 deg/s with a gain of about 0.9.  相似文献   

The role of the supplementary eye fields (SEF) during smooth pursuit was investigated with electrical microstimulation. We found that stimulation in the SEF increased the acceleration and velocity of the eyes in the direction of target motion during smooth pursuit initiation but not during sustained pursuit. The increase in eye velocity during initiation will be referred to as pursuit facilitation and was observed at sites where saccades could not be evoked with the same stimulation parameters. On average, electrical stimulation increased eye velocity by approximately 20%. At most sites, the threshold for a significant facilitation was 50 microA with a stimulation frequency of 300 Hz. Facilitation of pursuit initiation depended on the timing of stimulation trains. The effect was most pronounced if the stimulation was delivered before smooth pursuit initiation. On average, eye velocity in stimulation trials increased linearly as a function of eye velocity in control trials, and this function had a slope greater than one, suggesting a multiplicative influence of the stimulation. Stimulation during a fixation task did not evoke smooth eye movements. The latency of catch-up saccades was increased during facilitation, but their accuracy was not affected. Saccades toward stationary targets were not affected by the stimulation. The results are further evidence that the SEF plays a role in smooth pursuit in addition to its known role in saccade planning and suggest that this role may be to control the gain of smooth pursuit during initiation. The covariance between pursuit facilitation and the timing of the catch-up saccade as a result of stimulation suggests that these different eye movements systems are coordinated to achieve a common goal.  相似文献   

Summary Four monkeys with their forebrain commissures transected during the newborn period and four others of comparable age but with their commissures sectioned in later life sustained further midsagittal section of the optic chiasma. They were then tested on the interocular transfer of a series of visual discrimination tasks involving brightness, color and pattern cues. No definite differences in the characteristics of transfer were found between the groups, and none of the animals exhibited clear-cut evidence for positive transfer on the tasks as a whole.  相似文献   

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