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目的实现WINDOWS环境下读取与显示多层DICOM格式图像,为医学图像三维配准与重建等后处理提供数据。为节省图像存储成本和传输成本,提出了对DICOM数据进行压缩的改进方法。方法设计简化的图像类,读入多层DICOM图像至动态数组,用线性加速算法和非线性算法实现窗值动态自动调节,并转换成BMP位图实现在WINDOWS环境下不同层图像间的切换显示;采用JPEG压缩算法实现对DICOM图像的压缩。结果选取CT、MR、PET等不同模态的DICOM图像进行实验,均可正确读取,显示和压缩。结论通过解析DICOM图像文件存储格式,实现了多层DICOM图像文件的不同层间的切换显示和批量压缩。  相似文献   

计算机x线摄影技术(Camptued Radiography CR).由于其性能优越,图像浒晰.目前已是我国太中型医院放射科影像检查的首选方法。cR成像技术的临床应用,显著地提高了诊断符台率。但是.当激光扫描仪发生故障时,也会出现劣质CR图像,导致医生做出错误诊断.同时为医疗事故时发生埋下了隐患。我院引进的为ACR-2000i放射成像系统.  相似文献   

目的探讨仪器法和镜检法计数白血病幼稚粒细胞百分比的相关性和一致性。方法 2009年69月对71例慢性粒细胞性白血病(慢粒)、亚急性粒细胞性白血病(M2)、急性早幼粒细胞性白血病(M3)及急性粒单核细胞性白血病(M4)白血病患者进行仪器法和镜检法计数周围静脉血幼稚粒细胞的百分比的检测,并进行比较分析。结果两种方法计数的慢粒、M2、M3及M4型共71例白血病患者的幼稚粒细胞的百分比比较,有统计学意义(t=6.404,P〈0.01);但具有相关性(r=0.771,P〈0.001)。且四种类型白血病中的每一种类型的白血病的两种方法的幼粒值也都具有相关性和不一致性(P〈0.05)。结论 SYSMEX XE-2100全自动血细胞分析仪对慢粒、M2、M3及M4的周围静脉血幼稚粒细胞识别能力欠佳,仍需采用镜检法进行检测。  相似文献   

A new ultrasonic instrument for the determination of sound velocity in tissue is described. The instrument has been used in this investigation to measure the sound velocity in heparinized whole blood samples. The corresponding hematocrit values of the blood samples were determined by the packed cell volume test. The measurements in the hematocrit range of approx. 30–55 indicate a high degree of correlation between the hematocrit value and the respective blood sound velocity (S.E.E.= 1.3 and r = 0.96). Repeated measurements of the same blood samples up to 1 hr after collection of the blood show very small changes in reading of sound velocity, provided the samples were kept at a constant temperature and well stirred. The ultrasonic measurement is quick and simple to perform, and the blood specimen is not changed by the measuring process.  相似文献   

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