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Links between positive affect (PA) and health have predominantly been investigated by using measures of recollected emotional states. Ecological momentary assessment is regarded as a more precise measure of experienced well-being. We analyzed data from the English Longitudinal Study of Aging, a representative cohort of older men and women living in England. PA was assessed by aggregating momentary assessments over a single day in 3,853 individuals aged 52 to 79 y who were followed up for an average of 5 y. Respondents in the lowest third of PA had a death rate of 7.3%, compared with 4.6% in the medium-PA group and 3.6% in the high-PA group. Cox proportional-hazards regression showed a hazard ratio of 0.498 (95% confidence interval, 0.345-0.721) in the high-PA compared with the low-PA group, adjusted for age and sex. This was attenuated to 0.646 (95% confidence interval, 0.436-0.958) after controlling for demographic factors, negative affect, depressed mood, health indicators, and health behaviors. Negative affect and depressed mood were not related to survival after adjustment for covariates. These findings indicate that experienced PA, even over a single day, has a graded relationship with survival that is not caused by baseline health status or other covariates. Momentary PA may be causally related to survival, or may be a marker of underlying biological, behavioral, or temperamental factors, although reverse causality cannot be conclusively ruled out. The results endorse the value of assessing experienced affect, and the importance of evaluating interventions that promote happiness in older populations.  相似文献   

The opioidergic system, an endogenous stress pathway, modulates cardiac function. Furthermore, opioid peptide and receptor expression is altered in a number of cardiac pathologies. However, whether the response of myocardial opioid receptor signaling is altered in heart failure progression is currently unknown. Elucidating possible alterations in and effects of opioidergic signaling in the failing myocardium is of critical importance as opioids are commonly used for pain management, including in patients at risk for cardiovascular disease. A hamster model of cardiomyopathy and heart failure (Bio14.6) was used to investigate cardiac opioidergic signaling in heart failure development. This study found an augmented negative inotropic and lusitropic response to administration of agonists selective for the kappa opioid receptor and delta opioid receptor in the failing heart that was mediated by a pertussis toxin-sensitive G-protein. The augmented decrease in cardiac function was manifested by increased inhibition of cAMP accumulation and the amplitude of the systolic Ca2+ transient. Furthermore, increased depression of cardiac function and of two important second messengers, cAMP and intracellular Ca2+, were independent of changes in cardiac opioid peptide or receptor expression. Thus, the cardiomyopathy-induced failing heart experiences increased cardiac depressant effects following opioid receptor stimulation which could exacerbate diminished cardiac function in end-stage heart failure. As cardiac function is already depressed in heart failure patients, administration of opioids could exacerbate the degree of cardiac dysfunction and worsen disease progression.  相似文献   

Selection of appropriate oviposition sites is essential for progeny survival and fitness in generalist insect species, such as Drosphila melanogaster, yet little is known about the mechanisms regulating how environmental conditions and innate adult preferences are evaluated and balanced to yield the final substrate choice for egg-deposition. Female D. melanogaster are attracted to food containing acetic acid (AA) as an oviposition substrate. However, our observations reveal that this egg-laying preference is a complex process, as it directly opposes an otherwise strong, default behavior of positional avoidance for the same food. We show that 2 distinct sensory modalities detect AA. Attraction to AA-containing food for the purpose of egg-laying relies on the gustatory system, while positional repulsion depends primarily on the olfactory system. Similarly, distinct central brain regions are involved in AA attraction and repulsion. Given this unique situation, in which a single environmental stimulus yields 2 opposing behavioral outputs, we propose that the interaction of egg-laying attraction and positional aversion for AA provides a powerful model for studying how organisms balance competing behavioral drives and integrate signals involved in choice-like processes.  相似文献   

We report on the effect of age and chronic caloric restriction (CR) on insulin binding and glucose transporter content in both diaphragm and heart muscle membrane of young (11 months), mid-age (17 months), and old (29 month) ad libitum fed and CR Brown-Norway rats. The control animals received rat chow ad lib and CR animals were allowed 60% of ad libitum food. The CR regimen was initiated at four months of age and the animals were maintained on their respective diets until necropsy. There was no effect of age on insulin binding for either ad libitum or CR animals at each age evaluated. Caloric restriction significantly lowered insulin levels at each age studied when compared to the ad libitum-fed rats. However, CR animals were noted to have increased insulin binding (p < 0.001) compared to ad libitum-fed animals at each age for diaphragm muscle. For the heart, there appeared to be a decreased binding, particularly at higher insulin concentrations, in CR-fed animals. There was no net change in Glut-1 or Glut-4 levels for heart muscle membrane, or Glut-4 levels for diaphragm muscle membrane between ad libitum or CR animals. This data indicates that caloric restriction may have tissue-specific effects for insulin receptor binding, and that the improved insulin sensitivity in CR states is not a result of altered glucose transporter protein content.  相似文献   

Innate immunity is the primary and most ancient defense against infection. Although critical to survival, coordinating protection against a foreign organism is energetically costly, creating the need to reallocate substrates from nonessential functions, such as growth and nutrient storage. However, the mechanism by which infection or inflammation leads to a reduction in energy utilization by these dispensable processes is not well understood. Here, we demonstrate that activation of the Toll signaling pathway selectively in the fat body, the major immune and lipid storage organ of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, leads to both induction of immunity and reallocation of resources. Toll signaling in the fat body suppresses insulin signaling both within these cells and non-autonomously throughout the organism, leading to a decrease in both nutrient stores and growth. These data suggest that communication between these two regulatory systems evolved as a means to divert energy in times of need from organismal growth to the acute requirement of combating infection.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein D (ApoD) expression increases in several neurological disorders and in spinal cord injury. We provide a report of a physiological role for human ApoD (hApoD): Flies overexpressing hApoD are long-lived and protected against stress conditions associated with aging and neurodegeneration, including hyperoxia, dietary paraquat, and heat stress. We show that the fly ortholog, Glial Lazarillo, is strongly up-regulated in response to these extrinsic stresses and also can protect in vitro-cultured cells in situations modeling Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD). In adult flies, hApoD overexpression reduces age-associated lipid peroxide accumulation, suggesting a proximal mechanism of action. Similar data obtained in the mouse [Ganfornina, M.D., et al., (2008) Apolipoprotein D is involved in the mechanisms regulating protection from oxidative stress. Aging Cell 10.1111/j.1474-9726.2008.00395.] as well as in plants (Charron et al., personal communication) suggest that ApoD and its orthologs play an evolutionarily conserved role in response to stress, possibly managing or preventing lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

Melatonin diminishes insulin release through the activation of MT1 receptors and a reduction in cAMP production in isolated pancreatic islets of neonate and adult rats and in INS-1 cells (an insulin-secreting cell line). The pancreas of pinealectomized rats exhibits degenerative pathological changes with low islet density, indicating that melatonin plays a role to ensure the functioning of pancreatic beta cells. By using immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting analysis we demonstrated, in isolated rat pancreatic islets, that melatonin induces insulin growth factor receptor (IGF-R) and insulin receptor (IR) tyrosine phosphorylation and mediates the activities of the PI3K/AKT and MEK/ERKs pathways, which are involved in cell survival and growth, respectively. Thus, the effects of melatonin on pancreatic islets do not involve a reduction in cAMP levels only. This indoleamine may regulate growth and differentiation of pancreatic islets by activating IGF-I and insulin receptor signaling pathways.  相似文献   

The five somatostatin receptor subtypes, named sst1-sst5, activate both distinct and common signaling pathways and exhibit different patterns of receptor regulation. Until recently it was believed that once a particular somatostatin receptor was activated by an agonist, all the down-stream signaling and regulatory effects characteristic of that receptor subtype in that cellular environment would be triggered. Thus, differences in the actions of somatostatin analogs between tissues were attributed to variability in the nature and concentration of the sst receptor subtypes and effectors expressed in different targets. However, agonists have recently been shown to exhibit functional selectivity at individual sst receptors such that they can elicit a subset of that receptor's potential effects, a property known as biased agonism. This review will summarize the evidence for functionally selective somatostatin receptor agonists and discuss the implications and promise of these new findings.  相似文献   

The structure and function of lacrimal and salivary glands present gender differences. Previous works have indicated a synergic action between insulin and androgens over lacrimal gland, and insulin-signaling pathways were recently described in lacrimal gland and salivary gland. Our present study investigates whether gender modulates the early steps of the insulin-signaling system in vivo. Eight-week-old male and female Wistar rats (n=8/group) were compared to evaluate insulin serum levels and insulin tolerance tests by radio-immunoassay and glucose oxidase method, respectively. To assess insulin receptor (IR), Shc, STAT-1, ERK, and Akt phosphorylation in response to insulin in lacrimal gland and salivary gland, tissues from female and male rats (n=5–8/group) were submitted to immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting or Western blotting protocol, and phosphorylation level was determined by densitometry. No difference was found in insulin serum levels or insulin tolerance tests comparing both groups. Nevertheless, lacrimal gland and salivary gland of female rats had a significantly lower insulin-induced IR phosphorylation compared with males. IR phosphorylation was not affected by the estrous cycle stage in either tissue. In addition, in females an apparent but not significant lower STAT and Akt phosphorylation in response to insulin was observed in the lacrimal gland, compared with males. Our findings suggest that alterations in insulin signal transduction may play a role in lacrimal gland and salivary gland gender differences.  相似文献   

ObjectiveLate life negative affect (NA) often co-occurs with poor cognitive function (CF); however, very little is known about the mechanism of the relationship between them. We examined the longitudinal relationship between NA and CF over a 12-year period and the effects of several related risk factors in a general sample.MethodsFive waves of data on Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey (CLHLS) were collected from a total of 1,314 elderly Chinese, aged 60 and over. A parallel process latent growth curve model with two time-invariant covariates and seven time-varying covariates was used to demonstrate the joint trajectories of NA and CF to assess their related factors in the elderly during a 12-year period.ResultsSignificant association of negative affect and cognitive decline was found at baseline and over time for our sample. Poorer initial cognitive performance predicted a faster increase in negative affect over time. Being female was associated with worse initial performance and a faster rate of deterioration of NA and CF. Regular exercise, married status, social activities, and Mahjong playing were associated with slower rates of negative affect increase and cognitive decline.ConclusionThese findings demonstrated that the late life negative affect co-occurs with cognitive decline and negative affect might be a mutative mental reaction to cognitive dysfunction. Gender difference, exercise benefit, and the “need to belong” effect were observed over time, highlighting the importance of exercise and socialization for older females.  相似文献   

Summary Fourteen insulin-treated diabetics were submitted to an arginine infusion test performed with either 11.7 or 5.85mg kg-1 min-1 arginine monohydrochloride infused during 40 min with or without previous oral administration of a low (75+50 mg) or a high (75 mg + 3 mg/kg) dose of indomethacin. Blood glucose, plasma non-esterified fatty acids, insulin, C-peptide and glucagon were determined at regular intervals before, during and after the arginine infusion. These parameters were totally unaffected by the two doses of indomethacin both in the basal state and during the arginine infusions at the two loads tested. Eight subjects had a basal C-peptide level above 0.07 pmol/ml and a mean (± SEM) maximal rise of 0.21±0.04 pmol/ml during the arginine infusion, whereas the remaining six patients had virtually zero values throughout the tests. The arginine-induced plasma glucagon rise was similar for the two rates of arginine infusion; the sum of the increments in plasma glucagon averaged 877±120 and 647±92 pg/ml (p>0.1) for the high and low rates of arginine infusion, respectively. The magnitude of the blood glucose rise appeared independent of the amount of arginine infused. Confirming previous reports, we found that the blood glucose rise after arginine was three to four times higher in subjects without C-peptide than in subjects with C-peptide. The mean glucagon response did not differ significantly between subjects with or without C-peptide. Thus, residual B cell function determines the magnitude of the blood glucose rise but not the glucagon response after intravenous arginine.  相似文献   

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