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The Developing Countries Vaccine Manufacturers Network held its 22nd Annual General Meeting in October 2021. Vaccine manufacturing experts, leaders from global public health organizations and dignitaries from governments and multilateral organizations discussed the challenges and opportunities emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic. Over 350 delegates from 33 countries, representing over 70 organizations partook in the meetings deliberations.The development and scaled-up production of several safe and effective vaccines against COVID-19 resulted in over 12 billion doses being produced by the end of 2021. Unfortunately, this scientific achievement and outstanding industry effort has been overshadowed by the striking inequity in access to COVID-19 vaccines. High and upper middle-income countries have received 75% of the vaccines, while in Africa, less than 5% of the people are fully vaccinated. The inequitable access to vaccines is an issue of national health security, which has stressed the need to establish local vaccine manufacturing capacity in Africa. Key partnerships, initiatives and the deliberate strategies required to achieve sustainable manufacturing on the continent were discussed. The ability to acquire technology, access markets and financing mechanisms, and workforce development were reported as key enablers to achieving a healthy ecosystem.Innovative vaccine technologies, new regulatory approaches, and the importance of voluntary technology transfers in increasing the global supply capacity of both COVID-19 vaccines and traditional vaccines were highlighted. In reviewing the lessons learned from the pandemic, speakers shared a consensus that innovation and partnerships will be central to any solution proposed to mitigate the current pandemic and prepare for future ones.  相似文献   

Sweeping reviews will be conducted once the COVID-19 pandemic concludes to support public health system strengthening. Unfortunately, these reviews will find what past reviews on public health in Canada have found: limited evidence on the organization, financing, and delivery of public health services. This is due to inattention to the field of public health services and systems research (PHSSR) in Canada. To avoid this pandemic becoming “just another public health crisis,” PHSSR must be prioritized by public health and health service research associations, funders, and scholars.  相似文献   

随着新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情在全球的快速蔓延,这场大流行将不可避免会对医疗卫生领域尤其艾滋病等重大公共卫生问题的防治带来巨大挑战。联合国艾滋病规划署敦促各国在新型冠状病毒肺炎大流行期间不要放松艾滋病防治工作。目前针对特殊人群尤其HIV感染人群开展的新型冠状病毒肺炎研究还十分有限。本研究从新型冠状病毒肺炎对HIV感染人群疾病进展、医疗服务获取、流行结局的影响及如何降低上述影响等方面进行综述,为针对该人群开展新型冠状病毒肺炎科学研究和防治实践、在新冠疫情背景下优化艾滋病防治服务提供参考。  相似文献   


While COVID-19 has become a global pandemic that has spread to all regions of the globe, local historic, health, and socio-environmental factors shape the epidemiological contours, response, and social challenges present within each affected nation. Thus, while countries like China, Italy, Iran, Brazil, and the United States have all been hard hit by the pandemic, there are critical differences across these nations in a number of variables (e.g. demographic features, health histories, healthcare systems, infection case rates, case fatality rates, national responses). In other words, within the global pandemic there are multiple importantly distinct national epidemics. Overcoming the grave threats to public health presented by COVID-19 requires both international cooperation and country-specific efforts that reflect local histories, needs, and resources. Already concerns are being expressed among health officials about how COVID-19 might be devastating in Africa. Currently, South Africa has the highest number of diagnosed COVID-19 cases on the continent and has been identified as being at high risk in the pandemic. This paper examines the public health response to the COVID-19 threat, how the prior and ongoing HIV and TB epidemics shape the COVID-19 epidemic and influence the response, and the potential ramifications of the response.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo develop a conceptual model and novel, comprehensive framework that encompass the myriad ways informatics and technology can support public health response to a pandemic.MethodThe conceptual model and framework categorize informatics solutions that could be used by stakeholders (e.g., government, academic institutions, healthcare providers and payers, life science companies, employers, citizens) to address public health challenges across the prepare, respond, and recover phases of a pandemic, building on existing models for public health operations and response.ResultsMapping existing solutions, technology assets, and ideas to the framework helped identify public health informatics solution requirements and gaps in responding to COVID-19 in areas such as applied science, epidemiology, communications, and business continuity. Two examples of technologies used in COVID-19 illustrate novel applications of informatics encompassed by the framework. First, we examine a hub from The Weather Channel, which provides COVID-19 data via interactive maps, trend graphs, and details on case data to individuals and businesses. Second, we examine IBM Watson Assistant for Citizens, an AI-powered virtual agent implemented by healthcare providers and payers, government agencies, and employers to provide information about COVID-19 via digital and telephone-based interaction.DiscussionEarly results from these novel informatics solutions have been positive, showing high levels of engagement and added value across stakeholders.ConclusionThe framework supports development, application, and evaluation of informatics approaches and technologies in support of public health preparedness, response, and recovery during a pandemic. Effective solutions are critical to success in recovery from COVID-19 and future pandemics.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic triggered an economic shock just ten years after the shock of the 2008 global financial crisis. Economic shocks are a challenge for health systems because they reduce government revenue at the same time as they increase the need for publicly financed health care. This article explores the resilience of health financing policy to economic shocks by reviewing policy responses to the financial crisis and COVID-19 in Europe. It finds that some health systems were weakened by responses to the 2008 crisis. Responses to the pandemic show evidence of lessons learnt from the earlier crisis but also reveal weaknesses in health financing policy that limit national preparedness to face economic shocks, particularly in countries with social health insurance schemes. These weaknesses highlight where permanent changes are needed to strengthen resilience in future: countries will have to find ways to reduce cyclicality in coverage policy and revenue-raising; increase the priority given to health in allocating public spending; and ensure that resources are used to meet equity and efficiency goals. Although many health systems are likely to face budgetary pressure in the years ahead, the experience of the 2008 crisis shows that austerity is not an option because it undermines resilience and progress towards universal health coverage.  相似文献   

COVID-19大流行对人类健康造成巨大威胁的同时也给全世界公共卫生系统带来前所未有的挑战和机遇。为迅速控制疫情,世界各国采取保持社交距离、重新分配医疗资源、调整医疗策略等应急措施,原有医疗服务秩序遭到破坏,有限医疗资源受到再挤压,其它传染病防治最佳时机被错过,导致结核病、肝炎、麻疹、艾滋病等多种传染病发病率和死亡率快速上升,给人类健康和社会经济都造成严重损害。但是也有一些意外收获,如改变了人们对旅行安全常态的定义、完善了中低收入国家被忽视的传染病防控关键内容、暴露出医疗体系中传染病医生匮乏问题、降低严重复杂性流感和侵袭性肺炎球菌等疾病发病率等。年初,COVID-19大流行给全世界敲响了警钟,让各国看清自身公共卫生系统在应对传染病暴发上的不足。年末,COVID-19和其它传染病或将同时暴发,各国公共卫生系统将面临更为严峻的大考,亟待各国政府高度重视并做好充分准备。  相似文献   

The geopolitics of pandemics and climate change intersect. Both are complex and urgent problems that demand collective action in the light of their global and trans-boundary scope. In this article we use a geopolitical framework to examine some of the tensions and contradictions in global governance and cooperation that are revealed by the pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). We argue that the pandemic provides an early warning of the dangers inherent in weakened international cooperation. The world’s states, with their distinct national territories, are reacting individually rather than collectively to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many countries have introduced extraordinary measures that have closed, rather than opened up, international partnership and cooperation. Border closures, restrictions on social mixing, domestic purchase of public health supplies and subsidies for local industry and commerce may offer solutions at the national level but they do not address the global strategic issues. For the poorest countries of the world, pandemics join a list of other challenges that are exacerbated by pressures of scarce resources, population density and climate disruption. COVID-19’s disproportionate impact on those living with environmental stresses, such as poor air quality, should guide more holistic approaches to the geopolitical intersection of public health and climate change. By discussing unhealthy geopolitics, we highlight the urgent need for a coordinated global response to addressing challenges that cannot be approached unilaterally.  相似文献   

随着全球社会经济与科技的飞速发展,以可预见性差、影响人口数量大、健康影响程度深并具有较大的政治经济影响为特点的各类人口健康突发事件的发生愈加频繁。在先后经历了SARS和COVID-19这类新发传染性疾病的冲击,面对新时期更加复杂的国内外环境和多重应对矛盾的挑战,本文结合新时期人口健康突发事件面临的国内外背景与自身特点,提出低成本建立应对人口健康突发事件卫星医院(基站)的建议,并就建立的具体原则、突发时期和常态化的使用,以及筹建的基本方案与流程进行分析与阐释,以期为我国公共卫生体系进一步完善提供智力支持。  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎威胁着人民的生命健康和财产安全。新型冠状病毒肺炎疫苗是建立人群免疫屏障、实现疫情全球卫生治理的关键公共品,WHO、全球疫苗免疫联盟和流行病防范创新联盟于2020年创建新型冠状病毒肺炎疫苗实施计划(COVAX),旨在让世界各国,尤其是中、低收入国家也能公平接种疫苗。尽管COVAX通过协调全球供应链加速了疫...  相似文献   

The COVID-19 outbreak started as pneumonia in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. The subsequent pandemic was declared as the sixth public health emergency of international concern on January 30, 2020, by the World Health Organization. Pakistan could be a potential hotspot for COVID-19 owing to its high population of 204.65 million and its struggling health care and economic systems. Pakistan was able to tackle the challenge with relatively mild repercussions. The present analysis has been conducted to highlight the situation of the disease in Pakistan in 2020 and the measures taken by various stakeholders coupled with support from the community to abate the risk of catastrophic spread of the virus.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic has placed unprecedented pressure on health systems’ capacities. These capacities include physical infrastructure, such as bed capacities and medical equipment, and healthcare professionals. Based on information extracted from the COVID-19 Health System Reform Monitor, this paper analyses the strategies that 45 countries in Europe have taken to secure sufficient health care infrastructure and workforce capacities to tackle the crisis, focusing on the hospital sector. While pre-crisis capacities differed across countries, some strategies to boost surge capacity were very similar. All countries designated COVID-19 units and expanded hospital and ICU capacities. Additional staff were mobilised and the existing health workforce was redeployed to respond to the surge in demand for care. While procurement of personal protective equipment at the international and national levels proved difficult at the beginning due to global shortages, countries found innovative solutions to increase internal production and enacted temporary measures to mitigate shortages. The pandemic has shown that coordination mechanisms informed by real-time monitoring of available health care resources are a prerequisite for adaptive surge capacity in public health crises, and that closer cooperation between countries is essential to build resilient responses to COVID-19.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic triggered abrupt challenges for health care providers, requiring them to simultaneously plan for and manage a rise of COVID-19 cases while maintaining essential health services. Since March 2020, the COVID-19 Health System Response Monitor, a joint initiative of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, the WHO Regional Office for Europe, and the European Commission, has documented country responses to COVID-19 using a structured template which includes a section on provision of care. Using the information available on the platform, this paper analyzes how countries planned services for potential surge capacity, designed patient flows ensuring separation between COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients, and maintained routine services in both hospital and ambulatory settings. Despite very real differences in the organization of health and care services, there were many similarities in country responses. These include transitioning the management of COVID-19 mild cases from hospitals to outpatient settings, increasing the use of remote consultations, and cancelling or postponing non-urgent services during the height of the first wave. In the immediate future, countries will have to continue balancing care for COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients to minimize adverse health outcomes, ideally with supporting guidelines and COVID-19-specific care zones. Looking forward, policymakers will have to consider whether strategies adopted during the COVID-19 pandemic will become permanent features of care provision.  相似文献   

Given our global interconnectedness, the COVID-19 pandemic highlights the urgency of building a global system that can support both routine and pandemic/epidemic adult immunization. As such, a framework to recommend vaccines and build robust platforms to deliver them to protect the rapidly expanding demographic of older adults is needed. Adult immunization as a strategy has the broad potential to preserve and improve medical, social, and economic outcomes, including maintaining functional ability that benefits older adults, their families, communities, and countries. While we will soon have multiple vaccines against COVID-19, we must recognize that we already have a variety of vaccines against other pathogens that can keep adults healthier. They can prevent simultaneous co-infection with COVID-19, and may favorably impact- the outcome of a COVID-19 illness. Further, administering a vaccine against COVID-19 requires planning now to determine delivery strategies impacting how older adults will be immunized in a timely manner. A group of international experts with various backgrounds from health and aging disciplines met to discuss the evidence case for adult immunization and crucial knowledge gaps that must be filled in order to implement effective policies and programs for older adult immunization. This group, coming together as the International Council on Adult Immunization (ICAI), outlined a high-level roadmap to catalyze action, provide policy guidance, and envision a global adult immunization platform that can be adapted by countries to fit their local contexts. Further meetings centered around the value of adult immunization, particularly in the context of COVID-19. There was agreement that programs to deliver existing influenza, pneumococcal, herpes zoster vaccines, and future COVID-19 vaccines to over a billion older adults who are at substantially higher risk of death and disability due to vaccine-preventable diseases are more urgent than ever before. Here we present a proposed framework for delivering routine and pandemic vaccines. We call upon the global community and governments to prioritize action for integrating robust adult immunization programs into the public health agenda.  相似文献   

BackgroundAs the world faced the pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), medical professionals, technologists, community leaders, and policy makers sought to understand how best to leverage data for public health surveillance and community education. With this complex public health problem, North Carolinians relied on data from state, federal, and global health organizations to increase their understanding of the pandemic and guide decision-making.ObjectiveWe aimed to describe the role that stakeholders involved in COVID-19–related data played in managing the pandemic in North Carolina. The study investigated the processes used by organizations throughout the state in using, collecting, and reporting COVID-19 data.MethodsWe used an exploratory qualitative study design to investigate North Carolina’s COVID-19 data collection efforts. To better understand these processes, key informant interviews were conducted with employees from organizations that collected COVID-19 data across the state. We developed an interview guide, and open-ended semistructured interviews were conducted during the period from June through November 2020. Interviews lasted between 30 and 45 minutes and were conducted by data scientists by videoconference. Data were subsequently analyzed using qualitative data analysis software.ResultsResults indicated that electronic health records were primary sources of COVID-19 data. Often, data were also used to create dashboards to inform the public or other health professionals, to aid in decision-making, or for reporting purposes. Cross-sector collaboration was cited as a major success. Consistency among metrics and data definitions, data collection processes, and contact tracing were cited as challenges.ConclusionsFindings suggest that, during future outbreaks, organizations across regions could benefit from data centralization and data governance. Data should be publicly accessible and in a user-friendly format. Additionally, established cross-sector collaboration networks are demonstrably beneficial for public health professionals across the state as these established relationships facilitate a rapid response to evolving public health challenges.  相似文献   

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has had unprecedented negative effects on global health and economies, drawing attention and resources from many other public health services. To minimize negative effects, the parallels, lessons, and resources from existing public health programs need to be identified and used. Often underappreciated synergies relating to COVID-19 are with tuberculosis (TB). COVID-19 and TB share commonalities in transmission and public health response: case finding, contact identification, and evaluation. Data supporting interventions for either disease are, understandably, vastly different, given the diseases’ different histories. However, many of the evolving issues affecting these diseases are increasingly similar. As previously done for TB, all aspects of congregate investigations and preventive and therapeutic measures for COVID-19 must be prospectively studied for optimal evidence-based interventions. New attention garnered by the pandemic can ensure that knowledge and investment can benefit both COVID-19 response and traditional public health programs such as TB programs.  相似文献   

This article compares the health system responses to COVID-19 in Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania from February 2020 until the end of 2020. It explores similarities and differences between the three countries, building primarily on the methodology and content compiled in the COVID-19 Health System Response Monitor (HSRM). We find that all three countries entered the COVID-19 crisis with common problems, including workforce shortages and underdeveloped and underutilized preventive and primary care. The countries reacted swiftly to the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, declaring a state of emergency in March 2020 and setting up new governance mechanisms. The initial response benefited from a centralized approach and high levels of public trust but proved to be only a short-term solution. Over time, governance became dominated by political and economic considerations, communication to the public became contradictory, and levels of public trust declined dramatically. The three countries created additional bed capacity for the treatment of COVID-19 patients in the first wave, but a greater challenge was to ensure a sufficient supply of qualified health workers. New digital and remote tools for the provision of non-COVID-19 health services were introduced or used more widely, with an increase in telephone or online consultations and a simplification of administrative procedures. However, the provision and uptake of non-COVID-19 health services was still affected negatively by the pandemic. Overall, the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed pre-existing health system and governance challenges in the three countries, leading to a large number of preventable deaths.  相似文献   

This short communication recognizes the underbelly of weak and conflict-prone health systems in the Middle East and North Africa region in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic. The communication highlights how the lack of basic resources, absence of a well-functioning health system and the dearth of well-coordinated communication channels, can bode ill for the successful fight against COVID-19. The article elucidates COVID-19 potential health, social, and economic implications for such countries. The communication cautions that if COVID-19 is left to incubate and makes a home in weak systems, it will have a much better chance of mutating and coming back to infect many people globally. The communication calls on the international institutions in collaboration with developed nations to be prepared to probe up health systems in weak and conflict-prone health systems with much-needed resources in order to nip COVID-19 in the bud.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe novel coronavirus disease COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2 threatens to disrupt global progress toward HIV epidemic control. Opportunities exist to leverage ongoing public health responses to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 on HIV services, and novel approaches to care provision might help address both epidemics.ObjectiveAs the COVID-19 pandemic continues, novel approaches to maintain comprehensive HIV prevention service delivery are needed. The aim of this study was to summarize the related literature to highlight adaptations that could address potential COVID-19–related service interruptions.MethodsWe performed a systematic review and searched six databases, OVID/Medline, Scopus, Cochrane Library, CINAHL, PsycINFO, and Embase, for studies published between January 1, 2010, and October 26, 2021, related to recent technology-based interventions for virtual service delivery. Search terms included “telemedicine,” “telehealth,” “mobile health,” “eHealth,” “mHealth,” “telecommunication,” “social media,” “mobile device,” and “internet,” among others. Of the 6685 abstracts identified, 1259 focused on HIV virtual service delivery, 120 of which were relevant for HIV prevention efforts; 48 pertained to pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and 19 of these focused on evaluations of interventions for the virtual service delivery of PrEP. Of the 16 systematic reviews identified, three were specific to PrEP. All 35 papers were reviewed for outcomes of efficacy, feasibility, and/or acceptability. Limitations included heterogeneity of the studies’ methodological approaches and outcomes; thus, a meta-analysis was not performed. We considered the evidence-based interventions found in our review and developed a virtual service delivery model for HIV prevention interventions. We also considered how this platform could be leveraged for COVID-19 prevention and care.ResultsWe summarize 19 studies of virtual service delivery of PrEP and 16 relevant reviews. Examples of technology-based interventions that were effective, feasible, and/or acceptable for PrEP service delivery include: use of SMS, internet, and smartphone apps such as iText (50% [95% CI 16%-71%] reduction in discontinuation of PrEP) and PrEPmate (OR 2.62, 95% CI 1.24-5.5.4); telehealth and eHealth platforms for virtual visits such as PrEPTECH and IowaTelePrEP; and platforms for training of health care workers such as Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO). We suggest a virtual service delivery model for PrEP that can be leveraged for COVID-19 using the internet and social media for demand creation, community-based self-testing, telehealth platforms for risk assessment and follow-up, applications for support groups and adherence/appointment reminders, and applications for monitoring.ConclusionsInnovations in the virtual service provision of PrEP occurred before COVID-19 but have new relevance during the COVID-19 pandemic. The innovations we describe might strengthen HIV prevention service delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic and in the long run by engaging traditionally hard-to-reach populations, reducing stigma, and creating a more accessible health care platform. These virtual service delivery platforms can mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on HIV services, which can be leveraged to facilitate COVID-19 pandemic control now and for future responses.  相似文献   

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