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One hundred eight isolates were previously identified in our laboratory as Clostridium clostridioforme by colonial and cellular morphology, as well as biochemical tests. Recent studies have indicated that there are actually three different species in this C. clostridioforme group: C. hathewayi, C. bolteae, and C. clostridioforme. Our isolates were reexamined using biochemical and enzymatic tests and molecular methods. Forty-six isolates were reidentified as C. hathewayi, 34 as C. bolteae, five as C. clostridioforme, and one as C. symbiosum. Twenty-two strains were identified only to the genus level by 16S rRNA gene sequencing, and although they are microscopically and morphologically indistinguishable from the above-mentioned three species, they are phenotypically different and only 96 to 98% similar by gene sequencing. Twenty of these 22 strains were indole positive and formed two novel species. We propose Clostridium aldenense sp. nov. and Clostridium citroniae sp. nov. as names for these new species. They are differentiated from each other by results for raffinose, rhamnose, alpha-galactosidase, and beta-galactosidase: positive, negative, positive, and positive, respectively, for the former species and negative, positive, negative, and negative, respectively, for the latter species. The type strain of C. aldenense is RMA 9741 (ATCC BAA-1318; CCUG 52204), and the type strain of C. citroniae is RMA 16102 (ATCC BAA-1317; CCUG 52203).  相似文献   

An unusual dermatophyte was isolated from the plantar scales of a human immunodeficiency virus-positive man with tinea pedis. Morphology, physiology, and molecular data provided evidence to support the new species Trichophyton eboreum. This dermatophyte is characterized by rapid growth on common mycological media, a flat powdery off-white colony, formation of clavate microconidia, smooth- and thin-walled cylindrical or club-shaped macroconidia with two to nine cells, the presence of hook-shaped hyphae, the production of cleistothecium-like structures and spiral hyphae in older cultures, positive hair perforation, the absence of pigmentation on potato glucose agar, the absence of a requirement for vitamins, a weak positive urease reaction, no growth at 37 degrees C, resistance to 5% NaCl, resistance to fluconazole, good growth on human epidermal keratin, and the production of various enzymes on different media by the API-ZYM test. More than 5% divergence from any known species of dermatophyte was revealed by sequence analysis of the internal transcribed spacer of the rRNA gene.  相似文献   

We report a bacterial isolate (Marseille isolate) recovered from the blood of a patient hospitalized in an intensive care unit, presenting with severe trauma, fever and mechanical ventilation. Colonies appeared at 37 degrees C on blood agar after 72 h incubation. This isolate was a strictly anaerobic, Gram-negative rod phenotypically related to other Prevotella species described to date: non-motile, catalase-negative, oxidase-positive, non-glucose fermenting, resistant to vancomycin and susceptible to kanamycin. Cells exhibited a trilamellar membrane under electron microscopy. The fatty acid methyl ester profile was marginally related to that of Clostridium botulinum group A (distance: 26.27%) and Bifidobacterium bifidum GC subgroup B (distance: 26.38%). 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity was 90.0% with that of Prevotella oris and 89.1% with that of Prevotella melaninogenica. Partial rpoB gene sequence similarity was 84.5 and 86.4% with P. oris and P. melaninogenica, respectively. According to current standards, phenotypic traits, 16S rRNA and rpoB gene sequence analyses indicated that the Marseille isolate belonged to a previously unrecognized species of the genus Prevotella, and we propose classifying it in the new taxon "Prevotella massiliensis" sp. nov.  相似文献   

Five strains of an unknown, multidrug-resistant coryneform, gram-positive rod were isolated from blood, bronchial aspirate, and abscess specimens. Four of the five strains isolated were highly resistant to antimicrobial agents, including beta-lactams, aminoglycosides, macrolides, quinolones, and tetracyclines, except for glycopeptides. In immunocompromised patients, bacteremia associated with this organism was rapidly fatal. This coryneform bacterium was nonmotile, lipophilic, and nonsaccharolytic. Lack of pyrazinamidase activity differentiated this organism from other lipophilic corynebacteria. Chemotaxonomic studies indicated that this multidrug-resistant coryneform bacterium belongs to the genus Corynebacterium. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing and DNA-DNA hybridization analyses revealed that the five isolates were genetically identical and that they represent a new subline within the genus Corynebacterium, for which we propose the designation Corynebacterium resistens sp. nov. The type strain of Corynebacterium resistens is GTC 2026T (SICGH 158T, JCM 12819T, CCUG 50093T).  相似文献   

Light yellow-pigmented (strain PQ1) and yellow-pigmented (strain PQ2), gram-positive, non-spore-forming, nonmotile bacteria consisting of pairs or chains of cocci were isolated from the bile of a patient with cholecystitis (PQ1) and the peritoneal dialysate of another patient with peritonitis (PQ2). Morphologically and biochemically, the organisms phenotypically belonged to the genus Eterococcus. Whole-cell protein (WCP) analysis and sequence analysis of a segment of the 16S rRNA gene suggested that they are new species within the genus Enterococcus. PQ1 and PQ2 displayed less than 70% identities to other enterococcal species by WCP analysis. Sequence analysis showed that PQ1 shared the highest level of sequence similarity with Enterococcus raffinosus and E. malodoratus (sequence similarities of 99.8% to these two species). Sequence analysis of PQ2 showed that it had the highest degrees of sequence identity with the group I enterococci E. malodoratus (98.7%), E. raffinosus (98.6%), E. avium (98.6%), and E. pseudoavium (98.6%). PQ1 and PQ2 can be differentiated from the other Enterococcus spp. in groups II, III, IV, and V by their phenotypic characteristics: PQ1 and PQ2 produce acid from mannitol and sorbose and do not hydrolyze arginine, placing them in group I. The yellow pigmentation differentiates these strains from the other group I enterococci. PQ1 and PQ2 can be differentiated from each other since PQ1 does not produce acid from arabinose, whereas PQ2 does. Also, PQ1 is Enterococcus Accuprobe assay positive and pyrrolidonyl-beta-naphthylamide hydrolysis positive, whereas PQ2 is negative by these assays. The name Enterococcus gilvus sp. nov. is proposed for strain PQ1, and the name Enterococcus pallens sp. nov. is proposed for strain PQ2. Type strains have been deposited in culture collections as E. gilvus ATCC BAA-350 (CCUG 45553) and E. pallens ATCC BAA-351 (CCUG 45554).  相似文献   

A gram-positive, coryneform bacterium was isolated from swollen scleromata of a dermatosis patient. An analysis of its phenotypic, chemotaxonomic, and genotypic characteristics showed that this bacterium is closely associated with Arthrobacter oxydans and Arthrobacter polychromogenes but that it belongs to a distinct species, for which the name Arthrobacter scleromae sp. nov. is proposed.  相似文献   

Three strains of a gram-positive catalase-negative, facultatively anaerobic coccus-shaped organism originating from human clinical samples were characterized by phenotypic and molecular taxonomic methods. Sequencing of genes encoding 16S rRNA showed that the strains are phylogenetically closely related (99.9 to 100% sequence similarity) and represent a new subline within the genus Facklamia. The unknown bacterium was readily distinguished from all currently described species of the genus Facklamia (viz., Facklamia hominis, Facklamia ignava, and Facklamia sourekii) by biochemical tests and electrophoretic analysis of whole-cell proteins. Based on phylogenetic and phenotypic evidence, it is proposed that the unknown bacterium be classified as Facklamia languida sp. nov. The type strain of F. languida is CCUG 37842.  相似文献   

Three groups of previously unknown gram-positive, anaerobic, coccus-shaped bacteria were characterized using phenotypic and molecular taxonomic methods. Phenotypic and genotypic data demonstrate that these organisms are distinct, and each group represents a previously unknown subline within Clostridium cluster XIII. Two groups are most closely related to Peptoniphilus harei in the genus Peptoniphilus, and the other group is most closely related to Anaerococcus lactolyticus in the genus Anaerococcus. Based on the findings, three novel species, Peptoniphilus gorbachii sp. nov., Peptoniphilus olsenii sp. nov., and Anaerococcus murdochii sp. nov., are proposed. The type strains of Peptoniphilus gorbachii sp. nov., Peptoniphilus olsenii sp. nov., and Anaerococcus murdochii sp. nov. are WAL 10418(T) (= CCUG 53341(T) = ATCC BAA-1383(T)), WAL 12922(T) (= CCUG 53342(T) = ATCC BAA-1384(T)), and WAL 17230(T) (= CCUG 53340(T) = ATCC BAA-1385(T)), respectively.  相似文献   

A new type of slowly growing, nonphotochromogenic mycobacterium was recovered from two patients with disseminated disease. The growth characteristics, acid fastness, acids were consistent with those for Mycobacterium species. The results of biochemical investigations, lipid analyses, and comparative 16S rRNA sequencing showed that these isolates represent a new slowly growing Mycobacterium species which is named Mycobacterium conspicuum.  相似文献   

Eight actinomycete strains, isolated from 8 out of 400 sputum samples examined, taken from patients with pulmonary diseases at the Chest Unit of Khartoum Teaching Hospital in the Sudan, were provisionally assigned to the genus Nocardia according to morphological criteria. These isolates were studied further in order to establish their taxonomic status. They were found to have morphological and chemical properties typical of nocardiae and formed a monophyletic clade in the 16S ribosomal DNA tree together with Nocardia vaccinii. The strains showed a unique pattern of phenotypic properties that distinguished them from representatives of recognized Nocardia species, including Nocardia vaccinii. The strains were considered to merit species status and were designated Nocardia africana sp. nov. The findings of the present study are consistent with the view that pulmonary nocardiosis may occur in a substantial proportion of patients who exhibit chronic lung diseases in African countries. It is important, therefore, that clinicians in such countries consider this condition, especially when patients with respiratory infections fail to respond to antitubercular therapy.  相似文献   

Three isolates collected from human mycetomas and showing an unusual brownish purple pigmentation on Bennett agar plates were analyzed by a polyphasic taxonomic approach, including morphological, biochemical, physiological, and chemotaxonomic properties coupled with genomic and phylogenetic analysis. It clearly appeared that these microorganisms were distinct from their closest phenotypic and genetic match, the most related species according to 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis being Nocardia pseudobrasiliensis. The data obtained indicated that the three clinical strains should be recognized as a new species for which the name Nocardia mexicana sp. nov. is proposed.  相似文献   

Two of the 25 Bartonella isolates recovered during a prevalence study of Bartonella henselae bacteremia in domestic cats from the greater San Francisco Bay region were found to differ phenotypically and genotypically from all prior B. henselae isolates. These isolates, C-29 and C-30, which were recovered from the blood of two pet cats belonging to the same household, grew on chocolate agar as pinpoint colonies following 14 days of incubation at 35 degrees C in a candle jar but failed to grow on heart infusion agar supplemented with 5% rabbit blood. Additional phenotypic characteristics distinguished the isolates C-29 and C-30 from other feline B. henselae isolates. The restriction patterns obtained for C-29 and C-30 by citrate synthase PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis as well as by genomic RFLP could not be distinguished from each other but were distinctly different from that of the B. henselae type strain. In reciprocal reactions, DNAs from strains C-29 and C-30 were 97 to 100% related under optimal and stringent DNA reassociation conditions, with 0 to 0.5% divergence within related sequences. Labeled DNA from the type strain of B. henselae was 61 to 65% related to unlabeled DNAs from strains C-29 and C-30 in 55 degrees C reactions, with 5.0 to 5.5% divergence within the related sequences, and 31 to 41% related in stringent, 70 degrees C reactions. In reciprocal reactions, labeled DNAs from strains C-29 and C-30 were 68 to 92% related to those of the B. henselae type strain and other B. henselae strains, with 5 to 7% divergence. The 16S rRNA gene sequence of strain C-29 was 99.54% homologous to that of the type strain of B. henselae. On the basis of these findings, the two isolates C-29 and C-30 are designated a new species of Bartonella, for which we propose the name Bartonella koehlerae. The type strain of Bartonella koehlerae is strain C-29 (ATCC 700693).  相似文献   

Five Arthrobacter isolates from clinical specimens were studied by phenotypic, chemotaxonomic, and genetic characterization. Two strains had characteristics consistent with those of Arthrobacter oxydans. One strain was related to A. citreus; however, DNA-DNA hybridization and phenotypic characteristics indicated that this strain belongs to a new species, for which the name Arthrobacter luteolus sp. nov. is proposed. Two strains were closely related to A. cumminsii by 16S rRNA gene sequencing, but DNA-DNA hybridization, peptidoglycan type, and some phenotypic features indicated that they should be assigned to a new species, for which the name Arthrobacter albus sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of A. luteolus is CF25 (DSM 13067). The type strain of A. albus is CF43 (DSM 13068).  相似文献   

Two groups of unknown bacteria, which phenotypically resemble members of the Bacteroides fragilis group but phylogenetically display >5% 16S rRNA gene sequence divergence from their nearest validly described species, Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, were characterized by phenotypic and molecular taxonomic methods. Phylogenetically and phenotypically, the unidentified bacteria displayed a relatively close association with each other. However, a 16S rRNA gene sequence divergence of approximately 4% between the two unknown bacteria, as well as distinguishable biochemical characteristics, demonstrates that these organisms are genotypically and phenotypically distinct, and each group may represent a previously unknown subline within the Bacteroides phylogenetic cluster. Subsequent DNA-DNA hybridization studies confirmed that the two novel organisms were indeed distinct from each other. The previously described species closest to both of them is B. thetaiotaomicron (approximately 94% sequence similarity), but they can be differentiated easily from B. thetaiotaomicron by virtue of not utilizing trehalose. DNA-DNA pairing studies also documented the separateness of the unknown species and B. thetaiotaomicron. Based on the phenotypic and phylogenetic findings, two new species, "Bacteroides nordii" sp. nov. and "Bacteroides salyersae" sp. nov, are proposed. The G+C content of the DNA is 41.4 mol% for Bacteroides nordii and 42.0 mol% for Bacteroides salyersae. The type strains of Bacteroides nordii and Bacteroides salyersae are WAL 11050 (ATCC BAA-998 or CCUG 48943) and WAL 10018 (ATCC BAA-997 or CCUG 48945), respectively.  相似文献   

Legionella gratiana sp. nov. isolated from French spa water   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
During an epidemiologic survey, an unidentified strain of Legionella was isolated from water of a thermal spa in France. The strain (Lyon 8420412) had the cultural and biochemical characteristics typical of the genus Legionella. In direct immunofluorescence tests, the strain reacted weakly with fluorescein-conjugated antisera prepared against L. bozemanii serogroups 1 and 2, L. longbeachae serogroups 1 and 2 and L. anisa, and failed to react with sera prepared against 36 other species or serogroups. A fluorescein-conjugated antiserum prepared against strain Lyon 8420412 reacted strongly with the homologous strain and only weakly with the above-mentioned species. The cell-wall fatty acid profile, with a predominance of hexadecenoic (16:1) and hexadecanoic (16:0) acids, ubiquinone Q10 as the major quinone and a characteristic protein electrophoresis profile suggested that the isolate was different from other Legionella species. In DNA-DNA hybridization experiments, the strain was distinct from all named Legionella species, and from all unnamed species currently under study at the Centers for Disease Control. The name Legionella gratiana is proposed for the new species (type strain Lyon 8420412; CDC 1242). A serologic survey of antibodies reacting against L. gratiana indicated that personnel or patients at the spa therapy centre where the organism was isolated had higher antibody titres than a control population.  相似文献   

Phenotypic and phylogenetic studies were performed on an unknown gram-negative, strictly anaerobic, rod-shaped bacterium isolated from human clinical specimens. This organism was indole negative, resistant to 20% bile, produced acetic and a lesser amount of succinic acids as the major end products of glucose metabolism, and possessed a G+C content of approximately 43 mol%. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing demonstrated that the unidentified bacterium was a member of the Cytophaga-Flavobacter-Bacteroides phylum of gram-negative bacteria and formed a close association (with an average sequence similarity of 93.6%) with the second subcluster of the Porphyromonas cluster in the Bacteroides subgroup. Phylogenetically and phenotypically it resembled Bacteroides merdae; however, a 16S rRNA gene sequence divergence of approximately 5.5% between the unknown bacterium and B. merdae, as well as distinguishable biochemical characteristics, demonstrate that the unknown bacterium is genotypically and phenotypically distinct and represents a previously unknown subline within the Porphyromonas phylogenetic cluster. Furthermore, a DNA-DNA reassociation value of 17.8% between isolates WAL 12034(T) (the type strain of this novel taxon) and ATCC 43184(T) (B. merdae type strain) also documented the separateness of the unknown species and B. merdae. Based on the phenotypic and phylogenetic findings, a new species, "Bacteroides goldsteinii sp. nov," is proposed. The G+C content of the DNA is 43 mol% for Bacteroides. The type strain of "B. goldsteinii" is WAL 12034(T) (= CCUG 48944(T) = ATCC BAA-1180(T)).  相似文献   

Eight strains of a previously undescribed catalase-negative Actinomyces-like bacterium were recovered from human clinical specimens. The morphological and biochemical characteristics of the isolates were consistent with their assignment to the genus Actinomyces, but they did not appear to correspond to any recognized species. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis showed the organisms represent a hitherto unknown species within the genus Actinomyces related to, albeit distinct from, a group of species which includes Actinomyces turicensis and close relatives. Based on biochemical and molecular genetic evidence, it is proposed that the unknown isolates from human clinical sources be classified as a new species, Actinomyces cardiffensis sp. nov. The type strain of Actinomyces cardiffensis is CCUG 44997(T).  相似文献   

Three strains of a novel Bartonella species (Bartonella tamiae) were isolated from human patients from Thailand. Sequence analysis of six chromosomal regions (16S rRNA, gltA, groEL, ftsZ, rpoB, and the intergenic spacer region) and phenotypical analysis supported the similarity of the three strains and placed them within the genus Bartonella separately from previously described species.  相似文献   

A 5-month-old boy of a Romanian family traveling via Ukraine to Poland developed a respiratory disease that resembled and that was initially diagnosed as pharyngeal diphtheria. The child recovered after treatment with antidiphtheria antitoxin. A coryneform bacterium had been isolated from a nasopharyngeal specimen from the child and was initially identified as an atypical Corynebacterium diphtheriae strain. Seven adults who had contact with either the child or an adult contact person also developed symptoms of pharyngeal diphtheria, were also treated with antitoxin, and recovered uneventfully. Coryneform bacteria similar to that originating from the index patient were also isolated from the throat swabs of three adults. Detailed biochemical and chemotaxonomic investigations revealed that the coryneform bacteria belonged to the genus Corynebacterium and could be differentiated from all other defined species of this genus. Ribotyping and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis demonstrated that all four patients' isolates were of clonal origin. The diphtheria toxin gene and its product were not detected either by PCR assays or by the Elek test, making a possible disease association of the Corynebacterium more unlikely. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis revealed that the coryneform bacterium represented a new subline within the genus Corynebacterium, for which the name Corynebacterium imitans sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is NCTC 13015 (DSM 44264; CCUG 36877).  相似文献   

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