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目的 探讨影响毒物致急性中毒的相关因素.方法 查阅病例,收集相关资料,并作核心毒物分析.结果 在设定的24种影响因素中,14种因素(占总因素数的58.33%)的核心毒物为农药类,2种为化学物类,2种为医药类,1种为动物类,5种为其他类.按照病例分布划分的三级评价标准,分别有9、7、8种因素与相应核心毒物分别达到高度、较高与一般相关.结论 本方法可以了解每种因素对每类毒物在急性中毒发生中的影响程度和分析一个特定地区内引起急性中毒的主要毒物及其特点.  相似文献   

论述了毒物中毒信息系统的组成;毒物的分类、总编码和参考文献代码的编制:信息的收集和处理.整个系统由基础库、参考信息库和管理系统三大部分组成,每一部分又分为若干小块.毒物分为9类.每一类用一个字母代表.每一毒物用十位字母和数字编制的编码表示,编码起到系统主码(skelatal key)作用.参考文献代码是将参考文献用 6位字母、数字、符号编制,主要节省储存空间和提高检索速度.毒物信息包括名称、理化性质、用途、生产厂家、毒性毒理、临床表现、诊断治疗、诊断标准、毒物分析、参考文献.系统还包括了毒物中毒总论、专家名录、医院、中毒文献病例等参考信息.  相似文献   

舟山渔场鱼类毒物含量与海洋环境污染状况的关系研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 调查舟山渔场内主要经济鱼类中多种常见毒物含量水平 ,分析其与海洋环境污染状况之间的关系。方法 对舟山渔场生产的主要经济鱼类进行采样、检测分析 ,综合同时期该海域的海洋环境监测相关资料 ,通过典型相关分析 ,评价海洋环境污染和经济鱼类体内毒物蓄积的相关性。结果 舟山海域 9种经济鱼类体内镍平均含量超过限量值 1.177倍。 1997- 2 0 0 3年 7年间舟山渔场 9种主要经济鱼类体内除部分鱼类中镉、汞外的其他毒物含量水平间差异均无统计学意义 (P >0 .0 5 )。不同鱼类对各种毒物的富集系数从 10 1.80至 712 10 .97不等。经济鱼类与海洋环境中铅、砷含量和六六六、滴滴涕含量两组变量间典型相关系数分别为 0 .784、0 .80 8,两者存在典型正相关关系(χ2 =2 0 .994 ,P <0 .0 1;χ2 =38.0 17,P <0 .0 1)。结论 近年来舟山海域生产的经济鱼类体内除镍外其他毒物的卫生质量指数在正常范围内。不同鱼类对各毒物的富集作用不同 ,经济鱼类中的毒物含量与海洋环境中相应毒物浓度之间呈现中高度正相关。  相似文献   

<正>1.连续出版物[文献序号]主要责任者.文献题名[J].刊名,出版年份,卷号(期号):起止页码.2.专著[文献序号]主要责任者.文献题名[M].出版地:出版单位,出版年:页码.3.专著中析出的文献[文献序号]析出文献主要责任者.析出文献题名[M].//专著主要责任者.专著题名.出版地:出版单位,出版年:析出文献页码.  相似文献   

青岛医学院编写的《急性中毒》一书,由人民卫生出版社出版以来,畅销全国,很受读者欢迎。这本书内容丰富新颖,理论联系实际,而且文章结构紧凑,文字练达流畅。 该书分总论、各论两大部分。总论又分中毒的概论,急性中毒的预防、诊断、处理等四章。各论共六篇,分别就工业性毒物中毒、农药中毒、植物性毒物中毒、动物性毒物中毒、药物中毒、军用化学药剂中毒等作了详尽的论述。书末附有名词索引,便于查阅。 本着爱护该专著的急切心情和繁荣出版事业的愿望,试就文中的某些值得商榷之处,谈谈自己的看法,并就正于作者。 1.该书33页、120页关于“锑中毒”应用“二巯基丙醇(BAL)、新斯锑波霜、锑波芬”等解毒剂的选择和应用,需进一步分析  相似文献   

化学中毒的分子机制及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“化学中毒” (chemicalpoisoning)主要指化学物引起的机体功能、结构损伤甚至造成死亡的疾病状态 ;可引起化学中毒的致病物质即称为“毒物”( poison)。实际上任何化学物 ,包括药物甚至营养物、内生性物质 ,只要达到一定剂量 ,皆可成为毒物 ,可见毒物的范围十分广泛 ,但习惯上的“毒物”系指较小剂量即能引起中毒的物质。常见的毒物多为生产性化学物 (工业性化学品、农药等 )、药物、环境性毒物 (有毒动植物、汽车尾气、地域性毒物等 ) ;近年 ,生活性化学品(洗涤剂、食物添加剂、化妆品、家用杀虫剂等 )、嗜好品 (烟、酒、鸦片、吗啡、海洛…  相似文献   

急性中毒毒物检测主要是对中毒者体内的体液、组织和接触现场提取物进行毒物鉴定以及定量分析,查出中毒物,为临床抢救和治疗病人提供帮助. 为了保证检验工作的及时和准确,必须对病人中毒的经过和毒物来源作深入的调查了解.首先要了解中毒的经过,如中毒者的症状、中毒是吃入食物、药物引起,还是吸入有毒气体引起,是否经过治疗,效果如何等等情况.在此基础上还应进一步了解毒物的可能来源,这样才能尽量减少毒物检测范围和时间,加快毒物检出的速度.  相似文献   

<正>1.连续出版物[文献序号]主要责任者.文献题名[J].刊名,出版年份,卷号(期号):起止页码.2.专著[文献序号]主要责任者.文献题名[M].出版地:出版单位,出版年:页码.3.专著中析出的文献[文献序号]析出文献主要责任者.析出文献题名[M].//专著主要责任者.专著题名.出版地:出版单位,出版年:析出文献页码.4.电子文献[文献序号]主要责任者.电子文献题名[EB/OL].[发表或更新日期/引用日期(任选)].电子文献获取和访问路径(通常为网址).5.专利文献[文献序号]专利申请者或所有者.专利题名[P].专利国别.专利号.公告日期或公开日期.6.国际、国家标准[文献序号]标准代号.标准名称[S].出版地:出版者,出版年.  相似文献   

病史_杏1。毒物的种类?中毒物的名称?2.病人吃过或接触过毒物的剂量?3.途径:口服?吸入?皮肤或眼内吸收?4.中毒症状出现的时间?6.既往主要疾病及常用药物?第一步中毒 个查体1.神志?心跳?呼吸?瞳孔?2.血压?体表温度、湿度?呼气气味?3.衣服、皮肤、呕吐物粘否毒物、毒物颜色、气味?4.有无抽搐、痉挛?5。索取存留毒物,进行特殊检查查韭-赓,1.空气吸入的毒物,立即脱离现场,送到空气流通的地方。2.沾附在皮肤的毒物,火速用清水反复冲洗强酸物质至少 清洗5分钟,碱性冲洗15分钟以上。3.毒物经口进入的4一6小时以洗胃为主,超过6小时的 应以导泻为主。…  相似文献   

化学中毒的临床基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“化学中毒”主要指由致病物质的直接化学作用引起的机体功能、结构损伤 ,甚至造成死亡的疾病状态 ;可引起化学中毒的致病物质即称之为“毒物”。实际上任何化学物质 ,包括药物甚至营养物、内生性物质 ,只要达到一定剂量 ,皆可成为毒物 ,可见毒物的范围十分广泛 ,但习惯上的“毒物”系指较小剂量即能引起中毒的物质。常见的毒物多为生产性化学物 (工业性化学品、农药等 )、药物、环境性毒物 (有毒动植物、汽车尾气、地域性毒物等 ) ;近年 ,生活性化学品 (洗涤剂、食物添加剂、化妆品、家用杀虫剂等 )、嗜好品 (烟、酒、鸦片、吗啡、海洛因、…  相似文献   

Poisons centres throughout Italy and Europe vary considerably in terms of their institutions and organisation. The European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologists (EAPCCT) has laid down the activities that a poisons centre must carry out, specifying minimum and maximum standards required. These directions allow an evaluation of the service provided. In 2002 Milan Poisons Centre began a project aiming to introduce concepts and methodology proper of the quality systems within poisons centres' institutional activity. Concluded, the project resulted in the centre's certification and the documentation of its procedures: this may now contribute to help define the status and activity of poisons centres in Italy.  相似文献   

根据毒物中毒信息管理系统的要求,研制设计了毒物中毒信息微机管理系统,并用该系统建立了毒物中毒信息数据库,利用Microsoft Borlang C++2.0程序设计软件包和C语言,进行系统微机软件的编程.该系统功能齐全操作简单.  相似文献   

重庆市化学毒剂数据库的研制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的研制重庆市化学毒剂数据库。方法以化学品的事故频次、毒性和储存状况为主要参数确定化学物的入库标准;以医学救援、科学研究、事故处理咨询为信息分级标准,收集本地区可能使用或发生事故的化学品资料。以Visual Bisual2.0为开发平台,Access为数据库后台,开发能运行于Windows 2000/XP操作系统的数据库。结果研制开发了“重庆市化学毒剂数据库”,其收录了包括化学战剂和毒素战剂在内共4200余种化学毒物的理化性质、毒性、中毒原理和救治方法。建立了汉语拼音、汉字、症状等检索平台。结论该数据库操作简便,针对性强,基本满足化学救援需要,具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

目的 建立毒物和中毒医学相关信息的广泛覆盖、内容准确的毒物数据库,为各级各类突发事件应急处置人员和医务工作者全面、准确、规范的处理各类中毒事件信息,为快速、精准应对各类突发中毒事件提供技术支持。方法毒物规范分类,信息数据结构化,建立包括毒物的理化性质、毒性、现场处理、现场抢救、临床治疗等内容的数据库构架。选用可靠的信息来源,经收集、整理、审核、入库、发布等步骤,完成数据库信息内容建设。利用精确查询和模糊查询两种方式提供数据查询功能。结果 本数据库由30个信息单元模块、500多个数据集组成,拥有16 720种毒物的文字信息和7 053张毒物图片信息,还包括中毒控制相关信息20 633条。结论 本数据库为全球最大的中文毒物数据库,能为我国突发中毒事件应急处置和中毒病人救治提供最有力的信息数据支持。  相似文献   

该系统由毒物中毒信息管理系统;中毒信息微机检索系统;RTECS(CD-ROM)光盘检索系统:化学品中文文献题目检索系统四部分组成.系统可提供的毒物信息有化学物质、药物以及有毒动植物等的名称鉴别号、理化特性、毒性毒理等.毒物中毒的信息有中毒症状、临床治疗、解毒药以及毒物分析等,并附有各类信息来源文献.各系统自成为独立的检索系,因此,各系统又可以独立为用户检索服务.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Most unintentional childhood poisonings and firearm injuries occur in residential environments. Therefore, a preventive strategy includes limiting children's access to poisons and firearms through safe storage. This study examines storage of poisons and firearms among households with older adults, and households where young children reside compared to those where they visit only. METHODS: Sample is from a 2002 national random-digit-dial survey of 1003 households. Analyses were weighted to reflect the national population. RESULTS: There were 637 households with children residents or visitors aged <6 years. Seventy-five percent of the households (n =480) had children aged <6 as visitors only, and 15% had older adult residents (aged >/=70 years). Poisons and firearms were stored less securely in homes with young children as visitors as compared to those homes with resident young children. In 55% of homes where young children lived, and 74% of homes where young children were only visitors, household chemicals were reportedly stored unlocked. Although firearm ownership was comparable between the two categories of households (33% vs 34%), homes in which children were only visitors were more likely to store firearms unlocked (56%), than homes in which children resided (33%). Homes with older adult residents had more firearms present. CONCLUSIONS: Children are at risk from improperly stored poisonous substances and firearms in their own homes and homes they visit. Strategies are needed to improve the storage practices of both poisons and firearms to minimize in-home hazards to young children, particularly raising awareness of these hazards to young visitors.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To explore pesticide regulation in Trinidad and Tobago, and to ascertain pesticide utilization and retailers' selling practices on Trinidad, which is the larger of twin islands that constitute the republic of Trinidad and Tobago. METHODS: Between February and June 2005, agrochemical retailers in Trinidad were surveyed about the most frequently sold pesticides and their knowledge and practices of pesticide sale. The Poisons and Toxic Chemicals Control Board of the Ministry of Health informed on legislature. RESULTS: Of 107 actively trading licensed pesticide outlets, 97 participated (91% response rate) in the survey. Currently only 2.9% (21) of 720 registered products from four chemical classes are frequently utilized. Paraquat, methomyl, and alpha-cypermethrin (respective trade names are Gramoxone, Lannate, and Fastac) from World Health Organization (WHO) Hazard Classes I and II, and glyphosate isopropylamine (Swiper, Class U) are the most frequently purchased pesticides. Pet shops constitute 39.2% (38) of retail shops selling pesticides. No regulations guide pesticide sale to agriculturists, and children may purchase them. Inadequate human and technical resources render legislative controls ineffective and disciplinary action against offenders is weak. Extensive governmental resources are employed in legislative procedures and product approval for the very low, 2.9% utilization rate, negatively impacting on monitoring pesticide sales. The Poisons Information Centre (PIC) does not liaise with the Poisons and Toxic Chemicals Control Board or provide educational interventions for the community. As a result of this survey, it was possible to develop the first database to include the chemical, brand, and colloquial names of pesticides used in Trinidad and Tobago; WHO classification of approved pesticides; manufacturers; packaging; and antidotes and their availability for use by the Board and health professionals in Trinidad. CONCLUSIONS: Urgent critical evaluation of legislation regarding pesticide imports and use, and partnership with the Rotterdam Convention are recommended for Trinidad and Tobago. A strengthened Poisons Information Centre can provide educational initiatives and information on early management of pesticide exposure.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine what differences exist in the content of commercial drug compendium monographs available in First World and Third World countries. A content model representing First World information was developed from monographs contained in the Physicians' Desk Reference, ABPI Data Sheet Compendium, and the Rote Liste. The content of the three First World compendia was found to be variable, with the Physicians' Desk Reference consistently more comprehensive than either the ABPI or Rote Liste. This result suggests that there is a lack of agreement among industrialized countries regarding what amount of information is necessary or appropriate for inclusion in a commercial drug compendium. A sample of 58 monographs was selected from four Third World compendia and evaluated in terms of comprehensiveness and accuracy. These monographs represented five commonly prescribed drugs from the World Health Organization's Essential Drugs List. The monographs were found to be less comprehensive than any of the three monographs contained in the First World compendia. Approximately 5 percent of the information contained in the sampled monographs was determined to be inaccurate. The sampled monographs for drugs supplied by multi-national pharmaceutical firms were found to contain the same amount of information as those for drugs supplied by domestic firms.  相似文献   

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