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We investigated the virucidal activity of commercially available alcohol-based hand rub products against coxsackievirus A7, B5, feline calicivirus F9, and human adenovirus type 3, type 7, type 8 using susceptible cell lines, Vero cells, CRFK cells, and A549 cells. Fifteen tested hand rub products were ethanol (EtOH) for disinfection (Japanese Pharmacopoeia Grade), two EtOH-based products, one povidone iode-containing product, one alkyldiaminoethylglycine hydrochloride-containing product, six benzalkonium chloride (BAK)-containing products, and four chlorohexidine gluconate (CHG)-containing products. Some active ingredients (BAK, benzetonium chloride, and CHG) were diluted with EtOH to make 0.5% and 0.2% solutions. Virus inactivation rates were calculated after contact with each hand rub product for 10 or 60 seconds. Of the hand rub products tested, only the povidone iode-based product showed antiviral activity superior to that of EtOH against all the strains. EtOH solutions of active ingredients (0.2% and 0.5%) also showed decreased antiviral activity. In conclusion, antiviral activity of all the commercially available alcohol-based hand rub products except that containing povidone idode was dependent on their active ingredients. The povidone idode-containing hand rub product kept its effectiveness even after the dilution with EtOH. Although alcohol-based hand rub products are convenient and suitable for the control of some microbes, they are not generally recommended for the control of viral infections.  相似文献   

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is highly contagious. It is spread by direct contact with MRSA-infected people or objects. Healthcare workers' hands are the most common vehicle for the transmission of healthcare-associated pathogens from patient to patient and within the healthcare environment. The present study aimed to investigate the correlation between the incidence of MRSA among Staphylococcus aureus recovered from clinical culture and the use of alcohol-based hand rub solutions or gloves and antimicrobial use density (AUD). All data were examined every 6 months between January 2005 and June 2008. The increasing use of alcohol-based hand rub solutions was correlated with a decreasing incidence of recovery of MRSA from clinical cultures (r(2) = 0.58). A statistically significant (P < 0.05) correlation (r(2) = 0.68) was observed between glove use and the incidence of MRSA. On the other hand, we did not find any correlation between the AUD of each antibiotic group and the incidence of MRSA. Thus, we suggest that it is important to use not only alcohol-based hand rubs, but also gloves, because MRSA is transmitted from patient to patient by the hands of healthcare workers.  相似文献   

目的 通过调查了解实习护生手卫生知识情况,分析手卫生依从性的影响因素.方法 采用自行设计的问卷对101名护生进行手卫生知识、行为进行调查.结果 手卫生知识掌握程度不够理想,手卫生态度行为处于较好水平,经过临床带教培训,护生操作后的态度和行为得分高于操作前(P<0.01),有创操作态度和行为得分高于无创操作和不接触患者的操作(P<0.01);护生自身学历和带教老师是影响其手卫生的重要因素.结论 实习护生的手卫生知识了解欠全面,应促进护生完善相关手卫生知识的补充与培训,手卫生态度和行为方面总体较好,但对于干燥双手和不同环境时的手卫生态度和行为欠佳,应加强临床带教中手卫生知识培训.  相似文献   

Good oral health is important to overall health. Oral and pharyngeal cancers account for 2% of all cancers, yet no significant improvement in mortality has been demonstrated over the past 30 years. Nurses are in a unique position to integrate and conduct oral health assessments across a wide range of practice settings. Although nursing programs include health assessment and promotion in their curricula, there is poor integration of oral health as a focus. This study aimed to identify the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of baccalaureate nursing students about oral health assessment. A convenience sample of 163 students in two undergraduate courses within a baccalaureate nursing education program was surveyed. Findings indicated that these nursing students felt that oral health was essential to their nursing practice; however, they did not have a full understanding of the key components of an oral health examination or about effective smoking cessation strategies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the attitudes of staff nurses towards associate degree (AD) nursing students. The null hypothesis stated there will be no significant difference in the attitudes of staff nurses towards AD nursing students and associated concepts (nursing education, patient, physician, work, nurse.) The staff nurse's value as a role model is held in high regard yet little regard is given to her attitudes towards students. Through better understanding of staff nurses' attitudes, nurse educators can better plan, develop and coordinate clinical activities to provide an optimum learning environment. The findings showed the concept AD nursing student was significantly different from the rest, indicating a less positive attitude towards the AD nursing student than the related concepts. Implications for nursing practice are threefold. Nurse administrators must create an atmosphere and a philosophy which support the educational process within their institution, and recognize nurses' attitudes towards students. Practising nurses should examine their attitudes and willingness to work with students if their hospital offers their agency as a clinical facility. Educators must look closely at the units they assign students to, continually maintaining the lines of communication between staff nurses and clinical instructors. As service and education work together a quality environment can be provided in which there is optimum learning for the student. Both groups then contribute to the future of professional nursing.  相似文献   

护理人员手卫生知识和对手卫生设施需求调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解护理人员手卫生知识掌握情况和对手卫生设施的需求,为提高护理人员手卫生依从性提供依据.方法 采用自行设计的问卷对135名临床护士进行调查,内容包括手卫生知识测评、手卫生执行状况自评和对洗手设施的需求.结果 95.6%的护理人员能够掌握六步洗手法,31.9%对洗手的时间不明确,对先洗手、后进行手卫生消毒的指征掌握情况最差;22.2%的护士每天手卫生行为超过50次;导致护理人员手卫生依从性低的最主要原因有担心洗手液伤害皮肤、工作忙碌,顾不上洗手、洗手设施不够充足;对洗手设施的需求主要为干手纸巾和非接触式水龙头.结论 医院应采取宣传、培训、考核、监督等联合干预策略强化手卫生知识和意识,提供必要的手卫生设施,切实提高手卫生行为的依从性.  相似文献   

医务人员手卫生状况的调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的了解医务人员手卫生知识掌握情况、所持态度和行为状况,为提高医务人员手卫生状况提供参考依据。方法采用问卷方式随机对260名医务人员进行手卫生知识、态度和行为的调查,并对结果进行分析。结果医务人员接受过手卫生培训的占77.31%,其中护士受训率为92%(138/150),高于医生受训率42%(63/150);93.46%的医务人员认为洗手是医疗常规的一部分,80.38%的医务人员了解手部消毒不彻底是医院感染的主要危险因素;洗手依从性约为68.00%,护士诊疗后洗手和脱掉手套后洗手依从性低于医生,分别为75.33%和92.67%。常见的忽视洗手的原因主要为:紧急状况60.00%,工作繁忙55.00%。结论我们应加强宣传教育,提高医务人员手卫生知识,改善洗手设施,推广使用含乙醇的手消毒剂,正确使用手套,配备充足的护理人力,采用多模式干预提高医务人员手卫生状况。  相似文献   

目的 了解医务人员手卫生知识掌握情况、所持态度和行为状况,为提高医务人员手卫生状况提供参考依据.方法 采用问卷方式随机对260名医务人员进行手卫生知识、态度和行为的调查,并对结果进行分析.结果 医务人员接受过手卫生培训的占77.31%,其中护士受训率为92%(138/150),高于医生受训率42%(63/150);93.46%的医务人员认为洗手是医疗常规的一部分,80.38%的医务人员了解手部消毒不彻底是医院感染的主要危险因素;洗手依从性约为68.00%,护士诊疗后洗手和脱掉手套后洗手依从性低于医生,分别为75.33%和92.67%.常见的忽视洗手的原因主要为:紧急状况60.00%,工作繁忙55.00%.结论 我们应加强宣传教育,提高医务人员手卫生知识,改善洗手设施,推广使用含乙醇的手消毒剂,正确使用手套,配备充足的护理人力,采用多模式干预提高医务人员北手卫生状况.  相似文献   

The underpinning of nursing curricula with nursing models and their inclusion as part of the curriculum has increased dramatically in the last 10 years within the United Kingdom. However there is a dearth of research not only into how nursing students in general view these frameworks, but also into how students from different courses compare in their perception of them. In this study a questionnaire on attitudes to models was distributed to 20 second-year undergraduate (BSc Nursing) students and 20 third-year 'traditional' (RGN) students. Findings indicate that although both groups have a positive attitude overall towards nursing models, the traditional nursing students had a more positive perception than their undergraduate counterparts. In the discussion section possible explanations are put forward as to why these differences in attitudes exist.  相似文献   

目的研究教育干预对护生手卫生知识及手卫生状况的影响。方法选取卫生学校护理专业二年级123名学生为研究对象,施行教育干预的措施,对干预前、干预后情况进行调查、评价。结果干预后学生手卫生知识明显改善,正确6步洗手法合格率和手卫生监测合格率均显著提高(P〈0.01)。结论对卫生学校护理专业学生开展手卫生行为教育早期干预,可以减少护生进入临床实习及工作后,由于手卫生不良医院感染的发生率,在实习前进行手卫生知识规范培训是可行的、有效的。  相似文献   

目的研究教育干预对护生手卫生知识及手卫生状况的影响。方法选取卫生学校护理专业二年级123名学生为研究对象,施行教育干预的措施,对干预前、干预后情况进行调查、评价。结果干预后学生手卫生知识明显改善,正确6步洗手法合格率和手卫生监测合格率均显著提高(P〈0.01)。结论对卫生学校护理专业学生开展手卫生行为教育早期干预,可以减少护生进入临床实习及工作后,由于手卫生不良医院感染的发生率,在实习前进行手卫生知识规范培训是可行的、有效的。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study was to ascertain information about emergency medical technicians' (EMTs') attitudes towards their training, comfort, and roles when a patient dies on-scene. METHODS: A sample of 136 EMTs (all levels) from 14 different states participated in a survey prior to completing a continuing education program. About 40% (n = 54) of the EMTs were attending a training program related to death based on the Emergency Death Education and Crisis Training Curriculum, while 60% (n = 82) were attending an EMT training program not related to death. Each participant answered questions about their attitudes towards a death on-scene using a five-point Likert scale. The EMTs were compared by level-of training (EMT-B/EMT-I and EMT-P), and by type of educational program attended (death-related education and non-death-related education). RESULTS: Most (82%) participants reported that an EMT's actions impact the grief process of a bereaved family. About half (54%) reported that an EMT's role should include notifying the family of the death. However, three-quarters (76%) reported that they had not been trained adequately to make a death notification or help the family with their grief. Many (40%) felt uncomfortable making a death notification. Differences were present in EMTs enrolled in the death education courses as compared to those attending an educational program not related to death. Differences also were found in the levels of EMTs (EMT-B/EMT-I versus EMT-Paramedics). CONCLUSION: This study provides new insights about EMTs' attitudes towards death and the death-related training they receive.  相似文献   

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