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[目的]探讨客观结构化临床考试(OSCE)在本科护生毕业实践考核中的应用效果。[方法]构建OSCE考核方案,并对123名护理本科毕业生进行实践考核。[结果]OSCE考核方案难度适中,区分度指数较高,有较好的信度和效度。[结论]OSCE能够准确客观地评价护生的临床能力。  相似文献   

This is a report of an educational strategy to prepare nursing students to respond to disasters. The strategy includes an emergency preparedness disaster simulation (EPDS) implemented in a school of nursing simulation lab using patient simulators, task trainer mannequins, and live actors. The EPDS immerses student groups into a "tornado ravaged assisted-living facility" where the principles of emergency preparedness can be employed. A total of 90 B.S.N. students participated in the EPDS in the final semester of their senior year. Student post-simulation survey responses were overwhelmingly positive, with mean scores of 4.65 (on a 5-point Likert scale) reported for the EPDS "increasing understanding of emergency preparedness" and "well organized." Mean scores were over 4.40 for "scenario believability, increasing knowledge base, increasing confidence in working in teams, ability to handle emergency preparedness situations and to work more effectively in hospital or clinic." The lowest mean score of 4.04 was for "prompting realistic expectations." Owing to the effectiveness of this educational strategy, the EPDS has been incorporated into the undergraduate curriculum.  相似文献   

BackgroundDespite the fact that Objective Structured Clinical Examination is considered to be an efficient assessment method, their implementation in the undergraduate nursing curriculum encounters difficulties. However, the initiative of the European Higher Education Area to promote competency-based assessment may represent an opportunity to introduce this instrument in undergraduate nursing curriculum.ObjectiveTo explore the perception of nursing faculty members regarding the implementation of the OSCE as an assessment tool in Catalan Nursing Schools.Design/Participants/SettingIn this qualitative study, fifteen teachers participated in semi-structured interviews in eight Catalan Nursing Schools.MethodsSemi-structured interviews were conducted. A thematic content analysis was used to identify major themes in the interview data and collaborative analysis was undertaken to ensure rigorous results.ResultsThe relevant aspects that are emphasized by teachers included the consideration of the dual purpose of the OSCE via its formative and evaluative facets by enhancing the feedback received by students about their performance on the OSCE. The OSCE should be administered towards the end of the degree program and should complement other methods of assessment. Despite its high cost, the OSCE was deemed to be efficient as it enables student competencies to be assessed with objective criteria, which is a difficult task with other instruments. OSCE implementation is feasible with the institutional support of and collaborative work between schools.ConclusionsThe implementation of the OSCE in the Catalan undergraduate nursing degree programs is feasible if the project receives the support of all involved parties and if creative strategies are determined to reduce economic costs and optimize resources. With adequate feedback, the OSCE is an assessment tool that can provide high-impact training to students.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to develop an understanding of how nursing students gained perspective on nursing care of diverse populations through watching documentaries in a cultural diversity course. The basis of this paper is our analyses of students’ written responses and reactions to documentaries viewed in class. The guiding theoretical frameworks for the course content and the study included postcolonial feminism, Foucauldian thought, and cultural safety. Krathwohl's Taxonomy of the Affective Domain was used to identify themes and determine how undergraduate nursing students were progressing in achieving learning outcomes. Our findings suggest that while the use of documentaries serves as a tool for deepening students’ understanding of the realities of various populations, this activity, in the absence of critical reflection, may inadvertently promote stereotypes and further marginalize different people groups. Even though nursing students reflected on the importance of cultural safety in nursing, our findings indicate that their actions may not reflect this, especially since these students are in the early stages of the nursing program. Students need to be provided with a space where they can explore implicit biases evoked by exposure to new information about different people groups as a way of enhancing culturally safe care.  相似文献   

目的 了解本科护生专业承诺的现状,为护理教育提供参考.方法 采用连榕等编制的《大学生专业承诺调查量表》对在校的本科护生进行调查.结果 本科护生的专业承诺不高,呈中等偏上水平.其中,理想承诺得分最低,其次是继续承诺和情感承诺,规范承诺得分最高.不同年级、性别、录取志愿、生源地护生的专业承诺得分比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 当前本科护生的专业承诺状况不容忽视,学校应重视并采取各种针对性措施提高本科护生的专业承诺水平.  相似文献   

Pediatric rehabilitation is a specialty that will need more nurses in the future. A clinical rotation in this specialty was incorporated into the pediatric experience of junior-year baccalaureate nursing students at the University of Maryland School of Nursing. The experience helped students to learn more about the nursing care involved in pediatric rehabilitation, to appreciate the different disciplines within the specialty, and to view pediatric nursing from a holistic long-range perspective. The experience also strengthened ties between nursing education and practice.  相似文献   

目的评价视频教学在护理学临床见习中的应用效果。方法将56名护理专业本科学生分成试验组和对照组,对照组采用床旁评估、小组讨论的传统教学法进行临床见习;试验组在此基础上进行视频教学。比较两组学生的考核成绩,同时采用问卷调查法了解试验组对视频教学的评价。结果试验组考核成绩优于对照组(P<0.01);试验组82.14%以上的学生赞成或非常赞成视频教学结合传统教学法有利于激发学习兴趣、深化理论知识、培养团队合作精神、培养职业态度等。结论视频教学结合传统教学法有助于提高临床见习效果。  相似文献   

BackgroundClassroom gaming is a promising teaching and learning strategy that has been shown to facilitate engagement and meaningful learning. This paper aimed to determine whether classroom gaming using a web-based platform can facilitate cognitive integration to prepare undergraduate nursing students for clinical practice.MethodsA sequential explanatory design mixed-methods study was conducted. A randomized controlled design study, with knowledge and simulation performance as outcome measures, was conducted. This was followed by focus group discussions.ResultsThere is a significant improvement in pre- and post-test scores (t=-4.47). However, there was no statistically significant difference between the pre-test scores (t=1.50) of the intervention group and those of the control group. Similarly, the post-test scores of these groups were also not significantly different statistically (t=-0.15). Skills assessment results also showed no difference between the scores of those in the intervention group and of those in the control group (t=1.19). Themes generated were: useful for revision, linking of concepts, and gaming as a challenge.ConclusionThe use of classroom gaming to facilitate integration of knowledge based on knowledge and performance tests did not yield positive results. However, focus group interviews demonstrated that the study’s participants perceived strategy to be helpful in their learning.  相似文献   

An understanding of students' career interests at entry and exit from undergraduate nursing programmes could inform decisions regarding curricula and clinical placements. Since 2006, the University of Auckland has surveyed healthcare students at entry to and exit from their respective programmes, collecting information on a range of demographic, and career-related factors. This article describes career interests of over 500 undergraduate nursing students in New Zealand over a ten-year period. All Bachelor of Nursing cohorts commencing between 2006 and 2016 were invited to complete a questionnaire which included questions about their career interests. In total 1875 questionnaires were completed (89% response rate). Among the overall cohort at entry, there was strongest interest for emergency care and child health, and least interest in older person's health. At exit, child health and surgery (general) were of strongest interest to the cohort, while older person's health remained of least interest. The analysis of the paired data (n = 564) identified decreases in interest for mental health and child health over the course of the programme, while there was an increased interest in primary health care. Changes in career interests indicate that education and clinical exposure to specialty areas during the programme may influence career interests.  相似文献   

The study aims to explore nursing students' perceptions of the relative value of various aspects of the ethical component of the undergraduate topic, 'Ethics and Law applied to Nursing' (topic NURS2104). To enable time for reflection on ethics in nursing, sampling occurred 1 year after successful completion of the above-mentioned topic and after successful completion of all but the final clinical experience components of the Bachelor of Nursing (BN) degree. A significant proportion of respondents perceived ethics education as relevant to professional practices. It is also noteworthy that the ethical decision-making strategies that had been incorporated into the topic (NURS2104) became transformed by the clinical experience of each particular student. While results of this study are not conclusive, they nevertheless provide important information for future nursing students on the evolutionary development of ethics education.  相似文献   

目的:了解选修《叙事护理》的本科护生对课程的学习需求,为优化课程设置、落实人文关怀能力培训提供现实依据。方法:2021年9月至2022年10月对选修《叙事护理》的11名本科护生进行课前半结构式访谈。采用Colaizzi 7步分析法分析资料。结果 本科护生对《叙事护理》的期待可归纳为6个主题:学生选课前对叙事护理有所接触;学生希望提高人际沟通能力、共情安慰能力,助益未来生活及工作;期盼资深健谈的临床老师授课;期待透过案例丰富临床经验;期待互动参与式课堂;期盼实战交流所学内容。结论:教育者应将护生《叙事护理》学习需求与临床护理实践需求相结合,优化教学方案,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

目的探讨学习老年护理学对提高护理本科生照顾老年人意愿的效果。方法对3年级116名护理本科生开展老年护理学教学,学习内容包括老年护理学理论学习、老年护理技术训练、角色扮演进行老化游戏、观看老年题材的影片、老人院实地探访等,学习时间4个月。结果护理本科生对老年人态度、老化知识得分均高于学习前(P0.01或P0.05),学习后照顾老年人意愿由61.21%提高到74.14%(P0.05)。结论学习老年护理学可改善护理本科生对老年人的态度、增加老化知识、提高照顾老年人意愿,应重视老年护理教学内容和方法的改进。  相似文献   

目的探讨客观结构化临床考试(OSCE)在本科毕业生临床能力评价中的应用。方法在探讨护理临床能力内涵的基础上,构建OSCE考核方案,并对33名2004级护理本科毕业生进行考核及成绩分析。结果本次考试方案难度适中,区分度指数较高,有较好的信度和效度。结论OSCE能够客观有效地评价护生的临床能力,但应根据存在的问题进行进一步完善改进。  相似文献   

护理本科生就业心态的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:了解在严峻的就业形势下护理本科生的就业心态,为护理本科生的就业指导工作提供依据。方法:采用专题小组讨论(FGD)的方法,对河南省某普通高校护理本科毕业班18名学生进行调查。结果:了解到影响护生择业的主要因素、护生对就业现状的看法以及护生就业过程中遇到的问题。结论:为适应时代和社会发展的需求,护生应拓展就业思路,更新择业观念;学校应协助护生进行正确的自我定位,积极完善个人职业生涯规划,同时要注意临毕业护生的心理疏导,帮助护生树立专业信心。  相似文献   

目的深入了解本科护生夜班实习的真实体验。方法采用现象学研究法,深入访谈某医院12名本科实习护生,运用Colaizzi资料分析方法分析资料。结果本科护生夜班实习体验主题为:生理上的疲惫、对夜班工作的不适应、对轮转夜班的态度、缺乏社会支持、对今后择业产生影响。结论护理管理者及护理教育者应对本科护生夜班实习身心感受给予关注,完善对本科护生的支持保障系统,并加强带教老师的正确引导,重视本科护生自我价值的实现。  相似文献   

目的了解本科护生临床操作受挫的心理体验及其应对方式。方法采用半结构式访淡法,对在南京市某三级甲等医院进行临床实习的12名护生进行访谈。结果本科护生临床操作受挫心理体验主要为失落感、渴望理解与鼓励。采取向同学或老师倾诉、转移注意力、自我省悟的应对方式。受挫经历对女护生的职业认同感和职业发展未产生长远影响,而男护生则普遍表示今后不愿从事临床护理工作。结论本科护生临床操作受挫普遍存在,且具有一定的发展规律,带教老师应根据此规律予以分阶段指导。受挫的经历对男女护生带来不同程度的影响,临床带教老师应根据护生的不同性格特点施以正确的引导,使其克服挫折,尤其应加强对于男护生的关注。  相似文献   

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