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An effective malaria vaccine is needed to address the public health tragedy resulting from the high levels of morbidity and mortality caused by Plasmodium parasites. The first protective immune mechanism identified in the irradiated sporozoite vaccine, the "gold standard" for malaria preerythrocytic vaccines, was sporozoite-neutralizing antibody specific for the repeat region of the surface circumsporozoite (CS) protein. Previous phase I studies demonstrated that a branched peptide containing minimal T- and B-cell epitopes of Plasmodium falciparum CS protein elicited antirepeat antibody and CD4(+)-T-cell responses comparable to those observed in volunteers immunized with irradiated P. falciparum sporozoites. The current study compares the immunogenicity of linear versus tetrabranched peptides containing the same minimal T- and B-cell epitopes, T1BT*, comprised of a CS-derived universal Th epitope (T*) synthesized in tandem with the T1 and B repeats of P. falciparum CS protein. A simple 48-mer linear synthetic peptide was found to elicit antisporozoite antibody and gamma interferon-secreting T-cell responses comparable to the more complex tetrabranched peptides in inbred strains of mice. The linear peptide was also immunogenic in outbred nonhuman primates (Aotus nancymaae), eliciting antibody titers equivalent to those induced by tetrabranched peptides. Importantly, the 48-mer linear peptide administered in adjuvants suitable for human use elicited antibody-mediated protection against challenge with rodent malaria transgenic sporozoites expressing P. falciparum CS repeats. These findings support further evaluation of linear peptides as economical, safe, and readily produced malaria vaccines for the one-third of the world's population at risk of malaria infection.  相似文献   

DNA-based immunization of mice by Plasmodium falciparum liver-stage antigen 3 (PfLSA3), a novel highly conserved P. falciparum preerythrocytic antigen, was evaluated. Animals developed a dominant Th1 immune response (high gamma interferon T-cell responses and predominance of immunoglobulin G2a) to each of three recombinant proteins spanning the molecule. We have exploited the immunological cross-reactivity of PfLSA3 with its putative homologue on sporozoites of the rodent parasite Plasmodium yoelii, and we show for the first time that responses induced by PfLSA3 in mice significantly protect against a heterologous challenge by P. yoelii sporozoites. These results support a significant effect of DNA-induced immune responses on preerythrocytic stages.  相似文献   

Minutes after injection into the circulation, malaria sporozoites enter hepatocytes. The speed and specificity of the invasion process suggest that it is receptor mediated. The region II sequence of Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite (CS) protein includes a nonapeptide (WSPCSVTCG) which is highly conserved in all of the CS proteins sequenced to data, including the one from Plasmodium berghei. We have found that two peptides based on the P. falciparum region II sequence, P18 (EWSPCSVTCGNGIQVRIK) and P32 (IEQYLKKIKNS ISTEWSPCSVTCGNGIQVRIK), significantly inhibited P. berghei sporozoite invasion into Hep-G2 cells in vitro. This inhibition was enhanced if either peptide was preincubated with Hep-G2 cells prior to sporozoite invasion. We confirm that region II is a sporozoite ligand for the hepatocyte receptor; moreover, despite the few differences between P. falciparum and P. berghei region II sequences around the nonapeptide sequence (66% homology), the functional characteristics of the motif sequences are not affected. Since the conserved motifs represent a crucial sequence involved in Plasmodium sporozoite invasion of hepatocytes, antibodies to region II should inhibit sporozite invasion into hepatocytes. Indeed, we found that polyclonal antibodies generated to the P. falciparum-based peptide P32 inhibited P. berghei sporozoite invasion of Hep-G2 cells. Furthermore, inbred mice (C57BL/6) immunized with P32 were protected against a lethal challenge of P. berghei sporozoites. Our results suggest that the conserved region II of the CS protein contains crucial B- and T-cell epitopes, that such peptide sequences from the human malaria parasite P. falciparum can be screened in the P. berghei rodent model, and, finally, that region II can be considered useful as one of the components of a malaria vaccine.  相似文献   

It has been reported previously that immunization with recombinant protein containing the two epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like modules from merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP-1) of Plasmodium yoelii (strain YM) protects mice against a lethal blood-stage challenge with the same parasite strain. Since MSP-1 is expressed in both liver- and blood-stage schizonts and on the surface of merozoites, we evaluated the effectiveness of immunization with recombinant proteins containing either the individual or the two combined EGF-like modules in producing a protective response against a sporozoite challenge. The recombinant protein expressing the combined EGF-like modules of the YM strain protected mice against a homologous sporozoite challenge, and sterile protection, as defined by the absence of detectable blood-stage parasites, was observed in the majority of the mice. In contrast, mice immunized with recombinant P. yoelii YM MSP-1 were not protected against a heterologous challenge with sporozoites from strain 265 BY of P. yoelii. The lack of protection may be explained by differences identified in the amino acid sequences of MSP-1 for the two strains. A recombinant protein containing the two EGF-like modules of MSP-1 from P. yoelii 265 BY was produced and used to immunize mice. These mice were protected against a homologous challenge with sporozoites of P. yoelii 265 BY. The results suggest that a recombinant MSP-1 has potential as a vaccine against malaria, but its efficacy may be limited by sequence polymorphism and selection of variants.  相似文献   

Hooper JW  Custer DM  Thompson E 《Virology》2003,306(1):181-195
Two major infectious forms of vaccinia virus (VACV) have been described: the intracellular mature virion (IMV), and the extracellular enveloped virion (EEV). Due to their stability in the environment, IMVs play a predominant role in host-to-host transmission, whereas EEVs play an important role in dissemination within the host. In a previous report, we demonstrated that mice vaccinated with VACV L1R (IMV immunogen) and A33R (EEV immunogen) were protected from a lethal poxvirus challenge. Vaccination with a combination of both genes conferred greater protection than either gene alone, suggesting that an immune response against both IMV and EEV is advantageous. Here, we report that in mice individually administered DNA vaccines with two different VACV immunogens, A27L (IMV immunogen) or B5R (EEV immunogen), failed to significantly protect; however, vaccination with a combination of both genes conferred a high level of protection. Mice were completely protected when vaccinated with a combination of four VACV genes (A27L + A33R + L1R + B5R). Rhesus macaques vaccinated with this four-gene-combination developed appropriate antibody responses to each protein. Antibody responses elicited by this vaccine cross-reacted with monkeypox virus orthologous proteins. These data indicate that a gene-based vaccine comprised of the VACV A27L + A33R + L1R + B5R genes may be a useful candidate to protect against other orthopoxviruses, including those that cause monkeypox and smallpox.  相似文献   

Heterologous prime-boost immunization with DNA and various recombinant poxviruses encoding malaria antigens is capable of inducing strong cell-mediated immune responses and partial protection in human sporozoite challenges. Here we report a series of trials assessing recombinant fowlpox virus and modified vaccinia virus Ankara encoding the Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite protein in various prime-boost combinations, doses, and application routes. For the first time, these vaccines were administered intramuscularly and at doses of up to 5 x 10(8) PFU. Vaccines containing this antigen proved safe and induced modest immune responses but showed no evidence of efficacy in a sporozoite challenge.  相似文献   

Recombinant virus-based tuberculosis (TB) vaccines that are strongly immunogenic and elicit robust cellular immunity are considered ideal vaccine candidates. Here, we engineered a poxvirus-based vaccine, MVA85B-E6, and an adenovirus-based vaccine, AD85B-E6, both of which express the fusion protein Ag85B-ESAT6. Subcutaneous vaccination of AD85B-E6 generated strong interferon (IFN)-γ production by both CD4 and CD8 T cells and CD8 cytotoxic T lymphocyte activity; these results indicate that strong T-helper type 1 immune responses were elicited in mice, which is in contrast to the moderate responses induced by vaccination with MVA85B-E6. However, MVA85B-E6 given subcutaneously led to levels of protection comparable with that induced by the bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine in the lungs and spleens, whereas AD85B-E6 given subcutaneously did not show any protective efficacy after intravenous challenge of BALB/c mice with Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv. Our study emphasizes that more efficient biomarkers for vaccine efficacy and more appropriate routes of vaccine administration are necessary for the development of a successful TB vaccine.  相似文献   

Although influenza DNA vaccine research has focused mainly on viral hemagglutinin and has led to promising results, other virion proteins have also shown some protective potential. In this work, we explored the potential of a DNA vaccine based on the PB1 protein to protect BALB/c mice against lethal influenza A virus infection. The DNA vaccine consisted of pTriEx4 plasmid expressing PB1. As a positive control, a pTriEx4 plasmid expressing influenza A virus HA was used. Two weeks after three subcutaneous doses of DNA vaccine, the mice were challenged intranasally with 1 LD50 of A/Puerto Rico/8/34 (H1N1) virus, and PB1- and HA-specific antibodies, survival rate, body weight change, viral mRNA load, infectious virus titer in the lungs, cytokines IL-2, IL-4 and IL-10, and granzyme-B were measured. The results showed that (i) the PB1-expressing DNA vaccine provided a fair protective immunity in the mouse model and (ii) viral structural proteins such as PB1 represent promising antigens for DNA vaccination against influenza A.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis 6-kDa early secretory antigenic target (ESAT-6) is a dominant target antigen for cell-mediated immunity in the early phase of tuberculosis. The fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 ligand (FL) that induces potent immune response has been used as an adjuvant in vaccine development. In this study, a new recombinant plasmid (pIRES-epitope-peptides-FL) encoding three T cell epitopes of ESAT-6 and FL was constructed, and the immunogenicity of the DNA vaccine was assessed in C57BL/6 mice immunized with the plasmid DNA vaccine. Additionally, a strategy of intramuscular injection with the DNA vaccine (prime) and intranasal administration of the epitope peptides (boost) was employed to induce higher immune reaction of the mice. The results showed that mice vaccinated with the recombinant plasmid DNA vaccine and boosted with the peptides not only increased the levels of Th1 cytokines (IFN-γ and IL-12), the number of IFN-γ+ T cells and activities of cytotoxic T lymphocytes as well as IgG, but also enhanced protection against Mycobacterium tuberculosis challenge. In conclusion, these data indicate that the novel recombinant pIRES-epitope-peptides-FL plasmid is a useful DNA vaccine for preventing Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection.  相似文献   

Previously we found that passive transfer of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) specific to either the vaccinia virus (VACV) L1R or A33R gene product protected mice from challenge with VACV. The L1R-specific MAbs, which bind the intracellular mature virion (IMV), neutralized virus in cell culture, whereas the A33R-specific MAbs, which bind extracellular enveloped virions (EEV), did not. To investigate whether a protective response could be generated by vaccination with these genes, we constructed and evaluated DNA vaccines expressing the VACV L1R and/or A33R genes under control of a cytomegalovirus promoter. Mice were vaccinated with DNA-coated gold beads by using a gene gun and then challenged with VACV (strain WR) intraperitoneally. Mice vaccinated with L1R alone developed neutralizing antibodies and were partially protected. Mice vaccinated with a combination of both genes loaded on the same gold beads developed a robust anti-A33R response; however, no neutralizing antibody response was detected, and the mice were not protected. In contrast, when mice were vaccinated with L1R and A33R loaded on different gold beads, neutralizing (presumably anti-L1R) and anti-A33R antibody responses were detected, and protection was markedly improved. Our results indicated that vaccination with both L1R and A33R proteins, intended to evoke mechanistically distinct and complementary forms of protection, was more effective than vaccination with either protein by itself.  相似文献   

In an effort to develop a suitable DNA vaccine candidate for dengue, using dengue-3 virus (DENV-3) as a prototype, the genes coding for premembrane (prM) and envelope proteins (E) were inserted into an expression plasmid. After selecting recombinant clones containing prM/E genes, protein expression in the cell monolayer was detected by indirect immunofluorescence and immunoprecipitation assays. After selecting three vaccine candidates (pVAC1DEN3, pVAC2DEN3 and pVAC3DEN3), they were analyzed in vivo to determine their ability to induce a DENV-3-specific immune response. After three immunizations, the spleens of the immunized animals were isolated, and the cells were cultivated to measure cytokine levels by ELISA and used for lymphoproliferation assays. All of the animals inoculated with the recombinant clones induced neutralizing antibodies against DENV-3 and produced a T cell proliferation response after specific stimuli. Immunized and control mice were challenged with a lethal dose of DENV-3 and observed in order to assess their survival capability. The groups that presented the best survival rate after the challenge were the animals vaccinated with the pVAC3DEN3 clones, with an 80% survival rate. Thus, these data show that we have manufactured a vaccine candidate for DENV-3 that is able to induce a specific immune response and protects mice against a lethal challenge.  相似文献   

It was recently reported that DNA vaccination of rainbow trout fingerlings against viral hemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV) induced protection within 8 days after intramuscular injection of plasmid DNA. In order to analyse the specificity of this early immunity, fish were vaccinated with plasmid DNA encoding the VHSV or the infectious haematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) glycoprotein genes and later challenged with homologous or heterologous pathogens. Challenge experiments revealed that immunity established shortly after vaccination was cross-protective between the two viral pathogens whereas no increased survival was found upon challenge with bacterial pathogens. Within two months after vaccination, the cross-protection disappeared while the specific immunity to homologous virus remained high. The early immunity induced by the DNA vaccines thus appeared to involve short-lived non-specific anti-viral defence mechanisms.  相似文献   

Despite extensive public health efforts, there are presently 200 to 400 million malaria infections and 1 to 2 million deaths each year due to the Plasmodium parasite. A prime target for malaria vaccine development is the circumsporozoite (CS) protein, which is expressed on the extracellular sporozoite and the intracellular hepatic stages of the parasite. Previous studies in rodent malaria models have shown that CS repeat B-cell epitopes expressed in a recombinant hepatitis B virus core (HBc) protein can elicit protective immunity. To design a vaccine for human use, a series of recombinant HBc proteins containing epitopes of Plasmodium falciparum CS protein were assayed for immunogenicity in mice [A. Birkett, B. Thornton, D. Milich, G. A. Oliveira, A. Siddique, R. Nussenzweig, J. M. Calvo-Calle, and E. H. Nardin, abstract from the 50th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2001, Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 65(Suppl. 3):258, 2001; D. R. Milich, J. Hughes, J. Jones, M. Sallberg, and T. R. Phillips, Vaccine 20:771-788, 2001]. The present paper summarizes preclinical analyses of the optimal P. falciparum HBc vaccine candidate, termed ICC-1132, which contains T- and B-cell epitopes from the repeat region and a universal T-cell epitope from the C terminus of the CS protein. The vaccine was highly immunogenic in mice and in Macaca fascicularis (cynomolgus) monkeys. When formulated in adjuvants suitable for human use, the vaccine elicited antisporozoite antibody titers that were logs higher than those obtained in previous studies. Human malaria-specific CD4(+)-T-cell clones and T cells of ICC-1132-immunized mice specifically recognized malaria T-cell epitopes contained in the vaccine. In addition to inducing strong malaria-specific immune responses in na?ve hosts, ICC-1132 elicited potent anamnestic antibody responses in mice primed with P. falciparum sporozoites, suggesting potential efficacy in enhancing the sporozoite-primed immune responses of individuals living in areas where malaria is endemic.  相似文献   

DNA plasmids encoding the open reading frames of canine oral papillomavirus (COPV) nonstructural early genes E1, E2, or E7 protein were delivered into both oral mucosal and cutaneous epithelial sites in beagle dogs using particle-mediated immunotherapeutic delivery (PMID) technology. Control dogs were vaccinated with plasmid encoding either hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBVs) or COPV L1. Using a prophylactic immunisation protocol, a priming dose of plasmid DNA was followed by a booster dose 6 weeks later. Four weeks after boost, all dogs were challenged with infectious COPV particles. Following viral challenge, as shown previously (M. A. Stanley et al., 2001, Vaccine 19, 2783-2792), mucosal papillomas developed in the negative-control HBVs vaccinated dogs, but all animals in the COPV L1 group were fully protected from disease development. In the early gene-vaccinated groups five of six in the E1-vaccinated dogs, two of six in E2-vaccinated dogs, and three of six in the E7-vaccinated beagles developed oral papillomas. Compared to the HBVs negative-control group the oral papillomas that did develop in the early-gene vaccinated beagles were significantly smaller, shorter in duration, and fewer in number. Taken together the disease burden was markedly reduced and this was statistically significant. In a second experiment one group of animals was vaccinated with plasmid encoding the wild-type COPV E1 gene, and a separate group was vaccinated with plasmid encoding a synthetic codon-optimised COPV E1 gene sequence. None of the codon-optimised E1-vaccinated animals developed papillomas at any challenge site. However, all animals vaccinated with wild-type E1 had papillomas. These data suggest that immunisation by PMID with papillomavirus early genes can significantly impact upon subsequent disease development and that full protection can be achieved using improved vectors encoding codon-optimised gene sequences perhaps emphasizing the importance of antigen load in the generation of protective responses to papillomavirus proteins.  相似文献   

A 42-kDa fragment from the C terminus of major merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP1) is among the leading malaria vaccine candidates that target infection by asexual erythrocytic-stage malaria parasites. The MSP1(42) gene fragment from the Vietnam-Oak Knoll (FVO) strain of Plasmodium falciparum was expressed as a soluble protein in Escherichia coli and purified according to good manufacturing practices. This clinical-grade recombinant protein retained some important elements of correct structure, as it was reactive with several functional, conformation-dependent monoclonal antibodies raised against P. falciparum malaria parasites, it induced antibodies (Abs) that were reactive to parasites in immunofluorescent Ab tests, and it induced strong growth and invasion inhibitory antisera in New Zealand White rabbits. The antigen quality was further evaluated by vaccinating Aotus nancymai monkeys and challenging them with homologous P. falciparum FVO erythrocytic-stage malaria parasites. The trial included two control groups, one vaccinated with the sexual-stage-specific antigen of Plasmodium vivax, Pvs25, as a negative control, and the other vaccinated with baculovirus-expressed MSP1(42) (FVO) as a positive control. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) Ab titers induced by E. coli MSP1(42) were significantly higher than those induced by the baculovirus-expressed antigen. None of the six monkeys that were vaccinated with the E. coli MSP1(42) antigen required treatment for uncontrolled parasitemia, but two required treatment for anemia. Protective immunity in these monkeys correlated with the ELISA Ab titer against the p19 fragment and the epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like domain 2 fragment of MSP1(42), but not the MSP1(42) protein itself or the EGF-like domain 1 fragment. Soluble MSP1(42) (FVO) expressed in E. coli offers excellent promise as a component of a vaccine against erythrocytic-stage falciparum malaria.  相似文献   

The Mycobacterium bovis bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine has variable efficacy for both human and bovine tuberculosis. There is a need for improved vaccines or vaccine strategies for control of these diseases. A recently developed prime-boost strategy was investigated for vaccination against M. bovis infection in mice. BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice were primed with a DNA vaccine, expressing two mycobacterial antigens, ESAT-6 and antigen 85 A and boosted with attenuated M. bovis strains, BCG or WAg520, a newly attenuated strain, prior to aerosol challenge. Before challenge, the antigen-specific production of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) was evaluated by ELISPOT and antibody responses were measured. The prime-boost stimulated an increase in the numbers of IFN-gamma producing cells compared with DNA or live vaccination alone, but this varied according to the attenuated vaccine strain, time of challenge and the strain of mouse used. Animals vaccinated with DNA alone generated the strongest antibody response to mycobacterial antigens, which was predominantly IgG1. BCG and WAg520 alone generally gave a 1-2 log10 reduction in bacterial load in lungs or spleen, compared to non-vaccinated or plasmid DNA only control groups. The prime-boost regimen was not more effective than BCG or WAg520 alone. These observations demonstrate the comparable efficacy of BCG and WAg520 in a mouse model of bovine tuberculosis. However, priming with the DNA vaccine and boosting with an attenuated M. bovis vaccine enhanced IFN-gamma immune responses compared to vaccinating with an attenuated M. bovis vaccine alone, but did not increase protection against a virulent M. bovis infection.  相似文献   

We have constructed a DNA plasmid vaccine encoding the C-terminal 42-kDa region of the merozoite surface protein 1 (pMSP1(42)) from the 3D7 strain of Plasmodium falciparum (Pf3D7). This plasmid expressed recombinant MSP1(42) after in vitro transfection in mouse VM92 cells. Rhesus monkeys immunized with pMSP1(42) produced antibodies reactive with Pf3D7 infected erythrocytes by IFAT, and by ELISA against yeast produced MSP1(19) (yMSP1(19)). Immunization also induced antigen specific T cell responses as measured by interferon-gamma production, and by classical CTL chromium release assays. In addition, immunization with pMSP1(42) primed animals for an enhanced antibody response to a subsequent boost with the recombinant yMSP1(19). We also evaluated Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor (GM-CSF) as an adjuvant for pMSP1(42.) We tested both rhesus GM-CSF expressed from a DNA plasmid, and E. coli produced recombinant human GM-CSF. Plasmids encoding rhesus GM-CSF (prhGM-CSF) and human GM-CSF (phuGM-CSF) were constructed; these plasmids expressed bio-active recombinant GMCSF. Co-immunization with a mixture of prhGM-CSF and pMSP1(42) induced higher specific antibody responses after the first dose of plasmid, but after three doses of DNA monkeys immunized with or without prhGM-CSF had the same final antibody titers and T cell responses. In comparison, rhuGM-CSF protein did not lead to accelerated antibody production after the first DNA dose. However, antibody titers were maintained at a slightly higher level in monkeys receiving GM-CSF protein, and they had a higher response to boosting with recombinant MSP1(19). The GM-CSF plasmid or protein appears to be less potent as an adjuvant in rhesus monkeys than each is in mice, and more work is needed to determine if GM-CSF can be a useful adjuvant in DNA vaccination of primates.  相似文献   

The ultimate malaria vaccine will require the delivery of multiple antigens from different stages of the complex malaria life cycle. In order to efficiently deliver multiple antigens with use of DNA vaccine technology, new antigen delivery systems must be assessed. This study utilized a bicistronic vector construct, containing an internal ribosome entry site, expressing a combination of malarial candidate antigens: merozoite surface protein 4/5 (MSP4/5) (fused to a monocyte chemotactic protein 3 chemoattractant sequence) and apical membrane antigen 1 (AMA-1) (fused to a tissue plasminogen activator secretion signal). Transfection of COS 7 cells with bicistronic plasmids resulted in production and secretion of both AMA-1 and MSP4/5 in vitro. Vaccination of BALB/c mice via intraepidermal gene gun and intramuscular routes against AMA-1 and MSP4/5 resulted in antibody production and significant in vitro proliferation of splenocytes stimulated by both AMA-1 and MSP4/5. Survival of BALB/c mice vaccinated with bicistronic constructs after lethal Plasmodium chabaudi adami DS erythrocytic-stage challenge was variable, although significant increases in survival and reductions in peak parasitemia were observed in several challenge trials when the vaccine was delivered by the intramuscular route. This study using a murine model demonstrates that the delivery of malarial antigens via bicistronic vectors is feasible. Further experimentation with bicistronic delivery systems is required for the optimization and refinement of DNA vaccines to effectively prime protective immune responses against malaria.  相似文献   

Progress towards the development of a malaria vaccine against Plasmodium vivax, the most widely distributed human malaria parasite, will require a better understanding of the immune responses that confer clinical protection to patients in regions where malaria is endemic. The occurrence of clinical protection in P. vivax malaria in Brazil was first reported among residents of the riverine community of Portuchuelo, in Rond?nia, western Amazon. We thus analyzed immune sera from this same human population to determine if naturally acquired humoral immune responses against the merozoite surface protein 1 of P. vivax, PvMSP1, could be associated with reduced risk of infection and/or clinical protection. Our results demonstrated that this association could be established with anti-PvMSP1 antibodies predominantly of the immunoglobulin G3 subclass directed against the N terminus but not against the C terminus, in spite of the latter being more immunogenic and capable of natural boosting. This is the first report of a prospective study of P. vivax malaria demonstrating an association of reduced risk of infection and clinical protection with antibodies against an antigen of this parasite.  相似文献   

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