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Despite growing interest in emotion regulation, the degree to which psychophysiological measures of emotion regulation are stable over time remains unknown. We examined four-week test-retest reliability of corrugator electromyographic and eyeblink startle measures of negative emotion and its regulation. Both measures demonstrated similar sensitivity to the emotion manipulation, but only individual differences in corrugator modulation and regulation showed adequate reliability. Startle demonstrated diminished sensitivity to the regulation instructions across assessments and poor reliability. This suggests that corrugator represents a trait-like measure of voluntary emotion regulation, whereas startle should be used with caution for assessing individual differences. The data also suggest that corrugator and startle might index partially dissociable constructs and underscore the need to collect multiple measures of emotion.  相似文献   

Aspects of test-retest reliability of the nasopharyngeal culture were evaluated in children with otitis media and in ear, nose and throat (ENT)-healthy children, in all 174 cases. The nasopharyngeal colonization of Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Branhamella catarrhalis and beta-haemolytic streptococci was determined for a group of children with well-defined otitis media effusion (OME). The valitity of the results was then tested in a new group of children with OME. Despite seasonal differences and different bacteriologists analysing the specimens, high conformity was found between the two groups regarding distribution and recovery rates of the potential pathogens studied. The test-retest reliability of the culture was also analysed by duplicate specimens in children with acute otitis media (AOM), OME and in ENT-healthy children. The reproducibility of the findings of pathogens, whether quantitative aspects were considered or not, was found to be between 70 and 80% for children with AOM and OME.  相似文献   

Test-retest reliability of computerized concussion assessment programs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CONTEXT: Computer-based neurocognitive assessment programs commonly are used to assist in concussion diagnosis and management. These tests have been adopted readily by many clinicians based on existing test-retest reliability data provided by test developers. OBJECTIVE: To examine the test-retest reliability of 3 commercially available computer-based neurocognitive assessments using clinically relevant time frames. DESIGN: Repeated-measures design. SETTING: Research laboratory. PATIENTS OR OTHER PARTICIPANTS: 118 healthy student volunteers. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): The participants completed the ImPACT, Concussion Sentinel, and Headminder Concussion Resolution Index tests on 3 days: baseline, day 45, and day 50. Each participant also completed the Green Memory and Concentration Test to evaluate effort. Intraclass correlation coefficients were calculated for all output scores generated by each computer program as an estimate of test-retest reliability. RESULTS: The intraclass correlation coefficient estimates from baseline to day 45 assessments ranged from .15 to .39 on the ImPACT, .23 to .65 on the Concussion Sentinel, and .15 to .66 on the Concussion Resolution Index. The intraclass correlation coefficient estimates from the day 45 to day 50 assessments ranged from .39 to .61 on the ImPACT, .39 to .66 on the Concussion Sentinel, and .03 to .66 on the Concussion Resolution Index. All participants demonstrated high levels of effort on all days of testing, according to Memory and Concentration Test interpretive guidelines. CONCLUSIONS: Three contemporary computer-based concussion assessment programs evidenced low to moderate test-retest reliability coefficients. Our findings do not appear to be due to suboptimal effort or other factors related to poor test performance, because persons identified by individual programs as having poor baseline data were excluded from the analyses. The neurocognitive evaluation should continue to be part of a multifaceted concussion assessment program, with priority given to those scores showing the highest reliability.  相似文献   

Administered the Wechsler Memory Scale, Form I (WMS) twice to 34 normal Ss and 30 hospitalized patients with psychiatric or neurological disorders. In the normal group, the Memory Quotient (MQ) test-retest reliability was r(32) = 0.75, p <0.001. The mean retest gain in points was 7.2, median gain was 7, and range of gain was from −18 to +28. The increase in mean MQ over time was significant, t(33) = 3.95, p < 0.001. In the psychiatric-neurological group, the MQ test-retest reliability was r(28) = 0.89, p <0.001. The mean retest gain in points was 4, median gain was 4.5, and range of gain was from −12 to +23. The increase in mean MQ over time was significant, t(29) = 2.32, p < 0.05. Although the WMS possesses acceptable psychometric reliability, the clinician must keep in mind that the MQ may change significantly over time for individual Ss.  相似文献   

Prepulse inhibition (PPI) involves inhibition of the blink reflex by a weak stimulus or prepulse presented immediately prior to the blink reflex-eliciting stimulus. Ten subjects were tested for PPI two times each day with a 60 min pause between tests, for 4 days spaced 1 week apart. Both the somatosensory blink reflex and its inhibition by an acoustic prepulse, presented 50, 100, 200, 400 and 800 ms prior to the reflex-eliciting stimulus, were investigated. The results showed very high reliability for the blink reflex across all eight tests (Chronbach's alpha=0.98). Inhibition of the reflex by a prepulse displayed alphas of >0.94, and percentage of PPI also displayed significant reliability. Blink latency also displayed high reliability. In sum, the reliability of the somatosensory blink reflex and its inhibition is very high.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: H-reflex has been clinically useful in the diagnosis of radiculopathies, developmental disorders, and measurement of motoneuron excitability. However, variability of the H-reflex precluded its routine application. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the test-retest and within-subject reliability of the soleus H-reflex tested in three different positions. SUBJECTS: Seven men and eight women healthy volunteered (20-50 y) with no history of significant low back pain or radiculopathy consented to the study. METHODS: The soleus H-reflexes for both lower extremities were elicited and recorded using Cadwell 5200-A EMG unit and surface recording. The tibial nerve was electrically stimulated at the popliteal fossa using 0-5 ms., 0.2 pps pulses at intensity equivalent to H-max. Each subject was tested randomly in three different positions: pronelying, free standing, and standing while lifting 20% of his/her body weight. Signal were amplified (1-5 K) using surface electrodes applied on the soleus muscle at midline and 3 cm below the gastrocnemius musculotendinous junction. The peak-to-peak amplitude and onset latencies of four separate traces were averaged for each trial. Subjects were re-tested within 10 days by the same tester following the same protocol. RESULTS: Test-retest reliability of the H-reflex amplitude ranged from r = .29 in prone position to r = .56 in the loading position. Within day reliability of the H-amplitude was high between the three different positions and ranged from r = .56 to r = .97. The test-retest reliability of the H-latency were extremely high and robust, with the coefficients ranged from r = .92 to r = .94. Also the within day reliability of the H-latency ranged from r = .96 to r = .99. CONCLUSIONS: Results indicated that, when the H-amplitude is the measure of choice, testing the H-reflex in standing and loading positions is more reliable than testing in pronelying. Also testing the subject during various procedures in the same session is more reliable than testing subject in different days/sessions. The H-latency is highly reliable in all three testing positions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to measure the test-retest reliability of the ulnar F-wave minimum latency (Fmin) in normal adults. A reliable Fmin measure allows clinicians to ascribe changes in latency to true changes in a subject and not merely random daily variation. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Fmin in the Abductor Digiti Minimi muscle was measured bilaterally in 49 healthy adults (n = 98) with a three day separation between tests. RESULTS: The Fmin reliability estimate as measured by intraclass correlation coefficient (3,1) was 0.59 with a standard error of measurement (SEM) of 1.3 msec. A paired t-test showed no significant difference (t = 1.7, df = 97, p > 0.05) between the mean scores from the two testing sessions. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: We found moderate reliability and relatively low precision (high SEM) in Fmin scores taken from healthy individuals on two separate days. Strict adherence to our protocol and an acceptable overall precision of measurements (as measured by mean scores) suggest the contributions of rater and instrument error were low in our study. We conclude that 1) valid clinical interpretation of minimum F-wave latency findings is questionable because the Fmin measurement appears to have only moderate reliability, and 2) the lability of the phenomenon itself is the most likely contributor to variability in the Fmin latencies. Further research is warranted before electrophysiologists may be justified in attributing small changes in the Fmin to actual changes in the subject.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the retest reliability of a number of inotropic and chronotropic indexes of cardiovascular reactivity to mental arithmetic stress over a 1-week interval. Differential habituation effects of the dependent measures were also assessed. 15 male and 15 female undergraduate Ss were administered a mental arithmetic task (serial subtractions by 13 from a 4-digit number) for 1-min on two successive weeks while their electrocardiogram and impedance cardiogram were recorded. Dependent measures included HR, PEP, HI, SV and CO. Results indicate that all dependent measures were reliable.  相似文献   

背景:目前国内外关节位置觉的研究主要以青年人为对象,而老年人在不同角度关节位置重现的重测信度研究比较缺乏。 目的:观察老年人膝关节和踝关节在不同角度关节复位测试的重测信度。 方法:在Biodex system 3等速系统上用被动复位测试法测试28名健康老年人的膝、踝关节本体感觉,以被动复位绝对误差角度作为个体位置觉能力优劣的代表。重测信度评价指标为组内相关系数(ICC)。 结果与结论:左右两侧膝关节位置觉测试在不同角度都具有良好的重测信度,ICC值为0.851~0.973;左右两侧踝关节位置觉测试在跖屈与背伸位具有中等以上的重测信度,ICC值为0.742~0.964;左侧踝关节复位的绝对误差角度小于右侧踝关节(P < 0.05),且左侧(ICC为0.870~0.964)踝关节重测的相关系数高于右侧(ICC为0.742~0.944)。提示老年人膝关节和踝关节位置觉重测的相关性良好,并且左侧踝关节的相关性高于右侧。  相似文献   

We examined the reliability of measures of fMRI, subjective, and cardiovascular reactions to standardized versions of a Stroop color-word task and a multisource interference task. A sample of 14 men and 12 women (30-49 years old) completed the tasks on two occasions, separated by a median of 88 days. The reliability of fMRI BOLD signal changes in brain areas engaged by the tasks was moderate, and aggregating fMRI BOLD signal changes across the tasks improved test-retest reliability metrics. These metrics included voxel-wise intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) and overlap ratio statistics. Task-aggregated ratings of subjective arousal, valence, and control, as well as cardiovascular reactions evoked by the tasks showed ICCs of 0.57 to 0.87 (ps < .001), indicating moderate-to-strong reliability. These findings support using these tasks as a battery for fMRI studies of cardiovascular reactivity.  相似文献   

The Extended Complex Figure Test (ECFT; Fastenau, 1996b, 2003a), adds recognition and matching trials to the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test (ROCFT). An alternate administration of the ECFT, the ECFT-Motor Independent version (ECFT-MI; Fastenau, 2003a) measures visuospatial memory without the motoric demands of the ROCFT. ECFT-MI test-retest reliabilities were examined in 55 healthy adults tested two times separated by one week. The Recognition Trial showed strong reliability for the Total Score (r = .80, p < .0001). Reliabilities for Recognition Detail Scale and Subscales (r = .62-.74, p < .0001) and for the Global Scale (r = .51, p < or = .005) were attenuated by fewer items per subscale but were comparable to other memory tests. Matching Trial reliability coefficients were attenuated by extreme ceiling effects and restriction of range, but scores were very consistent between the two administrations. This study supports the temporal stability of the ECFT-MI.  相似文献   

In a study that used 149 university undergraduates and a 3-week test-retest interval, the stability of the Hopelessness Scale was examined. Scale scores and item responses demonstrated high test-retest reliabilities. Additional analyses indicated significant sex differences on the Hopelessness Scale. It was concluded that the Hopelessness Scale's stability fulfills a prerequisite for it to be a predictor of long-term suicidal risk.  相似文献   

This study was the preliminary research for testing the median nerve somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) with a postural alteration in the field of rehabilitation medicine. The purpose of this study was to investigate test-retest reliability for recording the median nerve SEPs with a change of recording posture. Subject was one healthy male, with an age of 28 years and a height of 176 cm. Median nerve SEPs was recorded in supine position on the bed with changing the tilting angle, which was set at each of 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, and 90 degrees. We compared a coefficient of variation of the latency and amplitude of the Erb's point potential at each tilting angle. A coefficient of variation of the latency and amplitude at each tilting angle was calculated ranged from 10.0% to 20.0%. From a result in a coefficient of variation, all Erb's point potentials of median nerve SEPs with a change of recording posture were recorded reproducibly in this study.  相似文献   

To assess the test-retest reliability of the Shedler-Westen Assessment Procedure-200 (SWAP-200) personality disorder, high functioning, and Q-factor (trait/symptom) scales, we correlated the reports of 47 psychoanalysts describing a patient at the beginning of analysis and at 6 months of analysis. Since the length of psychoanalysis averages almost 6 years, and since personality disorders change slowly, we hypothesized that the test-retest reliabilities of the personality disorder scale scores would be higher than those of the Q-factor scales, which should change more quickly. The average personality disorder scale test-retest reliability was r= .82 and the average Q-factor scale test-retest reliability was r= .64. The values for mismatched cases were .02 and -.05, respectively. Analysts also provided a clinical Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV) diagnosis for each of 77 patients. The SWAP-200 scores for patients with an Axis I diagnosis of depression and for four of the five Axis II diagnoses with four or more cases provide support for the validity of the SWAP-200.  相似文献   

Our purpose in conducting this study was to estimate the reliability of reciprocal concentric knee extension and flexion peak torque obtained in uninjured male athletes using the Biodex isokinetic dynamometer. Twenty-six male intercollegiate athletes (age=19.5+/-4.1 yr; ht=70.3+/-14.9 in; wt=212.9+/-48.5 lb) participated in this study. We used the Biodex to measure peak torque occurring during right knee extension and flexion over 3 consecutive days. Means and standard deviations were calculated for both extension and flexion on each of the 3 days. We observed a significant main effect for days for both extension and flexion. Mean peak torque for the first day was significantly higher (Turkey, p<.05) than the means for the other 2 days, which were not significantly different from each other (Turkey, p>0.05). Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) were estimated for each of the six trials on each of the 3 days. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) ranged from .88 on trial 1, day 1 for both extension and flexion peak torque to .97 for extension peak torque and .98 for flexion peak torque on day 3, trial 6. The standard error of measurement for extension peak torque was 7.0 ft-lbs and for flexion peak torque was 3.0 ft-lbs. These results indicate that reliable measurements of reciprocal right knee extension and flexion peak torque can be obtained from uninjured male athletes with the Biodex isokinetic dynamometer.  相似文献   

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