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Patients with Behcet's disease show an intense delayed hypersensitivity (DH) reaction to a group of streptococcal bacteria. We have attempted to detect deposits of immune complexes and to analyse cytological reactions in the aphthous ulcers and erythema nodosum (EN)-like eruptions. Deposits of IgM and positive fluorescence of anti-streptococcal group D serum were found in vessel walls and sites infiltrated by inflammatory cells. Cytological analysis has revealed that the inflammatory infiltrating cells are mainly composed of activated T-cells and macrophages in association with natural killer cells. These results suggest that DH reactions with antigen-antibody mediated cytotoxicity may play an important role in causing the lesions of Behcet's disease.  相似文献   

目的探讨梅毒患者疾病不确定感水平、所获得的社会支持及两者之间的相关性。方法以便利抽样样的方法选取60例梅毒患者,男45例,女15例,年龄71.3(55—74)岁,有配偶者42例,丧偶或离异16例,单身2例,高中及以上文化程度者29例,小学及初中28例,文盲3例。应用“Michel氏疾病不确定感量表”和肖水源“社会支持评定量表”进行问卷调查。结果梅毒患者的总疾病不确定感总得分为87.3±13.22(61-106),88.3%处于低水平,8.3%处于中等程度,3.4%处于高水平。社会支持处于总得分为(24.08±7.46),显著低于常模[(34.56±3.72),P〈0.011。客观支持得分为(7.08±2.35),主观支持得分(10.67±2.58),支持利用得分为(6.33±3.20)。疾病不确定感与社会支持之间存在显著的负相关。结论梅毒患者的疾病不确定感低,社会支持差。  相似文献   

Five cases of 'painful red hands', following chemotherapy for leukaemia, are reported. All the patients were women who had received treatment with cytosine arabinoside, 6-thioguanine and adriamycin. Several days after courses of chemotherapy, painful erythematous swelling of the palms and soles developed. In all cases the reaction was self-limiting and did not adversely affect their prognosis. Physicians should be aware of this reaction in order to reassure their patients. No treatment is required and the chemotherapy need not be stopped or altered.  相似文献   

报告1例同时表现为红斑和皮下结节的结节病。患者女,55岁。左眉暗红斑,颞部多发皮下结节2个月余。皮肤科检查:左侧眉弓直径约1 cm暗红斑,颞部多发皮下结节,直径0.5~1.5 cm,质硬,边缘不规则。皮损组织病理示:真皮或皮下脂肪层大量的上皮样细胞肉芽肿及多核巨细胞浸润,大部分呈裸结节。诊断:结节病。  相似文献   

An epidemic of 44 cases of milker's nodules was recorded in the Tampere Central Hospital catchment area in Finland during the autumn of 1974. Exanthema or erythema multiforme-like secondary eruptions were seen in 10 cases. One female patient is reported in detail because of the simultaneous occurrence of erythema nodosum and erythema multiforme. The virological diagnosis was confirmed by electron microscopy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Clinical manifestations of hypersensitivity to azathioprine may mimic symptoms of the initial disease. We report 5 cases of peculiar skin hypersensitivity reactions to azathioprine in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. OBSERVATIONS: In 5 patients with a recent azathioprine regimen, manifestations appeared between 8 and 18 days after drug introduction. All patients had a high fever. Three patients initially had erythema nodosum; 2 patients had sterile pustules. All had elevated neutrophil counts and serum C-reactive protein levels, whereas eosinophil counts were normal, ruling out drug-induced rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms. In 3 patients who were rechallenged with azathioprine or with 6-mercaptopurine, dermatological lesions recurred within hours. CONCLUSIONS: Erythema nodosum and pustules are rarely reported manifestations of azathioprine hypersensitivity. Both skin lesions may be related to the clinical activity of inflammatory bowel disease. Relapse of such lesions shortly after thiopurine rechallenge should raise the hypothesis of hypersensitivity rather than pharmacological manifestations.  相似文献   

<正>临床资料患者,女,25岁。因双手足红斑伴瘙痒于2009年6月23日就诊。患者4月前因手足出现红斑、瘙痒伴阴道分泌物,在诊所给予输液治疗(具体不详),阴道分泌物消失,但手足红斑、瘙痒仍继续加重,又在某中医院先后诊断为"湿疹"、"多形红斑",给  相似文献   

正临床资料患者,男,27岁,未婚。主因全身泛发性红色丘疹、结节2周,于2015年4月9日就诊。2周前,无明显诱因患者躯干、四肢出现红色丘疹、结节,皮疹渐泛发全身,无瘙痒等自觉症状。患者从22岁开始有同性性接触史,否认吸毒史、输血史、手术史、硬下疳史及其它传染病史。查体:神清,精神可,口腔、咽喉部位未见异常,颈部、腋窝、腹股沟区均  相似文献   

Background. The appearance of erythematous, blanchable patches or plaques overlying an implant suggests possible reticular telangiectatic erythema (RTE). RTE is a benign reactive cutaneous manifestation that can present following the implantation of a cardiac pacemaker, defibrillator or intrathecal infusion pump in an otherwise asymptomatic, non‐infectious patient. Objective. To demonstrate the variety in clinical presentation of patients presenting with RTE or similar patch test‐negative post‐implantation erythema. Patients/Materials/Methods. After institutional board approval had been obtained, patient information was obtained from electronic medical record files, which included surgical reports, pathology reports, and notes from outpatient encounters. Results. We report post‐implantation erythema following insertion of an elbow prosthesis, a knee prosthesis, and a spinal cord stimulator, which have not previously been cited as aetiologies of RTE. Conclusion. Owing to the delayed onset and variable recovery, RTE remains a diagnostic challenge. RTE should be included in the differential diagnosis of any patient presenting with erythema over the site of a previously implanted device.  相似文献   

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