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The last two decades of the twentieth century were difficult ones for health promotion in Serbia. The political, economic and social upheaval resulting from the civil conflict in the former Republic of Yugoslavia put enormous pressure on the health system overall and undermined a previously strong and effective health education and promotion service. In recent years the government, supported by external donors, has refocused attention on the need for high quality public health, including preventive activities as a central goal of the health reform process. This process is reviewed through a case study of a high profile health promotion campaign recently completed within the country. The potential for Serbia to regain its position as an innovator in community-based health care as well as the obstacles to be overcome are analysed.  相似文献   

This paper uses data from an employee health promotion project for government employees to examine initial health practices and their relationship to social and demographic variables. It then uses data collected one year later to examine changes in health behaviors and to try to explain what types of people are most likely to undertake health behavior changes in a year, within the context of a worksite health promotion project. Most people in this sample of employees do make positive changes in health habits in at least one of the following areas: smoking, seatbelt usage, diet, exercise, alcohol usage. While a variety of different social and demographic variables are important in explaining initial differences in health practices, these same variables along with measures of personal efficacy and job stress are poor predictors of whether people change their health behavior over a year. Future research might usefully focus on more detailed collection of qualitative data to help understand what factors motivate people to change health behavior. Future survey approaches may then incorporate broader and more diverse categories of explanatory variables into regression models.  相似文献   

There is increasing recognition in the health promotion and population health fields that the primary determinants of health lay outside the health care and behavioural risk arenas. Many of these factors involve public policy decisions made by governments that influence the distribution of income, degree of social security, and quality and availability of education, food, and housing, among others. These non-medical and non-lifestyle factors have come to be known as the social determinants of health. In many nations--and this is especially the case in North America--recent policy decisions are undermining these social determinants of health. A political economy analysis of the forces supporting as well as threatening the welfare state is offered as a means of both understanding these policy decisions and advancing the health promotion and population health agendas. The building blocks of social democracies--the political systems that seem most amenable to securing the social determinants of health--are identified as key to promoting health. Health promoters and population health researchers need to "get political" and recognize the importance of political and social action in support of health.  相似文献   

This article highlights the juncture between environmental health and health promotion and underscores the need for health promotion involvement in environmental health practice. It begins with a synopsis of current issues in environmental public health and deficiencies in environmental public health practice that could be partly ameliorated by an increased focus on environmental health promotion. Environmental health promotion lies at the intersection between the two disciplines and can be defined as any planned process employing comprehensive health promotion approaches to assess, correct, control, and prevent those factors in the environment that can potentially harm the health and quality of life of present and future generations. An introduction is also provided to the six articles contained in this special issue focused on environmental health promotion, and a brief discussion of crosscutting themes and issues is presented.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Health promotion is a core function of public health services and improving the effectiveness of health promotion services is an essential part of public health service development. This report describes the rationale, the process and the outcomes of a realignment designed to improve the effectiveness of health promotion activities in a public health unit (PHU) in New Zealand. METHODS: A practice environment analysis revealed several factors that were hindering the effectiveness of the health promotion unit's (HPU) activities. Two primary change mechanisms were implemented. The first was an outcomes-focused model of planning and service delivery (to support evidenced-based practice), the second was the reorganisation of the HPU from a topics-based structure to an integrated one based on a multi-risk factor paradigm of population health. RESULTS: During the realignment barriers were encountered on multiple levels. At the individual level, unfavourable attitudes to changes occurred because of a lack of information and knowledge about the benefits of evidence and research. At higher levels, barriers included resourcing concerns, a lack of organisational commitment and understanding, and tensions between the political need for expedient change and research and development need for timely consideration of the impact of different models of practice. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: This realignment took place within the context of a changing public health environment, which is significantly altering the delivery of public health and health promotion. Realignments designed to facilitate more effective health promotion and public health practice will continue, but need to do so in the light of others' experience and debate.  相似文献   

This paper argues that discourse on health are products of the particular social, economic and political context within which they are produced. In the early 1980s, the discourse on health in Canada shifted from a post-Lalonde Report lifestyle behaviour discourse to one shaped by the discourse on the 'social determinants of health'. In Canada, we are currently witnessing the emergence of another discourse on health-'population health'-as a guiding framework for health policy and practice. Grounded in a critical social science perspective on health and health promotion, this paper critiques the population health discourse in terms of its underlying epistemiological assumptions and the theoretical and political implications which follow. Does it matter whether we talk about 'heterogeneities in health' or 'inequities in health'? This paper argues that it does, and concludes that population health is becoming a prevailing discourse on health at this particular historical time in Canada because it provides powerful rhetoric for the retreat of the welfare state. This paper argues further that it is health promotion's alignment with the moral economy of the welfare state that makes it a countervailing discourse on health and its determinants.  相似文献   

This article argues that efforts to improve the health and well-being of the workforce should begin with the organization itself. The term organizational health promotion is introduced to expand the scope of worksite health promotion. Organizational health promotion delves into the basic structural and organizational fabric of the enterprise--to how work is organized. The core themes of healthy work organization are introduced, and the status of our ability to identify organizational risk factors is discussed. A conceptual model of healthy work organization is presented, along with a process for expanding the health promotive capacity of the organization. The final section addresses challenges related to adopting an organizational health promotion perspective.  相似文献   

This paper examines current debates about evidence-based health promotion in the UK within the context of the Jakarta Declaration. It discusses the epistemological issues underlying the debate, and the way in which evidence-based health care is impacting on health promotion in the UK. The empirical content is based on an analysis of 20 interviews with health promotion managers whose views are discussed in terms of three illustrative positions: ‘Cochranes’, ‘Local Voices’, and ‘Pragmatists’. Possible implications for health promotion specialists and theoretical developments are identified. It is concluded that the difficulties experienced by health promotion specialists are strongly related to issues of structure, value and epistemology arising within the context of their work rather than from inappropriate practice or skills.  相似文献   

Social capital and health promotion: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Interest in social capital and health has emerged at an exciting time. In public health, there is a renewed interest in mechanisms that link social inequalities and health. In epidemiology, there has been a critical interrogation of methods and a call for a more explicit use of theory. In health promotion over the last 20-30 years, social health interventions have been somewhat marginalised in an era dominated by interest in traditional cardiovascular disease risk factors. Now that social hypotheses are being reborn in health, there is a risk that the sophistication that has developed in social health promotion and the literatures that have informed it could be overlooked. In this paper, we present a brief history of social capital and how it has come into recent prominence through the debate linking income inequality and health. We present the background to this, the earlier literatures on social environmental influences on health and the possible processes thought to underlie this relationship. Social capital has relational, material and political aspects. We suggest that, although the relational properties of social capital are important (eg, trust, networks), the political aspects of social capital are perhaps under recognised. The paper also reviews how complex social processes at the community level have come to be operationalised by social theorists and intervention agents in other fields. We suggest that social capital research so far has inadequately captured the underlying constructs, in particular the qualitative difference between the macro/context level and the micro/individual level. While being cautious about the science, we conclude that social capital's power as rhetoric and as a metaphor may be of value. We conclude by suggesting that the coalescence of interests in context-level influences on health now invites a revitalisation of theories and interventions inspired by diverse fields, such as geography and ecological community psychology.  相似文献   

Over the past 10 years, 'settings' based health promotion has become a central feature of efforts to promote health that recognize the significance of context. Emerging in part from a perception of an over-reliance on individualistic methods, the approach was built on a profound belief in its value and deployed a range of novel theoretical resources, mainly from organizational sociology and psychology. This initial enthusiasm has been maintained within policy directives, in the published literature and, from our own experience, amongst health promotion practitioners. At the same time, with the maturing of the approach, has come a healthy element of critical review. Drawing upon the literature and based upon our experiences within the Health Education Board for Scotland, this paper seeks to bring together a range of perspectives, casting a critical yet constructive eye on current settings theory and practice. The paper first reviews the nature of settings based work, highlighting the varied bases and expectations that underpin it. Similarly, the many factors that influence the ability of health promoters to deliver such activities are considered. In relation to the construction and delivery of such activity, the paper suggests that there needs to be an explicit and detailed assessment of the nature of the setting, the skills of the health promoter and the associated expectations.  相似文献   

The past 25 years have seen enormous shifts in the environmental, political, economic and social landscapes that condition people's abilities to be healthy. Climate change is now a reality. China, India, Brazil and other 'developing' countries are emerging as new axes of political and economic power. Global capitalism has become increasingly predatory and crisis ridden, a result of unregulated and irresponsible greed of unimaginable scale. The elite response has been the increased erosion of the health and other social protection policies of redistribution that characterized the first-world run-up to the Ottawa Charter. These new realities challenge health promoters in ways unforeseen a quarter century ago. It is imperative that local determinants of health, to which health promoters give their attention, be traced to broader, even global levels of determinants. Support for groups acting at these levels should become a fundamental practice tenet. So, too, should advocacy for the social state, in which progressive taxation and hefty social investment blunt the health inequalities created by unfettered markets. As environmental and economic insecurities and inequalities increase in many of the world's countries, so does the risk of xenophobia and conflict. The roots of racism are complex; but weeding them out becomes another health promotion practice of the new millennium. There are some hopeful signs of health promoting political change, much of it emanating now from countries in the global South; but the threat of a return to health behaviourism in the face of the new global pandemic of chronic disease is real and must be confronted.  相似文献   

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