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The covalently closed circular forms of unintegrated viral DNA obtained from cells infected with Moloney mouse sarcoma virus was cloned in bacteriophage lambda. The viral DNA was cleaved with restriction endonuclease HindIII and inserted in the unique HindIII site of lambda Charon 21A DNA. Recombinant clones containing virus-reactive DNA sequences were analyzed by restriction endonuclease mapping, R-loop formation, and infectivity assays. Two of eight genome-length recombinant clones characterized contained the large terminal repeat. Only the recombinant clones containing the large terminal repeat were able to induce focus formation in uninfected mouse fibroblasts.  相似文献   

We have studied the nucleic acid sequences in nonproducer cells transformed by Moloney sarcoma virus or Abelson leukemia virus (two types of replication-defective, RNA-containing, viruses isolated by passage of Moloney leukemia virus in BALB/c mice). DNA probes from the Moloney leukemia in virus detect RNA in both Abelson virus-transformed nonproducer cells and Moloney sarcoma virus-transformed nonproducer cells. A sarcoma-specific cDNA, prepared from the Moloney sarcoma virus, has extensive homology to RNA found in heterologous nonproducer cells transformed by Moloney sarcoma virus, has little homology to RNA in cells producing Moloney leukemia virus, and no detectable homology to RNA in nonproducer cells transformed by the Abelson virus. By analogy to earlier data on avian and mammalian sarcoma viruses, these results suggest that the Moloney sarcoma virus arose by recombination between a portion of the Moloney leukemia virus genome and additional sarcoma-specific information, and indicate that the expression of this information in not essential for Abelson virus-mediated fibroblast transformation.  相似文献   

We have identified integrated proviral DNA sequences of m1 and HT-1 isolates of Moloney sarcoma virus (MuSV) in EcoRI digests of transformed mink cell genomic DNA and have cloned these fragments in bacteriophage lambda. Both the lambda-HT1 phage recombinant, containing a 12.3-kilobase MuSV pair (kb) fragment, and the lambda-m1 phage recombinant, containing a 7.0-kb fragment, possess full copies of the sarcoma viruses along with 5' and 3' host flanking sequences. The MuSV proviral DNA sequences, 6.7 kb for HT-1 and 5.2 kb for m1, are colinear by heteroduplex microscopy with the 1.5-kb difference in size accounted for by two approximately equal to 0.8-kb deleted regions in m1. Both integrated viral genomes are terminally redundant and have integrated at the same site in the provirus but at different sites on the host chromosome. The host sequence flanking integrated HT-1 MuSV have been identified as a single EcoRI restriction fragment of 5.6 kb in normal mink cells.  相似文献   

When uninfected mouse cell DNA is cleaved with restriction endonuclease EcoRI, a DNA fragment of 14.0 kilobases can be identified by hybridization to cloned DNA containing sarcoma specific sequences of Moloney mouse sarcoma virus (M-MSVsrc). The cellular DNA fragment contains the entire M-MSVsrc specific sequences. The 14.0-kilobase EcoRI DNA fragment was cloned in bacteriophage lambda. The sequence organization of a recombinant clone, lambda . MTX-1, was analyzed by restriction endonuclease mapping, nuclease S1 mapping, and electron microscopy. The results indicate that lambda . MTX-1 contains an uninterrupted stretch of 1.0 kilobase similar to that found in the M-MSV genome.  相似文献   

We have measured the ability of cloned restriction fragments containing the whole and partial genomes of two strains of Moloney murine sarcoma virus to induce cell transformation in DNA transfection assays. The cloned intact ml and HTl murine sarcoma virus proviruses transform with an efficiency of approximately 40,000-50,000 focus-forming units/pmol of proviral DNA, and the majority of these transformed cells contain a rescuable viral genome. A cloned 2.1-kilobase-pair internal fragment of the murine sarcoma virus containing 1.2 kilobase pairs of sarcoma virus-specific sequences (src) and approximately 900 base pairs of leukemia virus-derived sequences adjacent to the 5' end of src transforms with approximately 1/10,000th the efficiency of the intact genome. When leukemia virus-deprived sequences containing a single copy of the 600-base-pair direct terminal repeated sequences are present at either the 5' or 3' end of this src-containing fragment, the transforming activity is stimulated 1000-fold. Cotransfection with a mixture of cloned fragments, one containing the internal 2.1-kilobase-pair src fragment and the other containing a single copy of the terminally redundant sequence, results in a 300-fold increase in transformation efficiency.  相似文献   

The unintegrated circular DNA form of Moloney murine sarcoma virus (MSV) has been cloned in bacteriophage lambda. Discrete deletions in the viral genome were shown to occur during propagation of recombinant phage in Escherichia coli. Heteroduplex and restriction enzyme analyses indicated the deletion of tandemly repeated sequences within certain of the cloned MSV DNA inserts. Cloned MSV DNA was used to prepare a probe composed of its acquired cellular (src) sequences, shown previously to be necessary for MSV transformation. Analysis of EcoRI digests of normal mouse cellular DNA revealed the presence of a single 14-kilobase-pair fragment containing these sequences which lacked contiguity with endogenous type C helper viral information of the same cells. Thus, the sarcoma virus-specific sequences of MSV are represented within the normal mouse genome in a manner analogous to that of a cellular gene.  相似文献   

Integrated Moloney murine sarcoma provirus (MSV) has direct terminal repeat sequences (TRS). We determined the nucleotide sequence of both 588-base-pair TRS elements and the adjacent host and viral junctions of an integrated MSV cloned in bacteriophage lambda. Sequences were identified corresponding to the tRNAPro primer binding site in genomic RNA and the reverse-transcribed minus strong stop DNA. Each 588-base-pair repeat contains putative sites for promoting RNA synthesis and RNA polyadenylylation. The first and last 11 nucleotides of the TRS are inverted with respect to each other, and the same four-nucleotide host sequence is found bracketing integrated MSV. Some similarities of TRS and prokaryotic insertion sequence elements are discussed.  相似文献   

The sequence of the transforming region of the Moloney murine sarcoma virus genome has been determined by using molecularly cloned viral DNA. This region, 3.6 to 5.8 kilobase pairs from the left end of the molecule, contains the entire cellular insertion (src) sequence as well as helper viral sequences including the large terminal repeat (LTR). On the viral RNA strand, a long (1224 bases) open reading frame commenced to the left of the src-helper virus junction and terminated at a point 58 nucleotides into helper viral sequences to the right of src. Possible promoter and acceptor splice signals were detected in helper viral sequences upstream from this open reading frame. On the antiviral RNA strand, several promoter-like sequences, including one within the src region itself, were identified. However, no open reading frame downstream from these promoters was detected in the antiviral RNA strand. The LTR was found to contain promoter-like sequences as well as LTR was found to contain promoter-like sequences as well as mRNA capping and polyadenylylation signals. In addition, it possessed an 11-base inverted terminal repeat at each end. Thus, the structure of the Moloney murine sarcoma virus genome with an LTR at each end resembles that of prokaryotic transposable elements.  相似文献   

We have detected nucleotide sequences related to the transforming gene of avian sarcoma vius (ASV) in the DNA of uninfected vertebrates. Purified radioactive DNA (cDNAsarc) complementary to most of all of the gene (src) required for transformation of fibroblasts by ASV was annealed with DNA from a variety of normal species. Under conditions that facilitate pairing of partially matched nucleotide sequences (1.5 M NaCl, 59 degrees), cDNAsarc formed duplexes with chicken, human, calf, mouse, and salmon DNA but not with DNA from sea urchin, Drosophila, or Escherichia coli. The kinetics of duplex formation indicated that cDNAsarc was reacting with nucleotide sequences present in a single copy or at most a few copies per cell. In contrast to the preceding findings, nucleotide sequences complementary to the remainder of the ASV genome were observed only in chicken DNA. Thermal denaturation studies of the duplexes formed with cDNAsarc indicated a high degree of conservation of the nucleotide sequences related to src in vertebrate DNAs; the reductions in melting temperature suggested about 3--4% mismatching of cDNAsarc with chicken DNA and 8--10% mismatching of cDNAsarc with the other vertebrate DNAs.  相似文献   

DNA from six avian sarcoma virus (ASV)-transformed mammalian cell lines was digested with the restriction endonucleases EcoRI, Xho I, or Sal I, fractionated by agarose gel electrophoresis, transferred to nitrocellulose filter strips, and hybridized with specific ASV [32P]cDNA probes. DNA from all of the ASV-transformed cell lines yielded three common virus-specific DNA fragments (2.4, 1.8, and 1.3 X 10(6) daltons) upon cleavage with EcoRI. Xho I appeared to cleave at least once within the integrated provirus and yielded a common fragment of 3.3 X 10(6) daltons as well as a second virus-specific DNA fragment whose size varied from 4.0 to 5.0 X 10(6) daltons in the different transformed cell lines. Sal I did not cleave within the provirus and yielded a single major virus-specific fragment of about 11 X 10(6) daltons in all transformed lines examined. Using specific cDNA probes, we show that the 1.8 X 10(6)-dalton EcoRI fragment contains sequences homologous to the 3' end of the viral RNA as well as to the src region of the viral genome. These studies clearly demonstrate that the same region on the ASV genome is utilized for provirus integration in different ASV-transformed cell lines.  相似文献   

Mouse cells transformed by the Moloney murine sarcoma virus (MSV) native to the species can give rise to revertants which are supersusceptible to a second cycle of transformation. The MSV retransformed cells can give rise to several complex functional states even after several cycles of cloning: a) Formation of sarcoma positive, leukemia negative (S+Lminus) type cells of which some sublines may be inducible for MSV by halogenated pyrimidines; b) detection of initially SminusLminus cells which spontaneously become transformed and S+Lminus; c) the derivation of flat murine leukemia virus positive (MuLV+) cells which have an atypical MuLV and may become MSV+ as well as MuLV+; d) the release of free MSV from some cell clones with an apparent absence of MuLV. A general feature of all the above variants is a failure of detection of spontaneous reversion occurring after the second cycle of transformation. The nature of MuLV spontaneously released is that of a poorly replicating MuLV which exhibits cross-interference with other MuLV pseudotypes of MSV and the envelope which is most similar to that of Moloney leukemia virus (MLV). The examination for spontaneous reversion in human S+Lminus cells transformed by the same type of genome capable of good frequency of reversion in mouse cells, did not yield human revertant cells.  相似文献   

Experiments of hybridization between mouse leukemia virus synthetic 3H-DNA probe and mouse main band and satellite DNAs indicate that there is not a higher concentration of viral sequences in the satellite DNA. On the contrary, viral sequences appear to be enriched in the fast renaturing intermediate main band DNA.  相似文献   

We describe the molecular cloning of a 9-kilo-base-pair BamHI fragment from human placental DNA containing a sequence homologous to the transforming gene (v-mos) of Moloney murine sarcoma virus. The DNA sequence of the homologous region of human DNA (termed humos) was resolved and compared to that of the mouse cellular homolog of v-mos (termed mumos) [Van Beveren, C., van Straaten, F., Galleshaw, J.A. & Verma, I.M. (1981) Cell 27, 97-108]. The humos gene contained an open reading frame of 346 codons that was aligned with the equivalent mumos DNA sequence by the introduction of two gaps of 15 and 3 bases into the mumos DNA and a single gap of 9 bases into the humos DNA. The aligned coding sequences were 77% homologous and terminated at equivalent opal codons. The humos open reading frame initiated at an ATG found internally in the mumos coding sequence. The polypeptides predicted from the DNA sequence to be encoded by humos and mumos also were found to be extensively homologous, and 253 of 337 amino acids were shared between the two polypeptides. The first five NH2-terminal and last two COOH-terminal amino acids of the humos gene product were in common with those of mumos. In addition, near the middle of the polypeptide chains, four regions ranging from 19 to 26 consecutive amino acids were conserved. However, we have not been able to transform mouse cells with transfected humos DNA fragments or with hybrid DNA recombinants containing humos and retroviral long terminal repeat (LTR) sequences.  相似文献   

The "sarcoma-specific" region of Moloney murine sarcoma virus 124.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Labeled, purified 30S RNA from Moloney murine sarcoma virus was annealed to an excess of Moloney murine leukemia virus complementary DNA. Upon treatment of the resulting DNA.RNA hybrids with RNase H followed by sucrose gradient sedimentation, and undigested 18S RNA molecule was recovered. This RNA molecule was shown to represent the "sarcoma-specific" region of the virus. The unintegrated linear DNA provirus of murine sarcoma virus 124 was isolated from newly infected cells and a physical map of the sarcoma-specific region was obtained. First, unintegrated full-length linear proviral DNA molecules were cleaved by several restriction endonucleases. The reciprocal position and orientation with respect to the viral RNA of the resulting fragments were established. The location of the sarcoma-specific region was determined by competition-hybridization with 125I-labeled viral genomic RNAs and proviral DNA fragments. A 1500-base-pair fragment was obtained by cleavage with HindIII + Bgl II. This fragment mapped between 750 and 2250 base pairs from the right end of the proviral DNA (corresponding th the 3' terminus of the viral RNA) and contained the whole set of the sarcoma-specific information. This murine sarcoma virus proviral restriction fragment is approximately of the same size and map position as the isolated 18S sarcoma-specific RNA.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence of tobacco mosaic virus RNA.   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
Oligonucleotide primers have been used to generate a cDNA library covering the entire tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) RNA sequence. Analysis of these clones has enabled us to complete the viral RNA sequence and to study its variability within a viral population. The positive strand coding sequence starts 69 nucleotides from the 5' end with a reading frame for a protein of Mr 125,941 and terminates with UAG. Readthrough of this terminator would give rise to a protein of Mr 183,253. Overlapping the terminal five codons of this readthrough reading frame is a second reading frame coding for a protein of Mr 29,987. This gene terminates two nucleotides before the initiator codon of the coat protein gene. Potential signal sequences responsible for the capping and synthesis of the coat protein and Mr 29,987 protein mRNAs have been identified. Similar sequences within these reading frames may be used in the expression of sets of proteins that share COOH-terminal sequences.  相似文献   

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