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Despite increasing interest in medical malpractice in the UK, there is very little empirical research on doctors' own concerns. This paper explores first and fifth year medical students' knowledge about malpractice, their attitudes toward litigation and its perceived significance for their future practice.  相似文献   

Objective To compare Year 1 medical students' perceptions of their educational environment at the end of Year 1, with their expectations at the beginning of the year using the Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (DREEM). Methods Year 1 students (n = 130) at the University of East Anglia Medical School were asked to complete the DREEM during their induction week at the beginning of Year 1, thinking about the educational environment they expected to encounter (Expected DREEM), and again as part of a compulsory evaluation at the end of Year 1, thinking about the educational environment they had actually experienced (Actual DREEM). A total of 87 students (66.92% of the starting cohort) completed the DREEM on both occasions and gave permission for their data to be published. Results The Expected DREEM score was 153 out of a maximum of 200, and the Actual DREEM score was 143. Student's expected perceptions of learning and teachers, and their expected academic self- and social self-perceptions were all more positive than their actual perceptions. There was no difference between expected and actual perceptions of atmosphere. Specific aspects of the educational environment showing dissonance were identified. In some areas students' low expectations had been matched by their actual experience. Conclusions Medical students had started Year 1 with expectations about the educational environment that had not been met. However, areas showing dissonance received low item scores on the Actual DREEM and as such would be picked up for remediation, even without information about student expectations.  相似文献   

Objectives  Communication skills training in undergraduate medical education is considered to play an important role in medical students' formation of their professional identity. This qualitative study explores Year 1 students' perceptions of their identities when practising communication skills with real patients.
Methods  A total of 23 individual semi-structured interviews and two focus group discussions were conducted with 10 students during their first year of communication skills training. All interviews and discussions were audio-recorded, transcribed and analysed for emergent themes relating to identity.
Results  Students struggled to communicate professionally with patients because of a lack of clinical knowledge and skills. Consequently, students enacted other identities, yet patients perceived them differently, causing conversational ambiguities.
Discussion  Students' perceptions challenge educational goals, suggesting that there is limited potential for the formation of professional identity through early training. Teacher-doctors must acknowledge how students' low levels of clinical competence and patients' behaviour complicate students' identity formation.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: There is much subjective discussion, but few empirical data that explore how students approach the learning of anatomy. AIMS: Students' perceptions of successful approaches to learning anatomy were correlated with their own approaches to learning, quality of learning and grades. METHODS: First-year medical students (n = 97) studying anatomy at an Australian university completed an online survey including a version of the Study Process Questionnaire (SPQ) that measures approaches to learning. The quality of students' written assessment was rated using the Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes (SOLO) taxonomy. Final examination data were used for correlation with approaches and quality of learning. RESULTS: Students perceived successful learning of anatomy as hard work, involving various combinations of memorisation, understanding and visualisation. Students' surface approach (SA) scores (mean 30 +/- 3.4) and deep approach (DA) scores (mean 31 +/- 4.2) reflected the use of both memorisation and understanding as key learning strategies in anatomy. There were significant correlations between SOLO ratings and DA scores (r = 0.24, P < 0.01), between SA scores and final grades (r = - 0.30, P < 0.01) and between SOLO ratings and final grades (r = 0.61, P < 0.01) in the subject. CONCLUSIONS: Approaches to learning correlate positively with the quality of learning. Successful learning of anatomy requires a balance between memorisation with understanding and visualisation. Interrelationships between these three strategies for learning anatomy in medicine and other disciplines require further investigation.  相似文献   

Objective  This study aimed to explore the effect of gender on medical students' aspirations.
Methods  The study design included purposive sampling and interim data interpretation to guide recruitment of medical students with a wide spectrum of opinions. Data were collected through audio-recorded, semi-structured, in-depth exploratory interviews, which were transcribed verbatim. Qualitative analysis was carried out by a female medical student researcher. Her evolving interpretation was constantly compared against the original data by male (doctor) and female (pharmacist) staff researchers in a systematic search for internal corroboration or disconfirmation. Causal associations consistently present in the data are reported.
Results  Six male and six female medical students in Years 3 and 4 shared a wish to achieve a work−life balance that allowed them to devote time to bringing up children while contributing usefully to society as doctors. However, women were readier to compromise professional attainment within their personal work−life balances. Their readiness derived from gendered stereotypes of women's social and professional roles, a lack of female professional role models, womens' greater awareness of the tensions between career and family, various other informal social influences, and a lack of positive career advice to counterbalance these influences.
Conclusions  Better career advice and more flexible work opportunities are needed if the two-thirds of medical students who are women are to contribute specialist as well as generalist expertise to the medical workforce.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: There is considerable interest in the attributes other than cognitive ability that medical students need in order to be professionally successful, with a particular focus on empathy and emotional intelligence (EI). Selection considerations have also motivated interest in such attributes as predictors of academic success. There are reports of declines in empathy in US medical students, but no comparative information is available for UK students. OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to compare empathy levels in medical students in Years 2, 3 (pre-clinical) and 5 (clinical), to examine gender differences in empathy and EI, and to investigate whether EI and empathy are related to academic success. METHODS: Questionnaires assessing EI and empathy were completed by students. Previous empathy scores for the Year 2 cohort were also available. Empathy trends were examined using anova; trends for the Year 2 group for whom Year 1 scores were available were examined using repeated-measures anova. Associations of EI and empathy with academic success were examined using Pearson correlation. RESULTS: A significant gender x cohort effect was found, with male empathy scores increasing between Years 1 and 2, whilst female scores declined. Peer ratings in Year 2 problem-based learning (PBL) groups were positively correlated with EI. CONCLUSIONS: Trends in levels of empathy differed by gender. The reasons for this require further investigation, particularly in relation to course content. Associations between academic performance and EI were sparse, and there were none between academic performance and empathy, but the effects of EI (and other characteristics) on PBL group functioning represent a promising area for future study.  相似文献   

Objective To describe and discuss Year 5 medical students' perceptions of their own learning about the doctor?patient relationship. Methods We carried out a qualitative study of semi‐structured interviews with 16 Year 5 medical students using 3‐way analysis at the School of Medicine, Federal University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. Results For experiences at the pre‐clinical stage, the subcategories were: positive aspects of the medical psychology course; great distance between theory and reality, and strong desire for clinical practice. For experiences at the clinical stage, the subcategories were: demand for opportunities to discuss the doctor?patient relationship; teachers as either role models or anti‐models; clinical situations favourable for developing empathic relationships, and clinical situations unfavourable for developing empathic relationships. For views about future experiences, the subcategories were: apprehension about ethical behaviour; anxiety about handling patients' psychosocial characteristics, and fear of professional ethics cases or legal action. Discussion To compensate for the lack of practical activities during the pre‐clinical stage, students search for extracurricular activities that often overload them. Because teachers function as professional role models, their attitudes towards patients have great importance. Students fear not being able to maintain their empathic capacity in the future because of work‐related issues. Knowledge of the psychological aspects of the doctor?patient relationship helps students to comprehend their experiences. Gradual contact between student and medical practice from the beginning of the course is advised. It should be followed by interdisciplinary discussions that deal with the technical aspects of cases and the doctor?patient relationship.  相似文献   

Haq I  Higham J  Morris R  Dacre J 《Medical education》2005,39(11):1126-1128
OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of ethnicity and gender on medical student examination performance. DESIGN: Cohort study of Year 3 medical students in 2002 and 2003. SETTING: Royal Free and University College Medical School, Imperial College School of Medicine. SUBJECTS: A total of 1216 Year 3 medical students, of whom 528 were male and 688 female, and 737 were white European and 479 Asian. OUTCOME MEASURE: Performance in summative written and objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs) in July 2002 and 2003. RESULTS: White females performed best in all OSCEs and in 3 out of 4 written examinations. Mean scores for each OSCE and 2 out of 4 written examinations were higher for white students than for Asian students. The overall size of the effect is relatively small, being around 1-2%. CONCLUSION: Students of Asian origin, of both genders, educated in the UK, using English as their first language, continue to perform less well in OSCEs and written assessments than their white European peers.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Patient-centredness should be at the heart of medical education. This longitudinal study aimed to assess possible attitude changes towards patient-centredness in a medical students' cohort as they progressed through the clinical curriculum. It also investigated the possible impact of socio-demographic factors on students' attitudes. METHODS: The same student cohort was tested on 2 occasions: during their initial exposure to clinical curricula (year 4) and after 2 years, at the end of the clerkship (year 6). Students completed a questionnaire including demographics and the 18-item Patient-Practitioner Orientation Scale (PPOS). PPOS differentiates between patient-centred versus doctor-centred or disease-centred orientation, measuring attitudes along 2 dimensions: 'sharing' and 'caring'. RESULTS: A total of 483 fully completed questionnaires was returned (response rate 83%). The cohort's attitudes were significantly more doctor-centred at the end of their studies compared to the beginning of their clinical curricula (P < 0.001). However, regarding the caring part of their relationship with patients, they maintained a satisfactory level of patient-centredness. Concerning sharing information, female students were significantly more patient-centred at year 4, with their mean score decreasing at the end of their clerkship. Furthermore, among only female students, having a looser relationship with religion was associated with more patient-centred attitudes. CONCLUSIONS: Increased authoritarianism in graduating students' attitudes emphasises clearly the need for future research and redesigning communication curricula. Furthermore, the influence of gender and relationship with religion on attitudes towards the doctor-patient relationship should be explored further, in order to eliminate disparities in the provision of patient-centred medical care.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship between psychological constructs related to professional and research integrity and moral reasoning among medical students. METHODS: Medical students, 2nd-year (n = 208, 85.6% of 243 enrolled students), answered the moral reasoning test-defining issues test 2 (DIT2) and the Machiavellianism and Paulhus socially desirable responding (SDR) scales. RESULTS: Students had the highest score on the post-conventional schema of moral reasoning (mean +/- standard deviation, 35.2 +/- 11.6 of a possible 95) compared with personal interest (27.2 +/- 12.3) and maintaining norms schemae (29.2 +/- 11.5; P < 0.001, repeated-measures anova). Female students scored higher than their male collegues on post-conventional moral reasoning (37.6 +/- 11.0 versus 31.2 +/- 22.4, P < 0.001, independent-sample t-test). Of all 4 Machiavellianism subscales students scored highest on deceiving, where female students scored higher than their male colleagues (24.5 +/- 4.2 versus 22.9 +/- 5.1 of a possible 30; P = 0.037, independent-sample t-test). Female students also scored higher on the impression management subscale, whereas their male colleagues scored higher on the self-deception subscale of the Paulhus SDR scale. Moral reasoning scores were associated with cynicism, deceiving and flattering Machiavellianism scores, but not with Paulhus SDR scores. Multiple regression analysis showed the Machiavellianism amorality score as a significant negative predictor (beta = -0.183, P = 0.017) and female sex as a positive predictor (beta = 0.291, P < 0.001) for the post-conventional schema score on the DIT2. The Machiavellianism flattering score was a significant negative predictor for the personal interest schema score (beta = -0.215, P = 0.006). CONCLUSIONS: Although moral reasoning is generally seen as independent of variables related to personality, our study indicated that Machiavellianism, especially its amorality and flattering subscales, were associated with moral reasoning. These results have important implications for teaching ethics and the responsible conduct of research in different cultural and socio-economic settings.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: In 2003 the Dutch Central College of Medical Specialties presented guidelines for the modernisation of all medical specialty training programmes in the Netherlands. These guidelines are based to a large extent on the CanMEDS (Canadian Medical Education Directives for Specialists) 2000 model, which defines 7 roles for medical specialists. This model was adjusted to the Dutch situation. The roles were converted to 7 fields of competency: Medical Performance; Communication; Collaboration; Knowledge and Science; Community Performance; Management, and Professionalism. OBJECTIVE: As changes in postgraduate training will probably be most effective if future trainees recognise their value, we set out to determine how senior medical students rated these fields of competency in terms of their importance. METHODS: We carried out a study at University Medical Centre (UMC) Utrecht, the Netherlands, in which 80 Year 6 medical students answered a questionnaire in which they rated the importance of each of 28 key competencies within the 7 competency fields. RESULTS: Although all key competencies were regarded as important (averages > or = 3.8), Professionalism and Communication scored highest on the student ratings. Management was assessed as least important. CONCLUSIONS: It is interesting that medical students acknowledged the importance of competencies other than those involving medical expertise and performance. It confirms the opinion that educating doctors is currently viewed as much more than providing theoretical and clinical knowledge and skills. The CanMEDS framework is appreciated by Dutch medical students. The fact that all competencies are seen as important adds to their face validity and therefore to their usefulness as a basis for postgraduate training.  相似文献   

Rees CE 《Medical education》2007,41(8):801-807
CONTEXT: Previous research has consistently found a relationship between students' attitudes towards peer physical examination (PPE) and their gender. Male students are more comfortable with PPE than females and students are more comfortable with same- rather than mixed-gender PPE. Despite these findings, previous research has not discussed the gender-attitude relationship in any meaningful depth. OBJECTIVES: This discussion paper examines why a relationship exists between student attitudes towards PPE and student gender using insights from feminist body image theory. DISCUSSION: According to the feminist theory of objectified body consciousness, females experience their bodies differently from males. Females may be less comfortable with PPE because they have higher levels of body shame and body surveillance than males. They may also be more likely than males to fear critical and teasing comments and sexual objectification by the opposite sex. CONCLUSIONS: Capitalizing on what we already know about psychoeducational and activism approaches to the prevention and change of negative body image, I recommend that body image issues are discussed as part of students' PPE and professionalism programmes. Further research is needed to examine medical students' body image alongside their attitudes towards PPE.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to develop a better understanding of how medical trainees define medical errors and what factors influence medical trainees' perceptions of medical errors. METHODS: We surveyed 423 medical students and house staff at an urban academic medical centre to learn about how they defined medical errors, their experiences with medical errors, their beliefs about when a patient should be informed of an error, and their attitudes towards medical errors with differing severity of outcomes. RESULTS: Trainees stated that an event could be considered an error regardless of outcome, negligence, intention or consent. Definitions did not vary according to gender or level of training. Trainees had increasing feelings of guilt and fear as the outcomes related to errors worsened. Respondents were more likely to feel guilty and angry at themselves, and be afraid of accusations of malpractice, losing their licence, damaging their reputation, or losing confidence when errors were made while working individually versus in a team setting. Female trainees were more likely than male trainees to feel guilty and angry at themselves, and were afraid of losing confidence if they made an error. CONCLUSIONS: Trainees' perceptions and attitudes towards errors vary depending on whether they are in their clinical years, the severity of outcome, and whether the error is attributable to an individual or a team. These factors will have to be explored in greater depth if we are adequately to prepare young doctors for the errors they will inevitably make.  相似文献   

To explore student perceptions of factors contributing to the effectiveness of discussions in the reporting phase of the problem-based learning (PBL) process, where students report and synthesise the results of self-study. Forty-eight Year 1 and 2 medical students participated in 6 focus group interviews about the characteristics of effective group discussions and possible improvements. The data were analysed qualitatively in several stages. The analysis yielded 4 main characteristics of effective discussions: asking for, giving and receiving explanations; integrating and applying knowledge; discussing differences with regard to learning content, and guiding and monitoring the content and the group process of the discussion. Integrating and applying knowledge included structuring, relating and summarising information and providing examples from practice. Discussing different opinions included discussing a variety of literature resources and disagreements. The main learning effects mentioned by the students were retention, understanding, integration and application of knowledge. Students have clear ideas about what promotes effective discussions during the reporting phase. Their PBL experience has provided them with some insights that are in line with theory and research on collaborative learning. Future research should examine differences between student and tutor perceptions of the quality of discussions. Introductions to PBL for students and tutors should include training in asking open but focused questions, supporting explanations with arguments and dealing with conflicts about learning content. Tutors should be trained in giving effective and personal feedback. Collaborative creation of external knowledge representations (i.e. concept maps) should be advocated, as should variety of literature resources.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: In current constructivist paradigms, learners' previous subject-matter knowledge, or cognitive models, provide the foundations for the construction of new knowledge. Learners' cognitive models about learning also mediate students' capacities to learn in their chosen topics of study. The diverse backgrounds of students entering medicine suggest that they might come to medical studies equipped with a wide variety of cognitive models about learning. Some current theories tend to reduce students' cognitions about learning to parsimonious representations, such as surface-deep approaches or mastery-performance goals. It is possible that such reduced representations underrepresent, or misrepresent, the complexity of students' cognitive models about learning. Good quality teaching needs to take account of learners' cognitive models, not just about subject matter, but also about learning. This study investigated the diversity and complexity of medical students' cognitive models about learning. METHODS: A total of 7 graduate entry, clinical-year medical students volunteered for in-depth interviews about learning. NUD*IST text analysis software and correspondence analysis were employed to identify dimensions and to profile students' responses. RESULTS: The correspondence analysis identified a significant 4-dimensional solution that illustrates the contributions of multiple variables to students' cognitive models about learning. Individual profiles highlight diversity between participants. DISCUSSION: This study provides evidence that students' cognitive models about learning are complex and highly differentiated. Representations of what students know about learning need to take account of such complexity in order to inform instructional practice more adequately.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To examine whether changing initial answers during a multiple-choice question (MCQ) test in medicine brings about better overall test results, as has been shown in other academic fields. METHODS: A total of 36 answer books from the German Second National Medical Board Examination, with 580 MCQs (where 1 answer out of 5 must be selected), were used for analysis. RESULTS: We confirmed that high-stakes MCQ test scores in medicine did indeed improve when students changed their answers once. Further changes of answers did not improve the scores. CONCLUSIONS: In written, high-stakes medical examinations, we recommend that students be encouraged, after further reflection, to change their answers in MCQ tests for questions for which they had previously had doubts about the answers.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Non-verbal communication (NVC) in medical encounters is an important method of exchanging information on emotional status and contextualising the meaning of verbal communication. This study aimed to assess the impact of medical students' NVC on interview evaluations by standardised patients (SPs). METHODS: A total of 89 medical interviews in an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) for post-clerkship medical students were analysed. All interviews were videotaped and evaluated on 10 non-verbal behaviour items. In addition, the quality of the interview content was rated by medical faculty on 5 items and the interview was rated by SPs on 5 items. The relationships between student NVC and SP evaluation were examined by multivariate regression analyses controlling for the quality of the interview content. RESULTS: Standardised patients were likely to give higher ratings when students faced them directly, used facilitative nodding when listening to their talk, looked at them equally when talking and listening, and spoke at a similar speed and voice volume to them. These effects of NVC remained significant after controlling for the quality of the interview content. CONCLUSIONS: This study provided evidence of specific non-verbal behaviours of doctors that may have additional impacts on the patient's perception of his or her visit, independently of the interview content. Education in basic NVC should be incorporated into medical education alongside verbal communication.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to measure the improvement in attitudes towards interprofessional collaboration of undergraduate health care students who have a single module of interprofessional problem-based learning (PBL) using real patients as triggers integrated into their curricula. DESIGN: A dedicated module, consisting of 5 PBL seminars, was integrated into the undergraduate medical, nursing and physiotherapy curricula at the participating institutions. Seminar groups consisted of students from a single profession in the control group, and of evenly distributed students from the participating professions in the intervention group. The Interdisciplinary Education Perception Scale was used to measure improvements in attitudes towards interprofessional co-operation. Patients, faculty members and students were included in the evaluation of the interprofessional module and their comments examined for indications of adverse effects of the use of patients in this setting. RESULTS: A total of 177 students were recruited into the study and assigned to 1 of 16 seminar groups, all of which attended the complete module, 8 in control mode and 8 in intervention mode. Statistically significant improvements could be identified in the overall attitudes of male students in the intervention group, and in attitudes pertaining to the competence and autonomy of individuals in one's own profession in the intervention group as a whole. No significant improvements were detected in the control group. No adverse effects of the use of real patients came to light. CONCLUSIONS: The integration of an interprofessional educational module that requires limited student and faculty time in undergraduate health care curricula may be proven to have an effect. The Interdisciplinary Education Perception Scale may be suitable for measuring such effect. Real patients may continue to contribute to education in this setting.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: In 1998, gaps were found to exist in the basic medical curriculum of the Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre regarding health-related gender differences in terms of biological, psychological and social factors. After screening the curriculum for language, content and context, adjustments aimed at incorporating gender issues were proposed. The aim of this study was to evaluate those adjustments, as well as to investigate whether gender had been successfully incorporated into the basic medical curriculum, and to identify the factors that played a role in this. METHODS: The education material of 9 curricular blocks was re-evaluated and interviews were held with block co-ordinators. RESULTS: Since the beginning of the project, gender has increasingly been brought to the attention of the students. Various factors have played a role: concrete and directly executable content-oriented proposals for adjustment; adequate translation of gender differences into actual patient care; motivated block co-ordinators; the presence of a 'trigger person' in the faculty; incorporation into the existing education programme; the involvement of block co-ordinators in decision making, and the provision of practical support. DISCUSSION: Integrating gender into the basic medical curriculum has been largely successful. Block co-ordinators' personal recognition of the importance of gender in patient care greatly facilitated implementation. The evaluation stimulated the forming of new ideas. It is recommended that these factors and those mentioned above should be taken into consideration when integrating gender into other faculties.  相似文献   

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