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心房纤颤的射频消融治疗首都医科大学附属,北京红十字朝阳医院(100020)胡大一,杨新春射频消融术治疗房室旁路、房室结折返性心动过速的成功率达95%左右。现已应用于房速、房扑及特发性室速的临床治疗。最近,人们又用于心房纤颤病人的治疗。现仅就其治疗房颤...  相似文献   

心房颤动的机理与消融治疗   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
心房颤动的机理与消融治疗郭成军1胡大一2阮景纯1心房颤动(简称房颤)是最常见而复杂的快速性心律失常。房颤常引起快而不规整的心脏搏动,导致血液动力学障碍,使原有病情加重,并易发生血栓和栓塞,增加死亡率,故非良性心律失常,有必要极积防治[1]。本文简要叙...  相似文献   

射频消融术改良房室结慢径治疗快心室率心房纤颤大连医科大学附属第一医院心内科杨东辉综述杨延宗林治湖审校导管射频消融术(RFCA)是近年发展起来的一种治疗快速心律失常的有效方法,临床上已广泛用于根治房室结折返性心动过速(AVNRT)和房室折返性心动过速(...  相似文献   

目的探讨经导管射频消融心房纤颤的治疗,以及术中并发症的观察与护理。方法经导管射频消融治疗72例心房纤颤患者,总结其迷走神经反射、血栓栓塞,肺静脉狭窄、心包填塞等术中并发症的观察和护理经验。结果手术即刻成功率为99%,出现并发症7例,其中迷走神经反射5例,肺静脉狭窄1例,心包填塞1例,给予针对性的治疗和护理,均转良好。结论术中加强迷走神经反射,血栓栓塞,肺静脉狭窄,心包填塞等并发症的观察和护理对提高手术的安全性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

<正> 1 预激综合征病人发生快速心房纤维颤动时为什么不能使用洋地黄制剂?(读者:周学仁)房室心界区与旁道比较,其电生理特点是,不应期短而传导速度慢.所以,预激综合征病人并发快速房颤时,不论是顺向性还是逆向性传导,都因传导速度和不应期的影响使每次心房激动不可能都产生心室反应,起到保护心脏作用.从下表所列的洋地黄制剂及其它抗心律失常药物对房室交界区和旁道不应期作用来  相似文献   

瓣膜置换同期直视下射频消融治疗房颤   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 探讨瓣膜置换手术同期行双极射频消融治疗心房纤颤(AF)的效果.方法 选择40例有瓣膜置换手术指征的患者,随机分成2组,瓣膜置换合并房颤同期行双极射频消融组20例(治疗组)和同期行经典迷宫组20例(对照组),比较两种手术方法的早期治疗效果.结果 治疗组16例术后恢复窦性心律,转复率为80%.对照组12例术后恢复窦性心律,转复率为60%,两组相比房颤转复率差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 瓣膜置换手术期间使用双极射频消融治疗心房纤颤是安全有效的,能使绝大部分患者恢复窦性心律及心房正常收缩功能.  相似文献   

快速心室率心房纤颤的房室传导改良   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对13例药物难以控制的快室率心房纤颤(房颤)病人进行经射频消融房室传导改良,射频消融靶点选择右房内房间隔之后、中或前部。射频能量为20~30W,平均发放射频8±3次。结果:9例房室改良成功,3例失败,1例于术后3天发生Ⅲ°房室传导阻滞。9例术后2天及2个月休息时心率、活动时心率、最高心率及最低心率较术前有明显下降(P<0.05).1例于术后11个月复发,其机理与部分或全部损伤后结间束或部分损伤房室结有关。认为射频消融房室传导改良为治疗药物难以控制的快室率房颤的一种相对安全有效的方法。  相似文献   

目的:观察评价二尖瓣手术同期行射频消融治疗慢性心房纤颤的疗效.方法:以具有二尖瓣置换手术指征并合并慢性心房纤颤的风湿性心脏病患者150例为研究对象.据不同疗法分为两组,瓣膜置换并行消融治疗68例为消融组,瓣膜置换后药物治疗82例为对照组.术后随访2年,比较两种方法对房颤的治疗效果及预后.结果:术后随访2年,治疗组窦性心律恢复率(63.2%)明显高于时照组(13.1%).消融组心脏功能恢复情况.左房内径41.6mm±7.5mm,左室射血分数(57.3±9.6)%,肺动脉收缩压(35.7士5.1)mmHg,心功能≤Ⅱ级94.1%.对照组分别为46.7mm±11.4mm;(53.2±7.1)%;(39.1±6.8)mmHg;86.4%,两组比较有统计学意义(P<0.05).两组在术后病死率、二次开胸率等其他严重并发症发生率比较无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论:风湿性心脏病二尖瓣手术同期行射频消融治疗慢性持续性心房纤颤转复率较高,严重并发症发生少,心功能恢复佳.  相似文献   

目的探讨心房颤动"一站式"手术的有效性和安全性。方法回顾性分析临床17例心房纤颤患者通过射频消融联合左心耳封堵"一站式"手术治疗后的临床资料。结果手术后出现肺部感染2例(11.76%),一过性交界性逸搏心律2例(11.76%),食管瘘1例(5.89%),术后3个月经食道超声心动图复查发现,封堵器表面血栓形成1例(5.89%),术后6个月随访无卒中、出血及死亡患者,1例患者心房颤动复发,继续抗凝治疗,其他患者均改为阿司匹林或氯吡格雷单联抗栓治疗。结论对于卒中高危且有抗凝禁忌的非瓣膜性心房颤动患者,射频消融联合左心耳封堵"一站式"手术是可行的、安全的、有效的。  相似文献   

Jackman教授访华讲座纪要   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由中华医学基金会、中华医学会心电生理和起搏分会、阜外心血管病医院联合举办的国际著名电生理学家、美国Oklahoma大学电生理室主任WarrenJackman教授访华学术讲座在北京举行。来自全国各地的近 10 0位电生理界专家学者参加了本次学术活动。Jackman教授进行了“用短电极间距Lasso导管结合心房多部位起搏指导局灶性心房颤动的射频消融”、“四型房室结折返性心动过速的折返机制”两个学术讲座 ,内容丰富新颖 ,与会者得到很大的启示和收获。1 用短电极间距Lasso导管结合多部位心房起搏指导局灶性心房…  相似文献   

心房颤动的射频消融是心血管领域热门课题,传统的X线影像下的心房颤动射频消融尽管取得很大进展,但仍然有许多亟待解决的问题。心腔内超声技术的诞生和发展极大克服了放射影像下心房颤动射频消融的不足,拓展了心房颤动射频消融的空间。  相似文献   

Objective A 7-year experience for the treatment strategy using mono- and bi-polar radiofrequency (RF) ablation procedures in a heterogeneous group of patients was reported. Methods Between July 2003 and May 2009, the data of 314 consecutive patients aged 13 -75 (48.70 ± 11.09 )undergone the radiofrequency ablation procedure for atrial fibrillation (AF) associated with concomitant cardiac surgery were analyzed. Monopolar was used for 91 patients; Medtronic bi-polar RF ablation procedure for 92 patients and Atricure RF ablation procedure for 131 patients. All patients were combined with valve surgery. Regular follow-ups were performed at 3, 6 month after surgery. Results Hospital mortality after combined open heart and surgical RF ablation was 0 %. The success rates for sinus rhythm conversion with monopolar RF were 73.6 % immediately, 74. 7 % at 3 months, 79. 1% at 6 months ; with Medtronic bi- polar RF, the rates were 78.3 % immediately, 82. 8 % at 3 months, 84 % at 6 months ; with Atricure bi-polar RF, the rates were 82. 4 % immediately, 84. 1% at 3 months, 83.9 % at 6 months. Conclusions The use of RF ablation procedures is a safe and efficient option to cure AF during open heart surgery in a selective group of patients.  相似文献   

Objective: Catheter ablation techniques to cure atrial fibrillation (AF) are under investigation. This study evaluates a mapping-based, individualized approach to right atrial (RA) linear ablation in patients with paroxysmal AF. Methods: In this prospective observational study, 29 patients with recurrent symptomatic AF refractory to medical therapy, underwent linear ablation between May 1998 and December 1999. Inclusion criteria were symptomatic paroxysmal AF, failure of at least 2 antiarrhythmic medications, and informed consent. Radiofrequency ablation was performed in the RA using a 3.3 French multielectrode catheter, ablating through sequential electrodes to establish linear lesions. Lesions were delivered during sustained AF, guided by an empiric mapping scheme, targeting arrhythmogenic areas noted during electrophysiologic testing in sinus rhythm and areas of most disorganization during AF. Reinduction of AF was attempted at the end of successful ablation. Results: The mean age was 58 years. There were 15 male and 14 female patients. Sustained AF was inducible in all patients at electrophysiology study. Acute success was achieved in 24 patients (83%). Long term success (maintaining sinus rhythm off antiarrhythmic medications) was seen in 23 (79%) over a mean follow-up of 19.7 months. Ablation lines varied from patient to patient. There were no complications. Conclusions: Individualized linear ablation in the RA using a multielectrode catheter system can produce effective suppression of paroxysmal AF. Ablation during AF, and testing to reinduce AF at the end of the procedure, make this study unique.  相似文献   

Site for Ablation of AF in Dogs. Introduction: Radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFA) has been used recently to treat atrial fibrillation (AF). The purpose of this study was to investigate a new approach to preventing AF by RFA.
Methods and Results: In open chest, anesthetized dogs, AF (lasting > 30 sec) was induced after burst stimulation, and electrophysiologic parameters were recorded before and after RFA. In group 1 (9 dogs) we performed selective and combined slow and fast pathway RFA, whereas in group 2(11 dogs) RFA was applied as a linear lesion at the mid-atrial septum between the inferior vena cava and the fossa ovalis. After ablation, the Wenckebach cycle length was significantly prolonged only in group 1 (194 ± 23 vs 282 ± 35 msec, P = 0.002). whereas the interval between the stimulus (S) artifact applied at the high right atrium to the His hundle (H) (SH interval) prolonged to the same extent in both groups (162 ± 14 vs 146 ± 45 msec. P = NS); group 1 due to an A-H prolongation whereas in group 2 it was due to an intra-atrial conduction delay. In group 1 AF still remained inducible, although with a longer mean R-R interval (215 ± 16 vs 433 ± 88 msec, P < 0.05). No instance of complete AV block developed. In group 2, sustained AF was noninducible in 10 dogs and its duration was markedly shorter in the remaining one (8 sec). Gross anatomy and histology did not reveal any damage inside of Koch's triangle, and particularly to the compact AV node.
Conclusion: These findings suggest that RFA at the mid-atrial septum prevents AF in the normal dog heart. This approach might also be successful in those clinical settings in which the atrial septum plays a critical role in the maintenance of sustained AF.  相似文献   

Radiofrequency catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation is an effective approach for treating atrial fibrillation. Its complications have attracted much attention, of which the stiff left atrial syndrome is a recently discovered complication that has not been completely understood. This study aims to investigate the concept, pathologic basis, clinical characteristics, predictors, and treatment protocols of the stiff left atrial syndrome after radiofrequency ablation for atrial fibrillation.  相似文献   

探讨经导管射频消融治疗持续性心房颤动 (简称房颤 )的可行性。 3例房颤患者房颤持续时间 2个月至 1年4个月。术前口服胺碘酮 ,1例转为窦性心律伴频发房性早搏 (简称房早 ) ,1例转为房早与短阵房颤和阵发心房扑动 (简称房扑 ) ,1例转为房早与阵发房性心动过速 (简称房速 )。经导管作点状消融或点状消融加房扑线性消融 ,2例术中房早消失 ,1例房早显著减少 ,经快速心房刺激或静脉点滴异丙肾上腺素均不能诱发房颤。 1例术后有短阵房颤发作 ,服用莫雷西嗪 ,房颤未再发作。结论 :某些持续性房颤用药物后可转复成窦性心律伴频发房早、房扑或房速 ,局部单点消融或单点消融加线性消融可以达到治疗目的。  相似文献   

点消融治疗起源于肺静脉的局灶性心房颤动(附一例报告)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
报道 1例成功消融的局灶性心房颤动 (简称房颤 )。男性、5 3岁 ,有阵发性心悸病史 3年。诊断为特发性房颤。多次 2 4 h心电图发现有频发房性早搏 (简称房早 )及反复发作的短暂房颤 ,房颤由房早发动 ,自动终止。放置 6F多极导管电极于右室、His束及冠状静脉窦 (CS) ,Halo电极置于右房。普通温控 4 mm可操纵大头消融电极经房间隔穿刺鞘管送入左房。在左上肺静脉入口 10 mm内标测到最提前的电位 ,比体表心电图房早的 P 波明显提前 60 ms。采用温控法 (5 5~ 60℃ )放电 2次 ,消融成功。随诊 3个月 ,无并发症 ;未服用抗心律失常药物 ,无房颤发作。结论 :点消融是治疗起源于肺静脉房颤的安全有效方法。  相似文献   

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is common in patients with mitral valve replacement (MVR). Treatment of AF in these subjects is challenging, as the arrhythmia is often refractory to antiarrhythmic drug therapy. Radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFCA) is usually avoided or delayed in patients with MVR due to the higher perceived risks and difficulty of left atrial catheter manipulation in the presence of a mechanical valve. Over the last few years, several investigators have reported the feasibility and safety of RFCA of AF in patients with MVR. Five case-control studies have evaluated the feasibility and safety of RFCA of AF or perimitral flutter (PMFL) in patients with MVR. Overall, a total of 178 patients with MVR have been included (21 undergoing ablation of only PMFL), and have been compared with a matched control group of 285 patients. Total procedural duration (weigthed mean difference [WMD] = +24.5 min, 95% confidence interval [CI] +10.2 min to +38.8 min, P = 0.001), and fluoroscopy time (WMD = +13.5 min, 95% CI +3.7 min to +23.4 min, P = 0.007) were longer in the MVR group. After a mean follow-up of 11.5 ± 8.6 months, 64 (36%) patients in the MVR group experienced recurrence of AF/PMFL, as compared to 73 (26%) patients in the control group, accounting for a trend toward an increased rate of recurrences in patients with MVR (odds ratio [OR] = 1.66, 95% CI 0.99 to 2.78, P = 0.053). Periprocedural complications occurred in 10 (5.6%) patients in the MVR group, and in 8 (2.8%) patients in the control group (OR = 2.01, 95% CI 0.56 to 7.15, P = 0.28). In conclusion, a quantitative analysis of the available evidence supports a trend toward a worse arrhythmia-free survival and a higher absolute rate of periprocedural complications in patients with MVR undergoing RFCA of AF or PMFL, as compared to a matched control group without mitral valve disease. These data would encourage the adoption of RFCA of AF in MVR patients mostly by more experienced Institutions.  相似文献   

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