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This study examined the applicability of three different pain rating scales, the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), the Graphic Rating Scale (GRS) and the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS), in geriatric patients. Data collection was performed in a geriatric clinic at a university hospital. A structured interview was conducted with 167 patients (mean age = 80.5 years). Patients rated their current experience of pain twice with a 5-minute pause in-between on the VAS, GRS and NRS, and were then asked if they experienced pain, ache or hurt (PAH) or other symptoms. The correlations were high and significant both between the ratings of the VAS, GRS and NRS (r = 0.78-0.92; p < 0.001) (alternative-forms reliability), and between the test and retesting (r = 0.75-r = 0.83; p < 0.001) (test-retest reliability). A logistic regression analysis showed that the probability to accomplish a rating on the pain scales decreased with advancing age of the patient, and this was especially marked for the VAS. The probability of agreement between the patients' ratings of pain and the verbal report of PAH tended to decrease with advancing age; this was especially so for the VAS. Patients who verbally denied PAH but reported pain on the scales rated it significant lower (p < 0.001) than those who verbally reported PAH and rated the pain as well. Eighteen percent of patients who denied pain but rated a pain experience verbally expressed suffering or distress. The study suggests that pain rating scales such as the VAS, GRS and NRS can be used to evaluate pain experience in geriatric patients. However, agreement between verbally expressed experience of PAH, and the rated experience of pain tended to decrease with advancing age. This indicates that the pain-evaluating process will be substantially improved by an additional penetration supported by a wide variety of expression of hurt, ache, pain, discomfort and distress. 相似文献
Although pain is a frequent problem among elderly patients, they are often omitted in clinical trials and few studies have focused on assessing pain relief in this population. The aim of this study was to compare geriatric patients' verbally reported effect of analgesics with changes in pain experience rated with four different rating scales: the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), the Graphic Rating Scale (GRS), the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS), and the Pain Relief Scale (PRS). Altogether 53 geriatric patients (mean=82 yrs) with non-pathological fractures in 4 geriatric units at a large university hospital were selected. In connection with the administration of analgesics, the patients were asked to "Mark the point that corresponds to your experience of pain just now at rest" on the VAS, GRS and NRS. This was repeated after 1.5-2 hours, and a direct question was asked about whether the analgesic medication given in connection with the initial assessment had had any pain-alleviation effect. Two comparisons were conducted with each patient. The results show that the probability of accomplishing a rating on the VAS, GRS, NRS, and PRS was lower with advancing age in these elderly fracture patients. The correlations between the ratings of the VAS, GRS and NRS were strong and significant (r=0.80-0.95; p<0.001) both at the initial assessments and at the re-assessments. However, the verbally reported effects of the analgesics were often directly opposite to the changes in rated pain. Therefore, application of the VAS, NRS, GRS and PRS for the purpose of assessing pain relief must be combined with supplementary questions that allow the patient to verbally describe possible experience of pain relief. 相似文献
W. Gianni R.A. Madaio F. D’Amico D. Postacchini M. Ceci M. Gentili 《Archives of gerontology and geriatrics》2010,51(3):273
Several studies indicate that pain, although very common in the elderly, is under-treated, because it is considered as a concomitant effect of aging. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of pain among patients in eight Italian geriatric hospital departments, correlated to prescribed therapy. We enrolled 387 patients in the study, 367 of whom were evaluated. Each patient's recovery, co-morbidity, pain intensity, prescribed therapy, side effects, duration of pain, and efficacy of therapy were monitored during two 15-day periods from 15 July to end of August 2008, and from 1 October to 15 November 2008. The results of this study confirmed that hypertension, cardiopathic disease, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are common pathologies, and that pain is present in 67.3% of those recovered in geriatric departments. In general, however, pain is not treated. Indeed only 49% of those with pain had any type of treatment, which was adequate for the pain intensity. In fact 74.5% of patients considered the therapy to be of low or no efficacy. These data demonstrate the presence of pain in a high percentage of elderly patients, which is either not treated, or treated inadequately. Controlling pain is essential in elderly patients in order to allow a normal life and an active role in family and society. The main conclusion is that pain is often poorly considered in the elderly, thus leading to a dangerous under-treatment. We want to underline the crucial clinical impact of such under-treatment in elderly patients. 相似文献
《Archives of gerontology and geriatrics》2011,52(3):273-276
Several studies indicate that pain, although very common in the elderly, is under-treated, because it is considered as a concomitant effect of aging. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of pain among patients in eight Italian geriatric hospital departments, correlated to prescribed therapy. We enrolled 387 patients in the study, 367 of whom were evaluated. Each patient's recovery, co-morbidity, pain intensity, prescribed therapy, side effects, duration of pain, and efficacy of therapy were monitored during two 15-day periods from 15 July to end of August 2008, and from 1 October to 15 November 2008. The results of this study confirmed that hypertension, cardiopathic disease, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are common pathologies, and that pain is present in 67.3% of those recovered in geriatric departments. In general, however, pain is not treated. Indeed only 49% of those with pain had any type of treatment, which was adequate for the pain intensity. In fact 74.5% of patients considered the therapy to be of low or no efficacy. These data demonstrate the presence of pain in a high percentage of elderly patients, which is either not treated, or treated inadequately. Controlling pain is essential in elderly patients in order to allow a normal life and an active role in family and society. The main conclusion is that pain is often poorly considered in the elderly, thus leading to a dangerous under-treatment. We want to underline the crucial clinical impact of such under-treatment in elderly patients. 相似文献
As part of a study towards determinants of survival in nursing home patients with dementia, the prognostic value of a behavioral rating scale for nursing home patients is assessed in an 8-year follow-up study. The 2-year survival rate for the entire cohort (n = 569) was 56%. Women (n = 459) had a 2-year survival rate of 62%, and men (n = 110) had a 2-year survival rate of 40%. Items indicating physical impairment, dependency and apathy had most prognostic value. Items measuring aggressive or depressive behavior, and cognitive impairment were less predictive. These results were confirmed in a multivariate proportional hazards analysis. A prognostic model with age, gender and five behavioral items (needs help when walking, occupied in useful activity, restless at night, utters physical complaints, and socializes with other patients) substantially differentiated in survival chances in patients with dementia. The model gives a predicted 2-year survival chance of less than 20% or more than 80% in 80 of the 569 patients. When adjusted for the variables in the model, previous residence had no prognostic value anymore. Possibilities for further work in this area of research are discussed. 相似文献
Salvi F Miller MD Grilli A Giorgi R Towers AL Morichi V Spazzafumo L Mancinelli L Espinosa E Rappelli A Dessì-Fulgheri P 《Journal of the American Geriatrics Society》2008,56(10):1926-1931
OBJECTIVES: To update previous guidelines to score the Cumulative Illness Rating Scale (CIRS) and test their usefulness in hospitalized elderly patients. DESIGN: The CIRS was scored retrospectively in a cohort of elderly patients followed for 18 months. SETTING: An acute internal medicine ward in an academic tertiary care hospital. PARTICIPANTS: Three hundred eighty‐seven patients aged 65 and older. MEASUREMENTS: The CIRS was retrospectively scored for the enrolled patients. Intrarater and interrater reliability were calculated. Two illness severity indices (total score (TSC) and severity (SV)) and one comorbidity index (CM) were obtained. Clinical features and comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) variables were also used. All patients underwent an 18‐month follow‐up for mortality and rehospitalization. RESULTS: Intrarater and interrater reliability of the CIRS scored following the guidelines was good (intraclass correlation coefficients of 0.83 and 0.81, respectively). The TSC, SV, and CM correlated with clinical features (laboratory values, medication usage, and length of in‐hospital stay) and CGA variables (cognitive impairment, depression and disability). All three indices were able to predict 18‐month mortality and rehospitalization rates. CONCLUSION: This study confirmed the validity of the CIRS as an indicator of health status and demonstrated its ability to predict 18‐month mortality and rehospitalization in hospitalized elderly patients. The availability of detailed guidelines for scoring the CIRS can improve its usefulness and facilitate more‐widespread use for research and clinical aims. 相似文献
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: To examine the reliability of a 6-domain psychological well-being instrument in older patients admitted to an acute care hospital unit. METHODS: A prospective reliability study was conducted using a convenience sample of 40 hospitalized patients aged 65 or older. The main measure was a 6-domain psychological well-being instrument including self-acceptance, positive relations with others, autonomy, environmental mastery, purpose of life, and personal growth. RESULTS: The mean age was 76.3 years [standard deviation (SD)=6.1], 72.5% were white and 57.5% were men. The mean length of stay was 4.9 days (SD=3.1). Test-retest (admission and discharge) intraclass correlation (ICC) values for the six domains were self-acceptance (0.79), positive relations with others (0.72), autonomy (0.79), environmental mastery (0.66), purpose in life (0.79), and personal growth (0.78). CONCLUSIONS: The 6-domain psychological well-being instrument demonstrated good reliability among a sample of hospitalized older patients. This instrument may be useful in a clinical setting to predict outcomes related to patient health and recovery. 相似文献
Depression in elderly hospitalized patients with medical illness 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Depressive symptoms and disorders were identified by structured psychiatric interview in 130 consecutively admitted male inpatients aged 70 years and over. Major depression was found in 11.5% and other depressive syndromes in 23%. While depressive symptoms and syndromes are common among the medically ill, this study demonstrated the need for careful diagnostic assessment of older patients with depressive symptoms before initiating treatment that may itself convey significant risk. Sociodemographic and health characteristics of older men at higher risk for depression were also identified. Patients more likely to be depressed were over age 75 years, had less formal education, experienced cognitive dysfunction, suffered from more severe medical illness (particularly recent myocardial infarction), and had a history of psychiatric illness. Depressive symptoms were also common among patients with renal or neurologic diseases, those having a family history of psychiatric illness, the unmarried, and the more severely disabled. Given the impact of depression on recovery from medical illness, compliance with medical therapy, and costs of extended hospital stays, detection and treatment of this disorder are imperative. 相似文献
R Hyatt 《Age and ageing》1987,16(3):145-152
Colonic pseudo-obstruction is a recognized syndrome developing in elderly patients with systemic illness and poor mobility. Seven cases are described and clinical features and management outlined. 相似文献
Thirty-seven arthritis patients participating in a drug withdrawal trial, simultaneously completed a 20-point visual analogue scale and 7-point verbal rating scale for pain severity while on active medication and 48 hours following its withdrawal. The relationship between the two scales could be better approximated by a curve than a straight line, and further interpretation suggested that the relationship might be sigmoidal. This indicates that only the middle of the scales are linearly related with a lack of agreement occurring towards the upper and lower ends. Although the visual analogue scale proved superior to the verbal rating scale in its ability to detect changes in pain, until more is known about factors which influence subjective magnitude estimation, this conclusion must remain tentative. The implications of the findings to pain measurement are discussed. 相似文献
Locher C Fabre-Guillevin E Brunetti F Auroux J Delchier JC Piedbois P Zelek L 《Critical reviews in oncology/hematology》2008,68(2):178-182
Pancreatic cancer represents one of the most lethal cancers and treatment of advanced disease remains palliative. Age-related physiologic changes can increase chemotherapy's toxicity but the use of gemcitabine in elderly patients has not been properly evaluated. This observational prospective study evaluated patients aged 70 years and over, receiving gemcitabine for an advanced pancreatic carcinoma. Gemcitabine was delivered according to the usual fixed-dose rate schedule (1000mg/(m(2)week) over 100min, every week, 3 weeks over 4). Thirty-nine patients (median age 74) were treated between November 1999 and August 2004. Twenty-three patients (59%) received 100% of the planned dose-intensity. Grade 3-4 toxicities were neutropenia (38% of patients), thrombocytopenia (28%), anemia (18%) and alopecia (18%). Four partial responses (10%) and 13 stabilizations (33%) were observed. Eight patients (20%) experienced clinical benefit. The median progression free and overall survivals were 7 and 10 months, respectively. Gemcitabine can be administered in selected elderly patients. 相似文献
Kivanc Akad Dilek Solmaz Ismail Sari Fatos Onen Nurullah Akkoc Servet Akar 《Rheumatology international》2013,33(10):2617-2623
The aim of this study was to compare the performance characteristics of two answer modalities for BASDAI and BASFI in patients with AS and to show validity and reliability of NRS in Turkish version. BASDAI and BASFI were simultaneously employed with a 10-cm VAS and an 11-point NRS. Internal consistency was assessed by using Cronbach’s alpha coefficients. Testing was performed on baseline and next day under standardized conditions. Construct validity was determined by association of these measures with ASDAS, DFI, global disease activity, pain scores, ASQOL, HAQ, and SF-36. We also tested the ability of NRS version of BASDAI and BASFI to detect changes. A total 114 patients with AS according to the modified New York criteria were included. There was a good agreement between the total scores of each instrument on day 0 (ICC values were 0.894–0.934). Scores of the both answering modality of each instrument were correlated with ASDAS-CRP, and the scores of DFI, patient global assessment of disease activity and patient-reported pain, ASQOL, HAQ. Response time for BASDAI and BASFI was significantly shorter in NRS answer modality (P < 0.001). Our patients found NRS modality more comprehensible and easier to understand (P < 0.001). Our results showed the validity of NRS version of BASDAI and BASFI and provided an evidence for using these questionnaires in 11-point NRS answer modality in Turkish AS patients. 相似文献