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Weiss  Michael 《Pharmaceutical research》1996,13(10):1547-1553
Purpose. Flexible parametric models describing the input process after extravascular drug administration are needed for the assessment of absorption rate and the use of population methods in bioavailability and bioequivalence studies. Methods. The oral concentration-time curve modeled as the product of the input and disposition function in the Laplace domain was obtained by numerical inversion methods for parameter estimation. The utility of the inverse Gaussian input density was examined using bioavailability data of an extended-release dosage form. Measures of rate of absorption and the cumulative absorbed amount profile were defined in terms of the estimated model parameters. Results. Accurate estimation of absorption parameters was achieved by simultaneous fitting of the extravascular and intravascular data (describing the latter by a triexponential function). The new input function allowed a direct estimation of both extent of absorption and mean absorption time. Conclusions. The findings suggest that the inverse Gaussian density is a useful input function. Its flexibility may reduce the effect of model misspecification in parameter estimation. All parameters can be readily interpreted in terms of the absorption process.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To measure the glass transition temperature (Tg) at the surface of a hydrophobic particle at different temperatures and humidities, on the hypothesis that the surface may be plasticized to a different extent to the bulk due to slow water sorption giving a concentration gradient of water through the particles. METHODS: Amorphous indomethacin was exposed to a range of relative humidities (RH) and temperatures in an inverse gas chromatograph (IGC). The retention volumes of decane were calculated at all conditions using center of mass (Vcom) and peak height (Vmax) methods. The extent of water sorption was determined gravimetrically. RESULTS: The Vcom retention volumes were found to deviate from Vmax results at certain critical humidities at each temperature. This was taken as a novel method for determining the Tg of the sample surface at different experimental conditions. Extrapolating the critical RH to lower the Tg to experimental temperature to 0% RH yeilded a Tg similar to literature values. Water sorption data provided valuable information on changes in mobility of the amorphous form as a function of temperature and RH. CONCLUSIONS: It is possible to use IGC to determine the Tg of the surface of particles at defined conditions. This overcomes the problems of conventional methods of assessing Tg, relating to disruption of water sorption on heating. This helps in the understanding of the physical form of the surface of hydrophobic particles and how and when the surface will start to crystallize.  相似文献   

A model for the pharmacodynamic effect of a drug (designated only X), and the use of the model to explore optimal input is described. The data analyzed here are from a crossover comparison study of the effect of 4 active treatments, yielding distinct concentration vs. time curves, plus placebo in 32 subjects. The model expresses total effect as the sum of placebo effect and (pure) drug effect. The latter allows for possible tolerance (found) and time effects (not found). Random effects allow interindividual differences to be expressed. Conditioning on the fitted model, a population optimal input profile is designed that obeys certain protocol constraints. The profile minimizes the expectation of a sum of squared differences between target effect and the resulting response over a given time interval. The target is a fixed constant, chosen to be either the individuals' maximum effect level in response to a baseline input regimen used in the study or the maximum effect level for the typical individual in the population in response to this regimen, as predicted from the model. The expectation is taken over the estimated nonparametric distribution of the 32 subjects' random effects. As one goal of early clinical studies of drugs may be to provide a basis for designing an optimal delivery profile (with respect to a specified loss function), we suggest this report as an example of a reasonable way to go about finding such a profile.  相似文献   

Objectives The aim was to assess mathematically the nature of a skin permeability dataset and to determine the utility of Gaussian processes in developing a predictive model for skin permeability, comparing it with existing methods for deriving predictive models. Methods Principal component analysis was carried out in order to determine the nature of the dataset. MatLab software was used to assess the performance of Gaussian process, single linear networks (SLN) and quantitative structure‐permeability relationships (QSPRs) using a range of statistical measures. Key findings Principal component analysis showed that the dataset is inherently nonlinear. The Gaussian process model yielded a predictive model that provides a significantly more accurate estimate of skin absorption than previous models, particularly QSPRs (which were consistently worse than Gaussian process or SLN models), and does so across a wider range of molecular properties. Gaussian process models appear particularly capable of providing excellent predictions where previous studies have shown QSPRs to fail, such as where penetrants have high log P and high molecular weight. Conclusions A non‐linear approach was more appropriate than QSPRs or SLNs for the analysis of the dataset employed herein, as the prediction and confidence values in the prediction given by the Gaussian process are better than with other methods examined. Gaussian process provides a novel way of analysing skin absorption data that is substantially more accurate, statistically robust and reflective of our empirical understanding of skin absorption than the QSPR methods so far applied to skin absorption.  相似文献   

Skin permeability of drugs was evaluated based on the hydrodynamic pore theory. Four polar solutes were used, with differing molecular sizes—ethylene glycol, 1,3-butylene glycol, antipyrine and sucrose—and isosorbide dinitrate was also selected as a lipophilic drug. The skin permeations of solvent (D2O) and one of these drugs were measured simultaneously under various osmotic pressures to calculate the reflection coefficient. The clearance of isosorbide dinitrate was independent of the solvent flux, whereas a linear relationship was obtained between the solvent flux and the clearance of each hydrophilic drug except for sucrose. The reflection coefficient of the hydrophilic drugs increased with increasing molecular radius. These results suggest that the convective flow contributes significantly to the total skin permeability of hydrophilic drugs and that the extent of contribution decreases with increasing molecular size of the drugs. The pore radius of the skin barrier could be estimated from the reflection coefficient of the hydrophilic drugs and the resulting value was compared with that for the other absorption sites, jejunum, rectum, and nose. The apparent water influx was also compared to assess the volume occupied by the pores. The pore radius and apparent influx of skin were lower than those for the other absorption sites, which is apparently one reason for low skin permeability of drugs, especially hydrophilic drugs.  相似文献   

Increasing costs of research and development in the pharmaceutical industry has necessitated a growing interest in the early prediction of human pharmacokinetics of drug candidates. Of growing interest is the need to understand oral absorption, the most common route of small molecule drug administration. The fraction of dose absorbed (%Fa) is considered a critical yet challenging parameter to predict. A kinetic model has been developed and tested to provide an early prediction of the fraction dose absorbed in humans. Unlike the traditional plug-flow model, this model assumes first-order kinetics to estimate the amount of drug present in the stomach and small intestine as a function of time and calculates the amount of drug released and absorbed during the transit. Other variables can be included in calculation as a function of time to better mimic the physiological condition with this approach. Absorption efficiency is assigned along with %Fa to give a quantitative estimate of the limiting factor for oral absorption. The model was tested with literature and in-house compounds. It was found that this model gives a good prediction of human %Fa with a correction coefficient (R2) of 0.8 and greater between predicted and reported %Fa for all compounds.  相似文献   

Purpose. The present study was conducted to characterize the pharmacokinetics of eplerenone (EP), a selective aldosterone receptor antagonist, and its open lactone ring form in the dog. Methods. Pharmacokinetic studies of EP were conducted in dogs following i.v., oral, and rectal dosing (15 mg/kg) and following intragastric, intraduodenal, intrajejunal, and intracolonic dosing (7.5 mg/kg). Results. After oral administration, the systemic availability of EP was 79.2%. Systemic availabilities following administration via other routes were similar to that following oral administration. The half-life and plasma clearance of EP were 2.21 hr and 0.329 l/kg/hr, respectively. Plasma concentrations of the open lactone ring form were lower than EP concentrations regardless of the route of administration. The C-14 AUC in red blood cells was approximately 64% and 68% of the plasma AUC for i.v. and oral doses. Percentages of the dose excreted as total radioactivity in urine and feces were 54.2% and 40.6%, respectively, after i.v. administration, and 40.7% and 52.3%, respectively, after oral administration. The percentages of the dose excreted in urine and feces as EP were 13.7% and 2.5%, respectively, after i.v. administration, and 2.1% and 4.6% after oral administration, respectively. Approximately 11% and 15% of the doses were excreted as the open form following i.v. and oral doses. Conclusions. EP was rapidly and efficiently absorbed throughout the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in a good systemic availability. The drug did not preferentially accumulate in red blood cells. EP was extensively metabolized; however, first-pass metabolism after oral and rectal administration was minimal. EP and its metabolites appear to be highly excreted in the bile.  相似文献   

Purpose. To quantitatively compare in vitro dissolution data in biorelevant and compendial media, to investigate whether in vitro differences are reflected in the simulated plasma profile and to specify under which circumstances prediction of the plasma profile of orally administered lipophilic drugs can be achieved. Methods. Previously published dissolution data from seven products of four lipophilic drugs were compared using the first order model, the RRSBW distribution, and a model based on the Noyes-Whitney theory. Simulated plasma profiles were then obtained using a model-dependent approach. Simulated and observed plasma profiles were compared with the difference factor, f 1. Results. No model consistently provided the best fit to the in vitrodata, which varied significantly with medium composition. Prediction of the plasma profile was possible (9.6 f 1 34.2) in seven out of eleven cases. Conclusions. Although prediction of the plasma profile of lipophilic drugs solely on the basis of in vitro data remains an ambitious target, this study shows that the plasma profile of a lipophilic drug can be predicted with appropriate in vitro dissolution data, provided that the absolute bioavailability of the drug is known and the drug has dissolution limited absorption.  相似文献   

Prior to evaluating the effect of ranitidine on theophylline absorption from a sustained-release theophylline tablet, the effect of ranitidine on the time course of gastric pH in 12 healthy subjects was evaluated with an encapsulated radio-telemetry device (Heidelberg capsule). Gastric pH was measured hourly from 7 AM to 1 PM prior to beginning ranitidine treatment at 2 PM (150 mg every 4 hr for eight doses). The next day, pH was again measured hourly from 7 AM to 7 PM. Subjects fasted overnight and remained fasted until lunch at 11 AM. Prior to ranitidine treatment, the mean morning gastric pH remained between 1.5 and 2.2. After lunch, the pH increased to 2.2–2.3. During ranitidine treatment the mean morning gastric pH measurements were 5.5 to 5.8, decreasing after lunch to 3.1 by 4 PM and increasing to 3.9 at 7 PM. One week later the subjects participated in a three-way crossover theophylline bioavailability study receiving at weekly intervals, single doses at 7 AM of (a) 5 × 100-mg immediate-release tablets, (b) 2 × 300-mg sustained-release theophylline tablets, and (c) 2 × 300-mg sustained-release theophylline tablets after ranitidine pretreatment of 150 mg every 4 hr beginning at 2 PM the previous day. The increase in gastric pH with ranitidine had no effect (P > 0.05) on the rate and extent of absorption or on the elimination rate of theophylline.  相似文献   

Purpose. To conduct a retrospective evaluation of using dog as ananimal model to study the fraction of oral dose absorbed (F) of 43drugs in humans and to briefly discuss potential factors that mighthave contributed to the observed differences in absorption. Methods. Mean human and dog absorption data obtained under fastedstate of 43 drugs with markedly different physicochemical andpharmacological properties and with mean F values ranging from 0.015 to1.0 were obtained from the literature. Correlation of F values betweenhumans and dogs was studied. Based on the same references, additionalF data for humans and rats were also obtained for 18 drugs. Results. Among the 43 drugs studied, 22 drugs were virtuallycompletely absorbed in both dogs and humans. However, the overallcorrelation was relatively poor (r2 = 0.5123) as compared to the earlier ratvs. human study on 64 drugs (r2 = 0.975). Several drugs showed muchbetter absorption in dogs than in humans. Marked differences in thenonliner absorption profiles between the two species were found forsome drugs. Also, some drugs had much longer Tmax values andprolonged absorption in humans than in dogs that might be theoreticallypredicted. Data on 18 drugs further support great similarity in F betweenhumans and rats reported earlier from our laboratory. Conclusions. Although dog has been commonly employed as ananimal model for studying oral absorption in drug discovery anddevelopment, the present study suggests that one may need to exercise cautionin the interpretation of data obtained. Exact reasons for the observedinterspecies differences in oral absorption remain to be explored.  相似文献   

Coprecipitates of fluorescein and magnesium hydroxide demonstrate delayed absorption relative to fluorescein solutions when administered to the airways of the isolated perfused rat lung (IPRL). Perfusate concentration vs time profiles showed that dissolution and not epithelial permeability was the rate-controlling factor in the airway-to-perfusate transfer process. A simple data deconvolution method was developed to determine the fluorescein release from the microparticulate coprecipitates in the airways. The deconvolution technique is generally applicable and provides values for undissolved solute remaining in the airways as a function of time provided that (a) significant binding and/or metabolism does not occur, (b) absorption from solution is apparent first order, and (c) all solid or dissolved material reaching perfused regions is absorbed within the lifetime of the preparation. Increased release rates of fluorescein occurred from precipitates containing greater starting concentrations of the dye. Dissolution profiles were similar to those that occur for log-normally distributed powders. The analysis of two unusual time profiles implied that the regional distribution of solid and dissolved material, between perfused areas and nonperfused areas, could be nonhomogeneous despite the use of a standardized dosing technique. The studies describe a method of using the IPRL with the potential to screen aerosol formulations for extended dissolution in the respiratory tract.  相似文献   

Purpose. To assess differences in surface energy due to processing induced disorder and to understand whether the disorder dominated the surfaces of particles. Methods. Inverse gas chromatography was used to compare the surface energies of crystalline, amorphous, and ball milled lactose. Results. The milling process made ca 1% of the lactose amorphous, however the dispersive contribution to surface energy was 31.2, 37.1, and 41.6 mJ m–2 for crystalline, spray dried and milled lactose, respectively. A physical mixture of crystalline (99%) and amorphous (1%) material had a dispersive surface energy of 31.5 mJ m–2. Conclusion. Milling had made the surface energy similar to that of the amorphous material in a manner that was very different to a physical mixture of the same amorphous content. The milled material will have similar interfacial interactions to the 100% amorphous material.  相似文献   

The influence of sodium taurocholate (TC) on the intestinal absorption of drugs was studied in vivo in a chronically isolated internal loop in the rat. The hydrophilic drugs paracetamol (PA) and theophylline (TP) and the lipophilic drugs griseofulvin (GF) and ketoconazole (KE) were used as model drugs. The drug concentrations were kept below the saturation concentration. Absorption kinetics of the drugs were evaluated on the basis of disappearance rates of the drug from luminal solutions in the intestinal loop. Concentrations of TC above the critical micelle concentration (CMC) did not affect the absorption rate of the hydrophilic drugs PA and TP; the barrier function of the intestinal wall for PA and TP was not altered in the presence of taurocholate. The addition of concentrations of TC above the CMC in the perfusion solution resulted in a reduction of the absorption rate of GF and KE. The reduction in the absorption kinetics of GF in the presence of TC correlated well with the reduction of the drug-free fraction in solution due to micellar solubilization. For KE this relation was less clear. It was not possible to determine, on the basis of the phase-separation model, to what extent the fraction of the drug incorporated in TC micelles contributes to the overall diffusion of GF and KE across the preepithelial diffusion barrier. It was concluded that TC exhibits only a minor, if not negligible, effect on the barrier function of the aqueous diffusion barrier adjacent to the intestinal wall.  相似文献   


We examined the importance of molecular weight on the absorption from the liver surface in rats using fluorescein isothiocyanate-dextrans (FDs) with molecular weights of 4,400 (FD-4), 9,300 (FD-10), 40,500 (FD-40) or 69,000 (FD-70). After application of FDs (5 mg) to the rat liver surface employing a cylindrical glass cell (i.d. 9 mm), each FD appeared gradually in the plasma, and the in vivo behavior was explained by two-compartment model with first-order absorption. The absorption ratios of FDs from the rat liver surface at 6 h, calculated from the amount recovered from the glass cell, decreased with an increase in the molecular weight (44.5% for FD-4, 29.3% for FD-10, 5.1% for FD-40 and 2.2% for FD-70). A linear relationship was observed between the absorption rate constant and the reciprocal value with square root of molecular weight of the model compounds. The limit of absorption from the rat liver surface was extrapolated to be at a molecular weight of 70,000. Furthermore, absorbed FDs were accumulated in the liver, as high liver/plasma concentration ratio as compared with that of i.v. administration.

We clarified the molecular weight dependence of drug absorption from the liver surface in rats. Moreover, the liver surface application appeared to be a promising route with enhancing the efficacy of drug targeting to the liver.  相似文献   

The aim of the current research was to develop an in silico oral absorption model coupled with an in vitro dissolution/precipitation testing to predict gastric pH-dependent drug-drug interactions for weakly basic drugs. The effects of elevated gastric pH on the plasma profiles of dipyridamole, prasugrel, and nelfinavir were simulated and compared with pharmacokinetic data reported in humans with or without use of proton pump inhibitors or histamine H2 receptor antagonists.The in vitro dissolution and precipitation data for the weakly basic drugs in biorelevant media were obtained using paddle apparatus. An in silico prediction model based on the STELLA software was designed and simulations were conducted to predict the oral pharmacokinetic profiles of the 3 drugs under both usual (low) and elevated gastric pH conditions.The changes in oral absorption of dipyridamole and prasugrel in subjects with elevated gastric pH compared with those with low stomach pH were predicted well using the in vitroin silicoin vivo approach. The proposed approach could become a powerful tool in the formulation development of poorly soluble weak base drugs.  相似文献   

In clinical development stages, an a priori assessment of the sensitivity of the pharmacokinetic behavior with respect to physiological and anthropometric properties of human (sub-) populations is desirable. A physiology-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) population model was developed that makes use of known distributions of physiological and anthropometric properties obtained from the literature for realistic populations. As input parameters, the simulation model requires race, gender, age, and two parameters out of body weight, height and body mass index. From this data, the parameters relevant for PBPK modeling such as organ volumes and blood flows are determined for each virtual individual. The resulting parameters were compared to those derived using a previously published model (P3M). Mean organ weights and blood flows were highly correlated between the two models, despite the different methods used to generate these parameters. The inter-individual variability differed greatly especially for organs with a log-normal weight distribution (such as fat and spleen). Two exemplary population pharmacokinetic simulations using ciprofloxacin and paclitaxel as model drugs showed good correlation to observed variability. A sensitivity analysis demonstrated that the physiological differences in the virtual individuals and intrinsic clearance variability were equally influential to the pharmacokinetic variability but were not additive. In conclusion, the new population model is well suited to assess the influence of individual physiological variability on the pharmacokinetics of drugs. It is expected that this new tool can be beneficially applied in the planning of clinical studies.  相似文献   

An automated method using biotinylated GroEL-streptavidin biosensors with biolayer interferometry (GroEL-BLI) was evaluated to detect the formation of transiently formed, preaggregate species in various pharmaceutically relevant monoclonal antibody (mAb) samples. The relative aggregation propensity of various IgG1 and IgG4 mAbs was rank ordered using the GroEL-BLI biosensor method, and the least stable IgG4 mAb was subjected to different stresses including elevated temperatures, acidic pH, and addition of guanidine HCl. The GroEL-BLI biosensor detects mAb preaggregate formation mostly before, or sometimes concomitantly with, observing soluble aggregates and subvisible particles using size-exclusion chromatography and microflow imaging, respectively. A relatively unstable bispecific antibody (Bis-3) was shown to bind the GroEL biosensor even at low temperatures (25°C). During thermal stress (50°C, 1 h), increased Bis-3 binding to GroEL-biosensors was observed prior to aggregation by size-exclusion chromatography or microflow imaging. Transmission electron microscopy analysis of Bis-3 preaggregate GroEL complexes revealed, in some cases, potential hydrophobic interaction sites between the Fc domain of the Bis-3 and GroEL protein. The automated BLI method not only enables detection of transiently formed preaggregate species that initiate protein aggregation pathways but also permits rapid mAb formulation stability assessments at low volumes and low protein concentrations.  相似文献   

The objective of present study is to develop pharmacokinetic (PK) prediction methods using in silico PK model for oral immediate release drug products (i.e. solution, suspension, and amorphous solid dispersion). A poorly water soluble compound with low bioavailability in rat was used (CS-758 as a model compound). A constructed in silico PK model contained an advance compartmental absorption and transit model. For solution, the in silico PK model reproduced an observed rat plasma concentration (Cp)-time profile. In addition, an in vitro dissolution method was developed to predict a rat Cp-time profile for suspension. As a result, the in silico PK model could predict the observed one by using dissolution profiles as the input. Furthermore, a dissolution profile of amorphous solid dispersion was applied to verify the in silico PK model. A result indicated the simulated rat Cp-time profile was significantly comparable to the observed one. This study demonstrated that the integration of an in silico PK model into dissolution profiles can predict rat Cp-time profiles for suspension and amorphous solid dispersion. These results suggest that the integration of in silico PK modeling approaches into dissolution profiles can contribute to the formulation screening for poorly soluble compounds by predicting PK behaviors.  相似文献   

Purpose To determine the contribution of the lymphatics to the systemic availability of darbepoetin alfa (DA) using an established sheep model.Materials and Methods DA was administered either by intravenous (IV) injection (0.2, 0.5 or 2 μg/kg) or by subcutaneous (SC) administration (2 μg/kg) into the interdigital space of the hind leg. A SC control group was used to determine the absolute bioavailability (F sys). Cannulation of the peripheral lymphatics in a parallel SC group allowed the continuous collection of lymph draining the injection site and determination of the cumulative amount of DA absorbed via the lymphatics. Serum and lymph concentrations of DA were determined by ELISA. The fraction of the dose absorbed into the lymphatics (F lymph) relative to the fraction absorbed directly into the blood (F blood) was determined using a compartmental approach.Results Dose-linear pharmacokinetics was observed within the dose range investigated. The bioavailability was virtually complete following SC injection into the interdigital space (88.4 ± 15.7%). A high proportion of the administered dose was recovered in peripheral lymph (90.2 ± 4.4%) resulting in a substantial reduction in the systemic availability in lymph cannulated animals (3.7%).Conclusion The high recovery of DA in the peripheral lymph demonstrated near complete absorption of this recombinant protein via the lymphatics in a lymph cannulated sheep model.  相似文献   

Purpose: This study was conducted to explore the role of the peripheral lymphatics in insulin absorption following subcutaneous (SC) administration using a sheep model that allows continuous collection of peripheral lymph and simultaneous assessment of systemic bioavailability. Methods: In a parallel group design, soluble human insulin (0.5 IU/kg) was administered by bolus SC injection into the interdigital space of the hind leg of non-cannulated control sheep, and sheep in which the efferent popliteal lymph duct was cannulated. A separate group received a bolus IV injection (0.15 IU/kg). Blood was sampled from all animals, and lymph was collected continuously over 12 h post-dosing. Samples were assayed for insulin by ELISA. Results: The SC bioavailability of insulin in control sheep was 31.5 ± 3.2%, which was significantly higher than when the peripheral lymph was continuously collected (18.4 ± 1.7%). In the lymph-cannulated animals, 17.3 ± 1.0% of the dose was collected in peripheral lymph. Conclusions: Based on the direct measurement of insulin in regional lymph and on the decrease in the systemic bioavailability when regional lymph was continuously collected, the results demonstrate that lymphatic absorption contributed significantly to the overall insulin bioavailability following SC administration to sheep.  相似文献   

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