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目的:探讨不同违规情境中父母体罚的代际传递性及体罚态度在代际传递过程中的中介作用。方法:以332名小学儿童父母为被试,以父母儿时受体罚经历问卷测量父母儿时受体罚经历,以体罚态度问卷(ATPP)测量父母对待体罚的态度,以假设故事情境测量父母实施的体罚行为。结果:①父母最可能体罚谨慎违规儿童,最不可能体罚社会习俗违规儿童,年龄越大,受教育水平越低的父母越可能体罚社会习俗违规儿童;②年长父母比年轻父母更认可体罚这一管教方式;③父母体罚存在代际传递性,且父母体罚态度在父母儿时受体罚经历与父母对谨慎违规和道德违规儿童所实施的体罚行为之间起部分中介作用,在父母儿时受体罚经历与父母对社会习俗违规儿童所实施的体罚行为之间起完全中介作用。  相似文献   

目的:基于成对数据分析的主客体互倚性模型,探讨小学儿童父母的体罚态度与体罚行为之间的关系。方法:采用体罚态度量表和亲子冲突解决测量量表测量760名小学儿童父母的体罚态度和体罚行为。结果:(1)父亲和母亲均对体罚持轻微反对态度,且男孩父母比女孩父母更赞同体罚。(2)基于主客体互倚性模型,父亲和母亲的体罚态度均能显著预测自身的体罚行为,但不能预测对方的体罚行为。(3)基于群组主客体互倚性模型,男孩父亲体罚态度对其体罚行为的预测作用显著大于女孩父亲。结论:小学儿童父母的体罚态度与其体罚行为之间均存在显著的主体效应,但不存在显著的客体效应,且只有父亲体罚态度对其体罚行为的预测关系存在显著的儿童性别差异。  相似文献   

目的:探讨父母体罚在父母教养压力与儿童内化问题行为之间的中介作用。方法:采用中文版的父母教养压力问卷、亲子冲突解决策略量表和儿童行为核查表对311名学前儿童的父母双亲进行测查。结果:(1)男孩的父母比女孩的父母体验到更高水平的教养压力,母亲比父亲体验到更高水平的育儿压力,而父亲比母亲报告了更高水平的亲子互动失调;(2)父亲和母亲教养压力与其各自的体罚行为呈显著正相关,父亲和母亲教养压力与儿童内化问题行为的大多数症状呈显著正相关;(3)母亲体罚在母亲教养压力与儿童内化问题行为之间起中介作用。结论:母亲教养压力既能直接影响的儿童内化问题行为,也能通过母亲体罚间接影响儿童内化问题行为。  相似文献   

吕静 《医学信息》2019,(15):126-128
目的 体罚已经成为特殊儿童康复训练中常见的干预方法,这是一种不良的现象。通过问卷调查探讨体罚对特殊儿童各方面的影响。方法 采用随机抽样法,选择2018年6~10月在我院进行康复训练的150名特殊儿童的家长作为调查对象,以中文修订版体罚态度问卷(ATPP)调查儿童父母对待体罚的态度,以自制调查问卷调查父母对体罚行为的认知及体罚行为实施情况。结果 ①本次共发放问卷150份,回收问卷143份,有效问卷123份,回收率95.33%,有效率82.00%;②有效问卷中父亲作答52份,母亲作答71份,其中父亲体罚态度得分(66.97±16.08)分,母亲体罚态度得分为(54.76±20.95)分;③20.32%的家长了解体罚,64.22%的家长都用过体罚,57.72%的家长认为体罚有用,34.95%的家长认为孩子会模仿体罚行为,26.82%的家长认为体罚会上瘾,29.26%的家长认为体罚会影响亲子关系,84.55%的家长在体罚时夹杂个人情绪。结论 绝大多数父母赞同体罚行为,体罚会使实施体罚者上瘾,同时会影响儿童与家长之间的关系,也会影响儿童身心健康发展。应该呼吁家长慎用或禁用体罚,不断探索新的解决儿童不良行为的方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨父母婚姻质量、父母严厉管教与学前儿童焦虑的关系。方法:使用婚姻调适量表(Marital Adjust-ment Test, MAT)、亲子冲突解决策略量表(Parent-Child Conflict Tactics Scale, CTSPC)和Spence学前儿童焦虑量表对646名学前儿童的父亲和659名学前儿童的母亲进行测查。结果:(1)父亲和母亲婚姻质量与学前儿童焦虑均呈显著负相关;(2)父亲和母亲婚姻质量与其实施的心理攻击和体罚均呈显著负相关;(3)父亲和母亲的心理攻击均与学前儿童焦虑存在显著正相关,父亲体罚与学前儿童焦虑存在显著正相关,母亲体罚与学前儿童焦虑不存在显著正相关;(4)结构方程模型分析发现,父母婚姻质量对学前儿童焦虑的直接效应显著,母亲的心理攻击在母亲婚姻质量与学前儿童焦虑之间起部分中介作用,但是父亲体罚、心理攻击和母亲体罚在父母婚姻质量与学前儿童焦虑之间不起中介作用。结论:父亲的婚姻质量对学前儿童焦虑只存在直接影响;母亲婚姻质量不仅对学前儿童焦虑存在直接影响,还通过母亲的心理攻击对学前儿童焦虑起到间接影响。  相似文献   

目的:基于成对数据分析的主客体互倚性模型,探讨学前儿童父亲和母亲严厉管教的代际传递。方法:采用亲子冲突解决策略量表测量610名学前儿童父母的严厉管教行为。结果:①学前儿童父亲童年期受体罚经历的普遍性显著高于母亲,但父亲和母亲童年期受心理攻击经历的普遍性不存在显著差异。母亲对孩子实施体罚和心理攻击的普遍性和频繁性均显著高于父亲。②基于主客体互倚性模型,学前儿童父亲和母亲童年期受体罚经历显著正向预测自身当前对学前儿童实施的体罚(主体效应),同时也显著正向预测配偶当前对学前儿童实施的体罚(客体效应)。③基于主客体互倚性模型,学前儿童父亲和母亲童年期受心理攻击经历显著正向预测当前自身对学前儿童实施的心理攻击,学前儿童母亲童年期受心理攻击经历能显著正向预测父亲当前对学前儿童实施的心理攻击,而学前儿童父亲童年期受心理攻击经历不能显著预测母亲当前对学前儿童实施的心理攻击。结论:学前儿童父母的体罚和心理攻击具有代际传递性,这种代际传递性不仅表现为明显的主体效应,而且还表现出一定的客体效应。  相似文献   

目的:考察父亲和母亲的严厉管教与初中生外化问题行为的关系.方法:采用Straus编制的亲子冲突解决策略量表和Achenbach儿童行为量表的儿童自我报告版测查1070名初中生.结果:①初中男生遭受的父亲严厉管教的频繁性高于女生.初中男生遭受母亲体罚的频繁性高于女生.初二学生遭受母亲心理攻击的频繁性显著高于初一学生.②父亲和母亲的心理攻击、体罚和身体虐待均与初中生外化问题行为存在显著正相关.③父亲和母亲的心理攻击、母亲的体罚和身体虐待可以显著预测初中生的外化问题行为,但父亲的体罚和身体虐待不能显著预测初中生的外化问题行为.结论:父母实施严厉管教行为的频繁性受到初中生性别和年龄的影响,并且父母亲的严厉管教对初中生外化问题行为具有一定的预测作用.  相似文献   

目的:考察学前儿童父母的教养压力与严厉管教的关系.方法:以683名学前儿童的父亲和母亲为被试,以父母教养压力问卷简表(PSI/SF)和亲子冲突解决策略量表(CTSPC)作为研究工具分别测查学前儿童父母的教养压力和严厉管教.结果:①男孩母亲比女孩母亲报告更大的教养压力,但男孩父亲和女孩父亲报告的教养压力之间无显著差异;不同年龄的学前儿童父亲或母亲报告的教养压力均无显著差异;与父亲相比,母亲报告的教养压力更大.②除3岁儿童母亲的心理攻击显著低于4岁和5岁的儿童母亲外,父亲和母亲的严厉管教均不存在显著的儿童性别差异和年龄差异.③父亲和母亲的教养压力与其对儿童实施的严厉管教之间存在显著正相关,其中与心理攻击的相关程度最高,与虐待相关程度最低.④多元回归分析发现,母亲教养压力中的困难儿童维度是其三种严厉管教方式的较为稳定的预测因素,父亲教养压力中的教养困难维度是其心理攻击和体罚的较为稳定的预测因素.结论:父亲和母亲的教养压力与其对学前儿童实施的严厉管教之间存在密切关系,且这种关系强度随严厉管教严重性的增强而减弱.父母教养压力的不同维度对其严厉管教具有不同的预测作用.  相似文献   

目的:考察我国小学儿童遭受父母体罚的基本特点。方法:采用Straus编制的亲子冲突解决策略量表测查938名小学儿童的父母。结果:63.2%的小学儿童父母在近半年内对孩子实施过体罚,实施体罚的平均次数约为8次;我国父母使用最普遍的体罚方式依次是用手打孩子的屁股,打孩子的手、胳膊或腿,打孩子的脸、头或揪孩子的耳朵,体罚孩子最多的身体部位依次为屁股,手和胳膊;父母对男孩实施轻度体罚和严厉体罚的普遍性及实施严厉体罚的频繁性均显著均高于女孩;父母对一、二、三年级儿童实施轻度体罚和严厉体罚的普遍性显著高于对四、五、六年级儿童的体罚;低中社经地位家庭中的父母对儿童实施轻度体罚和严厉体罚的普遍性及实施严厉体罚的频繁性均显著高于高社经地位家庭的父母。结论:在我国,父母体罚的普遍性和频繁性均较高,且其发生情况与儿童的性别,年龄和家庭的社经地位有关。  相似文献   

目的:探讨3~8岁儿童父母性别角色教养态度的特点及其与性别图式的关系。方法:使用父母性别角色教养态度量表及贝姆性别角色量表对349名儿童的父亲和母亲进行调查。结果:①3~8岁儿童父亲和母亲的性别角色教养态度得分均显著高于量表计分中位数,并且父亲和母亲得分不存在显著差异;②女孩父亲和母亲的性别角色教养态度得分均显著高于男孩父亲和母亲的性别角色教养态度得分;③不同年龄儿童的父亲和母亲的性别角色教养态度得分之间无显著差异;④性别图式化父母的性别角色教养态度得分显著低于性别非图式化父母的性别角色教养态度得分。结论:整体而言,父母倾向持有非传统的性别角色教养态度,但他们的性别角色教养态度因儿童性别和自身性别图式的不同而不同。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We sought to determine if maternal depression contributed to the use of corporal punishment in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). PATIENTS AND METHODS: The data were gathered through chart review of clinic-referred children with ADHD and their mothers who were evaluated at a psychiatric clinic located in a large academic medical center in Seoul, Korea. Daily records kept by parents and 13 items from the Physical Assault of the Parent-Child Conflict Tactics Scales (CTSPC) were used to assess corporal punishment. Ninety-one children with ADHD and their mothers were included in this study. RESULTS: Mothers who used corporal punishment showed significantly higher scores on the Beck Depression Inventory (t = -2.952, df = 89, p < 0.01) than mothers who did not. Moreover, maternal depression contributed to the use of corporal punishment in ADHD children (Nagelkerke R2 = 0.102, p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Maternal depression contributes to the use of corporal punishment with children with ADHD. Assessment and management of the maternal depression should be an important focus of evaluation of children with ADHD.  相似文献   

中专学生童年期非接触性体罚经历及其对心理健康的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
目的:了解中专学生童年期非身体接触性体罚的发生情况,探讨童年期非身体接触体罚经历的影响因素及其对学生心理健康的影响。方法:采用自填式问卷,对某中专2年级484名学生就儿童期非身体接触体罚经历进行不记名调查。结果:总的看来,59.9%的学生16岁前曾经历过至少1次体罚。儿童期体罚的前三个主要来源依次是教师(53.1%)、母亲(16.7%)和父亲(14.5%)。儿童期经历l0次及以上体罚的学生,SCL-90量表中的躯体症状、强迫症状、人际关系敏感、抑郁、焦虑、敌对、偏执、精神病性症状等因子分明显高于没有儿童期体罚经历的学生。结论:本研究提示,在我国儿童期体罚问题常见,儿童期的体罚经历与中专学生心理健康问题明显相关。应重视学校家庭儿童体罚的于预研究,制止对儿童不正当的体罚行为。  相似文献   

Assessed developmental and family variables associated withchildren's knowledge of and emotional attitudes toward AIDS.Participants included 65 first to sixth graders from two privateelementary schools and their mothers. Between-groups comparisonsshowed that children knowledgeable about AIDS were older andhad more mature illness concepts than children who were notknowledgeable. Among children who were knowledgeable about AIDS,a relatively negative attitude toward AIDS was associated witha negative attitude toward illness in general. Moreover, thechildren's attitude toward AIDS was more negative than theirattitudes toward other serious illnesses. Family relations andmaternal AIDS-related knowledge and attitudes were linked withneither children's knowledge nor their attitudes.  相似文献   

The authors examined the effects of writing about the benefits of an interpersonal transgression on forgiveness. Participants (N = 304) were randomly assigned to one of three 20-min writing tasks in which they wrote about either (a) traumatic features of the most recent interpersonal transgression they had suffered, (b) personal benefits resulting from the transgression, or (c) a control topic that was unrelated to the transgression. Participants in the benefit-finding condition became more forgiving toward their transgressors than did those in the other 2 conditions, who did not differ from each other. In part, the benefit-finding condition appeared to facilitate forgiveness by encouraging participants to engage in cognitive processing as they wrote their essays. Results suggest that benefit finding may be a unique and useful addition to efforts to help people forgive interpersonal transgressions through structured interventions. The Transgression-Related Interpersonal Motivations Inventory--18-Item Version (TRIM-18) is appended.  相似文献   

This prospective longitudinal study focused on self-regulatory, social-cognitive, and parenting precursors of individual differences in children's peer-directed aggression at early school age. Participants were 199 3-year-old boys and girls who were reassessed following the transition to kindergarten (5.5-6 years). Peer aggression was assessed in preschool and school settings using naturalistic observations and teacher reports. Children's self-regulation abilities and theory of mind understanding were assessed during a laboratory visit, and parenting risk (corporal punishment and low warmth/responsiveness) was assessed using interview-based and questionnaire measures. Individual differences in children's peer aggression were moderately stable across the preschool to school transition. Preschool-age children who manifested high levels of aggressive peer interactions also showed lower levels of self-regulation and theory of mind understanding, and experienced higher levels of adverse parenting than others. Our main finding was that early corporal punishment was associated with increased levels of peer aggression across the transition from preschool to school, as was the interaction between low maternal emotional support and children's early delays in theory of mind understanding. These data highlight the need for family-directed preventive efforts during the early preschool years.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the relationship between peer group status and conceptions of moral and social rules in preschoolers. Four- to 5-year-olds (N = 102) were classified into five status groups: controversial, popular, average, neglected, and rejected. There was a significant Peer Group Status x Rule Domain effect on conceptions of the punishment due to perpetrators of transgressions. In contrast to the rejected children, the four nonrejected groups accorded more punishment to violations of moral than of social rules. The distinction between the punishment due to the perpetrators of transgressions in the two domains was made most clearly by the small number of controversial children. These findings were unrelated to the length of time that the groups had been in attendance at child care centers (mean length of attendance = 191/2 months). As in previous studies, compared to transgressions against social rules, moral transgressions were regarded as naughtier, worthier of punishment, wrong if there was no punishment, and wrong outside specific social contexts. Boys' judgments of the wrongness of rule violations were less relative to context than were girls'. The relation of rule conceptions to children's social acceptance is discussed.  相似文献   


Research has yielded contradictory results on the relationship between childhood sexual abuse and later parental functioning. This study was undertaken to specify the link between childhood sexual abuse and maternal parenting, while taking into account mothers' childhood physical and emotional traumas and current depressive and dissociative symptoms. Data were collected through self-report measures completed by 93 French-speaking Canadian mothers of children aged 6 to 11 years referred to Youth Protection Services. Parental behaviors examined included involvement with the child, use of positive reinforcement, lack of monitoring and supervision of the child, inconsistency in applying discipline, and use of corporal punishment. Mothers' perception of the quality of the relationship with her child was also assessed. In addition, history of abuse and neglect, depression and dissociation were respectively measured with the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, the Diagnostic Interview Schedule Simplified, and the Dissociative Experiences Scale. The short-form of the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale was used to control for respondent bias aimed at minimizing their problems. Mothers' current depressive symptoms were not found to predict any of the parental dimensions measured. Results from multiple hierarchical regressions pointed to dissociative symptoms as the key predictor of parental practices and attitudes. More specifically, dissociative symptoms predicted the use of positive reinforcement, lack of monitoring and supervision of the child, inconsistency in applying discipline, and use of corporal punishment. Dissociation also mediated the association between childhood maltreatment (physical and emotional abuse and neglect) and inconsistency in applying discipline. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

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