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目的分析护理人员对飞行护士培训内容的需求程度及影响因素,为确定适合我国国情的飞行护士专业化培训内容提供依据。方法自行设计我国飞行护士培训内容需求调查问卷,对驻京4所军队不同军兵种的三级甲等医院的231名护理人员,以及参加过灾害医疗救援任务的人员和管理者进行问卷调查。结果护理人员对飞行护士培训内容9个维度的需求程度平均分≥3.83分,各模块需求率在54.98%以上;部分需求程度在不同军兵种的医院、科室、职称和学历间的护理人员间存在差异,其中飞行护士的发展维度在不同军种医院间的需求有差异;航空护理核心知识和飞行实践2个维度在不同科室的护理人员间的需求有差异;航空护理学概论、航空基础知识、航空护理核心知识、航空护理核心技能和航空医学英语5个维度在不同职称的护理人员间的需求程度有差异;航空护理核心技能维度在不同学历的护理人员间的需求程度有差异。结论各维度需求程度和需求率普遍较高,应充分考虑护理人员的需求程度,结合不同维度的需求差异性,科学、合理制订培训内容,加强培训力度和覆盖面。  相似文献   

目的结合我国飞行护士能力标准指标体系、飞行护士培训知识需求调查和飞行护士核心知识体系,探讨我国空运后送专业护士的培训对象、培养目标、课程模块及学时设置、具体课程内容和考核要点,以尝试构建我国空运后送专业护士的培训课程体系。方法通过国内外文献回顾和专家访谈法制定出专家咨询问卷,运用德尔菲法对15名专家进行两轮函询,并对数据进行分析处理。结果在两轮问卷中,93.3%的专家认同空运后送专业护士培训对象的要求,专家对具体培养目标、课程模块和考核要点的权威系数分别在87.0%以上、79.0%以上和85.0%以上,所有肯德尔协调系数均有统计学意义(P0.01)。结论构建的空运后送专业护士培训课程体系具有较高的科学性,对未来空运后送专业护士的培训与考核提供了重要理论依据。  相似文献   

应用护理查房提高护士临床护理综合能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨护理查房在提高护士临床护理综合能力中的作用。方法对空勤科从2001年1月~2006年10月共进行136次护理查房进行回顾性分析。结果护理查房规范了护理行为,使护士掌握了飞行人员的常见病、多发病、疑难病、职业病的发病特点及与飞行因素的相关性、预防方法、护理措施;使护士能熟练运用护理程序对飞行人员所患疾病、特殊检查进行健康教育;培养了护士主动思考、深入研究、自觉学习的意识,在临床实践中提高了为飞行人员提供优质护理服务的综合能力。结论护理查房是评价护理质量、提高护理水平的有效手段。  相似文献   

营养与食品卫生是航空卫生保障的重要内容。随着社会的进步和发展,人们对营养的要求日益突出,并呈现出多元化的发展趋势,作为特殊职业的飞行人员更是如此。笔者通过多年的实践,对营养护士工作的特点和规律有了一定的认识和了解。下面结合工作实际,谈谈做好航空营养护士工作的几点体会。  相似文献   

袁继红 《航空军医》2005,33(5):227-228
对因病住院的飞行人员实施健康教育不仅是临床医师的责任,也是护士工作的重要内容。通过健康教育能使他们得到与自身疾病相关的医学知识和卫生保健知识,增强飞行人员对疾病的自我防护能力。近两年来,我们采取个别教育方式,针对飞行人员住院的不同阶段和不同心理需求,由责任护士进行有目的性和针对性的教育。现将我们实施健康教育的做法和体会报告如下。1 具体做法1.1 分阶段教育我们将住院空勤病人的健康教育  相似文献   

中国人民解放军空军《飞行后勤保障条例》规定:飞行卫勤保障应由值班军医和护士共同组成救护组来担任。自1991年条例颁发至今,我部严格执行规定,选拔具有良好素质的护理人员参加救护组,圆满完成了各项飞行卫勤保障任务,积累了一定经验。现就飞行卫勤保障对护理人员的素质要求浅析如下:  相似文献   

目的:探讨我国飞行护士培养目标的具体内容,为未来选拔及培训飞行护士提供理论依据。方法采用文献分析法、专家访谈法形成专家咨询问卷,对不同领域的15名专家进行两轮Delphi专家咨询。结果构建了我国飞行护士培养的总体目标和具体目标,其中具体目标包括3个一级指标和22个二级指标。两轮专家咨询的问卷回收率均为100%,专家对一、二级指标的权威系数均在0.87以上,两轮咨询的所有肯德尔协调系数差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.01)。结论专家的积极性和权威程度高,意见协调性好,所形成的培养目标合理,具有可操作性。  相似文献   

自从1928年以来,皇家飞行医生服务机构(RFDS)是唯一的一家一直对澳大利亚内地提供飞行医疗服务的机构。该机构对在澳大利亚内地生活、工作和旅游的包括80%的澳大利亚内地人提供初期、后继和紧急医疗救护。历史上,当需要时,在奥大利亚内地教会医疗、旅馆和国家卫生部工作的护士协助RFDS的医生工作。1945年,第一位全日制飞行护士受雇于RFDS布鲁肯高地基地(The Broken Hill Base of the  相似文献   

冯金丽 《航空军医》2005,33(3):128-129
美学是一种十分复杂的学术。笔者所指仅仅是飞行人员对疗养院环境、生活及医疗条件,护士形象、品德及技术水平的感性认识。美学护理是整体护理中的一部分,护理学与美学相结合是近年来护理学发展的标志之一。我们以美学原理指导护理实践,邀请美学专业老师来院作职业性礼仪美的讲座和培训,培养护士真、善、美的精神境界。规范全院护士走、坐、拾物、推车等姿势。各项护理操作做到稳、准、轻、美。要求护士衣帽整洁、端庄大方,并制定护士文明礼貌用语、服务公约等,要求护士微笑服务,培养良好的护  相似文献   

皇家飞行医生服务(RFDS)中飞行护士的角色,需要一个高度合格和自主能力强的护士承担,特别在后送的情况下,常带有重病人和伤员,在独立无援,工作在一个苛刻拥挤的机舱环境,病人上下飞机可能3次到4次,飞行时间可能超过180min。90年代作为RFDS一名飞行护士受雇的基本标准包括,具有作为一名普通护士和助产士的注册证,在某些领域注册后至少5年以上的临床经验,如意外事故和(或)急诊科、或急症看护单位,还要求在特殊领域范围如小儿科、妇女和“土著人”保健等有一定经历。RFDS的服务对象包括土生土长的当地人、来自英语和非英语国家的人,他们有不同的政治、社会和经济背景,而且年龄横跨生  相似文献   

Aeromedical evacuation has been extensively used by military forces for evacuation of wartime casualties, but has also proven useful in civilian disaster response. In contrast to the broad coverage of the clinical aspects of the aeromedical evacuation, the operational and management control issues have rarely been addressed. The sophisticated battlefield of the 1980s has had an impact also in air evacuation, adding to the factors to be considered before launching an evacuation mission. The professional control of aeromedical evacuation is, therefore, crucial to the efficient and smooth operation of this high-cost resource. In an attempt to shed light on some of the operational perspectives of military air evacuation, the Israeli experience in the management control of such systems is discussed.  相似文献   

In any history of flight nursing or aeromedical evacuation, one usually sees reference to Lauretta Schimmoler and the Aerial Nurse Corps of America. A pioneer aviatrix with the foresight to see that one day there would be a need for military evacuation of wounded troops by air, Schimmoler spent nearly 15 years developing a paramilitary nursing organization that proved that such a thing could be successfully accomplished. This paper will survey the career of this remarkable woman, examine the structure and function of her organization, and discuss why it never gained official recognition by the military or the Red Cross.  相似文献   

The article summarizes the experience of reanimation care to the wounded in Afghanistan, analyses intensive care requirements, as well as the frequency of application of its methods, determines the contents of emergency medical care in the course of treatment in intensive care units. The author has his own opinion concerning the principles of reanimation care management at evacuation phases in cases of mass casualty admission during "major" war.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Aeromedical evacuation of patients with posttraumatic and/or post-surgical pneumocephalus has often been regarded with great concern. The expansion of intracranial air with increasing altitude can theoretically result in tension pneumocephalus, with potentially fatal results. This concern is primarily based on extremely rare case reports and theoretical models rather than any significant clinical experience. We report the outcomes of a series of 21 patients with posttraumatic and/or post-craniotomy pneumocephalus who underwent long-range air evacuation from a combat theater in military aircraft. METHODS: The estimated volume for each patient was calculated with a simplified method, purposely intended to err toward overestimation, based on computerized tomography scans performed within 24 h prior to air travel. RESULTS: The volumes of pneumocephalus ranged from 0.6 to 42.7 ml, with mean volume of 9.3 ml and median volume of 4.2 ml. No patient sustained a temporary or permanent neurologic decline as a result of air transportation. Three patients with continuous monitoring of intracranial pressure (ICP) were not observed to have any sustained pressure elevations during flight. DISCUSSION: We conclude that pneumocephalus in the head-injured and/or craniotomy patient is not likely by itself to be an absolute contraindication to air evacuation. The mechanism causing pneumocephalus, its time course, progression, and the rate of altitude change are likely more important factors in determining its clinical significance. More clinical experience is required to better assess the safety of aeromedical evacuation of these patients, but this small series suggests that it is not as dangerous as previously thought.  相似文献   

A former Air Force flight nurse shares her personal experience from her memoirs of when she participated in the celebrated event, Operation Homecoming. In 1973, her unit, the 10th Aeromedical Evacuation Group, Travis Air Force Base, CA, was tasked to retrieve the American prisoners of war from North Vietnam and return them safely to the United States via C-141 aeromedical evacuation airlift. This is a personal account of her participation, observations, and the lessons she learned.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的进步,信息化战争条件下战时医疗后送成为一个非常重要的研究课题。该文针对现代信息技术在战时医疗后送中的应用和影响进行了研究。首先分析阐述了信息化条件下战时医疗后送的发展趋势,明确了未来医疗后送的发展方向和研究重点;而后分别针对伤员搜救、伤员救治和后送指挥体系这3项战时医疗后送的主要工作进行了分析,详尽阐释了现代信息技术发展在这3项工作中的作用;最后对其中涉及的关键技术进行了分析。  相似文献   

Background: Aeromedical evacuation of patients with burn trauma is an important transport method in times of peace and war, during which patients are exposed to...  相似文献   

2584 wounded were evacuated by helicopters during Armenian earthquake, December, 1988--that was 20% of all hospital cases. But, practically, the possibilities of aviation in Spitak and Leninakan regions were far more extensive. The more effective employment of air transportation for evacuation could be attained by the following measures: organization of a sole command and action coordination between medical service, air command and rescue teams, preliminary rescue planning, efficient organization of triage and evacuation of wounded, special training of medical staff in air evacuation. The extreme conditions of flights in emergency situation of catastrophe or calamity need high working capacity and firm professional skill of flight crews.  相似文献   

To assess the effectiveness of health services in the city of Osijek during the 1991-1992 war in Croatia, we followed the changes in the utilization of health services, morbidity and mortality, and completion of a vaccination plan during the 2 years of the war. We used a retrospective analysis of data from the Osijek Health Center and the Osijek County Institute of Public Health. The organization of health care during the war followed the concept of integrated health care and the instructions of the Ministry of Health. Visits to primary health care physicians decreased considerably, with a concomitant increase in disease and mortality. The plan for mandatory vaccination was not completed because of the evacuation of preschool and school children. The war changed the mode of health care use, the disease and mortality structure, and the implementation of mandatory vaccination. However, timely education and preparation of the health services to the war situation resulted in an adequate provision of health care to the population.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The U.S. military uses a Critical Care Air Transport Team (CCATT) to air evacuate critically ill patients to facilities that can provide definitive medical care. CCATT is comprised of highly trained personnel and each team uses specialized equipment to allow for in-flight intensive medical care of patients. CCATT has the capability of providing care over long duration and distance. This report describes our recent experience of long-distance fixed-wing medical air evacuation of multiple critically ill sailors with blast injuries from the U.S.S. Cole. CONCLUSION: CCATTs can safely transport multiple critical patients with blast injuries over long distance and duration by fixed-wing aircraft. Blast injuries can have multi-system effects and patients with subclinical pulmonary injury may be asymptomatic when hypoxemic in a hypobaric environment.  相似文献   

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