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Encephalization, or brain size larger than expected from body size, has long been considered to correlate with improved cognitive abilities across species and even intelligence. However, it is still unknown what characteristics of relatively large brains underlie their improved functions. Here, it is shown that more encephalized rodent species have the number of neurons expected for their brain size, but a larger number of neurons than expected for their body size. The number of neurons in excess relative to body size might be available for improved associative functions and, thus, be responsible for the cognitive advantage observed in more encephalized animals. It is further proposed that, if such neuronal excess does provide for improved cognitive abilities, then the total number of excess neurons in each species—here dubbed the neuronal index—should be a better indicator of cognitive abilities than the encephalization quotient (EQ). Because the neuronal index is a function of both the number of neurons expected from the size of the body and the absolute number of neurons in the brain, differences in this parameter across species that share similar EQs might explain why these often have different cognitive capabilities, particularly when comparing across mammalian orders. Anat Rec, 290:1280–1287, 2007. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Endocasts provide a proxy for brain morphology but are rarely incorporated in phylogenetic analyses despite the potential for new suites of characters. The phylogeny of Procyonidae, a carnivoran family with relatively limited taxonomic diversity, is not well resolved because morphological and molecular data yield conflicting topologies. The presence of phylogenetic and ecologic signals in the endocasts of procyonids will be determined using three‐dimensional geometric morphometrics. Endocasts of seven ingroup species and four outgroup species were digitally rendered and 21 landmarks were collected from the endocast surface. Two phylogenetic hypotheses of Procyonidae will be examined using methods testing for phylogenetic signal in morphometric data. In analyses of all taxa, there is significant phylogenetic signal in brain shape for both the morphological and molecular topologies. However, the analyses of ingroup taxa recover a significant phylogenetic signal for the morphological topology only. These results indicate support for the molecular outgroup topology, but not the ingroup topology given the brain shape data. Further examination of brain shape using principal components analysis and wireframe comparisons suggests procyonids possess more developed areas of the brain associated with motor control, spatial perception, and balance relative to the basal musteloid condition. Within Procyonidae, similar patterns of variation are present, and may be associated with increased arboreality in certain taxa. Thus, brain shape derived from endocasts may be used to test for phylogenetic signal and preliminary analyses suggest an association with behavior and ecology. Anat Rec, 297:2318–2330, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The current study examines the frontal air sinus of the giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) cranium with the aim of evaluating previously offered hypotheses as to why they have such an atypically voluminous frontal sinus relative to other artiodactyls. To date, no quantification of the frontal sinus in the adult or developing giraffe has been undertaken or compared to other artiodactyl species. Crania from eight species of adult artiodactyls, and giraffes varying in age from newborn to adult, were studied using CT scans to provide a volumetric assessment of the frontal sinus. Sinus volume was strongly correlated to cranial mass in the male giraffe ontogenetic series. The adult giraffe of both sexes were found to possess a far larger than predicted sinus volume relative to the relationship between frontal sinus volume and cranial mass observed in the other adult artiodactyls. Our results suggest that the volume of the frontal sinus in the giraffe is likely to be unique among artiodactyls, and the potential function and evolution we consider in light of several previously articulated hypotheses. Anat Rec, 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We used three-dimensional digital models to investigate the brain and endosseous labyrinth morphology of selected Neotropical Piciformes (Picidae, Ramphastidae, Galbulidae and Bucconidae). Remarkably, the brain morphology of Galbulidae clearly separates from species of other families. The eminentiae sagittales of Galbulidae and Bucconidae (insectivorous with high aerial maneuverability abilities) are smaller than those of the toucans (scansorial frugivores). Galbula showed the proportionally largest cerebellum, and Ramphastidae showed the least foliated one. Optic lobes ratio relative to the telencephalic hemispheres showed a strong phylogenetic signal. Three hypotheses were tested: (a) insectivorous taxa that need precise and fast movements to catch their prey, have well developed eminentiae sagittales compared to fruit eaters, (b) species that require high beak control would show larger cerebellum compared to other brain regions and higher number of visible folia and (c) there are marked differences between the brain shape of the four families studied here that bring valuable information of this interesting bird group. Hypotheses H1 and H2 are rejected, meanwhile H3 is accepted.  相似文献   

Living birds constitute the only vertebrate group whose brain volume relative to body size approaches the uniquely expanded values expressed by mammals. The broad suite of complex behaviors exhibited by crown‐group birds, including sociality, vocal learning, parental care, and flying, suggests the origins of their encephalization was likely driven by a mosaic of selective pressures. If true, the historical pattern of brain expansion may be more complex than either a gradual expansion, as proposed by early studies of the avian brain, or a sudden expansion correlating with the appearance of flight. The origins of modern avian neuroanatomy are obscured by the more than 100 million years of evolution along their phylogenetic stem (from the origin of the modern radiation in the Middle Jurassic to the split from crocodile‐line archosaurs). Here we use phylogenetic comparative approaches to explore which evolutionary scenarios best explain variation in measured volumes of digitally partitioned endocasts of modern birds and their non‐avian ancestors. Our analyses suggest that variation in the relative volumes of the endocranium and cerebrum explain most of the structural variation in this lineage. Generalized multi‐regime Ornstein‐Uhlenbeck (OU) models suggest that powered flight does not appear to be a driver of observed variation, reinforcing the hypothesis that the deep history of the avian brain is complex, with nuances still to be discovered.  相似文献   

Research into course and variability of brain arteries in hare were performed on 38 adult hares of both sexes (males 23 and females 15). The arteries were filled with a synthetic latex at a constant pressure introduced with a medical syringe to the left ventricle. The source of blood supply to the brain was internal carotid arteries, whose branches formed an arterial circle of the brain, vertebral arteries, and basilar artery as the result of its anastomosis. Variability focused on a method of departure of middle cerebral arteries, which were multiple vessels in 39.5% of cases and rostral cerebellar arteries. Caudal communicating arteries in hare comprised bilateral anastomosis of internal carotid arteries and final branches of the basilar artery. It stabilized the steady flow of blood to all parts of the brain. Caudal cerebral arteries comprised final branches of the basilar artery. The largest capacity of all the arteries of the brain was observed in the main trunk of the basilar artery. The capacity of these vessels was 4.53 mm3 on average. The factor of capacity of cerebral arteries in relation to weight of the brain reaches a high value in hare. Anat Rec, 298:1774–1779, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Although skeletal and muscle anatomy has supported Gymnuridae as the sister group of the most derived myliobatoids, recent studies based on molecular characters suggest that the family branches into a more basal position than previously thought. This study aims to understand the brain anatomy of the genus Gymnura and its importance in the evolution of the batoid brain. The brain anatomy of Gymnura lessae and Gymnura marmorata is relatively simple. They exhibit a small brain and telencephalon (T), where the latter is wider than it is longer, and the division of the posterior central nucleus is poorly developed. The cerebellum (C) is symmetrical and is not highly foliated. Unlike other species, the brain auricles are smooth, and the posterior auricles exhibit a diagonal arrangement, not always forming a bridge over the fourth ventricle. These auricles are larger in G. marmorata. A principal component analysis based on 20 morphological variables, revealed a separation between species, and multivariate analysis of variance identified significant differences. The most important variables in species segregation were a deeper olfactory bulb in G. lessae and a greater distance between the bulbs in G. marmorata. Contrary to the body anatomy, the brain anatomy reveals that Gymnura has a simpler and more primitive brain than most derived myliobatoids. Our results are consistent with the evidence from phylogenies developed with molecular data, where gymnurids are a basal group within myliobatoids.  相似文献   

Evolutionary change in encephalization within and across mammalian clades is well-studied, yet relatively few comparative analyses attempt to quantify the impact of evolutionary change in relative brain size on cranial morphology. Because of the proximity of the braincase to the orbits, and the inter-relationships among ecology, sensory systems and neuroanatomy, a relationship has been hypothesized between orbit orientation and encephalization for mammals. Here, we tested this hypothesis in 68 fossil and living species of the mammalian order Carnivora, comparing orbit orientation angles (convergence and frontation) to skull length and encephalization. No significant correlations were observed between skull length and orbit orientation when all taxa were analysed. Significant correlations were observed between encephalization and orbit orientation; however, these were restricted to the families Felidae and Canidae. Encephalization is positively correlated with frontation in both families and negatively correlated with convergence in canids. These results indicate that no universal relationship exists between encephalization and orbit orientation for Carnivora. Braincase expansion impacts orbit orientation in specific carnivoran clades, the nature of which is idiosyncratic to the clade itself.  相似文献   

颅脑外伤是神经病理的重要课题之一。颅脑外伤致死病例中大多为脑开放性损伤,脑闭合性损伤则相对少见,而那些既无头皮严重损伤又无颅骨骨折的病例更稀少,本文将近年来接受法医尸检的4例闭合性脑损伤致死病例分别进行死因分析,以供临床和法医工作者参考。  相似文献   

The distribution of zinc was studied in the brain of the zebra finch (Taenopygia guttata) by means of the selenium histochemical method. A specifie pattern was seen, which usually correlated with the main known architectonic subdivisions. In addition, a few as yet unidentified structures were observed. In the telencephalon, the pallial components were stained with moderate to strong intensity. The only exceptions were the hyperstriatum intercalatus superior, a small medial area in the hyperstriatum accessorium and in the dorsolateral cortex, and the dorsomedial part of the hippocampal complex, which were virtually devoid of staining. Staining of the dorsal ventricular ridge components varied considerably. The archistriatum, the nucleus accumbens, the nucleus of the stria terminalis, the hyperstriatum ventrale and the lateral septum showed moderate to strong staining. The medial septum was weakly stained. The neostriatum showed a rather complex pattern of staining with unstained areas, such as the magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum, and other parts intensely stained, especially in its caudal region. Both paleostriatii primitivum and augmentatum showed a rostro-caudal gradient that was increasingly stained. We also observed an intensely stained area ventral to the fasciculus prosencephali lateralis and lateral to the tractus septomesencephalicus, a weakly to moderately stained band ventral to the lobus parolfactorius, an intensely stained zone along the lateral ventricle in the hyperstriatum ventrale, and an unstained almond-shaped nucleus in the lateral hyperstriatum ventrale. In the diencephalon, the hypothalamus showed a moderate to strong, rather uniform staining, whereas the thalamus was usually weakly to moderately stained, with the exception of a few unstained nuclei. Only the lateral nucleus of the habenula was stained, and with strong intensity. Most of the mesencephalon stained rather uniformly with a moderate to strong intensity. The most intense staining was seen in the substantia grisea centralis, the substantia grisea et fibrosa periventricularis, the torus semicircularis and the nucleus intercollicularis. The tectum opticum was virtually devoid of stain except for two light bands in the stratum griseum et fibrosum superficiale. The formatio reticularis was moderately stained. All the other structures were either weakly stained or unstained. Some staining was seen in the Purkinje and the granular layers of tha cerebellum, as well as around its internal nuclei. The pons and the medulla oblongata showed an overall moderate to intense staining, with the exception of a few unstained nuclei. When compared in three bird species belonging to different genera, zinc distribution shows remarkable similarities, despite species, age and methodological differences. The pattern of zinc staining suggests that this element may play an important role in integrative and autonomic functions.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance imaging offers a means of observing the internal structure of the brain where traditional procedures of embedding, sectioning, staining, mounting, and microscopic examination of thousands of sections are not practical. Furthermore, internal structures can be analyzed in their precise quantitative spatial interrelationships, which is difficult to accomplish after the spatial distortions often accompanying histological processing. For these reasons, magnetic resonance imaging makes specimens that were traditionally difficult to analyze, more accessible. In the present study, images of the brain of a white whale (Beluga) Delphinapterus leucas were scanned in the coronal plane at 119 antero‐posterior levels. From these scans, a computer‐generated three‐dimensional model was constructed using the programs VoxelView and VoxelMath (Vital Images, Inc.). This model, wherein details of internal and external morphology are represented in three‐dimensional space, was then resectioned in orthogonal planes to produce corresponding series of “virtual” sections in the horizontal and sagittal planes. Sections in all three planes display the sizes and positions of such structures as the corpus callosum, internal capsule, cerebral peduncles, cerebral ventricles, certain thalamic nuclear groups, caudate nucleus, ventral striatum, pontine nuclei, cerebellar cortex and white matter, and all cerebral cortical sulci and gyri. Anat Rec 262:429–439, 2001. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

While our knowledge about the senses of pinnipeds has increased over the last decades almost nothing is known about the organization of the neuroanatomical pathways. In a first approach to this field of research, we assessed the total number of myelinated axons of three cranial nerves (CNs) in the harbor (Phoca vitulina, Pv) and hooded seal (Cystophora cristata, Cc). Axons were counted in semithin sections of the nerves embedded in Epon and stained with toluidine blue. In both species, the highest axon number was found within the optic nerve (Pv 187,000 ± 8,000 axons, Cc 481,600 ± 1,300 axons). Generally, considering absolute axon numbers, far more axons were counted within the optic and trigmenial nerve (Pv 136,700 ± 2,500 axons, Cc 179,300 ± 6,900 axons) in hooded in comparison to harbor seals. The axon counts of the vestibulocochlear nerve are nearly identical for both species (Pv 87,100 ± 8,100 axons, Cc 86,600 ± 2,700 axons). However, when comparing cell density, the cell density is almost equal for all nerves for both species except for the optic nerve in which cell density was particularly higher than in the other nerves and higher in hooded in comparison to harbor seals. We here present the first comparative analysis of three CNs in two phocid seals. While the CNs of these closely related species share some general characteristics, pronounced differences in axon numbers/densities are apparent. These differences seem to reflect differences in e.g. size, habitat, and/or functional significance of the innervated sensory systems. Anat Rec, 299:370–378, 2016. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Dicynodontia is a major clade of terrestrial tetrapods that greatly diversified during the Permian and Triassic periods, reaching a worldwide distribution. In this study, the endocranial cavity of the Brazilian Permian dicynodont Rastodon procurvidens is described based on a digital endocast obtained using digital imaging (X-ray computed tomography) and 3D modeling. It was possible to reconstruct the brain, olfactory bulbs, inner ear, some neurovascular canals, cranial nerves, the nasal cavity, and the maxillary recesses. The endocast of R. procurvidens preserves a typical plesiomorphic morphology of non-mammaliaform therapsids, being predominantly tubular and displaying a relatively short and robust hindbrain. Encephalization quotients (EQs) were calculated for R. procurvidens, resulting in EQs of 0.09 ± 0.03 and 0.13 ± 0.05 (Jerison’s EQ and Manger’s EQ, respectively). Finally, some biological implications of the endocast morphology were inferred for R. procurvidens. Its inner ear is especially small, and its orientation implies a slightly downturned head posture in life. Furthermore, the presence of uncompressed maxillary recesses in R. procurvidens indicates a correlation between the enlargement of the recesses and the reduction of the tusks, also seen in other dicynodonts with reduced tusks.  相似文献   

Empathizing is a drive to identify another person's emotions and thoughts and respond to them appropriately. Systemizing is a drive to analyze systems or construct systems. The Empathizing-Systemizing (E-S) model suggests that these are major dimensions in which individuals differ from each other, and women being superior in empathizing and men in systemizing. In this study, we examined new questionnaires, the Empathy Quotient (EQ) and the Systemizing Quotient (SQ). Participants were 1 250 students, 616 men and 634 women, from eight universities, who completed both the EQ and SQ. Results showed that women scored higher than men on the EQ, and the result was reversed on the SQ. Results also showed that humanities majors scored higher than sciences majors on the EQ, and again the result was reversed on the SQ. The results were discussed in relation to the E-S theory of gender differences.  相似文献   

At age 31, the patient developed hydrocephalus secondary to a brain lesion that had been present for 12 years. A ventriculoperitoneal shunt was performed, but a stereotactic biopsy did not establish a definitive diagnosis at that time. At age 34 the patient experienced spontaneous intratumoral and ventricular hemorrhage, which prompted radical surgical resection of the lesion. Histologic and im-munocytochemical findings established a diagnosis of ependymoma; review of the ultrastructure of the tumor from the biopsy performed when the patient was 31 years old revealed the characteristics of an “anemone” cell neoplasm.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of analysis of the arterial vascular region of the Eurasian elk, which is a representative of the Cervidae family. The study was conducted on 39 Eurasian elks. The head arteries of 25 animals were filled with LBS 3040 synthetic latex. The head arteries of the other 14 Eurasian elks were filled with an acetone solution of stained chlorinated polyvinyl chloride and macerated. The arterial circle of the Eurasian elk's brain is composed of bilateral rostral cerebral arteries and caudal communicating arteries. The basilar artery closes the arterial circle caudally. The rostral cerebral artery first ramifies into the rostral choroidal artery, then, the middle cerebral artery and the rostral communicating artery. The caudal cerebral artery and the rostral cerebellar artery branch off the caudal communicating artery. The arterial pattern of the Eurasian elk's brain base is similar to the arteries found in other deer. Like in other Ruminantia, the rostral epidural rete mirabile is a unique structure in the Eurasian elk's arterial system. Anat Rec, 302:339–345, 2019. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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