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We develop a superficial diffusing probe with a 3 mm source-detector separation that can be used in combination with diffuse optical spectroscopic (DOS) methods to noninvasively determine full-spectrum optical properties of superficial in vivo skin in the wavelength range from 650 to 1000 nm. This new probe uses a highly scattering layer to diffuse photons emitted from a collimated light source and relies on a two-layer diffusion model to determine tissue absorption coefficient mu a and reduced scattering coefficient mu's. By employing the probe to measure two-layer phantoms that mimic the optical properties of skin, we demonstrate that the probe has an interrogation depth of 1 to 2 mm. We carry out SSFDPM (steady state frequency-domain photon migration) measurements using this new probe on the volar forearm and palm of 15 subjects, including five subjects of African descent, five Asians, and five Caucasians. The optical properties of in vivo skin determined using the superficial diffusing probe show considerable similarity to published optical properties of carefully prepared ex vivo epidermis+dermis. 相似文献
Tissue water content and molecular microenvironment can provide important intrinsic contrast for cancer imaging. In this work, we examine the relationship between water optical spectroscopic features related to binding state and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-measured water diffusion dynamics. Broadband diffuse optical spectroscopic imaging (DOSI) and MR images were obtained from eight patients with locally-advanced infiltrating ductal carcinomas (tumor?size=5.5±3.2 cm). A DOSI-derived bound water index (BWI) was compared to the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) of diffusion weighted (DW) MRI. BWI and ADC were positively correlated (R=0.90, p-value=0.003) and BWI and ADC both decreased as the bulk water content increased (R=-0.81 and -0.89, respectively). BWI correlated inversely with tumor size (R=-0.85, p-value=0.008). Our results suggest underlying sensitivity differences between BWI and ADC to water in different tissue compartments (e.g., extracellular vs cellular). These data highlight the potential complementary role of DOSI and DW-MRI in providing detailed information on the molecular disposition of water in breast tumors. Because DOSI is a portable technology that can be used at the bedside, BWI may provide a low-cost measure of tissue water properties related to breast cancer biology. 相似文献
Cerussi A Shah N Hsiang D Durkin A Butler J Tromberg BJ 《Journal of biomedical optics》2006,11(4):044005
Diffuse optical imaging (DOI) may be a beneficial diagnostic method for women with mammographically dense breast tissue. In order to evaluate the utility of DOI, we are developing broadband diffuse optical spectroscopy (DOS) to characterize the functional origins of optical signals in breast cancer patients. Broadband DOS combines multifrequency intensity-modulated and continuous-wave near-infrared light to quantify tissue absorption and scattering spectra from 650 to 1000 nm. Values of intrinsic physiological properties (oxy- and deoxy-hemoglobin, water, lipid, and scatter power) derived from absorption and scattering spectra provide detailed information on breast physiology. We present the results of clinical studies of 58 stage II/III malignant breast tumors using a noninvasive, handheld, broadband DOS probe. On average, eight positions were scanned over tumor and contralateral normal breast for each subject. Intrinsic physiological properties were statistically significantly different for malignant vs. normal tissues for all subjects, without patient age or tumor size/type stratification. Breast tissues containing malignant tumors displayed reduced lipid content ( approximately 20%) and increased water, deoxy-, and oxy-hemoglobin (>50% each) compared to normal breast tissues. Functional perturbations by the tumor were significantly larger than functional variations in normal tissues. A tissue optical index (TOI) derived from intrinsic physiological properties yielded an average two-fold contrast difference between malignant tumors and intrinsic tissue properties. Our results demonstrate that intrinsic optical signals can be influenced by functional perturbations characteristic of malignant transformation; cellular metabolism, extracellular matrix composition, and angiogenesis. Our findings further underscore the importance of broadband measurements and patient age stratification in breast cancer DOI. 相似文献
Noninvasive assessment of breast cancer risk using time-resolved diffuse optical spectroscopy 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Taroni P Pifferi A Quarto G Spinelli L Torricelli A Abbate F Villa A Balestreri N Menna S Cassano E Cubeddu R 《Journal of biomedical optics》2010,15(6):060501
Breast density is a recognized strong and independent risk factor for breast cancer. We propose the use of time-resolved transmittance spectroscopy to estimate breast tissue density and potentially provide even more direct information on breast cancer risk. Time-resolved optical mammography at seven wavelengths (635 to 1060 nm) is performed on 49 subjects. Average information on breast tissue of each subject is obtained on oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin, water, lipids, and collagen content, as well as scattering amplitude and power. All parameters, except for blood volume and oxygenation, correlate with mammographic breast density, even if not to the same extent. A synthetic optical index proves to be quite effective in separating different breast density categories. Finally, the estimate of collagen content as a more direct means for the assessment of breast cancer risk is discussed. 相似文献
Jakubowski DB Cerussi AE Bevilacqua F Shah N Hsiang D Butler J Tromberg BJ 《Journal of biomedical optics》2004,9(1):230-238
Presurgical chemotherapy is widely used in the treatment of locally advanced breast cancer. Monitoring the response to therapy can improve survival and reduce morbidity. We employ a noninvasive, near-infrared method based on diffuse optical spectroscopy (DOS) to quantitatively monitor tumor response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. DOS was used to monitor tumor response in one patient with locally advanced breast cancer throughout the course of her therapy. Measurements were performed prior to doxorubicin-cyclophosphamide therapy and at several time points over the course of three treatment cycles (68 days). Our results show strong tumor to normal (T/N) tissue contrast in total hemoglobin concentration (T/N=2.4), water fraction (T/N=6.9), tissue hemoglobin oxygen saturation, S(t)O(2) (T/N=0.9), and lipid fraction (T/N=0.7) prior to treatment. Over a 10-week period, the peak total hemoglobin and water dropped 56 and 67%, respectively. Lipid content nearly returned to baseline (T/N =0.9) while S(t)O(2) exceeded pretreatment levels (T/N =1.5). Approximately half of the hemoglobin and water changes occurred within 5 days of treatment (26 and 37%, respectively). These data suggest that noninvasive, quantitative optical methods that characterize tumor physiology may be useful in assessing and optimizing individual response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. 相似文献
Volynskaya Z Haka AS Bechtel KL Fitzmaurice M Shenk R Wang N Nazemi J Dasari RR Feld MS 《Journal of biomedical optics》2008,13(2):024012
Using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and intrinsic fluorescence spectroscopy, we have developed an algorithm that successfully classifies normal breast tissue, fibrocystic change, fibroadenoma, and infiltrating ductal carcinoma in terms of physically meaningful parameters. We acquire 202 spectra from 104 sites in freshly excised breast biopsies from 17 patients within 30 min of surgical excision. The broadband diffuse reflectance and fluorescence spectra are collected via a portable clinical spectrometer and specially designed optical fiber probe. The diffuse reflectance spectra are fit using modified diffusion theory to extract absorption and scattering tissue parameters. Intrinsic fluorescence spectra are extracted from the combined fluorescence and diffuse reflectance spectra and analyzed using multivariate curve resolution. Spectroscopy results are compared to pathology diagnoses, and diagnostic algorithms are developed based on parameters obtained via logistic regression with cross-validation. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and overall diagnostic accuracy (total efficiency) of the algorithm are 100, 96, 69, 100, and 91%, respectively. All invasive breast cancer specimens are correctly diagnosed. The combination of diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and intrinsic fluorescence spectroscopy yields promising results for discrimination of breast cancer from benign breast lesions and warrants a prospective clinical study. 相似文献
Diffuse optical spectroscopy (DOS) of breast tissue provides quantitative, functional information based on optical absorption and scattering properties that cannot be obtained with other radiographic methods. DOS-measured absorption spectra are used to determine the tissue concentrations of deoxyhemoglobin (Hb-R), oxyhemoglobin (Hb-O2), lipid, and water (H2O), as well as to provide an index of tissue hemoglobin oxygen saturation (StO2). Tissue-scattering spectra provide insight into epithelial, collagen, and lipid contributions to breast density. Clinical studies of women with malignant tumors show that DOS is sensitive to processes such as increased tissue vascularization, hypoxia, and edema. In studies of healthy women, DOS detects variations in breast physiology associated with menopausal status, menstrual cycle changes, and hormone replacement. Current research involves using DOS to monitor tumor response to therapy and the co-registration of DOS with magnetic resonance imaging. By correlating DOS-derived parameters with lesion pathology and specific molecular markers, we anticipate that composite "tissue optical indices" can be developed that non-invasively characterize both tumor and normal breast-tissue function. 相似文献
Little is known about the relationship between anatomic and functional contrast derived from intrinsic optical signals. In order to address this relationship, finite-element (FEM) forward simulations were compared to diffuse optical spectroscopy (DOS) reflectance measurements obtained from 10 breast tumor patients. Clinical ultrasound images were used to estimate anatomical tumor size and depth for the FEM simulations. Actual DOS-measured tumor absorption could not be matched by forward model simulations when tumor size was constrained to match ultrasound dimensions. However, agreement was achieved when the lesion was viewed as a distribution of optical properties (i.e., an extended target). This result suggests that the spatial extent of optical contrast in breast tumors may be significantly greater than anatomical dimensions reported by standard imaging modalities. Analysis indicates that invasive breast tumors with anatomical dimensions of 1 cm may still be detectable at depths of 30 mm or more (the center of the lesion to the surface of tissue) using DOS in a reflectance geometry. 相似文献
Buttemere CR Chari RS Anderson CD Washington MK Mahadevan-Jansen A Lin WC 《Journal of biomedical optics》2004,9(5):1018-1027
Resection is not a viable treatment option for the majority of liver cancer patients. Alternatives to resection include thermotherapies such as radio-frequency ablation; however, these therapies lack adequate intraoperative feedback regarding the degree and margins of tissue thermal damage. In this proof of principle study, we test the ability of fluorescence and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy to assess local thermal damage in vivo. Spectra were acquired in vivo from healthy canine liver tissue undergoing radio-frequency ablation using a portable fiber-optic-based spectroscopic system. The major observed spectral alterations on thermal coagulation were a red shift in the fluorescence emission peak at 480 nm, a decrease in the overall fluorescence intensity, and an increase in the diffuse reflectance from 450 to 750 nm. Spectral changes were quantified and correlated to tissue histology. We found a good correlation between the proposed spectral correlates of thermal damage and histology. The results of this study suggest that fluorescence and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy show strong potential as tools to monitor liver tissue thermal damage intraoperatively. 相似文献
Nachabé R Evers DJ Hendriks BH Lucassen GW van der Voort M Rutgers EJ Peeters MJ Van der Hage JA Oldenburg HS Wesseling J Ruers TJ 《Journal of biomedical optics》2011,16(8):087010
We report on the use of diffuse optical spectroscopy analysis of breast spectra acquired in the wavelength range from 500 to 1600 nm with a fiber optic probe. A total of 102 ex vivo samples of five different breast tissue types, namely adipose, glandular, fibroadenoma, invasive carcinoma, and ductal carcinoma in situ from 52 patients were measured. A model deriving from the diffusion theory was applied to the measured spectra in order to extract clinically relevant parameters such as blood, water, lipid, and collagen volume fractions, β-carotene concentration, average vessels radius, reduced scattering amplitude, Mie slope, and Mie-to-total scattering fraction. Based on a classification and regression tree algorithm applied to the derived parameters, a sensitivity-specificity of 98%-99%, 84%-95%, 81%-98%, 91%-95%, and 83%-99% were obtained for discrimination of adipose, glandular, fibroadenoma, invasive carcinoma, and ductal carcinoma in situ, respectively; and a multiple classes overall diagnostic performance of 94%. Sensitivity-specificity values obtained for discriminating malignant from nonmalignant tissue were compared to existing reported studies by applying the different classification methods that were used in each of these studies. Furthermore, in these reported studies, either lipid or β-carotene was considered as adipose tissue precursors. We estimate both chromophore concentrations and demonstrate that lipid is a better discriminator for adipose tissue than β-carotene. 相似文献
Svensson T Andersson-Engels S Einarsdóttír M Svanberg K 《Journal of biomedical optics》2007,12(1):014022
The development of photodynamic therapy into a modality for treatment of prostate cancer calls for reliable optical dosimetry. We employ, for the first time, interstitial time-resolved spectroscopy to determine in vivo optical properties of human prostate tissue. Nine patients are included in the study, and measurements are conducted prior to primary brachytherapy treatment of prostate cancer. Intrasubject variability is examined by measuring across three tissue volumes within each prostate. The time-resolved instrumentation proves its usefulness by producing good signal levels in all measurements. We are able to present consistent values on reduced scattering coefficients (mu(s)'), absorption coefficients (mu(a)), and effective attenuation (mu(eff)) at the wavelengths 660, 786, and 916 nm. At 660 nm, mu(s)' is found to be 9+/-2 cm(-1), and mu(a) is 0.5+/-0.1 cm(-1). Derived values of mu(eff) are in the range of 3 to 4 cm(-1) at 660 nm, a result in good agreement with previously published steady state data. Total hemoglobin concentration (THC) and oxygen saturation are spectroscopically determined using derived absorption coefficients. Derived THC values are fairly variable (215+/-65 microM), while derived values of oxygen saturation are gathered around 75% (76+/-4%). Intrasubject variations in derived parameters correlate (qualitatively) with the heterogeneity exhibited in acquired ultrasound images. 相似文献
Ultrasound-induced blood stasis has been observed for more than 30 years. Most of the literature has been focused on the health risks associated with this phenomenon and methods employed to prevent stasis from occurring during ultrasound imaging. To date, experimental observations have been either in vitro or invasive. The current work demonstrates ultrasound-induced blood stasis in murine normal leg muscle versus tumor-bearing legs, observed through noninvasive measurements of optical spectroscopy, and discusses possible diagnostic uses for this previously undesirable effect of ultrasound. We demonstrate that, using optical spectroscopy, effects of ultrasound can be used to differentiate tumor from normal leg muscle tissue in mice. Finally, we propose a novel diagnostic algorithm that quantitatively differentiates tumor from nontumor with maximum specificity 0.83, maximum sensitivity 0.79, and area under receiver-operating-characteristics curve 0.90. 相似文献
Lisanne L. de Boer Torre M. Bydlon Frederieke van Duijnhoven Marie-Jeanne T. F. D. Vranken Peeters Claudette E. Loo Gonneke A. O. Winter-Warnars Joyce Sanders Henricus J. C. M. Sterenborg Benno H. W. Hendriks Theo J. M. Ruers 《Journal of translational medicine》2018,16(1):367
Breast cancer surgeons struggle with differentiating healthy tissue from cancer at the resection margin during surgery. We report on the feasibility of using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) for real-time in vivo tissue characterization.Methods
Evaluating feasibility of the technology requires a setting in which measurements, imaging and pathology have the best possible correlation. For this purpose an optical biopsy needle was used that had integrated optical fibers at the tip of the needle. This approach enabled the best possible correlation between optical measurement volume and tissue histology. With this optical biopsy needle we acquired real-time DRS data of normal tissue and tumor tissue in 27 patients that underwent an ultrasound guided breast biopsy procedure. Five additional patients were measured in continuous mode in which we obtained DRS measurements along the entire biopsy needle trajectory. We developed and compared three different support vector machine based classification models to classify the DRS measurements.Results
With DRS malignant tissue could be discriminated from healthy tissue. The classification model that was based on eight selected wavelengths had the highest accuracy and Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC) of 0.93 and 0.87, respectively. In three patients that were measured in continuous mode and had malignant tissue in their biopsy specimen, a clear transition was seen in the classified DRS measurements going from healthy tissue to tumor tissue. This transition was not seen in the other two continuously measured patients that had benign tissue in their biopsy specimen.Conclusions
It was concluded that DRS is feasible for integration in a surgical tool that could assist the breast surgeon in detecting positive resection margins during breast surgery.Trail registration NIH US National Library of Medicine–clinicaltrails.gov, NCT01730365. Registered: 10/04/2012 https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/study/NCT0173036515.
We investigate the optical properties of the brain in 23 neonates in vivo using a frequency domain near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). In this study, a calibration procedure is employed to determine the absorption and reduced scattering coefficients with single source-detector separation. The absorption coefficients of the infant foreheads are lower than the values reported in adults. A large intersubject variation in the reduced scattering coefficients is also demonstrated. Furthermore, physiological parameters are derived from the absorption coefficients at two wavelengths (788 and 832 nm). The mean total hemoglobin concentration (THC) is 39.7+/-9.8 microM and the mean cerebral blood oxygen saturation (StO2) is 58.7+/-11.2%. Our preliminary results show that this bedside frequent domain NIRS could provide quantitative optical measurement of the infant brain. 相似文献
Koenig A Hervé L Josserand V Berger M Boutet J Da Silva A Dinten JM Peltié P Coll JL Rizo P 《Journal of biomedical optics》2008,13(1):011008
We present in vivo experiments conducted with a new fluorescence diffuse optical tomographic (fDOT) system on cancerous mice bearing mammary murine tumors. We first briefly present this new system that has been developed and its associated reconstruction method. Its main specificity is its ability to reconstruct the fluorescence yield even in heterogeneous and highly attenuating body regions such as lungs and to enable mouse inspection without immersion in optical index matching liquid (Intralipid and ink). Some phantom experiments validate the performance of this new system for heterogeneous media inspection. Its use for a mice study is then related. It consists in the follow-up of the lungs at different stages of tumor development after injection of RAFT-(cRGD)4-Alexa700. As expected, the reconstructed fluorescence increases along with the tumor stage. These results validate the use of our system for biological studies of small animals. 相似文献
We present a method for tissue fluorescence quantification in situ using a handheld fiber optic probe that measures both the fluorescence and diffuse reflectance spectra. A simplified method to decouple the fluorescence spectrum from distorting effects of the tissue optical absorption and scattering is developed, with the objective of accurately quantifying the fluorescence in absolute units. The primary motivation is measurement of 5-aminolevulinic acid-induced protoporphyrin IX (ALA-PpIX) concentration in tissue during fluorescence-guided resection of malignant brain tumors. This technique is validated in phantoms and ex vivo mouse tissues, and tested in vivo in a rabbit brain tumor model using ALA-PpIX fluorescence contrast. 相似文献
Doornbos RM Lang R Aalders MC Cross FW Sterenborg HJ 《Physics in medicine and biology》1999,44(4):967-981
A method is described for measuring optical properties and deriving chromophore concentrations from diffuse reflection measurements at the surface of a turbid medium. The method uses a diffusion approximation model for the diffuse reflectance, in combination with models for the absorption and scattering coefficients. An optical fibre-based set-up, capable of measuring nine spectra from 400 to 1050 nm simultaneously, is used to test the method experimentally. Results of the analyses of phantom and in vivo measurements are presented. These demonstrate that in the wavelength range from 600 to 900 nm, tissue scattering can be described as a simple power dependence of the wavelength and that the tissue absorption can be accurately described by the addition of water, oxy- and deoxyhaemoglobin absorption. 相似文献
Shah N Gibbs J Wolverton D Cerussi A Hylton N Tromberg BJ 《Journal of biomedical optics》2005,10(5):051503
Monitoring tumor response to therapy can enable assessment of treatment efficacy, maximizing patient outcome and survival. We employ a noninvasive, handheld laser breast scanner (LBS) based on broadband diffuse optical spectroscopy (DOS) in conjunction with contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (cMRI) to assess tumor response to presurgical neoadjuvant chemotherapy. DOS and cMRI scans are performed after the first and fourth cycles of a doxorubicin/cyclophosphamide regimen in a patient with invasive ductal carcinoma. DOS measurements are used to quantify bulk tissue optical and physiological parameters, which are mapped to T2- and T1-weighted cMRI images. Initial DOS measurements show high tumor/normal contrast in total hemoglobin concentration (THC, 56+/-7 versus 27+/-4 microM) and water fraction (81.4+/-1% versus 24+/-3%) colocalized with regions of strongly enhancing T2-weighted and cMRI signals. After the fourth cycle of chemotherapy, we observe decreases in peak MRI contrast-enhancement values (37.6%) and apparent lesion volume (21.9 versus 13.7 cm3), which corresponds to physiological changes measured by DOS, including a 20 to 25% reduction in the spatial extent of the tumor and a 38.7% drop in mean total hemoglobin content (THC, 41.6 versus 23.4 microM). These data provide in vivo validation of the accuracy of broadband DOS and the sensitivity of optical methods to changes in tumor physiology. 相似文献
We investigate the uptake of a nontargeted contrast agent by breast tumors using a continuous wave diffuse optical tomography apparatus. The instrument operates in the near-infrared spectral window and employs 16 sources and 16 detectors to collect light in parallel on the surface of the tumor-bearing breast (coronal geometry). In our protocol an extrinsic contrast agent, Indocyanine Green (ICG), was injected by bolus. Three clinical scenarios with three different pathologies were investigated. A two-compartment model was used to analyze the pharmacokinetics of ICG and preprocess the data, and diffuse optical tomography was used for imaging. Localization and delineation of the tumor was achieved in good agreement with a priori information. Moreover, different dynamical features were observed for differing pathologies. The malignant cases exhibited slower rate constants (uptake and outflow) compared to healthy tissue. These results provide further evidence that in vivo pharmacokinetics of ICG in breast tumors may be a useful diagnostic tool for differentiation of benign and malignant pathologies. 相似文献