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Objective. To investigate the effect of apolipoprotein B (apoB) and E (apoE) genetic variations on lipid profile at baseline (before treatment), and also on the subsequent response to simvastatin therapy.Methods. Eighty-eight patients with hyperlipidemia were treated with simvastatin 5mg daily. The plasma levels of total cholesterol (TC) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), triglyceride (TG) and apo B were measured pre-treatment and at the end of the 4th, 8th and 12th post-treatment week. Polymorphisms of apoB at XbaI locus and apoE were determined by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP).Results. In all patients, relative frequencies of X- allele and X + allele were 0. 943 and 0. 057 for apoB gene respectively. For apoE gene the relative frequency of ε 2 allele was determined as 0. 182, ε3 as 0. 580 and ε4 as 0. 238. The reduction in TC level was more prominent in patients carrying X- allele than in those with X + allele following treatment (-23. 9% vs. -13. 6% , P < 0. 05). Co  相似文献   

Objective To examine the relationship between apolipoprotein E (Apo E) gene polymorphism and risk of coronaryartery disease (CAD), analyzing association of polymorphism with classical risk factors.Methods A total of 124 patients (including 84 Han population and 40 Uygur population) with angiographically verified CAD or myocardial infarction were prospectively evaluated. Data referring to hypertension, diabetes, and tobacco consumption were recorded. The levels of total cholesterol (TC), high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, Apo A1 and B, and triglycerides (TG) were determined. DNA was obtained from 124 patients and 70 controls. In order to determine Apo E genotypes, DNA was PCR amplified and digested with HhaI. The genetic polymorphism of Apo E is due to three common alleles, epsilon (ε) 2, ε3, ε4, at a single autosomal gene locus. These alleles determine the six phenotypes E2/2, E3/3, E4/4,E4/2, E4/3, and E3/2.Results In Uygur population, the frequency of the ε2, ε3, and ε4 was 0.155, 0.648, and 0.197 respectively. In Han population, the frequency of the ε2, ε3, and ε4 was 0.081, 0.772, and 0.146 respectively. In the patient group, the frequency of the ε2, ε3, and ε4 was 0.060, 0.758, and 0.182 respectively. In the control group, the frequency of the ε2, ε3, and ε4 was 0.193, 0.671, and 0.136 respectively. ε2 frequency of Uygur' patients and controls was 0.050 and 0.290 respectively. Serum low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, TC, and TG values tended to decrease from the Apo E-4 phenotypes to Apo E-2phenotypes. When deletion polymorphism ofε2 was compared with the common risk factors for CAD, its risk ratio (RR) is 4.38.Conclusions These studies confirm and find that Apo E phenotype distribution in Uygur population differs significantly from that in Han population in Xinjiang. CAD patients have significantly lower ε2 allele and slightly higher ε3 or ε4 allele frequency than controls, especially in Uygur population. It shows protective effects ofε2 on CAD.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONEssentialhypertension(EH)isamultifactorialdiseasecausedbygeneticandenvironmentaldeterminants.Themaintenanceofbloodpressure(BP)isregulatedlargelybythecomplexreninangiotensinsystem(RAS)'Therefore,abnormalitiesoftheRASanditscomponentsmaybeassociatedwiththepredispositiontoEH.TheRASconsistsofangiotensinogen(AGT),renin,angiotensinconvertingenzyme(ACE)andangiotensin1receptors.TheAGTissynthesizedprimarilybyliverandreleasedintocirculation,whereitiscleavedbyrenintogenerateangi…  相似文献   

Since 1987 the authors have treatedcoronary heart disease with massage andobserved its effects on the clinical manifesta-tions, left heart functions,electrocardiograms, blood pressure andblood lipids, as reported in the following.GENERAL DATA50 cases of coronary heart disease were  相似文献   

The mean serum tyrosine concentrationswere 1.14 mg/dl for normal control group(17cases)and 1.43 for patients with coronary heartdisease(CHD)(67 cases),a significantly higherfigure in the latter.No significant differencewas found between male and female patients.Averages of the serum tyrosine levels of Yin-deficient(43 cases)and Yang-deficient(24 cases)groups were 1.50 and 1.29 mg/dl respectively.The differences were statistically significantbetween the two deficiency groups and betweenthe Yin-deficient and normal control groups.The values of male or female Yang-deficientpatients were not however significantly differentfrom the normal.We considered the increaseof serum tyrosine level in CHD patients possiblyto be one of the important pathologic biochemi-cal changes of Yin-deficiency.We found nosuch relationship between the tyrosine level andthe CHD as reported by some foreign investiga-tors.  相似文献   

The fundamental deficiency and outward excesssyndrome of coronary heart disease can be classifiedinto Qi Yang deficiency with blood stasis(QYD) andYin deficiency with blood stasis(YD).The patientsshowed disturbances in immunofunction manifest-ed as marked increase of serum IgG,CIC,IC-IgG and IC-C_3 levels and the percentage of Bcells in the peripheral blood,while the percentages ofOKT_3~ ,OKT_4~ and OKT_8~ cells markedly decreas-ed,especially the percentage of OKT_8~ cells,resultingin an increase of the ratio of T4/8 and imbalancebetween T_S and T_H.The authors deem that thefundamental deficiency of coronary heart disease isrelated to the low cellular immunity,especially theimbalance between T_S and T_H cells,while outwardexcess of coronary heart disease is related to hyper-activity of humoral immunity.  相似文献   

A brief review of the mechanism of suddendeath from coronary heart disease(CHD)and anassessment of acupuncture in its prevention is out-lined as follows.Based on almost 10 years of clinicalexperience and domestic research,the author con-siders acupuncture effective in the prevention ofsudden death from CHD as well as being safe andwithout side effects.The commonly used acupunc-ture points are indicated in relationship to thesymptoms.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis and treatment of coronary heart disease (CHD) may vary, whereas the au-thor believes that the disease is due to blood stasis on a fundamental basis of deficiency, and the principle of treatment is activation of blood. Since stasis may lead to deficiency and vice versa, CHD cannot be cured without removal of stasis, and stasis cannot be completely re-moved without proper correction of deficiency. The basic method for the treatment of CHD is therefore activation of blood for reduction of stasis. At the same time, according to the conditions of individual patients, the methods of replenishing Qi, warming Yang, nourishing Yin, reducing phlegm and subduing Yang should be applied simultaneously to resolve the problem of deficiency. The author treated 80 cases of CHD by the above rationale and found the results satisfactory, i.e., 28 cases (35%) showed marked symptomatic relief, 46 (57.5%) showed symptomatic improvement, while 6 cases (7.5%) failed. The total effective rate was 92.5%. ECG examination indicated 9 cases markedly effective, 27 improved, while 44 cases failed, for a total effective rate of 45%. Blood pressure and blood lipids also showed signifi-cant drops (P< 0.001).  相似文献   

Osteoporosisisametabolicbonediseasecharacter-izedbylowbonemineraldensity(BMD),thedeterioratedmicrostructure,highbonefragility,andincreasedriskoffracture.BMDisdeterminedbythepeakbonemass(PBM)reachedinyoungperiodandbonelossrateinlaterlife.FamilyandtwinresearchshowsthatPBM,BMDaresignificantlyrelatedtoinheritancefactors(1,2).MorrisonreportedtheassociationofVitaminDreceptorgene(VDR)polymorphismwithBMDfirstlyin1994(3).However,itisstillcontroversialbecauseofvariousresultsindifferentcountries…  相似文献   

Most patients suffering from coronary heart disease have string-like pulse due mainly to disorder of cardiac function, lowered arterial compliance and increased total peripheral resistance. The common type of pulse in hematopathy patients is rapid, thready, string-like and slippery, due mainly to increased compensatory pumping action of heart, shortening of ejection time of left ventricle, relatively better vessel compliance and blood rheology as well as low total peripheral resistance.  相似文献   

The authors present 30 cases of typical co-ronary heart disease (CHD) diagnosed in tradi-tional Chinese medical terms as instances ofvital energy deficiency (12 cases) and “Blood”stasis (18 cases) types.Systolic time interval(STI),apical cardiogram (ACG),cardiac func-tion,microcirculation of nail fold,blood vis-cosity and blood cAMP were investigated.Fivecases were diagnosed as stable angina,4 as un-stable angina,16 as acute myocardial infarction,1 as angina with papillary muscle dysfunctionand 4 as angina with arrhythmia.CHD patientswith vital energy deficiency or “Blood” stasisshowed a blood viscosity of 3.93±0.59 and 4.5±0.75 (P>0.05) respectively;plasma viscosity was1.73±0.15 and 1.69±0.71 (P>0.05),the incidenceof abnormal microcirculation of nail fold was5/14 (35.7%) and 7/9 (77.7%) (P<0.05),STI was0.43±0.1 and 0.37±0.07 (P<0.02),cardiac func-tion of grade Ⅱ-Ⅲ was found in 8/18 (44.4%) and5/12 (41.6%) and blood cAMP was 29.3±18.2pmol/ml and 31.5±23.8 pmol/ml respectively.The CHD patients with vital energy defi-ciency seemed to have more marked deteriora-tion of cardiac function,while those with “Blood”stasis showed more marked changes in bloodviscosity and in microcirculation of the nail fold.  相似文献   

Herba Epimedii (淫羊藿) is an herbalmedicine used for tonifying and invigoratingkidney-yang.In animal experiments forscreening effective drugs for coronary heartdisease,we found that Herba Epimediimarkedly increased coronary blood flow,al-leviating myocardial ischemia and relievinganoxia.Clinical trials of this drug weremade in 120 coronary heart disease patients  相似文献   

Cyclovirobuxine D is an alkaloid extractedfrom Buxus microphylla Sieb.et Zucc.var sini-ca Rehd.et Wils.in Chinese the herb Huang-yang.In 1981,198 cases of coronary heart disease(CHD)were treated with this drug with satis-factory results.In 1982,another 110 cases of CHD treatedwith Cyclovirobuxine D or placebo were studi-ed using the randomized double blind method.The results were as follows:The effectiveness rate of cyclovirobuxineD for angina pectoris was 80.9%(P<0.05),ECGimprovement 65.5%(P<9.01)and cardiac func-tion improvement 57.4%(P<0.01),while withplacebo these percentages were 59.6,25.9 and20.8 respectively.There was significant dif-ference between the treated and the placebogroups.After cyclovirobuxine D treatment thestroke volume increased markedly from 66.90to 75.59 ml/beat,PEP/LVET and SFW/RFW andN-S_2/C-S_2,ratios decreased while cardiac indexshowed no obvious change.These indices werethe same in the placebo group except for theincreased SFW/RFW ratio.This shows thatcyelovirobuxine D is effective in treating CHDpatients.  相似文献   

This paper reports the therapeutic effect of microwave acupuncture (MWA) and its influ-ence on the plasma level of cardionatrion. Twenty-eight cases with coronary heart disease (CHD) were systemically observed and investigated. Atrial natriuretic polypeptides (ANP) were determined by radioimmunoassay. Plasma level of ANP was elevated, the rising rate being 100%. The therapeutic effect of MWA in the 28 cases with CHD was 85.7%, the ECG improving rate was 82.2%. Effect of MWA was briefly discussed. The authors consid-er that the therapeutic effect of MWA in the treatment of CHD could be ascertained, and the measurement of plasma ANP concentration is a useful method and an objective parameter for further research.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION  Graves’disease(GD)isoneoftheautoimmunethyroiddiseases(AITD) ,andischaracterizedbyhypermetabolicandhyperthyroidsyndromecausedbyTSHreceptor stimulatingantibody TheetiologyandpathogenesisofGDarestillnotfullyclarified TheroleofTcellswaswidelyst…  相似文献   

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