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黄河兰州段水体中多环芳烃分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨黄河兰州段水体中多环芳烃的分布、来源及危害。方法:应用高效液相色谱仪对其含量进行测定,并对其分布、来源和危害做了初步分析。结果:多环芳烃在底泥中的含量比水中高,水和底泥中含量均低于环境目标值。结论:底泥是多环芳烃的主要环境归宿之一;该河段水体中多环芳烃污染主要来源于石化燃料高温燃烧;其化合物含量尚不足对人体健康和生态环境造成大的影响,但其潜在危害应引起重视。  相似文献   

烹调油烟雾中多环芳烃的分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文采用薄层扫描法对精制菜浊、豆油、菜油的3个实验室油烟雾样品和酒家厨房、萨其马工厂、油条店3个现场的油烟雾样品进行了分析。结果显示以上6种油烟雾样品中都含有BaP、DBahA、BaA、DBabA、BeP等5种多环芳烃,且DBahA的含量远高于BaP。这对于烹调油烟同女性肺癌发病之间的关系及对厨房空气环境污染的研究都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

[目的]了解城市交通区不同地区和不同时间内颗粒物中多环芳烃的分布特征。[方法]对某城市某交通区不同地点颗粒物和多环芳烃的含量分别进行了监测,同时在1个地点进行了连续24h监测。[结果]不同地段颗粒物中多环芳烃的含量不同,总体趋势是:高架下大气中颗粒物多环芳烃的污染比高架上严重;城区比郊区污染严重;隧道内比隧道外污染严重。同时,同一地点颗粒物及其中多环芳烃连续24h的监测结果表明,在24h内,大气中颗粒物及其中的多环芳烃含量有规律的波动,在清晨、下午出现两个高峰。研究还发现在颗粒物和其中多环芳烃之间存在明显的相关性,相关系数为0.231,并得到了回归模型;对不同粒径的成分分析结果表明,PM2.5占PM10的30%~50%,是主要的多环芳烃携带颗粒物。[结论]交通因素以及周围环境因素是导致大气中颗粒物多环芳烃污染浓度改变的主要因素之一;PM2.5是主要的多环芳烃的携带者。  相似文献   

熏烤肉品中多环芳烃多组分分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

为了解佳木斯市夏季大气PM2.5中多环芳烃的污染特征,于2013年7月连续2周采集了佳木斯郊区大气PM2.5样品,采用GC/MS测定16种多环芳烃的含量。结果显示,PM2.5浓度范围为39.19~59.60μg/m3,均值为47.63μg/m3;PAHs浓度范围为6.13~12.27 ng/m3,均值为9.13 ng/m3,多环芳烃中苯并(ghi)苝和苯并(b)荧蒽相对含量较高,占多环芳烃总量24.56%,源解析显示,机动车排放是佳木斯市郊区夏季大气颗粒物PM2.5中多环芳烃的主要来源。  相似文献   

淮河干流沉积物中多环芳烃分布特征与生态风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为客观描述淮河干流沉积物中多环芳烃(PAHs)含量及分布特征,并为进一步开展生态风险评价和环境综合治理提供科学依据。通过检索文献数据库搜集1980—2010年有关淮河流域PAHs的研究结果,整合分析文献中涵盖淮河干流自上游至下游的35个采样断面沉积物中16种美国国家环保局提出的优先控制PAHs的含量分布,并对其潜在的生态风险进行评价。结果显示,淮河干流沉积物中PAHs平均含量为143.1 ng/g,与国内其他流域沉积物中PAHs含量相比,处于较低水平。淮河干流沉积物中PAHs含量变化幅度较大,在淮南市凤台大桥断面(2007年)含量达到1 293.0 ng/g,淮南市洛河电厂断面(2007年)含量为1 278.0 ng/g,淮南市平圩断面(2006年)PAHs总含量是1 007.7 ng/g,而在蚌埠市韩郢断面(2007年)含量仅为5.4 ng/g,蚌埠市一号码头断面(2007年)含量是6.7 ng/g。对其潜在的生态风险进行评价可以看出,淮河干流沉积物中PAHs平均含量远低于潜在生态风险的效应区间低值(4 022 ng/g),生态风险小于10%,极少产生负面效应。从单一种类的PAHs含量来看,淮河干流沉积物中仅有二苯并(a,h)蒽平均含量(156.5 ng/g)超过风险评价效应区间低值(63.4 ng/g),低于生态风险的效应区间中值(260 ng/g),生态风险在10%~50%之间;苯并(b/k)荧蒽、茚并(1,2,3-cd)芘和苯并(g,h,i)苝没有最低安全值,只要在环境中存在就会对生物有毒副作用,在报告的35个断面中,除外蚌埠市韩郢断面(2007年)、蚌埠市五河县城断面(2004年)、滁州明光市太平乡断面(2004年)和滁州明光市小河头断面(2004年)等4个断面未检出外,其他断面都至少检出一种没有安全低值的PAHs。综述显示,淮河干流沉积物PAHs含量状况总体程度较低,潜在的生态风险较低;但个别断面的单一种类的PAHs含量较高,并且多数断面检测出没有最低安全值的PAHs,应引起重视。  相似文献   

焦炉逸散物中多环芳烃的色谱分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
前言 煤在炼焦过程中经过复杂的热解和热聚反应,产生大量的气体、蒸气和烟尘。这些气体、蒸气和烟尘,虽然大部分通过管道回收,但仍有小部分从焦炉的隙缝和炉盖逸出,弥散在焦炉炉顶及其周围环境中。这些从焦炉逸出的气体、蒸气和烟尘统称为焦炉逸散物(Coke Oven Emissions),简称COE。据研究,COE是造成焦炉工人肺癌率上升的主要因素。所以,对COE的组成及其生物学特性的分析和探索已成为研究焦炉工人职业性癌症的重要课题。  相似文献   

多环芳烃化合物毒理学研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
多环芳烃化合物(PolycyclicAromaticHydrcarbons,PAHs)是全球性有机污染物〔1〕。在世界各地各种环境介质(空气、水质、土壤、沉积物、食品、生物体等)中都存在PAHs。近年来,环境中常见的PAHs污染物已由20余种增加到3...  相似文献   

多环芳烃(PAHs)是广泛分布于环境及职业场所的致癌性化合物,PAHs的生物标志物可以准确反映人体对PAHs的内暴露情况,PAHs在代谢物中主要以OH-PAHs与葡萄糖醛酸结合物的形式存在,本文对尿中OH-PAHs的不同前处理过程与分析方法分别进行了比较与阐述。 更多还原  相似文献   

A disease prevalence study and follow-up health surveillance were conducted among residents of an African-American community situated at the site of a former creosote wood-treatment facility contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Household interviews were conducted among 214 residents living around the hazardous waste site (target population) and 212 comparison residents in a neighborhood 2.4 km away from the site. Target area residents reported a higher prevalence of skin rashes than comparison residents (relative risk [RR] = 5.7; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 3.0, 10.9). The prevalence of reported rashes increased with increasing levels of anthracene detected in yards (test for linear trend, p = 0.02). With adjustment for environmental worry, reports of chronic bronchitis and difficulties becoming pregnant did not differ significantly between target and comparison residents (p > 0.05).  相似文献   

Baseline concentrations of total unsaturated compounds extracted from six species of molluscs, collected from waters around Newfoundland and Labrador were determined by ultraviolet/fluorescence spectroscopy (uv/f, chrysene equivalents, IOC recommendation). Extracts of muscle tissue from scallops,Placopecten magellanicus, clams,Mya arenaria, whelks,Buccinum undatum and propeller clams,Cyrtoderia siliqua had negligible hydrocarbon concentrations compared to the corresponding visceral mass. The pattern of concentration (GC-MS) of the 16 PAH priority pollutants (EPA recommendation) was similar in the visceral mass of these species and in whole mussels (Mytilus edulis) and periwinkles (Nucella lapillus). When the 16 PAH were detected (>5 ng/g, dry weight), fluoranthene dominated (<200 ng/g), followed by phenanthrene-anthracene (<50 ng/g). Extracts of the visceral mass of scallops appeared to contain a relatively larger amount of uv/f absorbing hydrocarbons; therefore, a further investigation was undertaken. A C-25 unsaturated hydrocarbon of molecular weight 346 was identified as the major component of the extraction mixture. Overall, hydrocarbon levels were very low in comparison to other geographical regions.  相似文献   

To understand the dermal uptake of chemicals bound to soil and dust, information on the neat substance is helpful but does not seem sufficient. Because of its content of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) coal is suspected to be carcinogenic. However, experimental carcinogenity studies on coal dust never succeeded in demonstrating a higher incidence of cancer in treated animals. The aim of the study was to assess dermal penetration through human skin of PAHs from coal dust. A sample of coal dust was grinded and sieved, using the particle size of < 30 microm. An in vitro static diffusion cell system validated by in vitrolin vivo comparison has been used to study dermal penetration through human skin of PAHs from coal dust compared with their percutaneous absorption as pure compounds. No percutaneous penetration of PAHs was observed in the cells where coal dust was applied, while dermal penetration was demonstrated for PAHs applied in an acetone solution. Results agree with the literature that PAHs are poorly absorbed through the skin from solids. Dermal risk assessment of PAHs should take into account not only the degree and the extent of skin contamination, but also their bioavailability, which is heavily influenced by the physico-chemical characteristics of the matrix.  相似文献   

目的 建立居室积尘中多环芳烃的高效液相色谱检测方法,为居室积尘中多环芳烃污染的预防控制提供技术支持。方法 采用超声萃取法(正己烷-丙酮)对样品中的多环芳烃进行提取,经硅胶层析柱净化和氮吹浓缩后,利用高效液相色谱法-荧光检测器/紫外检测器检测。结果 16种多环芳烃线性相关系数在0.9994~0.9999之间,检出限范围为0.005~0.120 ng/g,平均回收率为78.70%~104.4%,相对标准偏差均小于7.50%(除BbF和BaP外)。∑16PAHs含量在石家庄(78.58μg/g)、西安(56.12μg/g)和深圳(49.56μg/g)较高;在无锡(13.96μg/g)、宁波(9.01μg/g)和盘锦(8.50μg/g)较低。苯并[a]芘毒性当量浓度在石家庄(2.53μg/g)、深圳(1.69μg/g)和西安(1.50μg/g)较高;在盘锦(0.35μg/g)、无锡(0.19μg/g)和宁波(0.18μg/g)较低。结论 本方法具有较高的准确度、精密度和灵敏度,且重复性和稳定性良好,适用于居室积尘多环芳烃的检测。居室积尘中多环芳烃含量处于较高水平,因此应采...  相似文献   

The risk of photoactivated PAH toxicity in contaminated aquatic systems has not been well characterized. To document risk, amphipods (Gammarus spp.) were collected from two polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-contaminated sites in the lower St. Louis River and Duluth Harbor, USA (Hog Island and USX) as well as a reference site (Chipmunk Cove) and were exposed in two separate, replicate tests to controlled intensities of solar radiation for 3 d. Contaminated site organisms died significantly faster compared to control site organisms. In all tests, mortality was strongly related to ultraviolet-A (UV-A; 320-400 nm) dose. Ultraviolet-B (280-320 nm) radiation did not increase mortality. To compare susceptibility among populations, regressions of arcsine-transformed, proportionate mortality versus UV dose were completed for each, and the slopes were statistically compared. Response slopes for the two contaminated site populations were both significantly greater than the reference site population (p = 0.0001 for test 1; p = 0.0002 for test 2). These results indicate that organisms residing in PAH-contaminated environments can accumulate PAH concentrations sufficient to be at risk for photoactivated toxicity. Although amphipods are not typically at risk of PAH-photoactivated toxicity because they are largely protected from exposure to sunlight, they are representative surrogates for species that may be similarly protected at some life stages (and thus able to accumulate significant PAH tissue concentrations) but not at others.  相似文献   

目的建立同时测定尿中4种多环芳烃(PAHs)代谢物的检测方法,研究重庆市某区女童青春发动时相提前与体内多环芳烃暴露水平的关系。方法研究对象采用目的性抽样,对重庆市某区4所小学1~4年级女生进行一般情况的问卷调查、生长发育的体格检查、并收集尿液,采用高效液相色谱-质谱联用法(HPLC-MS)对样品中4种PAHs代谢物进行定性和定量检测。结果 4种PAHs代谢物标准曲线相关性高,方法检出限为0.1 ng/mL。研究共调查女童737名,青春发动时相提前组209人,正常组528人。尿液检测结果显示4种PAHs代谢物检出率为100%,4种代谢物的检出浓度范围分别为1-羟基芘0.01~4.77 ng/mL,2-羟基萘0.15~50.00ng/mL,2-羟基芴0.06~12.59 ng/mL及9-羟基菲0.29~23.17 ng/mL。青春发动时相提前组和正常组在2-羟基芴(Z=-1.996)和9-羟基菲(Z=-3.161)暴露水平上差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),控制了肥胖因素后,青春发动时相提前组9-羟基菲(Z=-3.012)暴露水平仍高于正常组(P<0.05)。结论该方法适用于4种PAHs代谢物的同时检测,研究地区女童青春发育早期均有PAHs暴露,且PAHs暴露可能是女童青春发动时相提前的因素之一。  相似文献   

Monitoring of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in seafoods from Lake Timsah   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrpcarvons (PAHs) in some seafoods caught from Lake Timsah were determined. The tested samples were tilapia fish (Oreochromis aureus), crabs (Portuns pelagicus), bivalves (Venerupis decussata), clams (Strombus tricornis) and gastropods (Munes Sp.). Where these seafoods are locally and favorite consumed foods in the area around the lake (Ismailia governorate). Results showed that crabs contained significantly higher concentrations of both total and carcinogenic PAHs ranging from 1318.6 to 3767.4 and 1230.3 to 3442.2 microg kg(-1), respectively. Meanwhile, clams contained significantly lower levels with mean value of 28.4 microg kg(-1) for total and 24.4 microg kg(-1) for carcinogenic PAHs. The most frequently detected PAHs in the tested samples were indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene followed by benzo(a)pyrene, dibenzo(a,h)anthracene, and benzo(b)fluoranthene which are characterized as carcinogenic compounds.  相似文献   

Characterization of dusts collected from swine confinement buildings   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
As part of a project to evaluate health hazards for workers in swine confinement buildings, the air in 21 different buildings was sampled with 37 mm cassette filters with and without cyclone preselectors and with cascade impactors. Filter results yielded a mean total aerosol of 6.3 mg/m3, a mean respirable aerosol of 0.5 mg/m3; the geometric mean diameter was 2.9 microns. Cascade impactor measurements revealed a mean total aerosol of 7.6 mg/m3, a respirable aerosol of 2.5 mg/m3 and a mass median diameter of 9.6 microns. The two major constituents in these aerosols were grain particles and dried fecal matter. The grain particles were larger than fecal particles and proportionately more abundant in finishing buildings where 50 kg X 100 kg animals are housed. Therefore the respirable fraction was less in finishing buildings than in farrowing and nursery buildings. Culturing of settled dusts yielded six different mold species, with the highest counts for Verticillium sp. (5 X 10(2) cfu/mg dry dust) grown at 37 degrees C. Thermophilic Actinomycetes and both gram negative and gram positive bacteria were isolated. Azocasein proteinase activity was found in most dust samples analyzed. This dust had a protein content of about 23% and a mean adsorbed ammonia content of 0.4%.  相似文献   

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