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Objective:To evaluate whether the efficacy of Getong Tongluo Capsule(葛酮通络胶囊,GTC,consisted of total flavone of Radix Puerariae)on improving patients'quality of life and lowering blood pressure are superior to the extract of Ginkgo biloba(EGB)for patients with convalescent-phase ischemic stroke and primary hypertension.Methods:This randomized,positive-drug-and placebo-controlled,double-blind trial was conducted from September 2015 to October 2017.Totally 477 eligible patients from 18 hospitals in China were randomly assigned in a 2:1:1 ratio to the following interventions,twice a day for 12 weeks:(1)GTC 250 mg plus EGB-matching placebo 40 mg(237 cases,GTC group),(2)EGB 40 mg plus GTC-matching placebo 250 mg(120 cases,EGB group)or(3)GTC-matching placebo 250 mg plus EGB-matching placebo 40 mg(120 cases,placebo group).Moreover,all patients were orally administered aspirin enteric-coated tablets 100 mg,once a day fo r 12 weeks.The primary outcome was the Barthel Index(Bl).The secondary outcomes included the control rate of blood pressure and National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale(NIHSS)scores.The incidence and severity of adverse events(AEs)were calculated and assessed.Results:The Bl relative independence rates,the clinical recovery rates of NIHSS,and the total effective rates of NIHSS in the GTC and EGB groups were significantly higher than the placebo group at 12 weeks after treatment(P<0.05),and no statistical significance was found between the GTC and EGB groups(P>0.05).The control rate of blood pressure in the GTC group was significantly higher than the EGB and placebo groups at 12,18 and 24 weeks after treatment(P<0.01).There were no statistically significant differences in the incidences of AEs,adverse drug reactions,or serious AEs among the 3 groups(P>0.05).Conclusion:GTC exhibited significant efficacy in improving patients'quality of life as well as neurological function and controlling hypertension.  相似文献   

人类的历史教训证明,包括大地震在内的严重自然灾害,对地域生态环境和人类居住条件造成极大的破坏,对灾区人员的健康造成沉重的打击.在这种情况下,发生重大传染病流行的风险将会显著增加.汶川大地震发生后,搜寻生还者,抢救伤病员是抗震救灾第一阶段的重点.  相似文献   

Objective:To illustrate the academic influence of Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western medicine,and provide suggestions for further development of the Journal.Methods:Taking the China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI)database as main source and the Chinese Science Citation Database(CSCD)as reference,the researchers retrieved the related data of the Journal such as its publication quantity,citations,fund projects,authors,institutions and regions from 1981 to 2018,analyzed these data by means of bibliometrics and information visualization with EXCEL,SPSS,VISIO,MATLAB and other softwares.Results:Through the analysis of the main indicators,the relevant indicators of the Journal’s academic influence revealed the developing trend of the Journal.Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases,endocrine,digestive system,pharmacological research of Chinese medicine and gynecology,as the hot topics in the discipline and academic,were clarified.Conclusions:All indicators show that the Journal is a high-quality journal reflecting the excellent achievements in the field of integrated Chinese and Western medicine in China.Through further analysis of relevant indicators,the authors put forward some specific suggestions on how to run the Journal well.  相似文献   

分析目前考试制度存在的主要问题有命题、复习题、补考制度等方面的弊端,提出考试制度的改革要在加强"三风"建设、做好试题的编审工作、建立完善的考试管理制度、严肃补考纪律等方面下工夫,让严肃的考风带动良好的学风,从而提高教学质量.  相似文献   

2006年4月5日至4月8日第26届国际心肺移植协会(ISHLT)年会在西班牙马德里隆重召开,来自全世界从事心肺移植的专家,包括心外科、胸外科、心内科、呼吸科、麻醉科、ICU、病理科、供体协调等从事基础及临床研究等相关科室的专家共2 000多人参加了此次盛会.  相似文献   

1临床资料 患者,男,29岁.入院前10d双眼视力突然下降,伴轻微头痛,曾就诊于其他医院,经眼科常规检查及眼部B超检查,诊断为原发性视网膜脱离,用药不详,因治疗效果不佳,于2002年10月18日来本院就诊.入院时自诉头痛明显,全身状况不佳,视力:右眼指数/1 m,左眼指数/1 m,双眼轻度睫状充血,角膜后可见细小点状沉着物,房水闪辉阳性,瞳孔呈药物性散大,直径5.5 mm,晶体不混浊,玻璃体可见条状混浊,眼压正常.  相似文献   

游泳是人类生活中最自然的生理活动和本能之一。不仅人类,哺乳动物也常有游泳行为,是生活中自然形成和掌握的一种本能。我们认为人和动物一样,生来就具有适应环境的能力。很多动物,无论大小都有游泳本领,不用谁来教,在水中通过多种姿势和划水方法,他们都会把鼻子露出水面,往岸上游。可是人类这种本能后来泯灭了。我们认为社会就是大海,人生就如在大海中游泳,从小让孩子在水中学会挣扎,锻炼拼搏精神,促进胎儿到婴幼儿神经及各脏器的持续发育,使生长的过程得到进一步、更高质量的发展,这对他们一生的好处都是不可估量的。  相似文献   

1 临床资料 患者,男,66岁.因受凉后出现咳嗽、咯痰2d,其家属给予头孢氨苄胶囊0.5g口服后约10min后患者出现胸闷、心慌、呼吸困难、口唇紫绀,继而出现心悸出汗、全身无力、意识丧失、血压下降(60/30mmHg).医护人员迅速到达现场急救,立即给予吸氧、肌注肾上腺素1mg,静注地塞米松10mg,异丙嗪25mg,用药10min后病情好转,测血压80/60mmHg,1h后恢复正常.  相似文献   

2007年12月31日,中国医药生物技术协会纳米生物技术分会批准成立大会在深圳市召开来自全国纳米生物技术领域的近百所大学、中科院研究所、医院、药厂、公司的院士、教授、主任医师、工程技术人员、企业主管出席了成立大会.会议由中国科学院姚开泰院士、中国工程院何继善院士、上海交通大学彭志海教授主持.复旦大学、北京大学、中南大学、清华大学、上海交通大学、四川大学、中山大学、浙江大学、中科院理化所、解放军总医院、石药集团、纳米生物技术公司等单位作了重要发言.  相似文献   

傈僳族是我国民族大家族中一个人数不多但却古老的成员.主要聚居在云南省怒江傈僳族自治州,在丽江和迪族、大理、保山、德宏、临沧等州县,以及四川省的盐源、盐边等县也有分布.根据2000年第5次全国人口普查统计,傈傈族人口数为634912.  相似文献   

The pulmonary circuit receives the whole of the cardiac output, and the flow through it is governed by events in the systemic circulation. Its function is gaseous exchange, and the low resistance and high capacitance of the circuit is subservient to this function. Local flow is affected by intra-alveolar oxygen tension, and regional flow by passive hydrostatic effects due to gravity. The distribution of ventilation is also affected by gravity owing to the effect of the latter on regional compliance. When the cardiac output falls, as it does in most methods of induced hypotension, there is an accompanying increase in physiological dead space owing to an increase in the alveolar component.  相似文献   

开胸手术与肺功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钱锦贤  洪志鹏 《医学综述》2007,13(4):309-311
胸部疾病患者的肺功能常有不同程度的损害,加之麻醉、手术创伤、疼痛、麻醉药物等对呼吸机制的直接损害,术后肺部并发症发生率高,通过对开胸手术与肺功能的研究,可对术后肺功能进行准确评估,以及尽可能减低手术对肺功能影响,从而达到降低手术风险的目的。  相似文献   

A 33 year old woman with irregular menses due to endometrial sarcoidosis And a family history of sarcoidosis is described. Its relative increase in importance in the wake of the decline in the incidence of genital tract tuberculosis in Ireland is discussed.  相似文献   

目的:研究肺结核肺心病患者合并多脏器衰竭与死亡率的关系.方法:总结846例肺结核肺心病患者中316例并发多脏器衰竭(MOF)进行临床分析.结果:本组MOF发病率高低依次为心、脑、肾、上消化道、肝等.年龄愈大,并发器官愈多,死亡率愈高.结论:MOF是肺结核肺心病死亡的主要原因.早诊断、早治疗是防止MOF发生的主要措施.  相似文献   

目的:探讨急性肺栓塞所致肺动脉高压的影像学特征,以提高对急性肺动脉栓塞诊断的准确性.方法:回顾性分析26例经临床确诊且均行64排CT血管成像(CTA)检查的急性肺动脉栓塞合并肺动脉高压的胸部影像学表现.结果:26例肺栓塞合并肺动脉高压患者中,10例接受胸片检查:肺血管纹理改变7例,肺浸润灶4例,肺膨胀不全6例,纤维索条影3例.10例均可观察到有肺动脉段突出、肺动脉主干增宽、右心室大.11例胸部CT平扫:肺周密度不均的浸润灶、纤维索条灶和肺不张6例.中央肺动脉扩张、右室肥大11例.胸腔积液和局限性胸膜肥厚3例,肺膨胀不全、叶间裂移位2例.26例行肺动脉CTA:肺动脉主干病变17例.分支肺动脉病变9例.右心房显著增大6例,右心室增大11例,主肺动脉增粗18例.结论:对急性肺栓塞所致肺动脉高压影像学改变的认识,有助于提高对急性肺栓塞诊断的准确性.  相似文献   

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