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Chronic wasting disease is a prion disease of cervids. Assessment of its zoonotic potential is critical. To evaluate primate susceptibility, we tested monkeys from 2 genera. We found that 100% of intracerebrally inoculated and 92% of orally inoculated squirrel monkeys were susceptible, but cynomolgus macaques were not, suggesting possible low risk for humans.  相似文献   

Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a fatal prion disease of cervids. We examined host range of CWD by oronasally inoculating Suffolk sheep with brain homogenate from a CWD-positive white-tailed deer. Sixty months after inoculation, 1/7 sheep had immunoreactivity against the misfolded form of prion protein in lymphoid tissue. Results were confirmed by mouse bioassay.  相似文献   

Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a contagious, fatal prion disease of deer and elk that continues to emerge in new locations. To explore the means by which prions are transmitted with high efficiency among cervids, we examined prion infectivity in the apical skin layer covering the growing antler (antler velvet) by using CWD-susceptible transgenic mice and protein misfolding cyclic amplification. Our finding of prions in antler velvet of CWD-affected elk suggests that this tissue may play a role in disease transmission among cervids. Humans who consume antler velvet as a nutritional supplement are at risk for exposure to prions. The fact that CWD prion incubation times in transgenic mice expressing elk prion protein are consistently more rapid raises the possibility that residue 226, the sole primary structural difference between deer and elk prion protein, may be a major determinant of CWD pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Chronic wasting disease and potential transmission to humans   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Chronic wasting disease (CWD) of deer and elk is endemic in a tri-corner area of Colorado, Wyoming, and Nebraska, and new foci of CWD have been detected in other parts of the United States. Although detection in some areas may be related to increased surveillance, introduction of CWD due to translocation or natural migration of animals may account for some new foci of infection. Increasing spread of CWD has raised concerns about the potential for increasing human exposure to the CWD agent. The foodborne transmission of bovine spongiform encephalopathy to humans indicates that the species barrier may not completely protect humans from animal prion diseases. Conversion of human prion protein by CWD-associated prions has been demonstrated in an in vitro cell-free experiment, but limited investigations have not identified strong evidence for CWD transmission to humans. More epidemiologic and laboratory studies are needed to monitor the possibility of such transmissions  相似文献   

Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a naturally-occurring neurodegenerative disease of cervids. Raccoons (Procyon lotor) and meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus) have previously been shown to be susceptible to the CWD agent. To investigate the potential for transmission of the agent of CWD from white-tailed deer to voles and subsequently to raccoons, we intracranially inoculated raccoons with brain homogenate from a CWD-affected white-tailed deer (CWDWtd) or derivatives of this isolate after it had been passaged through voles 1 or 5 times. We found that passage of the CWDWtd isolate through voles led to a change in the biologic behavior of the CWD agent, including increased attack rates and decreased incubation periods in raccoons. A better understanding of the dynamics of cross-species transmission of CWD prions can provide insights into how these infectious proteins evolve in new hosts.  相似文献   

Prions are proteinaceous infectious agents that can be transmitted through various components of the environment, including soil particles. We found that earthworms exposed to prion-contaminated soil can bind, retain, and excrete prions, which remain highly infectious. Our results suggest that earthworms potentially contribute to prion disease spread in the environment.  相似文献   

Prion diseases are neurodegenerative conditions associated with a misfolded and infectious protein, scrapie prion protein (PrP(Sc)). PrP(Sc) propagate prion diseases within and between species and thus pose risks to public health. Prion infectivity or PrP(Sc) presence has been demonstrated in urine of experimentally infected animals, but there are no recent studies of urine from patients with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD). We performed bioassays in transgenic mice expressing human PrP to assess prion infectivity in urine from patients affected by a common subtype of sporadic CJD, sCJDMM1. We tested raw urine and 100-fold concentrated and dialyzed urine and assessed the sensitivity of the bioassay along with the effect of concentration and dialysis on prion infectivity. Intracerebral inoculation of transgenic mice with urine from 3 sCJDMM1 patients failed to demonstrate prion disease transmission, indicating that prion infectivity in urine from sCJDMM1 patients is either not present or is <0.38 infectious units/mL.  相似文献   

Occurrence, transmission, and zoonotic potential of chronic wasting disease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a fatal, transmissible prion disease that affects captive and free-ranging deer, elk, and moose. Although the zoonotic potential of CWD is considered low, identification of multiple CWD strains and the potential for agent evolution upon serial passage hinders a definitive conclusion. Surveillance for CWD in free-ranging populations has documented a continual geographic spread of the disease throughout North America. CWD prions are shed from clinically and preclinically affected hosts, and CWD transmission is mediated at least in part by the environment, perhaps by soil. Much remains unknown, including the sites and mechanisms of prion uptake in the naive host. There are no therapeutics or effective eradication measures for CWD-endemic populations. Continued surveillance and research of CWD and its effects on cervid ecosystems is vital for controlling the long-term consequences of this emerging disease.  相似文献   

To investigate the possibility of oral transmission of atypical scrapie in sheep and determine the distribution of infectivity in the animals' peripheral tissues, we challenged neonatal lambs orally with atypical scrapie; they were then killed at 12 or 24 months. Screening test results were negative for disease-specific prion protein in all but 2 recipients; they had positive results for examination of brain, but negative for peripheral tissues. Infectivity of brain, distal ileum, and spleen from all animals was assessed in mouse bioassays; positive results were obtained from tissues that had negative results on screening. These findings demonstrate that atypical scrapie can be transmitted orally and indicate that it has the potential for natural transmission and iatrogenic spread through animal feed. Detection of infectivity in tissues negative by current surveillance methods indicates that diagnostic sensitivity is suboptimal for atypical scrapie, and potentially infectious material may be able to pass into the human food chain.  相似文献   

How susceptible pigs are to infection with sheep prions is unknown. We show, through transmission experiments in transgenic mice expressing porcine prion protein (PrP), that the susceptibility of this mouse model to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) can be enhanced after its passage in ARQ sheep, indicating that the pathogenicity of the BSE agent is modified after passage in sheep. Transgenic mice expressing porcine PrP were, nevertheless, completely resistant to infection with a broad panel of classical scrapie isolates from different sheep PrP genotypes and with different biochemical characteristics. The atypical (Nor98 like) isolate (SC-PS152) was the only scrapie isolate capable of transmission in these mice, although with a marked transmission barrier. Unexpectedly, the atypical scrapie agent appeared to undergo a strain phenotype shift upon transmission to porcine-PrP transgenic mice and acquired new strain properties, suggesting that atypical scrapie agent may exhibit different phenotypes depending on the host cellular PrP or other genetic factors.  相似文献   

摘要:高血糖生成指数(HGI)食物可使胰岛素敏感性下降,血糖在短时间内快速升高,导致高胰岛素血症和高糖血症,增加了糖尿病患者的心血管疾病死亡危险,也是结肠癌发病危险因素之一。低血糖生成指数(LGI)食物法用于糖尿病患者的饮食治疗可改善胰岛素抵抗,减少代谢综合征发生;干预后血糖和血脂均有明显改善,降低冠心病发生的危险,减少糖尿病远期并发症的发生率;对于妊娠期糖尿病能够控制妊娠期血糖水平和减少孕期并发症;对于超重肥胖者,可降低体质指数、腰臀比和空腹血糖数值。LGI饮食还有预防结肠癌的作用。血糖生成指数(GI)概念的确认、引入和推广,在一些慢性病防治中起到了很大作用。  相似文献   

Variably protease-sensitive prionopathy (VPSPr) can occur in persons of all codon 129 genotypes in the human prion protein gene (PRNP) and is characterized by a unique biochemical profile when compared with other human prion diseases. We investigated transmission properties of VPSPr by inoculating transgenic mice expressing human PRNP with brain tissue from 2 persons with the valine-homozygous (VV) and 1 with the heterozygous methionine/valine codon 129 genotype. No clinical signs or vacuolar pathology were observed in any inoculated mice. Small deposits of prion protein accumulated in the brains of inoculated mice after challenge with brain material from VV VPSPr patients. Some of these deposits resembled microplaques that occur in the brains of VPSPr patients. Comparison of these transmission properties with those of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in the same lines of mice indicated that VPSPr has distinct biological properties. Moreover, we established that VPSPr has limited potential for human-to-human transmission.  相似文献   

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is highly prevalent and has major health consequences for patients. Caring for patients with CKD requires knowledge of the food supply, renal pathophysiology, and nutrition‐related medications used to work synergistically with diet to control the signs and symptoms of the disease. The nutrition care process and International Dietetic and Nutrition Terminology allow for systematic, holistic, quality care of patients with this complex, progressive disease. Nutrition interventions must be designed with the individual patients needs in mind while prioritizing factors with the largest negative impact on health outcomes and mortality risk. New areas of nutrition treatment are emerging that involve a greater focus on micronutrient needs, the microbiome, and vegetarian‐style diets. These interventions may improve outcomes by decreasing inflammation, improving energy and protein delivery, and lowering phosphorus, electrolytes, and fluid retention.  相似文献   

[目的]了解济南市疾病预防控制机构慢性非传染性疾病的卫生资源配置和慢性病防制工作开展情况。[方法]2011年12月,对济南市及11个县(市、区)疾病预防控制机构的慢性病防制工作进行调查。[结果]济南市市级和11个县(市、区)疾病预防控制中心都有1名副主任分管慢性病防制工作;8个单位有独立的慢性病防制科;慢性病防制工作人员共34人,28人为专职人员,所学专业为预防医学的14人;12个单位全部配有微机、打印机,有专人负责日常死因监测上报工作;11个县(市、区)疾控中心开展了多种形式的健康教育与健康促进工作,并选择性的开展了部分干预工作。[结论]济南市慢性非传染性疾病的卫生资源严重不足,初步开展了慢性病防制工作,迫切需要各级政府给予关注和扶持。  相似文献   

慢性病不仅威胁人类健康,也给社会经济发展带来沉重的负担.以慢性病的防治为切入点,对我国慢性病的防治现状及存在的问题进行分析,针对慢性病防治财政投入不足的情况,提出借助公私合作模式在英国、西班牙卫生领域中的实践经验,探索我国的慢性病防治新模式、新机制.  相似文献   

介绍慢性肝病的防治模式,提出基于慢性病管理平台的全程肝病防治模式的改善措施。通过文献研究,进行了不同肝病防治模式的对比分析。基于慢病管理平台的全程肝病管理模式,确保了患者服务的长期性、连续性,能有效开展肝病健康教育和健康促进工作;目前提高肝病患者随访的技术与管理措施仍是医院面对的重要问题。防治结合是降低肝病患者医疗费用的有力措施,专科医院开展肝病随访管理筹资需要政策和环境的支持。  相似文献   

Several studies have demonstrated a strong relation between periodontal diseases and chronic kidney disease (CKD). The main mechanisms at the base of this link are malnutrition, vitamin dysregulation, especially of B-group vitamins and of C and D vitamins, oxidative stress, metabolic acidosis and low-grade inflammation. In particular, in hemodialysis (HD) adult patients, an impairment of nutritional status has been observed, induced not only by the HD procedures themselves, but also due to numerous CKD-related comorbidities. The alteration of nutritional assessment induces systemic manifestations that have repercussions on oral health, like oral microbiota dysbiosis, slow healing of wounds related to hypovitaminosis C, and an alteration of the supporting bone structures of the oral cavity related to metabolic acidosis and vitamin D deficiency. Low-grade inflammation has been observed to characterize periodontal diseases locally and, in a systemic manner, CKD contributes to the amplification of the pathological process, bidirectionally. Therefore, CKD and oral disease patients should be managed by a multidisciplinary professional team that can evaluate the possible co-presence of these two pathological conditions, that negatively influence each other, and set up therapeutic strategies to treat them. Once these patients have been identified, they should be included in a follow-up program, characterized by periodic checks in order to manage these pathological conditions.  相似文献   

We report transmission of atypical L-type bovine spongiform encephalopathy to mouse lemurs after oral or intracerebral inoculation with infected bovine brain tissue. After neurologic symptoms appeared, transmissibility of the disease by both inoculation routes was confirmed by detection of disease-associated prion protein in samples of brain tissue.  相似文献   

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