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Vitamin E(tocopherol),one of the ma-jor vitamins a human being needs,is an impor-tant antioxidant as well as a radical scavengerin organisms.However,no determinations ofvitamin E concentration for dilatationcardiomyopathy have yet been reported athome or abroad.The authors have used  相似文献   

Objective The ultrastructure of endometrium women suffering from endometriosis was compared with those from women of normal reproductive age.Materials & Methods Six specimens of eutopic endometrium were taken from women diagnosed with endometriosis. Three specimens were taken from women at normal reproductive-age. The specimens, all at early proliferative phase, were processed for ultrastructural study.Results Compared with the normal, the secretory cells of the epithelium of endometrium from women with endometriosis had more numerous and longer microvil li. In the cytoplasm, there were more secretory granules and mitochondria. The RER was more prominent and with dilated cisternae. Lipid droplets and electron dense particles were frequently seen. The cilia ciliated cells were increased and elongated remarkably. The basement membrane became markedly tortouas.Conclusion The endometrium from women with endometriosis showed a number of features which are abnormal. This might be the origin of endometriosis and a cause o f sterility.  相似文献   

A quantitative method using fluorescence spectro-photometer to detect theinterleukin 2 reocptor (IL 2R) on the surface of mononuclear cells in normal humanperipheral blood is described. For expression of IL 2R, the optimum conoentration of PHA andCon A were 100 μg/ml and 10 μg/ml respectively. The PHA induced effect on mononuclear cellswas better than Con A induced one. The peak value of IL 2R cxpression was at the 24th h afterstimulation The optimum dilution of the first antibody (anti-Tac) was 1: 50, while the dilution ofthe second antibody(fluorescein conjugated rabbit anti-mousc IgG) was 1: 32 Their optimumincubation period was 20 and 10 min repectively. The concentration of fluorcscein-conjugatedantibody per 1×10~6 mononuclear cells from the same normal human peripheral blood was5.22±0.45×10~(-10) mol, and the coefficient of variation was 8. 6%. The concentration offluorescein-conjugated antibody per 1×10~6PBMC from five healthy individuals was 4. 8±0. 97×10~(-10) mol Therefore this assay system is stable and quite reproducible.  相似文献   

The fetus represents a foreign entity to the maternal immune system, yet this nature allograft is notnormally rejected. This unique situation is alwaysconcerned closely by immunologists and organ transplantation workers. Following the deepgoing of thestudy on the mechanisms of immune tolerance, it wasfound that specific activated T cell apoptosis inducedby Fas/Fas ligand (FasL) played an important role inperipheral immune tolerance. The major reason whysome immune--privileged organs such as …  相似文献   

Plasma fibronectin (FN) level was measured by sin-gle radial immunodiffusion method in 58 patients with chron-ic Cor pulmonale during acute, remission and deteriorationstages, 20 case of chronic bronchitis, 10 cases of rheumaticheart disease, and 60 healthy people as controls. We ana-lysed the relationship between the changes of plasma FN lev-el and the degree of the respiratory failure, pulmonary infec-tion and acid-base disturbance in experimental groups. The  相似文献   

Irbesartan,a new angiotensin receptor(AT1) antagonist,can selectively block AT1to in-hibitthe activity of angiotensin .AT1antagonistis rapidly becoming a good kind of antihypertensivedrug in recent years.Itis used in the treatmentofhypertension,congestive heart failure and so on,due to its merits such as declining blood pressureremarkably and slight side effects.In the recenttwo years,irbesartan has been studied and used inChina.In order to investigate its process in vivoand provide the ph…  相似文献   

PharmacokineticStudyofIpriflavoneinHealthyVolunteersbyHPLCandDeterminationoftheRelativeBioavailabilityofItsTabletPreparationM...  相似文献   

Nitric oxide ( NO) is a small molecular sub-stance with many biological functions.NO is an un-stable molecule with free radical( or group) struc-ture. Its half life in vivo is 1 to 5s and is reduced tothe stable terminal products( NO2 -/NO3 -) quickly.Atpresent,many researchers reported that the levelof NO is related with the degree of liver disease. Wedetermined the levels of NO,endothelin- 1 ( ET- 1 )and ALT in the in- patients with chronic hepatitis Band active cirrhosisand analyze t…  相似文献   

Objective To study the biocompatbility of PLGA with tissue cell after implantation into the injured spinal cord of rat. Methods Schwann eels and neural stem cells were harvested and cultured in vitro, Then we constructed PLGA-eell complex and implanted the complex into the injured site of T9 SCI models developed from Wistar rats. Then we observed the degradation of the porous scaffold and the growth of tissue eels in the scaffold through electron microscope at different time. Results The PLGA in the scaffold-cells complex gradually degenerated under scanning electron microscope.[第一段]  相似文献   

AnAnalysisofChromosomeonSterilityCausedbyAzoospermiaorOligospermia¥WuMeiheng;TangWingnuo.(ACTAACADEMIAEMEDICINAENANJING,1995(...  相似文献   

HPLC-荧光法测定兔血浆中羟基喜树碱的浓度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的建立高效液相色谱法(HPLC)测定兔血浆中羟基喜树碱含量的方法。方法采用HPLC-荧光法,检测器激发波长为363 nm,发射波长为550 nm,Lichrospher C18色谱柱,流动相为乙腈-0.075 mol/L醋酸铵缓冲液(pH 6.4)(32∶68,含0.2%三乙胺),流速1.0 mL/min,采用内标法测定浓度。结果兔血浆样品中羟基喜树碱与内标(喜树碱)峰分离良好,内源性杂质不干扰样品峰,最低检测浓度为1.0μg/L。HCPT浓度范围在2.832~5 800μg/L间呈线性相关,回归方程为Y=0.008 596 0.004 282C,相关系数为r=0.999 2,相对回收率分别为100.0%~105.0%,日内和日间变异均小于15.0%。结论本实验方法具有专属性,且灵敏、可靠,适用于HCPT类制剂给药后血药浓度的检测,有助于深入研究HCPT在体内的药代动力学特征。   相似文献   

对120例健康人进行体感诱发电位(SEP)检测。按不同性别、年龄分为成年组(30~59岁)及老年组(60~79岁)。结果表明,SEP各波潜伏期(PL)及波峰问期(1PL)的平均值左、右侧比较无统计学差异,但男、女组间,成年组与老年组间却有明显差异。Erb点电位(N_9)及颈髓电位(N_(13))的PL与臂长、身高呈正相关,有非常显著性意义。因此,临床判断病人的SEP值时,应考虑性别、年龄、臂长。身高等因素的影响,并注意选取正常值范围的界限,才能提高其诊断准确率。  相似文献   

目的探讨血浆内毒素定量检测的临床应用价值,并建立温州健康人群血浆内毒素浓度的参考值范围。方法采用动态浊度法定量检测242例不明原因发热(fever of unknown origin,FUO)患者和252例健康受检者血浆内毒素浓度,用SPSS13.0软件对其结果进行统计学分析,并采用95%可信区间确定其参考值范围。结果发热组血浆内毒素浓度明显高于健康组,其中位数分别为8.76pg/ml与2.07pg/ml,差别有统计学意义(P<0.05)。健康受检者男组血浆内毒素浓度虽低于女组,但差别无统计学意义(P>0.05);不同年龄段的血浆内毒素浓度虽均有所不同,但差别亦无统计学意义(P>0.05);以95%可信区间取值,确定健康人群血浆内毒素浓度的参考值范围为0~4.14pg/ml。结论血浆内毒素浓度的定量检测,可以对FUO患者是否存在内毒素血症做出早期判断,从而有助于其病因的快速确定,给临床治疗提供一定的帮助;厂商提供的血浆内毒素浓度参考值范围不适合本实验室,建议不同实验室建立各自的参考值范围。  相似文献   

目的:由于12导联同步心电图R波振幅无正常值标准,本组研究12导联同步心电图与单导联心电图R波振幅差异,将12导联同步心电图R波振幅转换为单导联心电图R波振幅,从而换算出12导联同步心电图各导联R波振幅的正常值。方法:选择健康人心电图408例,以单导联R波振幅在正常范围作为对照组,12导联同步心电图 作观察组,进行12导联同步心电图与单导联心电图同一导联R波振幅测定对比。结果:12导联同步心电图与单导联心电图R波振幅测定值对比,统计学处理,P<0.01~P<0.001,两组Ⅰ导联至V_6导联总回归系数为0.781,相关系数为0.967,呈密切相关。结论:12导联同步心电图与单导联心电图R波振幅有明显差异,12导联同步心电图R波振幅转换为单导联心电图R波振幅的公式:单导联心电图R波振幅=0.781×12导联同步心电图R波振幅。根据公式可换算成12导联同步心电图各导联R波振幅正常值。  相似文献   

本文通过观察87例居住在哈尔滨市正常成年人的甲皱微循环,用正态法计算了甲皱微循环毛细血管的管Fan数有各段数及各段管径。其管Fan数为5-10枝/mm,输入枝直径为8μm-14μm,输出枝直径为10μm-20μm,Fan顶直径为11μm-11μm,管Fan长度为150μm-350μm。与其综地区报道值相比无明显差异。  相似文献   

本文报告乌鲁木齐地区267名45岁以上的老年前期(102名)和老年期(165名)健康人血液酸硷度和气体分析正常值测定的结果。并与232名45岁以下(10~44岁)的健康人作对照结果表明pH、PaCO_2、BE、AB、T-CO_2等指标随增龄变化不大;而PaO_2、SaO_2在45岁前变化不显著,45岁后随着增龄而递减,尤其是年龄分组由5岁变为间隔15岁的青春期、中年期、老年前期及老年期时差异更为明显,经统计学处理有显著差异(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

目的 建立一种可靠性强的非创伤性鉴别胎儿性别的方法。方法 根据Amelogenin基因第3内含子在X-Y染色体上6bp的差异,采用PCR技术扩增孕妇血浆游离DNA,运用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳、溴化乙锭染色鉴定其基因型,从而判断胎儿性别。结果 32例孕妇血浆DNA标本中,19例被诊断为男性,13例被诊断为女性,所得结果与产后胎儿实际性别相比较,符合率为96、88%。结论 通过检测孕妇血浆DNA Amelogenin基因6bp差异产前诊断胎儿性别方法可行,结果可靠。  相似文献   

沈阳地区健康成人脉冲振荡肺功能正常值分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 目的探讨沈阳地区健康成人脉冲振荡肺功能正常参考值及预计值。方法对100 例(男59 例,女41 例)常规肺功能
冲振荡各参数参考值范围及预计值公式与国内、外有差异。建议各地区建立适合本地区自己的预计值公式。  相似文献   

测定了133名正常孕妇和133名妊高征患者的血浆尿酸,其平均值分别为324.00μmol/L和388.91μmol/L,有显著性差异,且尿酸增高程度与病情轻重有关,但两组尿酸分布大部分重叠。确定了孕妇血浆尿酸的95%正常值上限为445μmol/L,在此基础上评价了尿酸对妊高征的诊断价值,认为血浆尿酸只适合用于判断妊高征病情严重程度,不宜用于妊高征的诊断和鉴别诊断。  相似文献   

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