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Previous studies suggest that Fgf8 has a key role in regulating vertebrate development. In the rostral head of the embryonic chicken, there are increasing numbers of separate Fgf8 domains; these are present in tissues that appear to have previously expressed Otx2. As Fgf8 expression becomes established, Otx2 expression weakens, but remains in cells abutting the Fgf8 expression domain. These Fgf8 expression domains are closely associated with tissues expressing Bmp4 and Shh. Based on analogy with the embryonic limb, we suggest that Fgf8, Bmp4 and Shh function together in patterning regions of the embryonic head. Gene expression changes are particularly prominent in 14-21 somite stage embryos in the rostral forebrain, during early morphogenesis of the telencephalic and optic vesicles, when several new interfaces of Fgf8, Bmp4 and Shh are generated. To gain insights into the functions of fibroblast growth factor 8 (FGF8) in the embryonic forebrain, we studied the effects of implanting beads containing this protein in the dorsal prosencephalon of embryonic day 2 chicken embryos. Ectopic FGF8 had profound effects on morphogenesis of the telencephalic and optic vesicles. It disrupted formation of the optic stalk and caused a transformation of the pigment epithelium into neural retina. Within the telencephalon, FGF8 beads frequently induced a sulcus that had features of an ectopic rostral midline. The sulcus separated the telencephalon into rostral and caudal vesicles. Furthermore, we present evidence that FGF8 can regulate regionalization of the prosencephalon through inhibition of Otx2 and Emx2 expression. Thus, these experiments provide evidence that FGF8 can regulate both morphogenesis and patterning of the rostral prosencephalon (telencephalic and optic vesicles). FGF8 beads can induce midline properties (e.g. a sulcus) and can modulate the specification and differentiation of adjacent tissues. We suggest that some of these effects are through regulating the expression of homeobox genes (Otx2 and Emx2) that are known to participate in forebrain patterning.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death in the developing heart: regulation by BMP4 and FGF2.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Programmed cell death, or apoptosis, plays an important role in embryonic development. To provide new insights into the role of programmed cell death in cardiac development, we examined the hearts of the murine embryos from E9.5 to postnatal day 3. Using terminal transferase-mediated dUTP nick end-labeling assays, apoptosis was detected in the endocardial cushions and myocardium from E11.5 to postnatal day 3 (P3). In the ventricular myocardium, more apoptotic cells were observed in the left than right ventricles throughout embryonic and early postnatal development. Apoptosis was also present in the trabeculae and papillary muscles of the ventricles. In the outflow tract, cell death was present in the endocardial cushions before they fuse to form the conotruncal septum (E11.5-E12. 5) and reached a peak intensity when the conotruncal septum formed (E13.5). In the atrioventricular (AV) endocardial cushions, cell death was detected in the fusion seam of the cushion tissues at E12. 5 and E13.5 during AV septation. When the patterns of apoptosis were compared with patterns of cell division, we found that programmed cell death occurred in the areas in the endocardial cushions and trabeculae where rates of cell proliferation were low. We also found that programmed cell death was regulated by the growth factors, BMP4 and FGF2, in vitro. BMP4 induced, whereas FGF2 inhibited, apoptosis in both endocardial cushions and ventricular myocardium. Overall, our observations show that there is apoptosis in the regions where fusion or remodeling of tissues occurs. We also show that cardiac programmed cell death can be influenced by growth factors.  相似文献   

Nonseminomatous components within testicular germ cell tumors affect patient prognosis to varying degrees. These components are well known to mimic early embryonic totipotential tissues. Prompted by the recent observation that fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 8, FGF4, and FGF receptor (FGFR) 1 are required for the growth of early postimplantational embryonic tissues, we investigated the expressions of FGF8, FGF4, and FGFRI in surgically resected specimens of primary testicular germ cell tumors using an immunohistochemical method. All cases of embryonal carcinoma (14 cases), yolk sac tumor (3 cases), and choriocarcinoma (3 cases) showed positive immunostaining for FGF8, FGF4, and FGFR1. In contrast, out of 13 cases of seminoma, immunostaining was negative for FGF8, FGF4, and FGFR1 in 8 cases (61.5%), 6 cases (46.1%), and 7 cases (53.8%), respectively. In 7 cases of mature and immature teratoma, most areas showed negative immunostaining. In addition, the Ki-67 labeling index showed extremely high mitogenic activity in embryonal carcinoma, yolk sac tumor, and choriocarcinoma, which are precisely the carcinomas with the highest expressions of FGF8, FGF4, and FGFR1. It is in keeping with the immunohistochemical result that murine teratocarcinoma P19 cells were shown to express FGF8, FGF4, and FGFRI only under undifferentiated growth conditions. Taken together, these findings confirm the involvement of FGF8, FGF4, and FGFR1 in highly proliferative conditions of nonseminomatous germ cell tumors.  相似文献   

Morphogenesis of the heart is regulated by various cues, including growth factors and extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins. The mechanisms by which cardiac cells properly integrate these cues to regulate growth, differentiation, and migration remain poorly understood. Here we have used genetic strategies in mice to identify αvβ8 integrin and its cytoskeletal adaptor protein, Band 4.1B, as essential regulators of cardiac morphogenesis. We demonstrate that approximately 60% of mouse embryos genetically null for β8 integrin and Band 4.1B display cardiovascular phenotypes and die by E11.5. This premature death is due, in part, to defective development of the cardiac outflow tract (OFT), with reduced expression of smooth muscle α‐actin (SMAα‐actin) in OFT cells derived from the cardiac neural crest. These data are the first to identify cell adhesion and signaling pathways regulated by αvβ8 integrin and Band 4.1B as essential for normal formation and function of the heart during embryogenesis. Developmental Dynamics, 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Hypospadias, one of the most common congenital abnormalities of the male external genitalia with elusive etiology, are caused by a defect in the normal development of the urethra, foreskin and ventral aspect of the penis. Evidences indicate that BMP4 and BMP7, two of those major factors in a signaling cascade involved in controlling the embryonic urethral development, play central roles in the normal development of the urethra, and that HOXA4 and HOXB6 play important roles in the development of skin in various tissues at the time course of the urethral development. We directly sequenced all these exons and exon-intron boundaries of the four genes in 90 unrelated Chinese patients with hypospadias. Thirteen different heterozygous nucleotide variations were identified for the first time in the four genes in 14 of 90 cases. Of the 13 variations, eight are missense: c.619C>G (p.H207D), c.668G>A (p.R223H), c.751C>T (p.H251Y) in BMP4; c.907C>T (p.R303C) in BMP7; c.385G>T (p.G129C), c.869C>G (p.S290C) in HOXA4; c.124C>A (p.P42T), c.367T>C (p.C123R) in HOXB6. None of these variations were found in 380 control chromosomes. Amino-acid sequence alignments showed most of these changed amino acids are conserved across various vertebrate species. In a word, these findings, together with the indicated roles of the four genes, imply that it should not be random events for so many nucleotide variations found in the present study. Further functional studies are required to make the associations clear between these variants and hypospadias.  相似文献   

A subset of midgut carcinoids (MCs) result in mesenteric angiopathy (MA) and bowel infarction as a consequence of vascular compression caused by extensive mesenteric sclerosis (MS). The goal of this study was to determine whether the level of expression of several fibrosing-related growth factors was related to the finding of MA and/or MS in MCs. Eighteen cases of MC, 6 with both extensive MS and MA (group I), 5 with extensive MS only (group II), and 7 with ordinary MS only (group III), were analyzed for immunoexpression of beta-catenin, transforming growth factor-beta 2 (TGF beta 2), nerve growth factor 2 (NGF2), fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2), insulin growth factor receptor (IGFR), and bone morphogenic protein 4 (BMP4) in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections. Standard immunohistochemical technique was used following antigen retrieval. Immunostaining was scored semiquantitively as the product of the percentage and intensity (0 to 2+) of the immunostaining, giving a possible range of 0 to 200. One-way analysis of variance and Mann-Whitney nonparametric analyses were used for statistical analysis. The mean scores of immunoreactivity of each factor in groups I, II, and III were as follows: 135, 174, and 147 for beta-catenin (cytoplasmic reactivity only); 106, 112, and 92 for TGF beta 3; 1.67, 32, and 36 for NGF-2; 2.5, 48, and 55 for FGF-2; 19, 112, and 66 for IGFR2; 140, 45, and 52 for BMP4. There were significant differences in NGF-2 immunoreactivity between groups I and III (P = 0.0023) and in BMP4 immunoreactivity between groups I and II (P = 0.017) and groups I and III (P = 0.022). All MCs expressed high levels of membranous beta-catenin, moderate levels of TGF beta 3 and IGFR2, and low levels of FGF-2, with no significant differences seen among the groups. MCs with prominent MS and MA (group I) expressed significantly higher BMP4 than those in groups II and III, suggesting a potential role of BMP4 in the pathogenesis of MA. The level of NGF-2 expression was significantly lower in group I than in group III, possibly indicating abnormal angiogenesis in the formation of angiopathy.  相似文献   



Intrathymic development and selection of the T lymphocyte repertoire is restricted by the interactions of the T cell antigen receptor and CD4 or CD8 co-receptors with self major histocompatibility complex molecules. Positive or negative selection depends on a tight regulatory control of CD4 and CD8 expression. Determining the intracellular signals that differentially regulate the expression of CD4 and CD8 is important to understand the mechanisms that are implicated in selection of single positive CD4+CD8- or CD4-CD8+.  相似文献   

Glucose uptake into the mammalian nervous system is mediated by the family of facilitative glucose transporter proteins (GLUT). In this work we investigate how the expression of the main neuronal glucose transporters (GLUT3, GLUT4 and GLUT8) is modified during cerebellar cortex maturation. Our results reveal that the levels of the three transporters increase during the postnatal development of the cerebellum. GLUT3 localizes in the growing molecular layer and in the internal granule cell layer. However, the external granule cell layer, Purkinje cell cytoplasm and cytoplasm of the other cerebellar cells lack GLUT3 expression. GLUT4 and GLUT8 have partially overlapping patterns, which are detected in the cytoplasm and dendrites of Purkinje cells, and also in the internal granule cell layer where GLUT8 displays a more diffuse pattern. The differential localization of the transporters suggests that they play different roles in the cerebellum, although GLUT4 and GLUT8 could also perform some compensatory or redundant functions. In addition, the increase in the levels and the area expressing the three transporters suggests that these roles become more important as development advances. Interestingly, the external granule cells, which have been shown to express the monocarboxylate transporter MCT2, express none of the three main neuronal GLUTs. However, when these cells migrate inwardly to differentiate in the internal granule cells, they begin to produce GLUT3, GLUT4 and GLUT8, suggesting that the maturation of the cerebellar granule cells involves a switch in their metabolism in such a way that they start using glucose as they mature.  相似文献   

Summary In 4 Adelie penguins, thermodes were implanted in the rostral brain stem. Two animals were additionally equipped with spinal canal thermodes. At thermoneutral (+ 8 to + 16°C) and cold (–18 to –22° C) ambient conditions, the effects of hypothalamic heating and cooling on the surface temperature of one flipper (skin blood flow), oxygen consumption (metabolic heat production) and esophageal (core) temperature were observed in the conscious animals.—Heating the rostral brain stem induced heat defence responses: Heat production was reduced in the cold and skin vasodilatation was evoked at thermoneutral ambient conditions. As a rule, core temperature fell during rostral brain stem heating.—Cooling the rostral brain stem did not induce clear-cut cold defence responses. On the contrary, strong cooling at thermoneutral ambient conditions induced vasodilatation in the skin. In the cold, even slight degrees of rostral brain stem cooling decreased metabolic heat production. As a rule, core temperature fell when the rostral brain stem was cooled.—It is concluded from the results that thermosensitive structures in the stimulated section of the rostral brain stem of the Adelie penguin contribute to the central temperature signal input in the range of normal to elevated core temperatures. These hypothalamic warm signals appear to be at least as effective as spinal warm signals in controlling skin blood flow and metabolic heat production. The inhibition of ongoing thermoregulatory effector activity by rostral brain stem cooling suggests positive temperature coefficients of the integrative and/or efferent neurons in the hypothalamic temperature regulation center of the Adelie penguin.A preliminary report was given at the 45th meeting (autumn meeting) of the Deutsche Physiologische Gesellschaft, Wien, Sept. 23–26, 1975. Pflügers Arch.359, R57 (1975).  相似文献   

TGFbeta 1 and FGF2 are autocrine growth factors in prostatic stroma and are elevated in benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a disease characterized by enlargement of the stromal compartment of the prostate. TGFbeta1 has a biphasic effect on proliferation of prostatic stromal cells, inducing proliferation at low doses (< 1 ng/ml), but inhibiting growth above 1 ng/ml. This study investigated the role of TGFP 1 and FGF2 on growth factor bioavailability and extracellular matrix (ECM) accumulation synthesis in cultured prostatic stromal cells. Real-Time-PCR showed that TGFbeta1 expression is auto-inductive, whereas FGF2 is auto-repressive. FGF2 also induced TGFbeta1 secretion in the absence of increased TGFbeta1 mRNA expression. TGFbeta1 and FGF2 have opposing actions on Type 1 collagen expression, a finding confirmed by Western blotting. The bioavailability of TGFbeta1 regulated by FGF2 may represent part of a negative feedback mechanism controlling stromal growth, differentiation and ECM. Dysregulation of this pathway in favour of TGFbeta1 bioactivity may exacerbate BPH.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) has been linked to extrahepatic manifestations such as oral lichen planus (OLP). In addition, anticardiolipin antibodies (aCL) and cryoglobulin have been demonstrated in chronic hepatitis C. The aim of this study was to investigate these prevalences in patients with HCV-associated OLP. The prospective study investigated the role of these factors in 133 subjects: 28 with OLP-HCV(+) (group 1), 22 with OLP-HCV(-) (group 2), 33 without OLP-HCV(+) (group 3), and 50 healthy volunteers matched for age and sex served as control group (group 4). Levels of immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgM aCL antibodies, and cryoglobulin in serum were evaluated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The prevalence of aCL in groups 1, 2, 3, and 4 were 32.1, 18, 36.3, and 8%, respectively. The positive rate of aCL was significantly higher in groups 1 and 3 than that in the control group (group 1; p=0.02 vs. the control group, group 3; p<0.01 vs. the control group). There were no significant differences in cryoglobulin among the groups. The findings of the present study showed a high prevalence of IgG and IgM aCL in the serum of patients with HCV infectious diseases. A positive factor for aCL was determined by age, sex, the presence of OLP, and HCV infection.  相似文献   

FGF10、FGF18及其受体在小鼠卵巢内的定位分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的观察成纤维细胞生长因子(FGF10、FGF18)及其受体FGFR1、FGFR2和FGFR3在昆明(KM)小鼠卵巢内的定位与分布。方法应用免疫组织化学法进行定位观察。结果FGF10及其受体FGFR1与FGFR2的免疫阳性反应见于卵母细胞的胞质,此外,FGFR2的阳性反应还见于卵泡膜。卵母细胞和黄体细胞的胞质呈FGF18免疫阳性反应,FGFR3的免疫阳性反应物位于卵母细胞、卵泡细胞和黄体细胞的胞核。结论FGF10、FGF18及其受体在KM小鼠卵巢的分布,可能参与卵泡的生长发育和卵母细胞的成熟。  相似文献   

Sarter M  Bruno JP 《Neuroscience》2000,95(4):933-952
Basal forebrain corticopetal neurons participate in the mediation of arousal, specific attentional functions and rapid eye movement sleep-associated dreaming. Recent studies on the afferent regulation of basal forebrain neurons by telencephalic and brainstem inputs have provided the basis for hypotheses which, collectively, propose that the involvement of basal forebrain corticopetal projections in arousal, attention and dreaming can be dissociated on the basis of their regulation via major afferent projections. While the processing underlying sustained, selective and divided attention performance depends on the integrity of the telencephalic afferent regulation of basal forebrain corticopetal neurons, arousal-induced attentional processing (i.e. stimulus detection, selection and processing as a result of a novel, highly salient, aversive or incentive stimuli) is mediated via the ability of brainstem ascending noradrenergic projections to the basal forebrain to activate or "recruit" these telencephalic afferent circuits of the basal forebrain. In rapid eye movement sleep, both the basal forebrain and thalamic cortiocopetal projections are stimulated by cholinergic afferents originating mainly from the pedunculopontine and laterodorsal tegmenta in the brainstem. Rapid eye movement sleep-associated dreaming is described as a form of hyperattentional processing, mediated by increased activity of cortical cholinergic inputs and their cortical interactions with activated thalamic efferents. In this context, long-standing speculations about the similarities between dreaming and psychotic cognition are substantiated by describing the role of an over(re)active cortical cholinergic input system in either condition. Finally, while determination of the afferent regulation of basal forebrain corticopetal neurons in different behavioral/cognitive states assists in defining the general cognitive functions of cortical acetylcholine, this research requires a specification of the precise anatomical organization of basal forebrain afferents and their interactions in the basal forebrain. Furthermore, the present hypotheses remain incomplete because of the paucity of data concerning the regulation and role of basal forebrain non-cholinergic, particularly GABAergic, efferents.  相似文献   

Basal forebrain corticopetal neurons participate in the mediation of arousal, specific attentional functions and rapid eye movement sleep-associated dreaming. Recent studies on the afferent regulation of basal forebrain neurons by telencephalic and brainstem inputs have provided the basis for hypotheses which, collectively, propose that the involvement of basal forebrain corticopetal projections in arousal, attention and dreaming can be dissociated on the basis of their regulation via major afferent projections. While the processing underlying sustained, selective and divided attention performance depends on the integrity of the telencephalic afferent regulation of basal forebrain corticopetal neurons, arousal-induced attentional processing (i.e. stimulus detection, selection and processing as a result of a novel, highly salient, aversive or incentive stimuli) is mediated via the ability of brainstem ascending noradrenergic projections to the basal forebrain to activate or “recruit” these telencephalic afferent circuits of the basal forebrain. In rapid eye movement sleep, both the basal forebrain and thalamic cortiocopetal projections are stimulated by cholinergic afferents originating mainly from the pedunculopontine and laterodorsal tegmenta in the brainstem. Rapid eye movement sleep-associated dreaming is described as a form of hyperattentional processing, mediated by increased activity of cortical cholinergic inputs and their cortical interactions with activated thalamic efferents. In this context, long-standing speculations about the similarities between dreaming and psychotic cognition are substantiated by describing the role of an over(re)active cortical cholinergic input system in either condition.Finally, while determination of the afferent regulation of basal forebrain corticopetal neurons in different behavioral/cognitive states assists in defining the general cognitive functions of cortical acetylcholine, this research requires a specification of the precise anatomical organization of basal forebrain afferents and their interactions in the basal forebrain. Furthermore, the present hypotheses remain incomplete because of the paucity of data concerning the regulation and role of basal forebrain non-cholinergic, particularly GABAergic, efferents.  相似文献   

This study investigated the potential use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in conjunction with mRNA expression of bone matrix proteins using bioassay and RT-PCR comparing bovine bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP), recombinant human BMP-4 (rhBMP-4) during rat bone marrow stromal cell (Mesenchymal Stem Cell) differentiation at 14 days. The results showed that all three growth factors were associated with significantly elevated alkaline phosphatase activity. PRP and bovine BMP resulted in increased protein content. The mRNA of type I collagen was expressed with all three growth factors and remained consistently elevated. Osteopontin was observed with PRP from days 1 to 7; bone sialoprotein expression was detected on days 1 and 3. PRP, bovine BMP and rhBMP-4 enhanced the steady-state expression of PDGF-A as time-dependent to day 14 and in PRP was the strongest. PTHr was expressed at days 1 and 5. Vascular endothelial growth factor expression was the most highly expressed after day 3. These findings suggest that PRP increases mRNA expression of bone matrix protein, enchances osteogenesis and angiogenesis in vitro.  相似文献   

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